The Adventures of Sir (Lord) Gawain in Faerun (Pre-Camelot) (Minimum Reload - Spoiler Warning)

I felt kinda lonely during my last playthrough in the Baldur's Gate Series & Icewind Dale Series Minimum Challenge (Spoiler Warning) & since the last post there was on 2 Aug 14 when me last PC died, I think I'll try & start a new Minimal Reload Challenge.
This one is for PCs based on mythical & historical heroes (e.g. Arthurian heroes, King Richard the Lionhearted); personalities from Medieval Europe (William the Conqueror), protagonists or antagonists from books or movies (e.g. Gandalf or maybe, Friar Tuck would be a fun Cleric or Druid); famous heroes from the various mythos', (e.g. Achilles).
Everyone has favorite medieval or fantasy character. Bring them here for a play through.
So in this challenge, select your Mods as your prefer.
Try to find a good likeness of your PC for your Medium and Small Images & try to align your colors accordingly.
Play the persona of the character as best you can in dialogue & combat choices.
Make sure you complete everything, (e.g. Durlag's Tower & the Isle of Balduran) not just the basic run.
Keep going, if you choose into SoA/ToB & keep sharing your progress.
Have fun and use your imagination. Making it no reload is great but not required. If you have to reload, do so & keep rockin'. Keep track of how many Reloads you need.
I'll provide a character to get things started. Hope I'm not the only one who chooses to post here but if so, I'll keep it up till I'm finshed w/THIS GUY...
This one is for PCs based on mythical & historical heroes (e.g. Arthurian heroes, King Richard the Lionhearted); personalities from Medieval Europe (William the Conqueror), protagonists or antagonists from books or movies (e.g. Gandalf or maybe, Friar Tuck would be a fun Cleric or Druid); famous heroes from the various mythos', (e.g. Achilles).
Everyone has favorite medieval or fantasy character. Bring them here for a play through.
So in this challenge, select your Mods as your prefer.
Try to find a good likeness of your PC for your Medium and Small Images & try to align your colors accordingly.
Play the persona of the character as best you can in dialogue & combat choices.
Make sure you complete everything, (e.g. Durlag's Tower & the Isle of Balduran) not just the basic run.
Keep going, if you choose into SoA/ToB & keep sharing your progress.
Have fun and use your imagination. Making it no reload is great but not required. If you have to reload, do so & keep rockin'. Keep track of how many Reloads you need.
I'll provide a character to get things started. Hope I'm not the only one who chooses to post here but if so, I'll keep it up till I'm finshed w/THIS GUY...
Post edited by CharlestonianTemplar on
So I’ve taken my new PC straight from the Arthurian Legend and straight from the 1st Edition of Deities and Demigods, by TRS, Inc.1 All his traits are directly from that manual.
I chose the Arthurian hero Gawain, mostly b/c I found some really cool digital art images of him by Infernal Finn (Dante) @ (Used w/permission).
I took his stats exactly as they were in Deities & Demigods. Gawain is a Knight of Quality as described in the Arthurian Heroes section. Many of the knights there are Paladins, e.g. King Arthur, Sir Galahad, but Gawain is a fighter. That will make it tough early on b/c he has no protection against mages & we all know what awaits the PC early in the game. While Gawain is the favorite cousin on King Arthur, who is Lawful Good, Gawain, himself, is Neutral.
“Gawain has been given a magical gift of unusual nature. From 9 in the morning until 12 noon, he gains strength. From 9-10 he has a 19 strength; from 10-11 he has a 20 strength; and from 11-12 his strength is 21.
After 12 his strength returns to normal…
this man was a revengeful knight & would travel to the ends of the earth
to right some supposed wrong done to him or his family…”1
There’s no way, as I can tell to do the strength increase except to use real time. So when I am playing during those hours (usually weekends only although I may be recovering from dental surgery early to mid-week this coming week). So when I’m playing between 9 & 10, I’ll set his strength to 19; 10-11, I’ll set to 20, etc. I’ll use an alarm to remind me when to change & change back.
I plan to play Gawain through one way or another. I’ll start in the ‘No Reload Challenge’ & move to the ‘Minimal Reload’ if I need a reload. I’m tired of spending hours developing a persona & losing him to something stupid like I did w/my former Anti-Paladin, Ironside who, @ 8th level died to a combination trap & Ghast. I will play to clear every square inch of BG1/TotSC. IAW AD&D Rules circa 1980, as a fighter he will become a Lord @ 9th Level & his name will change to include his title Sir Gawain (as he is in the Arthurian Legends) will continue into SoA/ToB & marry Nalia & become Lord of the De’Arnise Keep. Until then he is just Gawain, foster son of a minor nobleman, Gorion. His Medium image is the armor he visualizes acquiring someday even, if now, he begins w/meager armor & equipment. I expect him to team w/the usual suspects throughout.
Key Event: None
Treasure of Note: None
Current Disposition: Beginning in front of Candlekeep Inn
Next Steps: Leave Candlekeep @ Gorions urging
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 10 - Average)
Gawain: Ftr/1; Q/Staff
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
I thought it was a riot they made Arthur a Paladin... Galahad, sure.
The next AM my sweet friend Imoen was right there offering to help me. I fear for her safety but there’s no was I can say no to Imoen. Not in this case anyway. Together we cleared the loot left from the battle & buried Gorion in a shallow grave. There was an interesting letter on him that talked about events happening sooner than expected, mentioning Khalid & Jaheira (the same people Gorion told me to meet @ the Friendly Arm Inn (FAI) should we become separated. The letter was signed, ‘E.’
Imoen & I tried to stay close to the road & head directly for the FAI. Before we could even get back to the road, we came across six Diseased Gibberling’s which I cut down w/Short Bow Support from Imoen. Along the way, we met two characters that Imoen was not enamored w/in the least, one appeared to be a mage, the other a rogue.. I value Imoen’s opinion greatly but I felt the need for the extra companions & they were good enough to offer me a Potion of Healing (PoH). We travelled into the Coast Way, leaving Lions Way behind us. There we met an old man, apparently some type of wizard, who was friendly, even knew Imoen’s name. He seemed interested in me & was good enough to orient us to the FAI. Shortly afterward, the four of us encountered six more diseased Gibberling’s. My companions were effective w/their ranged weapons & I cut a few down w/my Bastard Sword. We met another fellow, a roguish type but he was planning some pretty nasty business that involved kidnapping & blackmailing, neither of which I want any part of.
Key Event: Arriving @ the FAI, I was ready to rest & heal but as the four of us headed up the stairs to go into the inn, we were hailed & then accosted by a wizard/assassin. I say assassin b/c he had a bounty notice on him & he was looking for me! We all charged, I attacked w/my Bastard sword but before I got to him, Imoen had popped him twice point blank w/her Wand of Magic Missiles (WoMM) while the wormy mage cast a connected w/Larloch’s Minor Drain. The second companion travelling w/us poisoned his blade which I noticed as I was standing next to him @ the foot of the stairs…so I think he’s an assassin. I need to watch him & take care to watch over Imoen. Still, he charged up the stairs to attack the mage but couldn’t get around one of the FAI Guards that had joined the fray. I landed a deep cutting blade that separated him @ the shoulder & immediately afterward the Guard gutted him w/his sword & gets credit for the kill.
Assassin #3
We went in & joined w/Khalid & Jaheira who were obvious to me for some reason. They seemed to know me in a way too & offered to join me. I accepted. I’m more comfortable w/them but I haven’t canned the other two just yet.
Treasure of Note: Tarnesh’s Spellbook contains five spells. Imoen scarfed it up/
Current Disposition: Sleeping in the common rooms in the FAI.
Next Steps: Head south toward Nashkel as both K&J & the other two seem to be intent on doing so.
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 10 - Average)
Gawain: Ftr/1; Stud Leather w/Med Shield, Bastard Sword** (SSS**) (Diseased Gibberling)
Imoen: Charming Rogue/1 w/Stud Leather, Short Bow & Short Sword & WoMM (Diseased Gibberling)(Thief Def)
Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/1 w/Stud Leather, Longbow**, Bastard Sword* (TWS***)(Ranger Ranged)
Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/1 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Club* (Druid Off/Def)
Montaron: Assassin/1 w/Leather, Dart*, Short sword* (Diseased Gibberling)(Thief Scout)
Xzar: Mage (Necromancer) w/Sling* (Diseased Gibberling)(Wizard Berserk)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Our first test in that formation was versus 10 Diseased Gibberling’s & was a breeze. Many died before they got to me, the others feel to my blade when they arrived. After travelling a ways further, once again my group was beset by Gibberling’s, I counted 10 of them. They were easily dispatched using the same strategy until suddenly I realized Jaheira was being attacked…but there wasn’t a Gibberling near her. She quaffed a Potion of Invisibility & thought she was safe but I heard a scream & I knew she’d been killed. It wasn’t until the battle was over, that it became clear she had been killed by darts…Montaron’s darts. I turned Montaron over to Khalid for justice & Khalid killed him w/little trouble other than Montaron’s moments Hidden in Shadow. Then I headed to Beregost to find a priest for Jaheira.
Upon arriving I made inquiries of a commoner who offered his help to us when we entered the town. I went straight to the temple, making clear to Xzar, that Montaron was remaining the dirt where we left him. I went to The Temple of the Morning to raise Jaheira & I did so. Then it was time to let her rest & heal so I led us to the Red Sheaf, one of the inn’s that the commoner had also suggested.
Key Event: Upon entering I encountered assassin #4 as attested by a bounty notice found on his body after the battle. This was a Dwarf w/a big battle axe. I went toe to toe w/him & took a heavy blow worthy of a quick PoH. On the other hand Imoen hit him once or twice as did Khalid at least once w/arrows from their bows. Jaheira, weakened as she was & in much need of rest & healing, nonetheless tried to get a spell off starting w/Sylvanus Mental Agility but I landed a hard blow followed by Xzar touching him w/Chill Touch I finishing him off & getting the kill.
Assassin #4. Who's next?
After a nights rest in the Red Sheaf I had us resupply, mostly sling stones & arrows nut also picked up a girdle & bracers for Khalid.
Treasure of Note: Chain Mail (Me)
Current Disposition: @ the Red Sheaf
Next Steps: Travel to Nashkel
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 10 - Average)
Gawain: Ftr/1; Stud Leather w/Med Shield, Bastard Sword** (SSS**) (Diseased Gibberling)
Imoen: Charming Rogue/1 w/Stud Leather, Short Bow & Short Sword & WoMM (Diseased Gibberling)(Thief Def)
Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/1 w/Stud Leather, Longbow**, Bastard Sword* (TWS***)(Ranger Ranged)
Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/1 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Club* (Druid Off/Def)
Xzar: Mage (Necromancer) w/Sling* (Karlat)(Wizard Berserk)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
The North Nashkel Road afforded me a chance to test my METL versus a small band of Hobgoblins that had made camp just off of the road. The five us mowed them down w/o a scratch & scarfed up their arms, armor & some gems as well as seven Bastard Swords, four of which I will keep. The markings on the Hobgoblins are those of the Flesh Render (Scarlet & Grey) Tribe. Moving on further south I came across my first Kobolds, six of them I think from some war band or another. These were armed w/short swords & I hacked & slashed while the others backed me up w/bows & slings. We picked up a few coins from their dead carcasses. Next it was onward into a duel w/six bandits, obviously just rogues w/short bows & long swords. I charged to try to get them to draw their swords & by the time I got there, Khalid has already sent one of them to a dirt nap. I started cutting them down while the others continued to send projectiles @ them. I saw Xzar cast a Scroll of Color Spray out of the corner of my eyes but I think it fizzled. Jaheira had already cast Armor of Faith as soon as the bandits came into view but she didn’t need it.
Key Event: Upon arriving in Nashkel all I wanted after the long trek through South Beregost & North Nashkel Roads was to find the inn & get some rest. The plan was going well but once again, for the sixth time I was attacked by a would-be assassin w/a bounty notice. She was a cleric & tried in vain to get off a spell while the rest of the party tried to disrupt her efforts. Imoen was magnificent w/her Wand of Magic Missiles, I think she broke up five spells mid-spell w/Magic Missiles. In between Imoen caught her in the sternum w/an arrow while Jaheira hit her in the face w/a sling stone. Then, I tore thru her shoulder and into her chest, killing her on the spot.
Assassin #5
Treasure of Note: Splint Mail & Helm of Infravision (Me)
Current Disposition: Resting @ the Nashkel Inn
Next Steps: To be determined
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 10 - Average)
Gawain: Ftr/1; Splint Mail w/Med Shield & Helm of Infravision, Bastard Sword** (SSS**) (Neira)
Imoen: Charming Rogue/1 w/Stud Leather, Short Bow & Short Sword & WoMM (Bandit)(Thief Def)
Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/1 w/Stud Leather, Longbow**, Bastard Sword* (TWS***)(Bandit)( (Ranger Ranged)
Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/1 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Club* IDiseased Gibberling)(Druid Off/Def)
Xzar: Mage (Necromancer) w/Sling* (Karlat)(Wizard Berserk)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
On the way back thru High Hedge, we killed a huge cave bear w/Imoen delivering the deciding blow!
The Innkeeper @ The Red Sheaf read the letter & knew Roe & Mirianne & pointed me to the house. I delivered the letter & she was grateful, even game me an enchanted ring. Another visit to Kelddath & I am now the owner of a ring that protects in battle & provides protection against wands, spells, poison & the like. We immediately left the temple & headed straight to Nashkel thru High Hedge w/o going back to Beregost.
On the way back, Imoen was trying to figure out Tarnesh’s Spellbook when she suddenly created a tome. It appears the tome will increase her thieving skills in picking locks & pockets. She is a smart one.
Key Event: Back in Nashkel I met a Barbarian on a quest to rescue ‘his charge’ from a Gnoll Stronghold to the west. This one has huge arms & said he was more than proficient w/a Two-Handed sword. Unfortunately that means I had to release Xzar, who has been effective as a Mage/Necromancer in addition to providing much needed support w/his sling. I have a sense that this Barbarian, Minsc, will be a great asset fighting side by side w/ me supported w/two Archers. Not sure who his charge is but he calls her, Glorious Dynahier. We shall see. We’re going to find her first.
Treasure of Note: Elven Spear of Entanglement (Kivan), Ring of Protection +1 (Me); Imoen’s Artifact (Imoen)
Current Disposition: In Nashkel resting @ the inn & resupplying @ the Nashkel Store
Next Steps: Westward to aid Minsc in finding his charge Dynahier
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 10 - Average)
Gawain: Ftr/1; Splint Mail w/Med Shield & Helm of Infravision, Bastard Sword** (SSS**) (Neira)
Minsc: Barbarian/1 w/Chain Main, Two-Handed Sword (Standard Attack)(none)
Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/1 w/Stud Leather, Longbow**, Bastard Sword* (TWS***)(Bandit)( (Ranger Ranged)
Kivan: Ranger (Archer)/1 w/Stud Leather, Longbow, Long Sword, Spear of Entanglement (Skeleton)(Ranger Ranged)
Imoen: Charming Rogue/1 w/Stud Leather, Short Bow & Short Sword & WoMM (Cave Bear)(Thief Def)
Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/1 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Club* IDiseased Gibberling)(Druid Off/Def)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Once we got to the Gnoll Stronghold where we blew thru two Ogrillons that gave up Potions of Hill Giant Strength & Cold Resistance & unidentified Bracers, which later turned up to be Bracers of Defense AC8. Then I led us thru a series of caves & trails below the stronghold. The place was full of Xvarts & a half dozen Gnolls & we collected gold, a few gems, short swords & three PoHs after we defeated them all.
Key Event: We had a real brawl in the Stronghold proper once we’d mopped up the guards & stragglers, both Gnoll & Xvart on the main level. On the top level, there were thirty, maybe forty Gnolls, Gnoll Veteran’s, Gnoll Elite, Gnoll Slashers & their Chieftain. We ran out of arrows & throwing daggers so it was gonna be toe to toe melee. Minsc & I were pretty roughed up, so I called for my Ranger/Archers to help up front. Kivan pulled out his Elven Spear of Entanglement while Khalid yanked out his dual-bastard swords. Jaheira waded in too, lord bless her, @ first w/a Shillelagh spell & then w/her club. Imoen wouldn’t be denied either & she wanted a piece of them & tried to slide in behind to back-stab but would end up fighting them hand to hand when they’d turn to face here. I note that Imoen always chose to sneak up on my opponent, that’s why I have such affection for her. We were a bloody mess, all of us, when we FINALLY finished them off. It was then that we were able to rescue Dynahier, a young Invoker from Rasheman from where Minsc also hails. I made a difficult choice to release Kivan but we parted amicably & agreed to hang around the FAI awhile in case I needed him again. As an Invoker, Dynahier has some powerful spells that are granted by her guild upon promotion within their school. She can only cast spells from other schools from a scroll but many of the best spells are Invocations so I should do well w/her as my mage.
Victory @ the Gnoll Stronghold
Treasure of Note: Bracers of Defense AC8 (Dynahier), ~400 gp in gems
Gawain Inventory as a Warrior
Current Disposition: resting, recuperating & resupplying in Nashkel
Next Steps: Now that I have my allies around me, I must keep my word to the mayor & look into the mines south of Nashkel
Level Up:
Imoen’s guild advanced her to Footpad & then Cutpurse (Thief/Charming Rogue//2 & 3). She put 50 points into F/R Traps
I’ve been promoted to Warrior (Fighter//2)
Jaheira’s deity, Silvanus, promoter her to Ovate (Druid/Priestess of Sylvanus//2) & was granted an additional level 1 spell
Minsc’s skills have improved & he is now a Barbarian//2
Khalid advanced to Strider (Ranger/Archer//2)
Dynahier advanced to Evoker (Mage/Invoker//2) shortly after she joined us & gained an additional 1st level spell
Current Party: (Reputation: 10 - Average)
Gawain: Ftr/2; Splint Mail w/Med Shield & Helm of Infravision, Bastard Sword** (SSS**) (Neira)
Minsc: Barbarian/2 w/Chain Main, Two-Handed Sword (Standard Attack)(Winter Wolf)
Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/2 w/Stud Leather, Longbow**, Bastard Sword* (TWS***)(Winter Wolf) (Ranger Ranged)
Imoen: Charming Rogue/3w/Stud Leather, Short Bow & Short Sword & WoMM (Cave Bear)(Thief Def)
Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/2 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Club* (Gnoll Veteran)(Druid Off/Def)
Dynahier: Mage (Invoker)/2 w/Bracers of Defense AC8 (Gnoll)(Wizard Defensive
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
I'll have to catch up, but will be following this thread. Good luck!
So I gave up & went back to a save before the battle & re fought it. This will be the only time I do this. If it happens again, I'll just remove her from the group & move on. When I did it above, Khalid didn't squawk.
Btw, been reading Sir Gawain & the Green Knight to learn more about his personality. Seems more Lawful & Good than the Neutral the AD&D Deities & Demigods had him as so I might move his alignment to Lawful @ some point, maybe even good. Even in the miniseries Camelot on STARZ he seemed at worst, Neutral Good.
I would be interested in the Deities & Demigods conceptualization of Tristan. Could you share some info on him? (I rolled him first as a Cavalier, but I've been thinking of using the Holy Liberator mod Paladin kit, or maybe a Fighter kit).
Another thing I would have to figure out is how to make screenshots, because on my current (new) laptop, shift+prt scr and ctrl+prt scr aren't working.
Inside the mines were infested w/Kobolds & we killed likely near a hundred of them. The first two levels were fairly tame & our fights were w/no more than four @ any time except just before we descended to the third floor down. The Nashkel soldiers or guards kept things pretty much under control on those top to floors.
There was more excitement on the third floor down as there were no guards. We found groups of a half-dozen or more, once where we were stepping all over traps trying to get to the little runts w/their short bows. We cleaned them up though & then rested in a cave after killing to Huge Spiders. After that we moved back toward the front to get into the tunnels on the right side which we’d missed @ first staying left @ every opportunity. There we must have killed 15 more Kobolds & we were tired & bloody. We rested @ the exit from the 3rd floor to the 2nd. Once we had healed & regained out spells we headed toward the exit from the 3rd to the 4th level down. We took a couple of bad whooping’s from undetected traps & w/both Minsc & I wounded, we rested again before descending & were not bothered by wandering monsters during our rest so down we went.
Key Event: We solved the mystery of the mines on the 4th level down. First we came under a barrage of arrows, some Arrows of Fire & Minsc collapsed. I got to the nasty runts & Khalid fired arrows too & they were dead in no time. W/Minsc down I decided to go in a cave there thinking that we had momentum that we might lose if we left now. Inside we were attacked by Kobolds which we dusted off easily enough before stumbling into a cave w/a Half-Orc Cleric. He summoned up more Kobolds & a dozen skeletons to help him. Khalid & I focused on him, as did Imoen. Initially Dynahier hit him back to back w/Magic Missile & Chromatic Orb Spells. Then Jaheira fired off a Entangle Spell & tangled up almost all the bad guys but it ended up getting Jaheira & Khalid also & led to their death…Minsc as well. I was tangled up too but could swing my sword & w/Mulahey having already takes some damage I killed him & then focused on mopping up the minions as he called them. Dynahier cast a Sleep Spell which put all the Kobolds on the ground so I went around hacking them to pieces before finishing a half-dozen skeletons that were left. When I raided Mulahey’s treasure chest, I found evidence against him & of a widening investigation.
After leaving the mines to raise our companions, it dawned on us that we better go back & double check Mulahey’s cave. We did & were able to carry more loot & recover some of our own. Returning to Nashkel, selling our second load of loot we headed to the inn where I was again attacked by an assassin. Having rested in Mulahey’s cave after the 2nd visit. If we’d met him initially I/we would have been in trouble in our weakened state. Instead we killed him w/o a scratch.
Treasure of Note: Tome of Understanding (Jaheira); Tome of Leadership & Influence (Me); Bracers of Archery (Khalid); Short Sword +1 (Imoen); Halberd +1 (sold)
Current Disposition: resting, recuperating & resupplying in Nashkel
Next Steps: Headed to Beregost to check on this Tranzig as written in Mulahay’s correspondence & to drop off the ore & vial of mysterious liquid
Level Up:
I’ve been promoted to Swordsman (Fighter//3) & added a 3rd notch to my Bastard Sword to w/2 in Sword Shield Style
Current Party: (Reputation: 12 - Average)
Gawain: Ftr/3; Splint Mail w/Med Shield & Helm of Infravision, Bastard Sword*** (SSS**) (Neira)
Minsc: Barbarian/2 w/Chain Main, Two-Handed Sword***/THWS* (Spellcaster Defend)(Greywolf)
Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/2 w/Stud Leather w/Bracers/Archery, Longbow**, B/Sword* (TWS***)(W/Wolf) (Ranger Ranged)
Imoen: Charming Rogue/3w/Stud Leather, Short Bow*, Dagger* & Short Sword +1 & WoMM (Cave Bear)(Thief Def)
Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/2 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Club* (Gnoll Veteran)(Druid Off/Def)
Dynahier: Mage (Invoker)/2 w/Bracers of Defense AC8, Sling, (War Dog)(Wizard Defensive
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Here's Tristram.
When we finally got to Feldepost’s Inn, I had Imoen verify w/the innkeeper where Tranzig was. Sure enough he was right @ the top of the stairs in the room on the left. We walked in, spread out & questioned him. He immediately defaulted to threats, which I was unwilling to entertain. So we blasted him until he begged for mercy & spilled his guts. Unfortunately, I felt concerned about letting him escape & notify this Tazok character we are on his trail. I had him killed. Even, begrudgingly, Jaheira agreed it was the proper course.
After the visit w/Thalantyr I took the ore to Taerom @ the Thunderhammer who was interested in trying to find a way to counteract it but warned that it probably wouldn’t do anything to slow the iron crisis. He directed us to Thalantyr to see if he could do anything w/the Vials of Mysterious Liquid. Thalantyr said he’d study it & let Taerom know if he had any success.
Key Event: I made a grave error in separating from the group to destroy some skeleton’s w/darts w/o making sure all were together. I was wrong & while I was working thru the six skeletons, the rest of my loyal followers were tangling w/an angry Cave Bear. By the time my companions returned to me, both Minsc & Jaheira had been killed by the bear. I took Khalid, Imoen & Dynahier w/me & we killed him in retribution. We collected their equipment & headed straight to the Temple of the Morning. Kelddath raised them for 800gp & then I decided to buy a Raise Dead Scroll & two Cure Critical Wounds Scrolls to give as tools for Jaheira.
Back in town, I dumped the last of the loot we’d gathered in near High Hedge Manor. We talked to a Bard that had just been standing around ever since we’d been coming thru. He offered us a job protecting his mistress which sounded good until it became obvious she was scheming to kill three innocent men. When she learned we weren't going to help her, she grew angry & attacked. Khalid & I each scored solid hits on her, Khalid w/his Longbow & I w/my Bastard Sword. With aid from above I landed the killing blow ensuring that she will not do that again to someone else. She might have been trouble if she’d gotten off a spell but every time she started incanting a spell we landed a blow & blew her spell.
Treasure of Note: Boots of Grounding (Me); two unidentified potions but I’m sure one is Invulnerability & the other a Potion of Defense
Current Disposition: Taking care of business in Beregost
Next Steps: Set up a base of operations @ the FAI as we begin to orient northeast
Level Up:
Minsc has improved to Fighter/Barbarian//3 & added a ** to THWS to go w/*** in 2HS
Imoen’s received word from her Thief’s Guild that can now call herself a Robber (Thief/Charming Rogue//4.
She improved to 95% F/Traps
Dynahier also heard from her Invokers Guild & was given the title Conjurer (Mage/Invoker//3) & received her
2nd Level Invoker Spells (The name titles are ancient tradition & don’t change the fact that she’s an
INVOKER, though her title is Conjurer)
Jaheira’s patron deity, Silvanus, The Forest Father infused her w/the power of an Initiate of the First Circle
(Druid/Priestess of Silvanus//3) & she was granted three 2nd Level Spells
Current Party: (Reputation: 12 - Average)
Gawain: Ftr/3; Splint Mail w/Med Shield & Helm of Infravision W/Boots of Grounding, Bastard Sword*** (SSS**)
Minsc: Barbarian/3 w/Chain Main, Two-Handed Sword***/THWS** (Spellcaster Defend)(Greywolf)
Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/2 w/Stud Leather w/Bracers/Archery, Longbow**, B/Sword* (TWS***)(W/Wolf) (Ranger
Imoen: Charming Rogue/4 w/Stud Leather, Short Bow*, Dagger* & Short Sword +1* & WoMM (Cave Bear)(Thief
Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/3 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Club* (Gnoll Veteran)(Druid Off/Def)
Dynahier: Mage (Invoker)/3 w/Bracers of Defense AC8, Sling, (War Dog)(Wizard Defensive
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
@ Larswood I worked back & forth, north to south to flush out anything before me. We encountered three Worgs, maybe 30 Gibberling’s, two Dire Wolves & two wolves with The Battle of Larswood in between.
Key Event: The Battle of Larswood occurred as we were travelling east to west & suddenly ran into a small group of bandits led by a fighter wearing Splint Mail. I tried to stop us so we could set up an ambush but we’d been detected so I charged the first bandit I saw. After the battle, I counted seven bandits & their leader. I don’t think they landed a blow but I did note both Dynahier & Jaheira laying into them w/spells among them Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, & Bless. The arrows were flying freely & making their mark. Part way through the battle Dynahier cast a Scroll of Sleep & put the remaining bandits to sleep. I directed Minsc to cut them down & saved the leader for myself but Dynahier killed him w/one of those spells she was slinging. The good feeling of victory passed quickly as two Dire Wolves charged us. Minsc & I moved up front to take the attack, the others setting up in a ‘V’ to provide ranged support. Minsc took a bite but we killed them easily enough & I touched him with a Cure Light Wounds. Continuing to push my way north, we cut down six more Gibberling’s, four more bandits & two more wolves.
I had a confrontation w/two druids. It was strange b/c the first came up & accusing us of being murderers & attacked w/out a word from us. The first guy was pretty tough but I realized another druid was beating on the first. We killed the first w/o him getting off a spell but when we talked to our ‘ally druid’ it became clear he wanted the first druid killed. He became angry & started trying to cast spells under the name of Malar, a deity I know as a deity of lycanthrope. He was a little tougher but luckily Jaheira had cast a Charm Person or Mammal on one of two Cave Bears that had joined the 2nd druid. The charmed bear defeated the other bear & then attacked the evil druid. Jaheira then sent him away. As I recall it was clear from there & the errand accomplished. I headed to Beregost b/c I’d forgotten to meet the person who’d hailed me from the Jovial Juggler. Turned out to be a good idea b/c I got 600gp for the bandit scalps I had acquired courtesy of an officer from the Flaming Fist who is cut off from Baldur’s Gate & needing my help in thinning out the bandits so she can communicate w/her superiors.
Treasure of Note: Splint Mail (Minsc); Scimitar +1 (Jaheira – she’s planning to train w/it like Imoen did
w/the Short Sword +1 she found ealier)
Current Disposition: At the FAI preparing to head to Peldvale.
Next Steps: Travel to Peldvale & use the same strategy as I did in Larswood.
Level Up:
Khalid has advanced to Scout (Ranger/Archer//3) & increased his Longbow skills to ***
Current Party: (Reputation: 12 - Average)
Gawain: Ftr/3; Splint Mail w/Med Shield & Helm of Infravision, Bastard Sword*** (SSS**) (Silke)
Minsc: Barbarian/3 w/Splint Mail, Two-Handed Sword***/THWS** (Spellcaster Defend)(Greywolf)
Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/3 w/Stud Leather w/Bracers/Archery, Longbow***, B/Sword* (TWS***)(W/Wolf)
(Ranger Ranged)
Imoen: Charming Rogue/4 w/Stud Leather, Short Bow*, Dagger* & Short Sword +1* & WoMM (Cave Bear)
(Thief Def)
Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/3 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Club*, Scimitar +1 (Gnoll Veteran)(Druid Off/Def)
Dynahier: Mage (Invoker)/3 w/Bracers of Defense AC8, Sling*, (Teven)(Wizard Defensive
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Thanks for sharing the info I asked you about. I shall have to read up on Tristan (Tristram), maybe the old tale of Tristan and Iseult itself. And I'll also have to figure out how to save screenshots in Windows 8 because as I said the printscreen button doesn't do the trick anymore.
Hope it helps. Would love to have another Arthurion Hero in this thread. CT
I headed back to Peldvale wanting to keep the pressure on & keep pushing north. As soon as we’d detoured Beregost, we went to the FAI, dumped some baggage, rested, & left for Peldvale. I moved us due south & east to clear a swath straight across & then west, like I did @ Larswood, sweeping north. We killed 12 Gibberling’s & three Giant Spiders doing so. I ordered a rest after that & were attacked six bandits finally whooping them to get got some rest.
After a few hours rest we came across three Black Talon Elite (BTE). I know about BTE & we needed to gain space & time so I pulled us back, Imoen taking an Arrow of Ice. They didn’t pursue. Imoen used her Charming Rogue Innate Invisibility to scout them out & determine there were three of them & pinpoint them. Jaheira moved behind some trees & cast Entangle in the general area & then Dynahier did the same thing w/Stinking Cloud which left them tangled & unconscious. Then I ordered my bows & slings to pick them off. Great teamwork! I’m getting better @ directing combined spellcasting attacks, while Imoen gets better @ calling on her several innate Charming Rogue abilities. From there we ran into three more Giant Spiders & had a heck of time w/them. Minsc & I combined needed three Elixir’s of Health, an Antidote, Dynahier’s innate Slow Poison ability & a Potion of Healing before we killed them. Pressing on to avoid reinforcements of BTE/bandits we instead ran into three (BTE), this time w/o the spells we used to be the first three. I had an unidentified Potion of Heroism & another of Hill Giant Strength but I knew what they were so I quaffed the former, Minsc the latter. The others moved into range & we killed them.
We ran out of steam & supplies, after battling three more (BTE) & Eight Hobgoblins. The Hobgoblins (I think were Chill). Peldvale is heavily guarded by BTE & Chill & I think I am close to Tazok. I found three more BTE & decided it was time to withdraw to the FAI before finishing Peldvale – we’ve completely cleared ~90% already so one or two skirmishes & we should be finished there.
Key Event: The northern 10% of Peldvale was more difficult than the southern 90%. BTE were everywhere, their Arrows of Ice are brutal. I ran into three Giant Spiders as I had moving into the area of Peldvale we’d not cleared already. When we formed to attack the spiders we were flanked by a BTE A-Team so we fled so as not to battle BTE & Giant Spiders @ the same time. As we were in retrograde, using Scrolls of Grease Spells to slow our pursuers we ran into a second BTE A-Team as I was trying to flank the first group si I called off the attack. I moved us south & west & find a place to rest. After a few hours, the heavens were shining on us the next AM when Imoen went out to scout & found that the first A-Team of BTE had been relieved by six bandits. We killed them & I had Imoen search the area where we’d seen the BTE north of us a few hours before & but could only find a BTE A-Team south of us. Imoen, invisible, scouted out where the three were & Jaheira dropped a Spell of Entanglement on them; Dynahier a Stinking Cloud. We went for the usual tactic, to pick them off while they were unconscious but two of them woke so we only took out one. Imoen was tangling w/one hitting him w/a Magic Missile but he ran her down & killed her w/his last Arrow of Ice. We took down the second but not before he blasted Dynahier w/a killing Arrow of Ice. I had to go to both FAI & Beregost to raise them, needing to sell all we acquired & 21 bandit scalps too. Unfortunately, we sold Imoen’s short bow & somehow left her Short Sword +1 in Peldvale. I expect it’s gone now.
Treasure of Note: 20+ Arrows of Ice (Khalid); 9 Sets of Splint Mail for Minsc & I (in case our sets were made w/tainted ore)
Current Disposition: I gave the group the night off to relax @ the FAI
Next Steps: North to the Bandit Camp
Level Up:
I’ve been selected for & promoted to Hero (Fighter/4)
Jaheira’s now an Initiate of the Second Circle (Druid/Priestess of Silvanus//4) & was granted one each of 1st & 2nd lvl druid spells
Minsc has improved to Fighter/Barbarian//4
Current Party: (Reputation: 12 - Average)
Gawain: Ftr/4; Splint Mail w/Med Shield & Helm of Infravision, Bastard Sword*** (SSS**) (Silke)
Minsc: Barbarian/4 w/Splint Mail, Two-Handed Sword***/THWS** (Spellcaster Defend)(Greywolf)
Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/3 w/Stud Leather w/Bracers/Archery, Longbow***, B/Sword* (TWS***)(W/Wolf) (Ranger Ranged)
Imoen: Charming Rogue/4 w/Stud Leather, Short Bow*, Dagger* & Short Sword* (Cave Bear)(Thief Def)
Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/4 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Club*, Scimitar +1 (Gnoll Veteran)(Druid Off/Def)
Dynahier: Mage (Invoker)/3 w/Bracers of Defense AC8, Sling*, (Teven)(Wizard Defensive
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Key Event: I expected on return that the bandits would have reconstituted but clearly we’d hurt them & they’d been unable to. It was obvious where the leaders’ tent was located as it was much larger than the others & there were chests, boxes & had been the locale where we’d encountered the first swarm of bandits. There was no sound so I was able to move up to the doorway & deploy my companions. I even had time to cast spells unmolested. Even so, I suspected the leaders would have long sense vanished, so I thought the effort overly cautious. Khalid & Imoen were placed in positions to be able to fire on enemies coming out the door, Jaheira & Dynahier off to either side & Minsc outside the door. Jaheira Blessed us all & protected herself w/Barkskin & Armor of faith; Dynahier w/Shield, & Imoen w/her innate Invisibility & Reflected Image. Once my companions were set, I assaulted thru the door & saw an archer of some type directly in front of me, a Gnoll to his left & a mage to his right. I tried to land a blow on the archer but was unable to & heard the wizard incanting so I withdrew through the door followed by the archer & the Gnoll. We converged on them w/spell & steel & killed the two of them relatively easily but the archer hurt Minsc & then when I ordered Minsc to w/draw he was hit again & perished. I waited only a moment before I realized the best course was to keep up the pressure so I charged back in to locate the mage & draw him out. By now he’d been joined by a Chill Hobgoblin & they pursued me outside where we cut them down in combat. Amongst the treasure were two parchments pointing me to the Cloakwood next, as did a rogue that was a prisoner in the tent. Quickly I got us out of there to the FAI, raised Minsc & headed for Thalantyr to purchase a Potion of Perception to help Imoen open the many locked chests in the Bandit Camp that were unable to before heading to the Cloakwood to hunt down Gorion’s murderer.
Treasure of Note: Full Plate Armor & Large Shield +1 (Me); Boots of Avoidance (Minsc); Many scrolls (Dynahier)
Current Disposition: Resting & recuperating & the FAI
Next Steps: Continue the trail into the Cloakwoods
Level Up:
Dynahier’s guild sent a rider to meet her & inform her that she’s now a Theurgist (Mage/Invoker//4). They granted her one
each 1st & 2nd level Invoker spells
Khalid advanced to Scout (Ranger/Archer//4)
Imoen Imoen’s received word from her Thief’s Guild that can now call herself a Burglar (Thief/Charming Rogue//5. She
improved to 100% Find/Remove Traps & 60% Open Locks
Current Party: (Reputation: 13 – Popular – defeated bandits & aided Officer Vai)
Gawain: Ftr/4; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1 w/Boots of Grounding, Bastard Sword*** (SSS**) (Taugasz Khosann)
Minsc: Barbarian/4 w/Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Two-Handed Sword***/THWS** (Spellcaster Defend)
Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/4 w/Stud Leather w/Bracers/Archery, Longbow***, B/Sword* (TWS***)(Raemon) (Ranger
Imoen: Charming Rogue/5 w/Stud Leather, Short Bow*, Dagger* & Short Sword* (Britik)(Thief Def)
Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/4 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Club*, Scimitar +1 (Gnoll Veteran)(Druid Off/Def)
Dynahier: Mage (Invoker)/4 w/Bracers of Defense AC8, Sling*, (Teven)(Wizard Defensive
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
I was in such a hurry to get after my mission that I neglected to go back to the Bandit Camp & get whatever might be in those various chests & boxes we couldn't open before. So, instead it was off to the Cloakwood, even though I’d taken us to High Hedge Manor to purchase a Potion of Perception. In High edge we destroyed another two Cave Bears & half dozen skeletons. Then @ Cloakwood we defeated two Dread Wolves, nine Huge Spiders, three Worgs, two wolves & nine Tasloi.
Key Event: A meeting w/a man, Aldeth Sashenstar, from Baldur’s Gate provided a secondary mission on behalf of a druid familiar & friendly to Jaheira, Seniyad. Aldeth was there w/some friends @ a hunting lodge they’ve apparently used for years. For whatever reason, this year Seniyad took exception to their being there. Both accused the other of murder & Seniyad was there to kill the man which I couldn’t see as just & tried to find another solution. Seniyad took hostile exception to that until Jaheira intervened & he recognized her. Seniyad agreed to back of his threat to kill the man if we would help him to rescue a couple of his druids, Maretha & Beador, from some far more sinister druids he & Jaheira referred to as Shadow Druids. I might have helped anyway but w/Jaheira’s urging my decision was w/o question. So I agreed. Aldeth gave me a potion I know to be a Potion of Heroism & invited me to visit him @ the Merchant League in Baldur’s Gate if I’m in that city.
Treasure of Note: Cloak of Non-Detection (Imoen); Pearl Necklace (sold)
Current Disposition: After gathering the remaining loot from the Bandit Camp, resting, resupplying, recuperating @ the FAI
Next Steps: Travel deeper in the Cloakwood & assist Seniyad in rescuing his druids while continuing to seek Gorion’s murderer
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 13 – Popular – defeated bandits & aided Officer Vai)
Gawain: Ftr/4; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1 w/Boots of Grounding, Bastard Sword*** (SSS**) (Osmadi)
Minsc: Barbarian/4 w/Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Two-Handed Sword***/THWS** (Spellcaster Defend)
Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/4 w/Stud Leather w/Bracers/Archery, Longbow***, B/Sword* (TWS***)(W/Wolf)
(Ranger Ranged)
Imoen: Charming Rogue/5 w/Stud Leather & Cloak of Non-Detection, Short Bow*, Dagger* & Short Sword*
(Huge Spider)(Thief Def)
Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/4 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Club*, Scimitar +1 (Gnoll Veteran)(Druid Off/Def)
Dynahier: Mage (Invoker)/4 w/Bracers of Defense AC8, Sling*, (Teven)(Wizard Defensive
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Meanwhile, congrats on your progress. I like your use of Khalid as a Ranger. Might steal that idea sometime.
Key Event: …we found ‘The Nest’ of the Cloakwood Nest. As I did @ the Bandit Camp before we entered the obvious main tent, here I had my spellcasters prep for our entry into what I expected to be a cave full of spiders. So Jaheira Blessed us & cast Armor of Faith on herself; Dynahier cast a protection scroll on herself but I can’t remember which one & everyone is asleep now so I can’t ask; Imoen used her innate Charming Rogue abilities of Invisibility & Reflected Image on herself. The plan was to enter &, if possible, Dynahier was to cast a Fireball from a scroll while Minsc & I kept any attacking spiders back while Imoen, Jaheira & Khalid used arrows/stones to effect until Dynahier got the spell off. She did get the spell off but we were not well organized & Minsc took a tough shot from a Sword Spider. We backed out of the nest to draw the spiders out & did we ever. Before we got out the door many were waiting for us. Both Khalid & Jaheira were caught between the door & spiders w/an Ettercap standing in the door to prevent going back in. Khalid fell there but Jaheira eventually got out bleeding profusely but alive. Minsc was getting hammered by a sword spider, et al, but he finally backed off & reached Dynahier who was standing back & she was able to give him her Antidote as he’d already used his & his PoH. Imoen helped me & eventually she was joined by Jaheira while Minsc waded back in, also badly injured, w/Dynahier providing support from her sling. One by one we knocked our enemies out until, in the end we killed two sword spiders, an Ettercap & three or four Giant Spiders.
We were beat up pretty good, so I returned us to FAI where we could rest & identify some enchanted items before returning to mop up our business in Cloakwood nest. We actually had to travel to High Hedge to identify a ring we were sure was a ring of protection…but it was a Ring of Folly. Following that it was back to FAI for a night & back to Cloakwood where we defeated
eight Ettercaps & nine Huge Spiders before we could call it a day.
Treasure of Note: Spiders Bane (Minsc), Bracers of Defense AC8 (sold), Fire Opal Ring (sold), Ring of Folly (sold)
Current Disposition: Resting, recuperating, resupplying @ the FAI
Next Steps: Heading still deeper into the Cloakwood to save the druids if possible & chase down & take revenge on Gorion’s murderer
Level Up:
Jaheira’s deity, Silvanus, granted her the power of an Initiate of the Third Circle (Druid/Priestess of
Silvanus//5) & one new 2nd Level Spell & two 3rd Level Spells
I’ve been selected for & promoted to Swashbuckler (Fighter/5)
Minsc, also, has improved his skills to become a Fighter/Barbarian//5
Current Party: (Reputation: 13 – Popular)
Gawain: Ftr/5; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1 w/Boots of Grounding, Bastard Sword*** (SSS**) (Taugasz
Minsc: Barbarian/5 w/Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Two-Handed Sword***/THWS** (Spellcaster Defend)
(Sword Spider)
Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/4 w/Stud Leather w/Bracers/Archery, Longbow***, B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword
Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue)/5 w/Stud Leather & Cloak of Non-Detection, Short Bow*, Dagger* & Short
Sword* (Huge Spider)(Thief Def)
Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/5 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Club*, Scimitar +1 (Gnoll Veteran)(Druid Off/Def)
Dynahier: Mage (Invoker)/4 w/Bracers of Defense AC8, Sling*, (Phase Spider)(Wizard Defensive)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Key Event: Travelling deeper into the area controlled by the Cloakwood Druids, we stumbled on two Vampiric Wolves. My first reaction was that w/only Minsc’s Spider’s Bane & Khalid’s Arrows of Ice (which I wasn’t sure would hurt them), that it was best to leave this fight for later but then I decided to let Dynahier cast a Sleep Spell from a scroll & Jaheira cast her newest spell Hold Animal. The latter took effect & we were able to beat them to death w/Imoen’s & Dynahier’s Magic Missile’s, Minsc’s Spiders Bane & Khalid’s Arrows of Ice & Jaheira cast Flame Blade & aided in finishing them off. A dangerous decision to fight but one masterfully executed by my worthy companions w/o assistance from me. As we finished a rider from Dynahier’s guild showed up from nowhere, as they do, & informed Dynahier that her guildmaster was granting her more authority w/i the guild hierarchy.
After that, it was hard not to get cocky & not work our way thru methodically like we’ve come to do in our adventures in an attempt to avoid surprises like traps & ambushes. We took care of an ornery Black Bear, three Shadow Druids (including their Arch-Druid). The druids were of no trouble @ all, even the Arch-Druid. I mean, he called himself ‘Archdruid’ (& Jaheira seemed to agree) but all my readings indicate an Archdruid should be 13th level & they certainly should put up more of a fight than Amarande did. Very disappointing & no challenge whatsoever. After that we finished off a couple of wolves & then headed back to the FAI where we met three Ettercaps & two Wyverns. Jaheira was killed by Minsc in the latter as he lost control under the effects of Barbarian Rage. He two encounters provided sufficient training to bring promotions for Imoen & Khalid to increase their level of proficiency.
Treasure of Note: The Root of the Problem (Jaheira)
Current Disposition: At the FAI resting and resupplying
Next Steps: Deeper part of the Cloakwood where there are supposed to be Wyvern’s, this its name, Cloakwood Wyverns
Level Up:
Dynahier’s guild sent a rider to meet her & inform her that she’s now a Thaumaturgist (Mage/Invoker//5) & can
now cast one additional 1st & two new 3rd level spells
Imoen also received a courier, to inform her guildmaster is pleased w/her continued improvement & has
selected her to be a Filcher (Thief/Charming Rogue//6)
Khalid continues to improve his Ranger skills & is now a Tracker (Ranger/Archer//5)
Current Party: (Reputation: 13 – Popular)
Gawain: Ftr/5; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1 w/Boots of Grounding, Bastard Sword*** (SSS**) (Taugasz Khosann))
Minsc: Barbarian/5 w/Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Two-Handed Sword***/THWS** (Spellcaster Defend)(Sword Spider)
Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/5 w/Stud Leather w/Bracers/Archery, Longbow***, B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword Spider) (Ranger
Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue)/6 w/Stud Leather & Cloak of Non-Detection, Short Bow*, Dagger* & Short Sword* (Huge
Spider)(Thief Def)
Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/5 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, The Root of the Problem*, Scimitar +1 (Gnoll Veteran)(Druid Off/Def)
Dynahier: Mage (Invoker)/5 w/Bracers of Defense AC8, Sling*, (Phase Spider)(Wizard Defensive)
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Key Event: Then we found a huge cave. As my SOP is to prepare before entering an area that is obviously a great place for a monster to build a lair, we did so. But before we did that, I assessed that we needed to rest as we had some injuries from our earlier fights, so we stood down for eight hours near the entrance so that we could watch anything coming in or out. Then Blessed by Jaheira who’d added Barkskin on herself, Dynahier protected herself w/Shield & Imoen w/Reflected Image. I’m glad I require these measures b/c inside the cave were two huge Wyverns & three baby Wyverns. Without Minsc the front line was all mine & I am reminded how true a comrade he is when he isn’t there battling @ my side. My spellcasters & ranged warriors were magnificent. I took some hard hits we defeated all of them. W/enough treasure to Raise Minsc I had us head back.
On return, I had us mop up our work around the Cloakwood Wyverns Cave. We defeated three Huge Spiders, three Giant Spiders, 12 Tasloi & a Hamadryad before we found & saved Beador in the nick of time as six Shadow druids assassinate him. Twice, once against the Hamadryad & once against these Shadow Druids, Dynahier’s new Wand of Lightning served very well. In this battle against the Druids it was the first shot fired, followed by one of Imoen’s innate Magic Missiles & Jaheira’s Summon Insects. We had to work to beat these guys. Afterward Beador told us we needed to rush back to the treehouse find Maretha.
So we headed to the tree-house & found two druids, one named Andarthe. I sent Minsc, Jaheira & Dynahier around the far side of the tree while Khalid, Imoen & I went around the other. As soon as we were detected, one of them summoned two Dread Wolves that added confusion to the battle. Imoen & Khalid pelted the unnamed druid w/arrows while Minsc got tied up w/a pack of Wild Dogs. (I don’t know where they came from). Dynahier twice blasted Andarthe w/her Wand of Lightning & I think it hit the other druid the second time, killing him. Jaheira cast Hold Animal & Charm Person or Mammal but neither took effect. Once the unnamed druid was down, Khalid & Imoen drew their swords & finished one of the Dread Wolves that had been nipping their heels. I was battling Andarthe & he suddenly surrendered & surprisingly Jaheira was amenable but gave him a tongue lashing. It was the only chivalrous course of action to accept his surrender in that situation anyway but I understand from Seniyad that he took care of justice afterword. Minsc finished his work w/the Wild Dogs w/Dynahier & Jaheira backing him w/slings. We returned to Seniyad at Jaheira’s request
Treasure of Note: Wand of Lightning (Dynahier); Club, Eye of the Storm (Jaheira); Leather Armor +1 (Khalid)
Current Disposition: Resting, selling loot, recuperating @ the FAI
Next Steps: I expect to find the Base in the Cloakwood referred to in the letter we acquired @ the Bandit Camp soon
Level Up:
• Silvanus made Jaheira an Initiate of the fourth Circle (Druid/Priestess of Silvanus//6) & granted her a 3rd 3rd Level Spell
• I humbly accept a promotion to Guardian (Fighter/6) & I’ve improved to Bastard Sword****
Current Party: (Reputation: 14 – Popular: Saved Maretha & Beador for Seniyad)
• Gawain: Ftr/6; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1 w/Boots of Grounding, Bastard Sword**** (SSS**) (Taugasz
• Minsc: Barbarian/5 w/Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Two-Handed Sword***/THWS** (Spellcaster
Defend)(Sword Spider)
• Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/5 w/Leather +1 w/Bracers/Archery, Longbow***, B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword
Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
• Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue)/6 w/Stud Leather & Cloak of Non-Detection, Short Bow*, Dagger* &
Short Sword* (Shadow Druid)(Thief Def)
• Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/6 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Eye of the Storm*, Scimitar +1 (Britik)(Druid
• Dynahier: Mage (Invoker)/5 w/Bracers of Defense AC8, Sling*, Wand of Lightning (Phase Spider)(Wizard
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
When I got there I walked right out to where there was a bridge leading into the fort. I elected to have our party conduct a reconnaissance in force to make sure I was aware of any danger in the woods round the fort & to get as close a look @ the fort as possible. As we moved around north of the fort we fell into battle w/three BTE, An officer or sergeant & three guards. We defeated them in a long melee but, once again, lost Minsc & on return to the FAI we were unable to raise him w/o parting w/Jaheira’s Scimitar +1 or Dynahier’s Scroll of Protection against Normal Missiles. I reluctantly decided to wait until we had acquired enough gold to raise him w/o disposing on key items we all rely on.
Back near the deepest part of the Cloakwood I allowed Khalid, to cross the bridge & scout as much as he could. He returned to inform me that there were two knights & two apparent mages across the bridge in a courtyard near a building. I elected to finish our reconnaissance & fought & defeated six guards, six wolves & 12 Tasloi before having completely reconnoitered the fort & the woods nearby.
Key Event: After a needed rest, I decided to cross the bridge @ this point & verify that the knights & mages were still there. Sure enough they we so I asked Dynahier to cast her memorized Fireball just out of their visual range. Unfortunately, she was spotted but, in a show of courage, she stood & released the Fireball before one of the knights got to her & safely retreated to our position on the far side of the bridge. I know now that her Fireball killed one of the mages. Jaheira had already cast Barkskin on herself & Imoen Invisibility on herself. As one of the knights charged across the bridge, Jaheira Blessed us all & I stepped out of ahead of our ‘V’ formation to battle him. He was tough but my companions assisted me in his defeat. Next Dynahier crept back across the bridge b/c there was no movement. Once again she stopped @ the edge of the far side of the bridge but this time she cast a Stinking Cloud from memory. We followed & had to battle the remaining knight after he woke before our ranged weapons had finished him. We defeated him and the last mage, who only woke momentarily. Turns out that these were four more assassins hired by someone named Rielter.
I then had us recon the immediate area and found a barracks where we killed two guards & let a third go who had surrendered but provided useful info before we let him go. Next we found a storehouse, killed another guard & then found the main entrance to what I now know to be a mine. There we killed two more guards before collecting all the Splint Mail, Long Swords & other less valuable treasure, both inside the fort & some from a night battle w/guards listed above. That we couldn’t carry we put in a chest on the ground floor of the barracks to come back for later. Then I returned us to the FAI & sold that necessary to pay for a Raise Dead spell from Gellana to bring Minsc back to us.
Treasure of Note: Mage Robes of Cold Resistance (sold); Knave’s Robe (Imoen?); Morning Star +1 (sold)
Current Disposition: Spread out resting @ the FAI after selling/buying, raising Minsc
Next Steps: Back to the Mines to explore the mines
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 14 – Popular)
• Gawain: Ftr/6; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1 w/Boots of Grounding, Bastard Sword**** (SSS**) (Taugasz
• Minsc: Barbarian/5 w/Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Spiders Bane***/THWS** (Spellcaster Defend)
(Sword Spider)
• Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/5 w/Leather +1 w/Bracers/Archery, Longbow***, B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword
Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
• Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue)/6 w/Stud Leather & Cloak of Non-Detection, Short Bow*, Dagger* &
Short Sword* (Shadow Druid)(Thief Def)
• Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/6 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Eye of the Storm*, Scimitar +1 (Britik)(Druid
• Dynahier: Mage (Invoker)/5 w/Bracers of Defense AC8, Sling*, Wand of Lightning (Phase Spider)(Wizard
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Key Event: …locating a row of cell blocks where we found Rill & gave him 100 gold to help free the slaves. Then we spoke w/a Dwarf, Yeslick, who offered to join us b/c his clan had once called the mine home. Maybe I should have taken him b/c just moments later I was in the toughest fight I’ve fought to date. In the end, I estimate that we killed a mage, one or two BTE & at least six guards. I didn’t take as close an inventory after this battle b/c it was just me & Jaheira left standing. I let us get tangled up in the cells & back hall & there were so many of them, some even circling around behind us. t was just hard getting out w/the two of us. The crazy mage fired a Lightning Bolt down the hall killing Dynahier & one of her own guards. It all got so desperate that I don’t know much else but that we won. Jaheira & gathered our companion’s equipment & returned to Gellana.
Aftermath of Battle in the Cloakwood Mines
The third floor was full of Chill Hobgoblins & guards w/their Splint Mail & Long Swords. By the time we fought three Chill Elite Hobgoblins & five guards in the entrance chamber &, I estimate, 20 total Chill Hobgoblins in their barracks’, three guards, sergeants I guess, in the private rooms, we were spent & needed rest. In trying to do so, we were attacked by ten more guards that we defeated but w/difficulty. I had to insist from then on, that resting in here, we’d take off no more than our helms, girdles & bracers b/c to avoid getting caught flat footed. We still had battles waiting w/a mage & a Chill Hobgoblin, a filthy Ogre Mage & at least 15 more Chill Hobgoblins in various room or in the hall. We defeated all of them & elected to rest @ the door leading to the next lower level rather than leave & allow them to reinforce w/more Chill Hobgoblins & Guards in the complex.
The fourth floor turned out to be anti-climactic really. A lone guard challenged us & we defeated him when we entered the level. After unlocking & raiding a chest, Imoen suddenly found trap after trap, which w/her skill she quickly disarmed only to come face to face w/Davaeorn, the master of this mine. He only lasted as long as he did b/c he continued teleporting around but we stayed on him. Like the other mage earlier he fired off a Lightning Bolt in here & one ricochet killed Dynahier. Both Dynahier & Imoen used Magic Missile on Davaeorn & Khalid broke through his defenses w/his Longbow. Jaheira cast Summon Insects & Animal Summoning I & then added in her sling. Minsc slew him eventually & we made a huge haul of magic items, scrolls & gold before returning to the FAI. On the way back, we were attacked & defeated three Giant Spiders which allowed Khalid a promotion as a Ranger/Archer.
Treasure of Note: Purse = 7086 gold pieces; Bracers of Defense AC6 x2 (Imoen, Dynahier); Girdle of Bluntness & Ring of Fire Resistance (Me); Quarter Staff +1 (sold) as well as were Dynahier’s, now useless Bracers of Defense AC8
Current Disposition: Back @ the FAI, where we sold plenty of loot, including magic items & then rested before we head to Baldur's Gate.
Next Steps: Everything points to Baldur’s Gate so that is where I am leading us next.
Level Up:
• Silvanus granted Jaheira the power of an Initiate of the Fifth Circle (Druid/Priestess of Silvanus//7) & a 4th
Level Spell
• Khalid skills as a Ranger/Archer are now those of a Guide (Level 6) & he improved to **** w/his Longbow
Current Party: (Reputation: 16 (+2) Popular - saved slaves from Cloakwood Mines)
• Gawain: Ftr/6; Full Plate w/Large Shield +1 w/Boots of Grounding & Girdle of Bluntness, Bastard Sword****
(SSS**) (Taugasz Khosann))
• Minsc: Barbarian/5 w/Splint Mai w/Boots of Avoidance, Spiders Bane***/THWS** (Spellcaster Defend)
• Khalid: Ranger (Archer)/6 w/Leather +1 w/Bracers/Archery, Longbow****, B/Sword* (TWS***)( Sword
Spider) (Ranger Ranged)
• Imoen: Thief (Charming Rogue)/6 w/Bracers of Defense AC6 & Cloak of Non-Detection, Short Bow*,
Dagger* & Short Sword* (Shadow Druid)(Thief Def)
• Jaheira: Priestess of Sylvanus/7 w/Stud Leather, Sling*, Eye of the Storm*, Scimitar +1 (Britik)(Druid
• Dynahier: Mage (Invoker)/5 w/Bracers of Defense AC6, Sling*, Wand of Lightning (Phase Spider)(Wizard
Mods Used: HardTimes-v2; BG1UB_v12; bg1npc-v20; X0black101 (Blackguard); MegaModKits v1.01L; level1npcs-v1.9; bg2_tweaks-v14; Randomizer-v68; scs-v21 (- Tactical Challenges)
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)