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Saerileth vs Chloe



  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    Wow I didn't realise there were so many NPC mods out there. Never heard of either of these characters. Saerileth has a nice portrait, is it an original or did they copy it from some other game?

    As for her being 15... well Faerun is based on Medieval Europe, and until fairly recently, girls were expected to get married around then.

    Not that I condone or sympathise with pedos, but it is quite funny to see how differently society treats attractive girls just before and after the Age of Consent, which isn't even standard across countries.

    Anyways I take it both the Chloe and Saerileth mods are pretty terrible. Anyone care to recommend a good one? Do they work on BG 2 Vanilla or BG 2EE?
  • AlmateriaAlmateria Member Posts: 257
    Age of consent has nothing to do with people who date 15 year olds
    It's just that they're incredibly creepy
  • AlmateriaAlmateria Member Posts: 257
    Moczo said:

    ... The way you worded that immediately made my mind leap to a Stalin/Imoen romance.

    OTP, obviously.
    Surely that can't be worse than what we got.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Well, nice. Someone revived this one. The worst NPC is... Hexxat :)! Serious, i tried but i hated her writing, she sound A LOT like "angel", that crossover from buffy serie, she isn't even really evil... more to depressed with her vampiric status and torelated by other evil ppl around for being a potential resource in terms of power (as Viconia in fact), i thought Viconia was an EMO joinable NPC in the past... then i meet Hexxat and life taught me that when things are bad, they can go really more bad then.

    Saerileth is too sugar for me, and a bit crazy, but then, she came from mount celestia, it's not that unnatural for her to act the way she act. One thing is being bothered by the too sugar and goody two shoes that Saerileth is, another thing is criticize the mod work on it. The guy made an good job in create an personification of the vanilla and common stereotype of lawful stup... i mean lawful good :)!

    Chloe mod i never played, however the abstract of the mod awakened a lot of interest from my part on her, she sounds like an really decent and developed character. Of course appearances can fool, but i will judge that by my own playgames, not from another person opinion, still i will take in account what people that know the game said of couse.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    Almateria said:

    Age of consent has nothing to do with people who date 15 year olds
    It's just that they're incredibly creepy

    You think that because our society has conditioned you to think so. That was my point, and the fact that what society thinks of acceptable and normal has changed a lot in a relatively short amount of time.

    For example, whilst Western society is now much more conservative with regards to teenage girls, which has something to do with education, contraception and general empowerment of women, we are now also much more permissive with regards to homosexuality.

    Back in the 15th Century, nobody would've batted an eyelid if you married a 15 year old girl, but you probably would have been executed by the church if you tried to marry somebody of your own gender.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    12 years was the marriage age in the middle ages. This kind of thing tends to variate from culture to culture and from age to age. What nature will indirectly says, is that from puberty on, sex is ok, for most crazy that this can be to some people, it's just an biologic fact.

  • MoczoMoczo Member Posts: 236
    But what if the fifteen-year-old was REALLY annoying?
  • Big_MurrayBig_Murray Member Posts: 69
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    Lower life expectancy and high rates of infant mortality in the middle ages pretty much compelled girls to start bearing children from the moment they were able to... oh anyway, it doesn't matter to me what the standards were in the real middle ages. It's written for a modern audience, so I'm afraid I do just find it creepy.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Coutelier said:

    Lower life expectancy and high rates of infant mortality in the middle ages pretty much compelled girls to start bearing children from the moment they were able to... oh anyway, it doesn't matter to me what the standards were in the real middle ages. It's written for a modern audience, so I'm afraid I do just find it creepy.

    You just enforce what was argued before, age and society define what is correct and incorrect. Baldur's Gate is played inside a magical middle age just to state, so yes, it matter what middle ages was.

    Nothing personal @Coutelier, but it's a shallow argument, you don't like it, i see, i understand and i agree that 12 years childrens aren't ready for sex.

    (i would say that 16+ in our society are more than ready in fact, each time we go on to the future, more the new childrens grow up fast, the mind of a 16 years girl in nowdays match easly the mind of a 22 or more years woman fifty years ago).

    Still, even in nowdays some countries have different views of such aspect of biology, in Brazil, 16 years+ is already relatively capable and so able to manifest will to make sex, in fact here if the girl has more than 14 years and less than 16 years the matter will be investigated (if the partner has more than 18 years), less than 14 years in Brazil is presumed rape with all the hardneship of the law for such a crime.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    kamuizin said:

    You just enforce what was argued before, age and society define what is correct and incorrect. Baldur's Gate is played inside a magical middle age just to state, so yes, it matter what middle ages was.

    Nothing personal @Coutelier, but it's a shallow argument, you don't like it, i see, i understand and i agree that 12 years childrens aren't ready for sex.
    I understand all you've said and agree with it, although even though the middle ages is important, I don't think you have to copy everything from the middle ages in a fantasy world. But really, it's just unfortunately, as someone living in modern britain, I just don't think it's a mod I'd enjoy at all.

  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806

    Anyways I take it both the Chloe and Saerileth mods are pretty terrible. Anyone care to recommend a good one? Do they work on BG 2 Vanilla or BG 2EE?

    One I find very recommendable is Amber. Though her background is peculiar (she's a Tiefling - meaning she's of demon descent), she doesn't put herself in the foreground and has a very well-written friendship path (which I myself like more than romancing npc's). Nice subquest and a useful character (Fighter dualed to Thief, so she makes a good alternative for Jan-Jansen in good aligned parties and is way better than the Imoen or Nalia as a Thief). The only thing incompatible is the WeiDu shipped with it, but it's on the to-do list of getting updated - and you can even do that yourself.
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    edited November 2013
    As for Saerileth: I'm playing the mod in my BG2 playthrough for the laughs about it's over-the-top dialogues, but I'm not bothered by the immorality of the age difference. The game, being a fantasy role-playing game, is full of things that would be immoral in this world. In this world, I wouldn't think about stepping into people's houses to check if there's gems in their closets, nor would I think it a wise move to slay people with my sword or other killing weapons, because they're evil. I don't date 15 year olds in real life, nor do I go on a killing spree on Wall Street, but BG2 is a game and the same morals as IRL in the 21st century need not apply.

    2 sidenotes:
    - the immorality of dating Saerileth isn't that great in the game anyway: there's no sex involved (try sleeping with her before marriage and
    the romance ends abrubtly.
    plus the age difference is only 7 years. Charname is supposed to be 22, though that age doesn't fit if she/he be'd a (half)elf. It's not like a 42 year old is dating her.

    - the biggest fun and strangest paradox of BG2 is not dating 15-yr olds, but that you can actually make Faêrun a better place by killing people. Adrenaline inducing activity to make the world a better place instead of the real-life talking, convincing, meetings and manifestations, staring at the packages of foods wondering what has the least environmental impact, sorry, I'm getting more and more off-topic.
  • CoutelierCoutelier Member Posts: 1,282
    Well, you see, I am a vigilante and I do break into people's houses, but some things I just won't touch. Even I've got to maintain some standard.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    I really like Amber and Fade, though it was so long ago that I can't honestly remember which is which.
  • KilmantorKilmantor Member Posts: 34
    edited November 2013
    picked Saerileth...

    it isn't even the romance with a 15-year-old that bothers me, but its a skinny 15-year-old little girl fighting against dragons and demons like a boss. Come on thats just ridicolous, BG2 is not an anime!

    The mods just reminds me to much of Sailor Moon ...
  • AlmateriaAlmateria Member Posts: 257
    Vicona is literally anime.
    I-it's not like I like you, baka -chan!!
  • mylegbigmylegbig Member Posts: 292
    Never played Saerileth or plan to, but wouldn't the whole exclusive appeal of it be that she IS 15? Seriously, why else would anyone go through the hassle of downloading a mod to play it?
  • AlmateriaAlmateria Member Posts: 257
    Why don't you have a seat over here
  • velehalvelehal Member Posts: 299
    edited November 2013
    I don´t think that problem with Saerileth is her age but her behaviour. She is unbearable. She is forcing the player to think about the most horrible death for her. Who would willingly let her join a group and then could withstand her?

    But I don´t like Chloe even more. The reason is the Saerileth´s mod is not bad per se, she is bad. But Chloe and her uberpowerful weapons...
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    mylegbig said:

    Never played Saerileth or plan to, but wouldn't the whole exclusive appeal of it be that she IS 15? Seriously, why else would anyone go through the hassle of downloading a mod to play it?

    I snorted through my nostrils a bit. 7/10, would be trolled by again.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    velehal said:

    I don´t think that problem with Saerileth is her age but her behaviour. She is unbearable. She is forcing the player to think about the most horrible death for her. Who would willingly let her join a group and then could withstand her?

    But I don´t like Chloe even more. The reason is the Saerileth´s mod is not bad per se, she is bad. But Chloe and her uberpowerful weapons...

    Shadow keeper a nerf on her and things will be alright, no?
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    Okay... So... Sue me and set me on fire, but, I loved Saerilith. I thought she was super cute and really fun to drag around and throw into battles. Probably because I'm more a gimmicky/comical kind of gamer at the same time as my emotional side of it, as well.

    And okay, her being 15 and romancable was weird, but come off it? BG is based back in a time where people did it regardless of age...? O.o

    Anywho, Saerilith is a nice mod imo. Not the best or intriguing out there, still a worthwhile mod for someone who isn't going to vomit because of how different and weird it is.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959

    Okay... So... Sue me and set me on fire, but, I loved Saerilith. I thought she was super cute and really fun to drag around and throw into battles. Probably because I'm more a gimmicky/comical kind of gamer at the same time as my emotional side of it, as well.

    Court papers and arsonists have been despatched.
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    edited November 2013

    May my +2 Mace smite you all down, righteously!
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Do it fast @Icecreamtub, before your mace and all your equipment get property pledged. I doubt the knowledge process to take long with an statement like that, you're probally entitled for an antecipated merit judgment, no need of more proofs than that statement of yours :)!
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547

    I can't tell if you're trying to mock me with sarcasm if you're just trying to purposely sound like you refute my Saerilith opinion... Or both.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    I'm making a joke with you, not about you, i used the translate for some juridical terms that maybe didn't translated well, if you did not get my meaning. I don't like Saerileth mod but neither i hate it that much to openly condemn the mod.
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547

    ...I see. O.o
  • OneAngryMushroomOneAngryMushroom Member Posts: 564
    you called for an arsonist...
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