Love interest for Imoen...

If you could choose a love interest for Imoen at the end of ToB, who would it be (from list) and why?
- Coran
- Garrick
- Alora
- Branwen
- Skie Silvershield
- Viconia
- Xan
- Anomen
- Cernd
- Jan Jansen
- Haer'Dalis
- Nalia de'Arnise
- Coran
- Garrick
- Alora
- Branwen
- Skie Silvershield
- Viconia
- Xan
- Anomen
- Cernd
- Jan Jansen
- Haer'Dalis
- Nalia de'Arnise
Because I don't like either of them.
From the list I'd chose Garrick.
"Hey-ya" "Hi-ya it's me Imoen" "hey-ya" "hi-ya" he-
I'll stop here.
I bet Imoen had a secret crush on this bathing cap wearing gentleman all the way through SoA. Thus, I would resurrect him from the dead just for her at the end of ToB and let them enjoy a nice, little shotgun marriage.
Vicky is the second hottest character in the game, I imagine if Imoen was evil Vicky would fit her well.
Nalia is like a clone of her so who better to date than yourself?
Xan because he's so negative and Imoen can be cheery. I suspect there would be some funny moments there.
Honestly, though, I chose Coran because he's on the list provided. That seems to presume a certain amount of vitality is present in some way or another.
And no one suggested it yet.
Come on guys, step it up.
Imoen gazes around the room in undisguised envy. "Why you leaving this amazing place, again?"
Skie - "What good is a gilded cage? I want out of here. I want adventure. You must understand—isn't that what you're doing?"
Imoen - "Okay, yeah, but I grew up in Candlekeep, once you've pranked everyone a few times they all start getting wise to your tricks, and there's only so much time you can spend in the library before you actually start dying of boredom—"
Imoen sticks her tongue out, then turns to the chest at the foot of Skie's bed and starts fiddling with the lock. "Why's your bedroom off the kitchen, anyway? I mean it's nice, I get hungry at night too, but—"
Skie - "Hello, gilded cage? They don't trust me. Imoen?"
Two seconds." The lock clicks, the lid swings open, and Imoen's eyes gleam as she takes in the contents. She scoops out a handful of jewelry and gold pieces, all of which disappears somewhere in the depths of her pack.
Skie bounds off her bed with a squawk. "You can't steal from me, I'm your friend, that's not how it works!"
Imoen, clearing out another chest: "Honey. Being an adventurer means taking what you can get, whenever and wherever you can get it. That's how you survive long enough to do any good and make enough money to keep yourself in healing potions and decent weapons."
Skie - "But leave cosmetics to me."
Imoen - "What's yours is mine and what's mine is yours. Trust me, it's better this way."
... a week later
Imoen - "I broke a nail"; "My feet hurt"; "I've messed my hair".