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Which of these three Bhaalspawns hold the most endgame potential?

StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
Which of these Bhaalspawns hold the most potential in terms of power (playing all the way through the saga)? I know they are all excellent but I cannot decide which one I should first commit to playing. Note: They are all brand new and I haven't yet used any ability tomes.

Odion, my Half-Elf Dragon Disciple Sorcerer (I chose Half-Elf for the extra constitution which I hope to eventually get to 21 for the regen):

Ekklezius, my Elven Talos Priest:

Finrod, my Elven Archer (I will eventually get him the Gauntless of Archery as well as add the boots of speed and eventually add 2 extra DEX):

Post edited by Stormvessel on


  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    edited May 2014
    bengoshi said:

    You should play the character YOU like. Nobody but you can finally say if you like this or that character/build/party composition.

    All three characters are good.

    I think you should try them all and decide what playstyle suits your own taste better. Usually it doesn't take much time to understand if this or that especially "ticks" for you.

    From my point of view, the most potential in terms of power through all the saga belongs to Odion. Of course, an Elven Archer is a machine in BG1 but you look at the whole saga and in the late SoA and in ToB it won't be so badass any more. A Talos Priest can be not so OP but with due buffing he's a solid tank and his summoned skeletons (also buffed) can kill many enemies without much trouble due to high Magic Resistance.

    But a Dragon Disciple is more powerful than them combined. With an accurate spell selection he can be an invinsible character right from levels 3-4 till the very end of ToB. And in the very start of BG1 just use wands of Sleep and you'll be fine.

    I would like to mention that 21 CON is nearly the same as 20 CON - both these numbers give regeneration, the only difference is it's 1HP per 60 seconds and 1HP per 50 seconds.

    BTW, nice pictures and stats;)

    In that case I could get 22 Con by using Lum's machine. Or perhaps I should shoot for 20 strength and settle for 20 Con. I will figure it out.

    In any case, thank you so much! Kind of a bummer to hear about Finrod, but I will probably save him for last and just run through the first game with him.

    My Stormlord is the one I was hoping people would say is the most powerful because his roll was godlike. But I will still have a good time with him. I will look at it from the perspective that his strength lies not in solo power, but rather in the control, utilization, support, and implementation of those around him. He will make those around him stronger, and of course I am coming at this from a RP standpoint.

    As for Odion, I was tempted to go with a vanilla sorcerer, and he probably would have held more offensive potential if I would have, but I chose Dragon Disciple not only because of the RP aspects, but because even with less spells he still casts around the same number of spells as a specialized mage (for most of the game, at least), and he also comes with really good bonuses that gives him awesome potential.

    So you sound pretty convinced it's Odion. Then I shall go with Odion. He's a badass. :)
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    edited May 2014
    I totally believe you guys, but I am confused - I just started my Archer and my Thac0 is already 14 - and I haven't yet done ANY of the following:

    Lift my DEX to 21 (Tome, Lum)
    Obtain any of the + 1 Archer bonuses that comes every few levels
    GM'd Longbow
    Equipped the Archery Bracers
    Obtained a magical Longbow

    ...and again, it's already 14!

    I dropped that Ogre on the way to the FAI in like 2-3 shots, and I am one shotting most mobs and I rarely ever miss! How is it that my Archer will be anything less than a broken killing machine at level 35 decked out in gear and bonuses?

    I believe you guys, I really do. You obviously know way more about this game than I do. I just want to understand WHY something that seems so obviously broken on the surface will be underpowered in ToB. I just want to learn why.
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    jackjack said:

    Essentially, bows see a drop in their effectiveness by the time ToB rolls around. Some monsters cannot even be damaged by them due to either piercing resistance, weapon enchantment level, or both.

    Ah, see I didn't know that.

  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    edited May 2014
    Hmm...Although I could be wrong, it almost seems as though taking a generic Half-Orc fighter would be more prudent long-term than taking Archer. Then at least I could GM slings to use w/ superior strength and a plethora of other options.

    In any case, it does indeed seem as though Archer is rendered moot.

    But I do know that your answer is extremely helpful and I now know what to expect. Thank you very much for taking the time to write that. I read all of it and will reference it again in the future.
  • mumumomomumumomo Member Posts: 635
    Archer is godly in BGEE because bows are godly in BGEE :
    - great THACO
    - Great APR
    - great damage with totally OP special arrows
    - low HP ennemies drop before even reaching you

    But the thing is that anything using bow will be very strong in BGEE especially when then have some additionnal special powers like poison weapon (blackguard, assassin)

    however in BG2 everything changes :
    - getting huge strength bonus for melee is easy
    - getting more APR with melee is also easy
    - magical bows are suboptimal compared to melee weapons
    - magical arrows are severly nerfed
    - ennemies have more hp and will close up in melee

    Nonetheless the archer, thanks to its huge THACO/damage bonus remains strong. And he is not completely useless (far from it) in melee either.
    But even for range i feel that he is outclassed by a blackguard or assassin->fighter dual.
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    bengoshi said:

    You should play the character YOU like. Nobody but you can finally say if you like this or that character/build/party composition.

    All three characters are good.

    I think you should try them all and decide what playstyle suits your own taste better. Usually it doesn't take much time to understand if this or that especially "ticks" for you.

    I agree so very much.

    From my point of view, the most potential in terms of power through all the saga belongs to Odion.

    Yes, although I agree on this point, too. ;D

    Though if you were to ask me, perhaps Finrod should remain under the trees, with his father...he deserves the rest.
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    edited May 2014
    Seeing as how the purpose of Finrod was a non-magic user to go through the series with, and melee is obviously better late game than range, I deleted Finrod and replaced him with this guy:

    I will give him 5 points in scimitars, 5 points in Katana, and 3 points in Two-weapon fighting by lvl 27. He will eventually wield Celestial Fury and in the off-hand Belm (might switch to Spectral Brand in ToB), and he will have 21 STR.
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    edited May 2014
    I have things figured out now. Thanks to all who helped!
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    @Stormvessel, a bit off topic but both mechanics-wise and RP-wise, your elven Stormlord of Talos might be the most interesting class to me. Not many people play straight Clerics. They aren't as well documented as some other classes. So unlike your Archer (click and hit, until later where you have to vary more between melee and ranged and rely on party members as mentioned above), or your Sorcerer (easy if you pick the right spells), you might have to be more creative with your Stormlord and figure things out yourself.
    As to the RP-aspects, well tbh every character can be roleplayed in an interesting way. It's just that I've become more interested in roleplaying evil (and certain forms of Neutral) lately. Just so many ways of creating awesomeness. An example, once posted by @KidCarnival:


    As cleric, I am a chaotic evil Priest of Talos. He considers himself lawful good, and claims to follow a strict code of honor. That is total bullshit, but in his mind, it's true. He's also morbidly fascinated with death and actually has some sense of honor in regards to spiritual matters. This justifies some "good" deeds; that he has a certain respect for true believers regardless of faith. It also goes with his chaotic view to donate to temples of other gods. To him, it's just paying his respects to a deity that allowed a priest to heal/revive a party member. It is his way to show he is holier than thou; his deity is so certain of his faith and dedication, Talos doesn't mind him frequenting temples of others.
    He'll use his god-given ability to call lightning to fry a sacrifice to Talos daily. This can be in battle, it can be a random animal if no hostile is nearby, or it can be a commoner if neither animals nor hostiles are there. It's very convenient that this is a once per day ability. It *must* be used. So justifications for killing commoners aren't difficult, and it's chaotic to say "nothing personal, my god demands a sacrifice - wrong time, wrong place *ZAP*". To me, it's not "mindless killing". It's charname's compulsion to worship this way. Counting battles and animals/creatures with no rep loss also prevents this from turning into a hide and seek with Flaming Fists.

    Xzar is a frequent party member for the Priest of Talos. Both are naturally high wisdom characters, and they share their fascination with death. I absolutely do not buy into the "evil prevents friendship/respect" thing, because a game can't tell me that is true and have evil Viconia and evil Dorn as romance options. So charname is sort of friends with Xzar, or at least they respect each other. Both are chaotic evil, so they don't consider the other as insane. They see each other as insightful peers. They will conduct experiments with mortality to gain insights. For example, they may kill someone with the declared goal of having necromancer Xzar bring the victim back to life, and then study the changes. Though they don't consider themselves or each other as insane, they still *are* insane and don't realize Xzar will not be able to do that. They think they just need to try a different approach. And because they are also selfish and want all the wisdom for themselves, they'll do these mortality experiments in places where no-one can see them or call the guards. (Not reputation related, but an element of this rp angle: Xzar will find a skull in High Hedge and become friends with it. I treat the skull like Boo, voluntarily blocking a quickuse slot.)
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    That's awesome - I enjoyed that, Raven. Thanks for sharing.
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    edited May 2014
    I see my Talos Priest similarly. He is Lawful Evil (like a fascist dictator). He also believes his ideology is the truth, and believes it's everyone else that is screwed up (which is how most fascists think). I had that thought in my mind when I chose Lawful Evil - that Ekklezius my Talos Priest doesn't consider himself evil at all, that is just what he has been "labeled" by "society".
  • ArchaosArchaos Member Posts: 1,421
    I say Dragon Disciple or Sorcerer.

    The Archer and the Talassan lose some steam in BG2 but the Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple not only stays strong but gets even stronger.

    But in BG1, the Elven Archer just destroys everything.
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    edited May 2014

    I see my Talos Priest similarly. He is Lawful Evil (like a fascist dictator). He also believes his ideology is the truth, and believes it's everyone else that is screwed up (which is how most fascists think). I had that thought in my mind when I chose Lawful Evil - that Ekklezius my Talos Priest doesn't consider himself evil at all, that is just what he has been "labeled" by "society".

    That's awesome. Would you journal one of your playthroughs? If so, I sure hope you to see you go with your Stormlord-dictator. (Not pushing you here, I just like reading people's journals.)
    These types of characters fascinate me so much more than the more predictable heroic good ones (be they lawful or chaotic in their ways). I've had a blast with a Chaotic Neutral Swashbuckler and his band of thieves. He has low WIS and considers himself a true hero after having completed a couple of quests. However he and his party have messed up big time (with a reputation of 4 he's completely unaware of, until the entire population of Nashkel went hostile on the party).
    An interesting angle used by @CharlestonianTemplar, is to actively involve your God (Talos) in your decisions. An example of his writing:


    Mordred, a servant & Black Guard of Asmodeus. I’ve restructured my retinue as I sense my lord is leading me to do. My Berserker Lieutenant is now my Berserker Sergeant. In no way is this a demotion but simply a change of title. He remains my most trusted follower & protector. I’ve promoted my Conjurer to third in my chain as I have come to realize his worldview is the same as mine & that of my Berserker Sergeant. I value his service & his connection to the Red Wizards as far as that can benefit my efforts on behalf of Asmodeus, my liege lord. I know he is also the one I must watch most closely therefore, bringing him closer to my inner circle is in keeping w/the adage, ‘Keep your friends close & your enemies even closer.’ My Bard/Herald/Sage is just that. He is my messenger & speaks for me. When we are not travelling he is charged w/designing my Coat of Arms which will include images of my place of origin, Candlekeep, & will be dominated by my lord Asmodeus’ symbol. For now, he is working on ideas & bringing them to me for guidance. He has no role in my chain of command beyond being my messenger & an outstanding Sage (Lore 65). My Illusionist compliments the abilities of my Conjurer & will remain w/me for that purpose. I still petition my lord for a Rogue w/a full complement of thieving skills & for a Cleric. Should he bless me w/both I will likely release the Illusionist from my service.

  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    edited May 2014

    That's awesome. Would you journal one of your playthroughs? If so, I sure hope you to see you go with your Stormlord-dictator. (Not pushing you here, I just like reading people's journals.)
    These types of characters fascinate me so much more than the more predictable heroic good ones (be they lawful or chaotic in their ways). I've had a blast with a Chaotic Neutral Swashbuckler and his band of thieves. He has low WIS and considers himself a true hero after having completed a couple of quests. However he and his party have messed up big time (with a reputation of 4 he's completely unaware of, until the entire population of Nashkel went hostile on the party).
    An interesting angle used by @CharlestonianTemplar, is to actively involve your God (Talos) in your decisions. An example of his writing:


    Mordred, a servant & Black Guard of Asmodeus. I’ve restructured my retinue as I sense my lord is leading me to do. My Berserker Lieutenant is now my Berserker Sergeant. In no way is this a demotion but simply a change of title. He remains my most trusted follower & protector. I’ve promoted my Conjurer to third in my chain as I have come to realize his worldview is the same as mine & that of my Berserker Sergeant. I value his service & his connection to the Red Wizards as far as that can benefit my efforts on behalf of Asmodeus, my liege lord. I know he is also the one I must watch most closely therefore, bringing him closer to my inner circle is in keeping w/the adage, ‘Keep your friends close & your enemies even closer.’ My Bard/Herald/Sage is just that. He is my messenger & speaks for me. When we are not travelling he is charged w/designing my Coat of Arms which will include images of my place of origin, Candlekeep, & will be dominated by my lord Asmodeus’ symbol. For now, he is working on ideas & bringing them to me for guidance. He has no role in my chain of command beyond being my messenger & an outstanding Sage (Lore 65). My Illusionist compliments the abilities of my Conjurer & will remain w/me for that purpose. I still petition my lord for a Rogue w/a full complement of thieving skills & for a Cleric. Should he bless me w/both I will likely release the Illusionist from my service.

    That is really awesome. Now you got me interested in doing some heavy roleplaying.

    For what it's worth, I did fill in the biography for Ekklezius when I created him. You can read it here, but be warned it's kinda lame.

    Post edited by Stormvessel on
  • BlackravenBlackraven Member Posts: 3,486
    Lol your rolls are awesome! I've never rolled higher than 98 (which in itself is quite Godly).
    Liked your bio, and I'd love to read how Ekklezius left Candlekeep to wreak havoc on the Sword Coast....
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Hehe, that explains the 101 :) with a mage class.
    A friend once rolled 100 with a Elven Ranger on my iPad, but he never played that character...
    ...and he maxed out WIS, CHA and INT, left DEX at 18 and accepted his 18/23 STR.
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654
    edited May 2014
    Paladin said:

    Could you share your portraits? I really like the ones you chose for Odion and Ekklezius.

    As for who you should play -- Praise the Stormlord!


  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    Some of these look like NWN portraits..?
  • StormvesselStormvessel Member Posts: 654

    Some of these look like NWN portraits..?

    Yep, and the Half-Orc portrait is from BG2.
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