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Clara DLC/Patch. Spoilers inside.



  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @Lathrael - I think this was said a couple of pages back, but domination doesn't work like that, and it will never work like that. Once you kill Hexxat, she's gone, she isn't in Clara anymore, she will no longer have a presence inside of Clara.

    At best, Clara may remember that she was dominated. However, Clara will not gain Hexxat's memories, not even fuzzy memories. Clara won't start hearing voices in her head.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    I think they should just add Buffy, Blade and the Hugh Jackman version of Van Helsing to the game so they could just KILL THEM ALL
  • LoReN_LKLoReN_LK Member Posts: 20

    I think they should just add Buffy, Blade and the Hugh Jackman version of Van Helsing to the game so they could just KILL THEM ALL

    Now, that is the thing! Oh, wait....

    In the Valen mod there is this! Van Helsing, Buffy, Blade and a lot of vampire killers actually appear to kill her... Ideas...

    But back to the topic guys, we could make a thread about such things, we are straying to other points. Tell me, what do you all think of the Clara mod in the Spellhold studios?

  • LordRumfishLordRumfish Member Posts: 937
    LoReN_LK said:

    But back to the topic guys, we could make a thread about such things, we are straying to other points. Tell me, what do you all think of the Clara mod in the Spellhold studios?

    OK, I took a look at it. Clara should be simple if anyone was to make her, more down-to-earth and less heroic. If she has any appeal, it should be because she's an average girl from a humble background and therefore she is believable. This is looking like a cheesy trainwreck.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited December 2013

    At best, Clara may remember that she was dominated. However, Clara will not gain Hexxat's memories, not even fuzzy memories. Clara won't start hearing voices in her head.

    You cannot know that !
    Even Minsc can hear voices in his head. It's not rare ability. :D

    BTW Clara can be possessed by Hexxat damned soul.
    She want be purified and dont leave Clara body, until you perform tasks for "L".
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    Sorry, but I really fail to see this attachment to Clara.
  • LoReN_LKLoReN_LK Member Posts: 20
    Now, this would unite Hexxat quests with Clara. Interesting point of view.

    By the way, I also think that mod might go wrong, since is becoming too much, but I also like the way they decided to keep the "cloudy" aspect of her personality(but it might be simply the modder decision to keep the same voice of the original Clara. I don't mind another voice, as long it looked similar in a way. Look at the the Xan mod, a different voice, but an excellent work!). So, until I played, I wouldn't give my completely insight(but I expect to go down, because as I said, is becoming too much).

    I see Clara as a innocent girl, maybe a loser without hope, but still wanting to hope in something, to believe in someone, that someone will help her to believe in herself. She doesn't need to be grandiose or perfect in a fight, but someone who will become more.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    edited December 2013
    LoReN_LK said:

    She doesn't need to be grandiose or perfect in a fight, but someone who will become more.

    I mean, many people in Faerûn need adventurers, but EVERYONE needs food!
    Isn't it "more"?
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Uhm, Minsc can't hear voices. He thinks he can talk to Boo, and that's because he was knocked up side the head a couple of times.

    That being said, Clara would have to hear the voices prior to being dominated by Hexxat, and if she was then Hexxat just euthanized Clara. Why? Because hearing voices is bad. No matter the setting. It would make her rather unsuitable to be a follower as well.

    Hexxat is a vampire, therefore, possession is a wee bit out of her area of expertise. She can dominate Clara, but she cannot outright posses her. Possession is a ghost thing. Hexxat turns into a ball of gas and retreats to Dragomir's Respite. That doesn't make her a ghost. If Hexxat was a ghost, and did posses Clara, Clara wouldn't ever remember Hexxat's memories either.

    By the way, Hexxat did not take Clara's body, she fed from it, and then left it on the ground to rot. How would I know this? Avatar switch. Clara's Avatar has light skin tone, and Hexxat's has a darker skin tone. If Hexxat took Clara's body via possession then we would be using Clara's light skinned avatar, not Hexxat's.

    I'll say this. Just give an option to save Clara. She doesn't need to be a follower.
  • LoReN_LKLoReN_LK Member Posts: 20

    I mean, many people in Faerûn need adventurers, but EVERYONE needs food!
    Isn't it "more"?
    Sir, please, don't be a troll. If you're going to mock us, please go away and create a mocking thread about us. I'm sure there are other people who like to throw insults.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    LoReN_LK said:

    Sir, please, don't be a troll. If you're going to mock us, please go away and create a mocking thread about us. I'm sure there are other people who like to throw insults.
    That was hardly trolling. Don't be so touchy, he didn't personally attack anyone (which happens quite often on this board). Making an offhand joke here or there is fun, not insulting.
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    Is there anyone with a deeper knowledge of D&D rules about undeads?
    ( @SapphireIce101 please ask your boyfriend, if you can )
    I wonder what happens to the soul of a vampire if is destroyed.

    I want to know if might be possible lead Clara/Hexxat in this direction...
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    LoReN_LK said:

    Sir, please, don't be a troll. If you're going to mock us, please go away and create a mocking thread about us. I'm sure there are other people who like to throw insults.

    Dude, if you feel *insulted* by some genuine sarcasm it is YOU that should open a thread about it.
    You're begging for a NPC that accomplished NOTHING aside being the fuel for another one.
    As a matter of fact, all you experienced about Clara was a mind controlled girl that repeated over and over again sentences like "What do you... What do you want?".
    All the potential you see in this character is JUST in your fantasy.
    It is possible that the devs have plans about her.
    But for sure, defending her with this blind vehemence gives me the idea that if she was called Banana, you all were crying for more bananas.
    Now I'm out of this thread. I don't to hurt anybody's feelings.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    edited December 2013

    if she was called Banana, you all were crying for more bananas.
  • LoReN_LKLoReN_LK Member Posts: 20

    Dude, if you feel *insulted* by some genuine sarcasm it is YOU that should open a thread about it.
    You're begging for a NPC that accomplished NOTHING aside being the fuel for another one.
    As a matter of fact, all you experienced about Clara was a mind controlled girl that repeated over and over again sentences like "What do you... What do you want?".
    All the potential you see in this character is JUST in your fantasy.
    It is possible that the devs have plans about her.
    But for sure, defending her with this blind vehemence gives me the idea that if she was called Banana, you all were crying for more bananas.
    Now I'm out of this thread. I don't to hurt anybody's feelings.
    First, I'm not a "dude", I'm a girl and I'm sorry for "insulting" you, I thought that your sarcasm was classified as trolling, considering the lack of arguments you were using, but now, you used them and for that, I respect you. By the way, I'm not the creator of this thread.

  • LathraelLathrael Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2013
    I vote for BANANA! Fighting for rights of fruits EVERYWHERE!

    Post edited by Lathrael on
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416

    OK, I took a look at it. Clara should be simple if anyone was to make her, more down-to-earth and less heroic. If she has any appeal, it should be because she's an average girl from a humble background and therefore she is believable. This is looking like a cheesy trainwreck.
    If I might casually shuffle back into this thread a minute:

    This is a viable story direction for a character, but it seems very difficult to actually incorporate into the existing story of Baldur's Gate. An average person finding themselves in an extraordinary adventure is compelling material, but successful versions of that archetype have some driving force thrusting the character into their adventure.

    So, someone writing this content would need to address two glaring issues: Why would Clara want to adventure with a demigod, and why would that demigod want to bring Clara around? I personally don't see those questions being believably answered within the frame of BG's story.

  • CommanderRpgCommanderRpg Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2013
    Because this game needs an enema.
    And a neutral aligned thief*.

    * = a decent thief, it doesn't need any class kit
  • EdvinEdvin Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,244
    edited December 2013

    Because this game needs an enema.
    And a neutral aligned thief*.

    * = a decent thief, it doesn't need any class kit

    Which, ( despite the stats ) cant be dualclass, because authors did another damn unplayable race...

    First was lesbian vampire next will be gay werewolf and eventually bisexual dragon.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866

    Because this game needs an enema.
    And a neutral aligned thief*.

    * = a decent thief, it doesn't need any class kit

    I'm pretty sure you meant enigma, because an enema is forcing a bowel movement. An enigma is a puzzling situation/character.

    In which case, Clara started out as an enigma. Then, Clara was killed Hexxat, and Hexxat was supposed to take over the whole enigma thing.
  • I'm pretty sure you meant enigma, because an enema is forcing a bowel movement. An enigma is a puzzling situation/character.

    In which case, Clara started out as an enigma. Then, Clara was killed Hexxat, and Hexxat was supposed to take over the whole enigma thing.
    I thought it was a misquote of a line by the Joker in the first Batman movie....'This town needs an enema!'
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @Cyteen - I wish! I sometimes curse myself for learning how to be a nurse; because I know someday I'm probably going to have to perform an enema on someone.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    I prefer to see Ignus in BG2:EE, who does not? And I want Xzar back, he has the most awesome soundset but Bioware wasted it while making BG2.
    Edvin said:

    First was lesbian vampire next will be gay werewolf and eventually bisexual dragon.

    XD nice joke still laughing!!! Aahh, the Sword Coast, so full of unplayable races NPCs that don't think of the world as @Edvin wishes they did, only if they realize how good turnips are, maybe it is because they couldn't get what they wanted, you know, when I was younger, I met a nice girls by the name of Clara, but, you see, she didn't loved me in the end, all that she wanted, sadly, was my money, you know, she wasn't a bad person after all, you see, she didn't learned too much about thieving from me, but I won't regret buying this Light Crossbow of Speed to use with my Flash Matter ammo that stuns enemies like nothing else!!
    That was written by Jan Jansen, the best gnome this side the turnip.
  • CommanderRpgCommanderRpg Member Posts: 521

    I'm pretty sure you meant enigma

    No, enema. Cyteen got it right.
  • LathraelLathrael Member Posts: 69
    edited December 2013

    Because this game needs an enema.
    And a neutral aligned thief*.

    * = a decent thief, it doesn't need any class kit

    From that approach, i would say Calahan is a better candidate. Maybe a swashbuckler, or pure thief.

    @SapphireIce101: Talking to a hamster IS hearing voices, since no one else hears boo talking. Clara's mental trauma might be deeper than few blows to the skull.

    Why she follows? Because Hexxat wanted to follow. She whispers to Clara's ear to follow, reminds her their quest... OR maybe she can't differ his own memories and Hexxat's, so thinks she should follow. OR Both.

    Why would you want to have such person in your party? If you don't see any reasons, then don't. But i also dragged Xzar all across sword coast, who is not exactly "became death, destroyer of worlds".

    All i want is more options. Non-rushed, well put options.

    And again YES i would like to see Xzar, Coran, and many others before any effort done on Clara (except option of saving her since that scene was complately lame).
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @Lathrael - Seeing as Minsc is a ranger though, he can talk to animals, as can Kivan, Faldorn, Jaheira, Cernd, and Valygar, at least when they reach a certain level. Minsc is still rather insane though, I mean he did get hit in the head several times to the point that he reached his insane level, but it isn't a bad insane like Xzar. Personally, most of the evil characters in Baldur's Gate seem to have some sort of 'insanity'.

    Honestly, if Clara did suffer mental trauma, she would lose some points in intelligence. I don't think it would be enough for her to suddenly gain voices in her head. Unless you want to go the DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder aka Multiple Personality Disorder) route. In which case, she develops a personality which calls itself 'Hexxat'. That being said, Clara wouldn't even know about her alter's presence, but the alter would know about Clara.

    Also, you can save Coran, he's a wee bit special though. I wouldn't mind an option to save Clara, as well.

    @CommanderRPG - Again, an enema is a way to force a bowel movement. So, if The Joker is using that word, then he's saying that Gotham City needs to have a bowel movement. Basically, you're saying that the game needs to have a forced bowel movement.

    Now that I think I've some people's childhood memories by explaining what an enema is. For that, I apologize.
  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428
    i have to but in here:

    @SapphireIce101 why should Clara get reduced intelligence and in BG1 Xzar had a fairly decent intellect for an insane person?

    surely the fact that both (Minsc included) have mental problems of some sort and as such their brain cannot function. if Xzar was a wild mage i can understand it because it would be like his insanity is hindering his ability to shape magic, but no he is just a normal wizard, a specialized necromancer in actual fact, i dont think someone with any kind of mental trauma or insanity would be able to focus enough to become a specialized wizard, Clara has the whole Hexxat trauma which is why she is clearly not herself, and Minsc has a few head problems and is clearly showing it and Xzar doesn't seem to focus on which voice he has let alone throw a minor drain spell.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Depends on the trauma. I think being dominated by a Vampire would be a huge mental trauma event, if Clara would ever remember it. Minsc was probably a pretty smart guy before he got smacked in the head to the point of insanity.

    As for Xzar, I don't think he had any mental trauma, hence his intellect remains unchanged. If anything I see him being either a sociopath, or psychopath.

    I really don't consider myself a psychological expert, and I really don't claim to be one, so I'm just taking complete shots in the dark with this.
  • CommanderRpgCommanderRpg Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2013

    Minsc was probably a pretty smart guy before he got smacked in the head to the point of insanity.

    Minsc's not strictly insane, he's just dumb as a dumb child can be. Did you ever get to watch "Dumb&Dumber"?

    "Radio? Who needs a radio? Ready Harry?"
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