Change Adoy's Belt !

Let's be honest, Adoy's Belt is useless.
Save vs. Petrification/Polymorph is something you use so little that it's not worth raising.
On the other hand, Neera wild magic... that is something very deadly... unfortunately more for you than for enemies. :-(
Be hit by your own fireballs is not funny on low levels, even on hight levels, when fireball replace more deadly spells. And that's not even talking about summoning a demons which kills you on one hit, or evaporation of gold.
This belt should help Neera tame her wild magic, right?
So why not make it wearable only for wild mages, with ability block user's wild magic completely?
Neera would finally get item which made her actually useful (Like Rashad "Big fisted belt").
Moreover, it finally made Neera available for players who do not see her wild magic as advantageous risk.
Save vs. Petrification/Polymorph is something you use so little that it's not worth raising.
On the other hand, Neera wild magic... that is something very deadly... unfortunately more for you than for enemies. :-(
Be hit by your own fireballs is not funny on low levels, even on hight levels, when fireball replace more deadly spells. And that's not even talking about summoning a demons which kills you on one hit, or evaporation of gold.
This belt should help Neera tame her wild magic, right?
So why not make it wearable only for wild mages, with ability block user's wild magic completely?
Neera would finally get item which made her actually useful (Like Rashad "Big fisted belt").
Moreover, it finally made Neera available for players who do not see her wild magic as advantageous risk.
Post edited by Edvin on
The belt is still useful against polymorphing wild surges and things like basilisk gaze
Maybe just give it a bit of magic resistance or something. There are so few sources of that in BG1, and it does seem like something you'd give to a wild mage. ^^
But yeah, saves vs poly/petr is quite useless, no matter how big they are. I mean, who faces a basilisk without getting to 100% immunity first?
Taming is something different than blocking.
Neera like her wild magic but she wants to learn how to control it.
Therefore item witch blocking her wild magic completely does not interfere with story.
Huh? Wild mages without wild surges are crazy OP?
So all normal mages are OP?
And i am not scared use wild mages. I dont use them because they are useless.
They are like jesters. Sometimes with them can be fun, but have no practical use.
No wild surges and no wild magic spells (Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, Chaos Shield).
Dynaheir is an invoker, Edwin a conjurer, Xan an enchanter, Xzar a necromancer and Jan and Quayle are illusionists. Apart from it being a racial limitation for the latter two, at no point does it actually matter, story-wise, what kit they are, and it's never referenced either.
Removing Neera's wild magic would require a rather extensive personal quest, not just a belt.
/2 cents
Changing Adoy's belt to make it, so then it blocks wild magic completely would be a bad thing to do. It would just make all wild mages into generic mages. Which, in turn, makes Neera into a generic mage, and I don't think people would do her quest if this we're the case. I mean, if you really want a generic mage that doesn't have wild surges, then Imoen is your gal.
Also, Neera's stronger than Edwin due to the fact that she has wild magic, and surges. With NRD (Narhal's Reckless Dweomer) she can cast any spell that she has in her spellbook. Sure, you might not get the intended result, but that's wild magic. Heck, if you want a more favorable result then you cast Chaos Shield, or at least until you get that mage robe in BG2EE with the permanent Chaos Shield.
So once again...
Control wild magic is not the same as blocking wild magic.
"You can not control the rain, but you can block it using an umbrella."
In addition, from the characterization of Adoy, he doesn't seem the type to use or even have such a belt. He embraced the chaos of wild magic.
Plus, I'm not sure all the effects of wild magic could be blocked. An item could grant a "wild magic stat" bonus of +100 to ensure that all surges cast as normal, but that would not block the random caster level modification or stop the wild(-less) mage from using Nahal's to spam Wishes with 1st level slots and no chance of failure. And an umbrella is useless in a hurricane (or even a midwestern thunderstorm on a windy day). If you really want to make the belt something focused on wild magic, mod it to grant the effects of Chaos Shield while equipped.
Exactly my words!
Wild mage is very specific profession which is not suitable for everyone.
I just trying to make Neera useful for more types of players.
Would not that be a shame if people lost their story because they hate the wild magic?
However, there are some questions that need to be answered. Like, if Adoy had a belt that blocked wild magic why would he give it to Neera? I doubt he's going to have more than one belt sitting around, and I really doubt that he would give up something that would allow him to live a normal life just because Neera goes up to him and asks him for a way to control her wild magic.
Why is Adoy living out in the wilderness if he has a belt that basically negates his wild magic? Surely he could live in a village like Beregost. I mean, with this belt that he has that blocks wild magic, he wouldn't have to worry about surges anymore, and basically destroying half the town with one accidental surge.
What you're suggesting changes Neera's whole quest, and the objective of her quest. She isn't looking for Adoy to block her magic. She's looking for Adoy to learn how to control it. The thing is, character wise, Neera is fine with her wild mage. Sure, she gets annoyed with it sometimes, but I doubt that she would want to outright block it.
All of this being said, do I think there is some room for improvement on Adoy's belt? Yes. Do I think we should use the belt to block wild magic? No, definitely not.
BTW, he live in the wilderness because he was teleported there by wild surge.
That said... I suppose it is possible for a modder to satisfy the OP's original request of blocking wild magic completely (or rather making every last wild surge that happens 100% safe) by giving the belt a wild surge bonus of 99... But I imagine from a role play sense the sheer unbridled power required to make such an item would mean that it couldn't have possibly be made by Adoy; actually I can only see someone with a mastery of magic equal to or greater than Mystra herself capable of making such an item. Also in terms of gameplay balance, it would make wild mages far and away the most powerful class in the game, instantly transforming them into the finest OP cheese factories in the multiverse.
Have you ever read Wild Surge Table ?
Only 20% effects are good. Rest are bad or useless (like whole wild mages)
I still can not understand how anyone could think that wild mages are worthwhile...
Your "insanely OP belt" would make sense only if they also block Nahal's Reckless Dweomer and Chaos Shield.
Do you understand at all what I'm talking about, or just randomly inventing silly items?
I think I just burnt half my neurons reading this thread.
Can I have a pony?
Anyway, I don't really need to prove anything, but try extracting this in your override folder in either BG1:EE or BG2:EE and put Adoy's belt on a wild mage and have that wild mage spam NRD. Note that I did not change the description at all because that requires more effort than I am willing to put into this right now.
Edit: This mod has been removed because it was crap and an unfinished product. I finished up the work I started and the mod will now be available in the modding section here:
That being said, I encourage you to mod the item yourself, or enlist the help of one of our many resident modders. Just because it won't be in the official version of the game doesn't mean it can't be in the version you play.
Anyway, that's not to say that we don't welcome requests like this; just that, rather than engaging in heated debates about what should or should not be canon, maybe try doing it yourself and see how it turns out. You may even come up with a mod that does it better than we could do with the constraints of time and QA.
Seriously, kudos to @Tresset for still helping this guy