I believe you should check "C:\Users\\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition". Did you run the game at least once? You probably need to do that in order for the game to create the file.
Is there a console command to force open a dialouge from a spawned creature? I had to spawn a new NPC in BG2 because she advances someones quest through dialouge and when I spawn her that doesnt trigger
Do you guys know if there's a way to get rid of the 6-second-long stealth disablement thieves get when you end stealth mode? It's starting to bug me big time. Is there a 2da file somewhere that controls it, or is it hard-coded?
IF HotKey(D) THEN RESPONSE #100 AddSpecialAbility("spin101")// Cure Light Wounds AddSpecialAbility("spin104")// Larloch's Minor Drain AddSpecialAbility("spin105")// Horror AddSpecialAbility("spin106")// Vampiric Touch DisplayStringHead(Myself,10315)// Ability Bonuses END
I seem to be slightly confused by this section...
I'm trying to use this post to help correct a glitch that occurred in the game my friends and I are playing. The multiplayer crashes on dream sequences and as such when we recovered the game one time we had "skipped" the dream and missed out on a special ability. Trying to force add the ability back into the game so that we aren't missing out on much. But I don't think I clearly understand how to do this...
... It appears that I am mistaken in trying to do "CLUAConsole:AddSpecialAbility("spin101")" via the ctrl+space method I have been doing. When I do I get this message:
lua: call expression not a function active stack: active stack:
You talk about enabling a HotKey(D) and an if/then statement which is coded so that the D key will enact said line (in this case AddSpecialAbility("spin101") ). Clearly I'm being a newb and have missed something vital in getting this to work.
What am I supposed to be doing? I should be writing a script and saving it to some folder somewhere in my BG:EE directory?
Thank you all for any assistance!
UPDATE: I finally learned how to use EE Keeper and have corrected the lost ability for my group. However, I still want to know the answer to my previous question because I really just want to know more about how to do all this stuff. Just... not quite as important any more.
@DarkExcalibur42 Yes, you need to paste the above you quoted into a text document as a .baf and compile it with either Weidu or Near Infinity (script drop zone) as a .bs. Name it anything you like, but keep the character limit to no more than 7. ie: SPCLABI.bs or whatever. Put that into your scripts folder and when you start the game, go into customize/scripts/ and assign that to your character. Then go back to the game and select your character, make sure AI is on and hit the D key
Ahhhhh... I see. Interesting. This calls for a lot of reading on WeiDu and Near Infinity. Been researching tutorials on pocket plane.... Good starting point for me. Thanks!
Thanks you for this link. I wanted to add a few items to my game and it was such a pain trying to find the area I wanted in DLTCEP. This saves me a whole lot of trouble.
Can anyone help me find the exact effect or w/e that it is to create items that make their own ammunition? I can't seem to find it. I've used EEkeeper and looked at the +5 sling and Gesen bow but can't seem to identify it.
@icehaku - Weapons in BGEE have "item abilities" that tell the game what kind of item it is. That can be melee, ranged, or launcher (there is also magical, which is used for additional abilities, like a "can cast Confusion 3 times/day" ability).
A standard bow (or sling) will have an "Item Ability" of the Launcher type. This signals to the game that the weapon needs ammunition. The Gesen bow has an ability of the Ranged type. So, its capable of dealing ranged damage without ammunition.
There's no effect to apply to an existing item to make it not need ammunition. You'd need to edit the item's file and change its item ability type from Launcher to Ranged (and specify the damage). That would require an editor like Near Infinity.
If you want unlimited ammo, you could use EE Keeper to give your character one of the Quivers/Cases/Bags of Plenty.
Hello, excuse me, someone can help me please, two quests of my game are glitched and unfinishable, I have overwritted my save, I'm stuck.
The first quest isn't really important (I think), I need to find Peladan on the Mysterious Isle, I search everywhere and didn't find anything, so I look at some guide to see what I missed, but in fact, it's the game that have missed something, Karoug should loot Peladan at his dead, but he didn't loot it ! I think there's a relation between the glitch and Karoug who didn't attack me, didn't talk to me, but tells two sentences loop during five minutes of battle against him (but he didn't attack me even I hit him)... So I need a method to create the Peladan item in my iventory.
The second quest stuck me on the Mysterious Isle. I killed every werewolves on the isle, every human says I'm a hero and so, but Kaisha who gives me the quest ask me if I have killed all the werewolves, and the only answer I can respond is "No, not yet [...]". I can quit the isle without finish that quest... so frustrating. I think perhaps it's because I had killed Kryla before she goes to Jondal to kill me, so Jondal didn't appear and I didn't kill him... I don't know if it's that thing (I did that on the three encounter like that on the isle) why I can't validate that quest but I do that way (paralyse an enemi before he do what he is supposed to do, and kill him when he is immobilized) on many fights in the game (Baldur's Gate I, not its extension) and I hadn't any problem... So I need a another command to finish that quest.
Thanks for your futures answers and I'm sorry for my so bad english, it isn't my mother tongue.
Sorry, I think I found how to unglitch the game by myself.
For the first quest, I simply type in the debug console that command : CLUAConsole:CreateItem("MISC96", 1) It spawned a Peladan on my inventory, and when I talked to Maralee, the quest was completed.
For the second quest, it's more glitchy, I don't know if it's normal, but I have spawned a Jondal with that command: CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("JONDALW") And then when you hit people except Maralee or Durlyle, everybody (except those two guys) will turn into werewolves in the village, and when you approach Maralee or Durlyle, one of both will talk about a secret passage and the quest continue...
I'm really sorry if it's normal, but I find that way to continue really weird, I'm a good group, and I need to hit innocent people without any reason (since I havn't any clue to prove that they're werewolves)... I'm really confuse, even more I did the original Baldur's Gate many years before, but not its extension, I really don't understand if it's a bad bug or not, but I'm relieved that I can continue to play.
Hey all, I'm new to the boards and have been having serious issue with a bug in the under dark with 2 characters. I was given a solution, but am unable to follow it through given that I'm playing the game on a MAC and don't know how to enable the CLUA Console, as everything I am finding and being led to is for PC. I'm not at all familiar with coding or anything to that effect and at this point I'm a bit stifled for a solution. Please help.
Don't hesitate to use the search function of the forum, it works, that's how I found this topic.
Did you run the game at least once? You probably need to do that in order for the game to create the file.
That being said, is there a clua command to get to the credits?
Edit: I just found that you can watch them from the main menu.
Any help would be appreciated
Some time ago I made a script to trigger Rasaad dialogue. You can find the script and instructions on how to use it here.
I've tried to see if there's something hidden in EEkeeper to no avail.
I'm trying to use this post to help correct a glitch that occurred in the game my friends and I are playing. The multiplayer crashes on dream sequences and as such when we recovered the game one time we had "skipped" the dream and missed out on a special ability. Trying to force add the ability back into the game so that we aren't missing out on much. But I don't think I clearly understand how to do this...
... It appears that I am mistaken in trying to do "CLUAConsole:AddSpecialAbility("spin101")" via the ctrl+space method I have been doing. When I do I get this message:
lua: call expression not a function
active stack:
active stack:
You talk about enabling a HotKey(D) and an if/then statement which is coded so that the D key will enact said line (in this case AddSpecialAbility("spin101") ). Clearly I'm being a newb and have missed something vital in getting this to work.
What am I supposed to be doing? I should be writing a script and saving it to some folder somewhere in my BG:EE directory?
Thank you all for any assistance!
UPDATE: I finally learned how to use EE Keeper and have corrected the lost ability for my group. However, I still want to know the answer to my previous question because I really just want to know more about how to do all this stuff. Just... not quite as important any more.
A standard bow (or sling) will have an "Item Ability" of the Launcher type. This signals to the game that the weapon needs ammunition. The Gesen bow has an ability of the Ranged type. So, its capable of dealing ranged damage without ammunition.
There's no effect to apply to an existing item to make it not need ammunition. You'd need to edit the item's file and change its item ability type from Launcher to Ranged (and specify the damage). That would require an editor like Near Infinity.
If you want unlimited ammo, you could use EE Keeper to give your character one of the Quivers/Cases/Bags of Plenty.
The first quest isn't really important (I think), I need to find Peladan on the Mysterious Isle, I search everywhere and didn't find anything, so I look at some guide to see what I missed, but in fact, it's the game that have missed something, Karoug should loot Peladan at his dead, but he didn't loot it !
I think there's a relation between the glitch and Karoug who didn't attack me, didn't talk to me, but tells two sentences loop during five minutes of battle against him (but he didn't attack me even I hit him)...
So I need a method to create the Peladan item in my iventory.
The second quest stuck me on the Mysterious Isle. I killed every werewolves on the isle, every human says I'm a hero and so, but Kaisha who gives me the quest ask me if I have killed all the werewolves, and the only answer I can respond is "No, not yet [...]".
I can quit the isle without finish that quest... so frustrating.
I think perhaps it's because I had killed Kryla before she goes to Jondal to kill me, so Jondal didn't appear and I didn't kill him... I don't know if it's that thing (I did that on the three encounter like that on the isle) why I can't validate that quest but I do that way (paralyse an enemi before he do what he is supposed to do, and kill him when he is immobilized) on many fights in the game (Baldur's Gate I, not its extension) and I hadn't any problem...
So I need a another command to finish that quest.
Thanks for your futures answers and I'm sorry for my so bad english, it isn't my mother tongue.
For the first quest, I simply type in the debug console that command :
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("MISC96", 1)
It spawned a Peladan on my inventory, and when I talked to Maralee, the quest was completed.
For the second quest, it's more glitchy, I don't know if it's normal, but I have spawned a Jondal with that command:
And then when you hit people except Maralee or Durlyle, everybody (except those two guys) will turn into werewolves in the village, and when you approach Maralee or Durlyle, one of both will talk about a secret passage and the quest continue...
I'm really sorry if it's normal, but I find that way to continue really weird, I'm a good group, and I need to hit innocent people without any reason (since I havn't any clue to prove that they're werewolves)...
I'm really confuse, even more I did the original Baldur's Gate many years before, but not its extension, I really don't understand if it's a bad bug or not, but I'm relieved that I can continue to play.
Thanks anyway, and sorry for the inconvenience.