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Clara DLC/Patch. Spoilers inside.

KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
edited November 2013 in Feature Requests
I've not yet seen an actual Feature request for this, so here it is.
If it already exists somewhere, then I'm sure the Devs will remove this potential redundancy.

I'll join the masses who want to keep Clara around.
I really loved her picture and the initial character and thought she was pretty neat to have around.

Yes, there's a Clara mod in the works over at SHS, but truth be known I don't think it looks any good, nor is it part of the actual official game.

The whole Hexxat thing was quite disappointing and it's all just.. meh.
An evil, undead thief? How am I -ever- going to incorporate that in a neutral or good party?

I don't understand why you Dev's even made an evil thief to begin with.
Sure there was a lack of useful evil thieves.. but the options on neutral/good ain't exactly overwhelming either with either Jan or Imoen, both who are rather insufferable and boring.

So here's my request:

Make Clara a viable and proper NPC.
Let us rescue her from Hexxat.
Give her a bit of more background, perhaps a few interjections here and there.
A romance isn't really requiered, but it would be fun.

In case you vote no, please share your reasons for this.
"Dev's should be working on other things.. bla bla" - Their priorities is not the issue here.
  1. Clara DLC/Patch. Spoilers inside.313 votes
    1. Yes, I would like to see Clara as a proper NPC.
    2. No..
    3. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries! (aka: I don't care)


  • MoonsongMoonsong Member Posts: 36
    It breaks my chaotic/good clerics heart, every time she walks by her and has to ignore her pitiful pleas for help. Let her help the poor girl!
  • KurumiKurumi Member Posts: 520
    edited November 2013
    Even though I really enjoy my lil vamp, I'd also like a Clara DLC - after (or along with) a romanceable (f) female Tiefling Witch (new Kit) NPC DLC *^_^* !!
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    It's not really a case of moving on or not though, is it? It's a case of adding another NPC to the mix and I think the game would be richer for it, if Clara could be saved white Hexxat was being given the buttkicks of liberal justice Minsc would so eagerly dispense.
  • FafnirFafnir Member Posts: 232
    edited November 2013
    I sort of agree with @Edwin_Odesseiron points, but I still think the option to keep Clara as a crappy alternate NPC thief would be interesting with some extra characterization thrown in.
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    You're putting ideas and words to me that I have never expressed and as such, your entire post is moot by default.

    I couldn't care less about the "emotional" side of things here.

    Clara has the potential to be an awesome npc. The game needs more of them, and specifically more thieves. I can't see a reason to -not- make a full npc out of her, seeing how most of the rough work has already been done.
  • jones0901jones0901 Member Posts: 51
    good points,edwin, and well articulated.
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639

    So explain to me what potential she has, aside from evoking the emotional response she did from players? And why she should deserve a spot above any of these characters, who would be awesome as hell to have as party members, when she is nothing but a means to an end, as are many of these for the story. Her simply joining you temporarily shouldn't grant her extra rights for NPC status over these others. Especially because she is not fleshed out in any way (in fact, some of the aforementioned are more fleshed out and have better bases for development, despite never joining you in game). So why should Clara get a spot over Lavok? Or Calahan? Or anyone else?

    I'll keep it real simple, since the discussion you're trying to conjure is a massive derailing of the thread.

    Because I and many others want her to be a proper npc, that's why.

    I want her as a proper npc, so i made a feature request. If i wanted any other, I'd make a request about them, but I didn't.

    It was never intended as Clara vs Another npc. It's a measurement of if we want Clara as an NPC, and I would love to see her as one, as do many others.

    Maybe it would be refreshing to see a more "normal" person for once, someone who is not a worldly type who has seen it all and know just what to say and do in any given situation. Hell I'd even go as far as saying that such an NPC is exactly what the game needs for a bit of different scenery, and Clara is exactly that.

  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428
    Clara was so creepy, it was amazing, i like neera but clara took the #1 spot for best NPC in my book, hexxat was cool but im playing a druid so it made sense to kill her, ill try on my next playthrough to keep her but im not sure how her reaction will cause among the druids and paladins and clerics i keep around
  • Edwin_OdesseironEdwin_Odesseiron Member Posts: 226
    edited November 2013
    Khyron said:

    I'll keep it real simple, since the discussion you're trying to conjure is a massive derailing of the thread.

    Because I and many others want her to be a proper npc, that's why.

    I want her as a proper npc, so i made a feature request. If i wanted any other, I'd make a request about them, but I didn't.

    It was never intended as Clara vs Another npc. It's a measurement of if we want Clara as an NPC, and I would love to see her as one, as do many others.

    Maybe it would be refreshing to see a more "normal" person for once, someone who is not a worldly type who has seen it all and know just what to say and do in any given situation. Hell I'd even go as far as saying that such an NPC is exactly what the game needs for a bit of different scenery, and Clara is exactly that

    Well, I want Xzar and Montaron. I can tell you for a fact their fanbase is bigger than Clara's. I've just made my peace with the fact that it's not going to happen. Also, the way Khalid and Dynaheir were dispensed with off screen without ever having a chance to save them irks me to no end. They played a HUGE role in the game, much bigger than Clara ever would. But if we were going for a thieving type character only, Calahan would be a cool addition. Or Tiris from trademeet. Or maybe a random Shadow Thief who wanted out (endless potential for great storylines.) Yes, you made this thread for wanting Clara. But you've got to justify why. Emotional response? Good for storytelling (besides, hundreds of other emotional scenes for the good of the game.) No? Then she must be a cool NPC. (I've just rattled off a few off the top of my head who would be far cooler.)

    As for your "normal" person argument, not a worldly type who's seen it all, etc.... We already have two of them, in the shape of Aerie and Nalia. Both young and naive, and learn a lot at charname's side, with their wide-eyed wonder. We really don't need more.

    So yes, you want her. But it doesn't sound like there's any reason behind it other than "I want her." Why would devs waste time and energy on something, when far better alternatives exist? Until you rid yourself of the alternatives, your proposal will likely not go through. And Clara has a LOT to get through to be a viable NPC.
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    Your profile pic and name really is quite fitting with your rude and condesending behaviour.
    Really, suggesting mass therapy because people disagree with you doesn't seem that well adjusted to me, even as a joke.

    I could always throw you a curve ball and say that the reason you're so against this is because you just love to play an evil Charname and now you finally feel vindicated since there's a truly evil npc for you to play with, and any tampering with it would damage your now inflated feelings of being in the right after all these years. But that's besides the point and not really worth getting into.. nor do i really put any weight behind it, because it's just me comming down to your level. However, i suspect you can't resist replying to it .. ;)

    Anyway, back to topic:

    I actually feel that Clara would be a great addition to my group of adventurers. She'd fit in just perfect as a protege, someone who needs to be shown the ropes and add a little more depth to the interactions within the party itself. Travelling around 6 hardasses together get's a little stale at times and some new blood with an inexperienced view on things would be great. Hell it even spawns an idea in my mind for a completely different story arc of it's own.. The dancing woman turned thief who learned her tricks under the ruthless/kind/indifferent/whatever tutelage of the one surviving powerfull Bhaalspawn, hah! :D
  • Edwin_OdesseironEdwin_Odesseiron Member Posts: 226
    edited November 2013
    My behaviour is neither rude nor condescending. You just don't like it because I am making more than valid points against your proposal. Also, you'll notice with the therapy joke, I said *I* was the one who had therapy, I didn't suggest it for others. So get off your high horse and stop with this "holier than thou" act. Also, I really have no response to you trying to analyse my psyche based on my feelings towards an NPC in a video game. I have no idea what that's about, really, nor do I care to. But saying something like that and then calling ME condescending is retarded. (By the way, truly evil NPC? Korgan outdoes Hexxat a thousand times over in terms of Evil. As does Sarevok.) Nice try, kid, but there's no need to get personal because I don't agree with your crappy idea that has no basis for existence other than you crying. I feel sorry for you.

    Back to the topic, you said: "I actually feel that Clara would be a great addition to my group of adventurers. She'd fit in just perfect as a protege, someone who needs to be shown the ropes and add a little more depth to the interactions within the party itself. Travelling around 6 hardasses together get's a little stale at times and some new blood with an inexperienced view on things would be great. Hell it even spawns an idea in my mind for a completely different story arc of it's own.. The dancing woman turned thief who learned her tricks under the ruthless/kind/indifferent/whatever tutelage of the one surviving powerfull Bhaalspawn, hah! :D"

    This character type already exists! Get Nalia as your little protege. She's perfect for what you just described. We don't need replicas of NPC's. Nalia and Aerie exist already of that wide-eyed, inexperience archtype. Or ctrl+Q some random Thief and imagine a cool story for her. That's what imagination is for. It's definitely not about a mass complaint because a certain NPC would fit into YOUR style of play. And it's funny you accuse me of feeling vindicated and being against this when everything you say is reminding me of a baby wanting its bottle. Calm down. It's painfully clear you want this for some personal reason, and you are trying to project that onto everyone else. Not everyone's going to agree. That's no reason to essentially call them psychopaths.

    I worry about people sometimes.
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    "They're dead. I've made my peace with it, with the help of extensive therapy. Hopefully, OP and everyone else on this "we want Clara" bandwagon can do the same. "

    How is this not suggesting mass therapy? Even so, you keep suggesting i pick up Nalia or Aerie or whatever else. I don't really care for those characters, nor for your attempts at convincing me to settle for second best or whatever it is you're tring to get across here.

    I'm saying I like Clara, I'd like to see her as an NPC. My motivations for this should be irrelevant.
    I happen to think that she's a fantastic prospect, with great voice acting, profile pic and I just happen to like the character. Can't see how it's so upsetting for you that I made a feature request about it.

    It's not like it's a crap game without a full npc version of Clara, hell i'll enjoy the game to bits anyway.
    I just happen to think that it'd be a richer experience with her. I understand that you disagree.
  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428
    i just pointed out i liked her but it seems actual proper reasons would be needed so *AHEM*

    Clara is an interesting character from the get go, she is constantly distracted but this single minded goal, being able to rescue clara would open up to an interesting story / quest (perhaps) in learning how clara got trapped, maybe she was a slave, maybe it was a bargain for power, maybe she is just an idiot it would be up to the writers if something like this was planned.

    (the following is speculation becuase i killed hexxat and i dont want spoilers as i intend to pick her up next)

    the enigma surrounding clara and hexxats relationship alone is enough for a few quests, and learning about this could give context on to just how old, evil and/or powerful hexxat really is, clara could have been a member / leader of a cult devoted to hexxat (an area could be added in the temple sewers where the cult lives leading to a possible relation to the sightless eye cult aswell)

    as an example we are going to assume clara willingly wanted to help hexxat in a lust for power and you kill hexxat and save clara against her will. she could follow you because she has nowhere else to go / plans revenge for you, you could then show her that undeath isnt really a good thing and that the power is only always temporary leading her to find new purpose in life.

    or for evil characters, you could overpower her and make her beg to become your servant instead and breed a new bhaalspawn or something like that. (i dont give much thought to evil story lines as i like playing good guys)

    now the above stories could factor into a romance for both genders because saving = love *shrug* i dont know but honestly i think there are enough love interests (for males at least) ill only be choosing jaheira / aerie or neera, they are the only 3 out of how ever many that i like, if i do an evil group ill probably go with viconia just because but again i rarely go evil.

    i think with such little back story the writers could do something amazing, hell maybe have a side quest where hexxat still kills clara but after becoming friends with CHARNAME give him / her the idea to do a true ressurection ritual to bring clara back, that way you could have both characters, but im just thinking outloud.
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639

    i think with such little back story the writers could do something amazing, hell maybe have a side quest where hexxat still kills clara but after becoming friends with CHARNAME give him / her the idea to do a true ressurection ritual to bring clara back, that way you could have both characters, but im just thinking outloud.

    This my good man, is an amazing idea. I always felt that the whole Bodhi kills love, Charname kills Bodhi, takes black heart to Amanuator shrine, love come back-thing was a little too simple and convenient.

    Perhaps a storyline with Hexxat and Clara could make a really interesting take on the dilemma and actually tell a story around it.

    Haha, imagine Clara's horror at being killed off by vampires TWICE.. if she became a romance option that is. Poor girl :D
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    Well it was ment as a remark everyone would be making about -my- mother.. she is a bit of a hamster. But looking at your profile pic and name, i suspect yours might be too.. hmmm *shifty eyes*
  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428

    I've not heard one solid, definitive argument as for why she should be brought back, but I've presented tonnes of why she shouldn't.

    apart from the few story ideas i've listed no there has been nothing, bringing back clara wouldn't neuter hexxats story, saving her would i agree, but the whole side quest and character development thing could work (again its just speculation as im still a good guy) and just because nalia is a good aligned character doesn't mean thats the one we have to go with, and i dont get what character archetype has been done? nalia and aerie aren't creepily distracted and singled minded in a purpose not knowing whats going to happen but only knowing that it has to be done, aerie and nalia learn from CHARNAME but with clara's enigmatic background CHARNAME could learn from her depending on what story the devs would give her.

    nalia -wants- to help people
    aerie -wants- to help people

    clara -needs- to go to the tomb of dragomir, she -needs- to awaken hexxat, why? she doesn't explain, she barely knows why only that she needs to do it. after the deed is done hexxat could explain after becoming chummy with CHARNAME that what hexxat did is indeed reversible and you could learn claras story and maybe clara still wants to be with hexxat, you could have conga line of clara follows hexxat who follows you. you could keep clara as distracted as she is and turn her into a thrall which you could convince to follow you instead of hexxat. another possible story line.

    the fact so little is known about clara means so much can be done with her. it makes sense that clara is pissed at hexxat for killing her, but it also makes sense the clara wants to continue being a servant of hexxat, so much could be done and it brings the moral thought of "does absolute power corrupt absolutely?" a moral dilemma of "do i continue to serve the one woman ive served for all my life" (again an example), "do i forge my own path in light of what ive seen" or "do i serve the person who saved me from death and undeath" but again im just thinking outloud, i get what your saying, yes she is supposed to die to fuel hexxat and thus she shouldn't come back, but i dont think it would ruin hexxats character, if written right it could evolve hexxat to a more fuller understanding person so despite being a vampire she retains her humanity which could lead to more emotional investment
  • FafnirFafnir Member Posts: 232
    edited November 2013
    ... You guys are really, really making me regret voting yes.
  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428
    Fafnir said:

    ... You guys are really, really making me regret voting yes.

    please explain?

  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    I want an option to save her or at least to end the quest in a more satisfying way having her as a character would be a nice in as much as its a new npc but not something that bothers too much
  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428
    If you would rather be left with what if's then why vote yes? I'm saying why, how they could, i don't think I've once said "this is how they need to do it" the options are "i would like to see" not "they should make Clara a bisexual so i can romance her lol do what i say devs" in fact i hope they keep Clara dead, because people want what they cant have for the most part. I'm just letting my mind wander on how they -could- bring her back, not how they -should- and if you'll notice Ive said many times that everything i say i just speculation, not a demand
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    Of course it's all speculation.. and of course nothing we will think of, is what the Dev's would have come up with anyway. Seeing Clara as a fully fleshed NPC would be fun and interesting.. what'd come of it, nobody knows.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    @Edwin_Odesseiron is just an evil Red Wizard of Thay and enjoys seeing innocent young girls with blue hair see their worthless lives end here for his perverse amusement
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