Baldur's Gate II and the $24.95 price point

I am very pleased beamdog is continuing the Baldurs gate saga into BG2 and its expansion. I myself plan on preordering BG2EE.
I have been following the news and announcement of preorder for the game on various gaming sites. One worrisome trend I am seeing is alot of negativity about the price point for the content, being $24.95. Alot of the same old tiresome arguments about the GoG and MOD option. The decade old game and engine. The questionable value on this enhanced version? But there seems to be a lot less people out defending BG2EE this time around.
Now I preordered BGEE immediately when it was offered at $17.99 (and completed twice). A discount was a nice incentive for early adopters of the game. So I am also a bit surprised that there is no discount what so ever this time around for preoders and additional $5.00. And nothing for those who already own BGEE?
The consensus I am reading is alot of people are just immediately dismissing it or responders seemingly ambivalent.
I just felt like putting this out here. And I look forward to playing BG2EE in November.
I have been following the news and announcement of preorder for the game on various gaming sites. One worrisome trend I am seeing is alot of negativity about the price point for the content, being $24.95. Alot of the same old tiresome arguments about the GoG and MOD option. The decade old game and engine. The questionable value on this enhanced version? But there seems to be a lot less people out defending BG2EE this time around.
Now I preordered BGEE immediately when it was offered at $17.99 (and completed twice). A discount was a nice incentive for early adopters of the game. So I am also a bit surprised that there is no discount what so ever this time around for preoders and additional $5.00. And nothing for those who already own BGEE?
The consensus I am reading is alot of people are just immediately dismissing it or responders seemingly ambivalent.
I just felt like putting this out here. And I look forward to playing BG2EE in November.
The early comments seem to just express negativity. Like on PCGAMER story or REDDIT.
Edit: Links
Give it some time until all the games are out (along with some extra content) and established and the mods have been adapted, and the EE:s will be the definitive version for anyone serious about BG.
youve got to remember to alot of people this is just a rerelease of a decade old game at the same price as alot of modern games
i think alot of people will just wait for sales
Also, most of the people interested in BG2:EE already own the original trilogy. So it basically amounts to paying $25 merely for the additional content.
That said, I don't have any problems with handing over my money for this. BG 2 has given me more hours of enjoyment than just about any game save perhaps Diablo 2. It's not like $25 is more than my typical bar tab. Basically, while I don't think it's a good deal, I don't think it's going to stop most fans (especially since we're older) from buying it.
And the price,is there really a lot to grumble about for a game where the hours you'll put in more than compensate for the price and it's not really expensive now is it.Let's be honest there's total and utter shite out there for twice the price.
My point is... $15-17 is the price I think it's fair for it... And I know it will be on sale eventually on steam... I would prefer to give the money to beamdog directly, but I will buy on a steam sale like 4-5 months after they launch it.
Still a very good deal. Of course, Joe Raging Fanboy won't appreciate that. I say that, of course, having been that guy many times.
Edit: Should add, not preordering. I'll buy shortly after launch, a day or two later. To avoid, you know, launch day glitches.
As for BG2:EE I am very much willing to pay full price whenever I get the chance to do so, if there's going to be a sale for it soon and I have full knowledge of that happening then I will be smart and wait for it. Because of it becoming available on STEAM I'm very happy that I can play and chat as I go with mates, play some of the newest features without having to through the whole hassle of getting all CDs out and then realize I'm going to need to swap between them or install all of them at once (considering 5 CD's for Baldur's Gate was a headache when you find one went missing and you discover it a week later behind your desk the whole time). I have been playing Baldur's Gate ever since I was 6 (or was it 8?) and even now I always somehow feel surprised and shocked whenever I go through it, it's just one of those games you miss and love to pieces.
Another bonus was multiplayer, now that's something I've had a good chuckle on with a few guys that are here on the forums or I nagged a few of my buddies into getting it as well. For now I'm doing what I've never done on Baldur's Gate 1 in my life was be evil and try to follow that route, AKA. Making sure my reputation stays low and be a prick to every NPC being that I meet. That includes drowning every single miner in that Iron Throne mine (but somehow only getting 800XP instead of a wopping 2kXP. What's up with that?) just for the sake of, "just because I can."
Enough said.
EDIT: Or, well ... there hasn't been so far. I dunno, we'll see.
Edit: I could be wrong, but the relatively high price may be to cover up for the losses during the whole legal mess. They probably need to price it at this amount in order to make a decent enough profit, which they would need in order to make updated versions of other IE games. Personally, I'm fine with that.
However, some incentive for people whom pre-ordered BG:EE would show a counterpart for our support to the company. Some people said in the past, pre-order was a way to save a copy of the CD/DVD of a game for the customer when exist the risk of not being able to purchase the product in the release date in reason of it being sold out.
Today in the virtual purchases, it's more a way to support a companny, to inject capital on it rather than reserve a copy for the release. So, a little benefit for people whom pre-order, specially people whom pre-ordered both BG:EE and BG2:EE would be well received. A $1 dollar bonus, a 2° key for the game in the plataform choosen by the buyer (pay 1 take 2, not something so terrible for a product with accessory costs as packing, CDs/DVDs, impress manuals...), an extra bonus game from a list of beamdog titles... well i don't know but the company could clearly valorize it's clients.
I'm saying this cos only the fact of purchase with Beamdog it's by itself an support, as steam tends to make real nice offers, as the 75% discount (BG:EE was at $4,99 for a time there).
To purchase with beamdog i have to use an international credit card and pay the cambio conversion fee.
To purchase in steam i have many payment forms, including bank slip, i pay in the currency of my country and i probally can get the game with some astounting discount.
Still i prefer to pre-order with you guys.
So to end what i mean here, make me feel special Beamdog, the price is ok, so if anyone complain on it they're just crying to bargain, but if the company allows me this suggestion, an extra game as a bonus would make a real difference here, more than that, they make propaganda. Fallout titles are $9,90 each, an very nice and old game, put the 1° as a bonus and instigates people to purchase the other sequences. King's Bounty, the legend (that i don't even know what it is) is being sold for $9,90, but the sequences value is something around $24,90, if people get the first as bonus and like it... well, that opens the chance for profit, no?
Atm my only intent with Beamdog is the purchase of the remake BG games and any other D&D game remade by the company (PS:T, IWD, ToEE, PoR...), what i suggest above is a chance to present your products.
But then, by my part, be assured that i will purchase BG2:EE with Beamdog, not steam, maybe not now (cos i'm a bit down with money atm) but eventually, take the suggestion by what it is, or do not take it at all, it's the company choice.
Said that, lemme say that I'd still buy it even if it costed 40$.
BG2:EE - SOA was $17.95 and
BG2:EE - TOB is offered as a $7.00 DLC?
I like it the way it is now.
I was surprised to see the original game on sale for $20 (or $18 for preorders)
I have the feeling it's launch is going to be much smoother and impressive. The experience of bug hunting and fixing from the first game are all carrying over.
So excited.