Hardest Enemy?
Can we have a thread on who thinks the hardest enemy in the game is, im curious because i want a challenge for my party. So drop your opinions for hardest enemy in BG1EE Thanks you(:
He would probably be a toss up with Saverok in the last fight, because Saverok has some pretty badass buddies, but then there is a lot of stuff that can hit Saverok & Co...a little bit.
That having been said, it all kinda depends on the level of your party when you go into certain encounters. If you go through the Nashkel Mines as fast as you can, and recover from the beating that Mulahey will probably give an early arriving low level party, then go out the back tunnel...well, The Amazon Assassins are probably going to slaughter you. Certainly if you stumble upon the Red Wizard's ritual site, or God forbid, try to go into Durlag's Tower as soon as you can find those areas, you are going to be reloading.
On the other hand, if you've got 120,000 XP and Lvl 7-9 on 6 party members, you'll go through most of that stuff I mentioned like a luge in the ice chute. Well, not Durlag's Tower, but it is intended as end game stuff.
Two of my favorite mid-to-late game challenges are Degrodel's House in NW BG, and the 'retired' mage Daer'Ragh in Nashkel. Degrodel has nasty minions that rip the heck out of your party once just to see if you are worthy to take his contract, then you get a fairly easy quest, and then...but that would be telling. With Daer'Ragh, part of the challenge is just FINDING the guy. Then you have to get his little friends to die 'just right' in order to reap the big reward...without dying yourself, of course. Hint: You're out in the open - use it!
Warning! If you trip either one of these encounters too soon, before your party has buffs and options, you will reload. Tip: Your return trip to cash in after the Nashkel Mines is still Too Soon.
Sarevok is pretty hard though, especially if you don't have a good strategy to beat him.
lets try that!
For as tough as they are, I hate it that their treasure sucks. You have to count on collecting from the old man, and from any cooperating warrior they knock off, and from bystanders caught in the fires. Even then, if the one loaded bystander is not a collateral casualty, the payoff, even in XP is not worth the risk and struggle.
Drasus uses Berserker Rage with SCS which makes him an unstoppable monster truck and he has two mages who can cast level 5 spells. If Chaos hits half your party you might as well reload.
The Iron Throne fight starts you in an absolutely horrible position where your entire party get instantly nailed by a Chaos and Unholy Blight and has two assassins that will always target your mages and thieves and try to two-shot them. Oh and one of them has a Wand of Heavens which he will use to incinerate your party members with low health.
It is tough for two reasons.
1) You need to cross it when you are still pretty low level.
2) You need a +1 weapon just to hit it... Whilst it is possible to have found certain +1 items by then... A considerable portion of your party will be without any magic weapon, let alone ranged magic items.
On one run, I was forced to make Imoen shoot down Khalid, who was running away in terror carrying my only +1 magic weapon... A dagger from Fuller... Imoen managed to pick it up to pass it to Montaron, who then died, before Xzar managed to cast both of his Larlochs, before giving his death cry of never loving Montaron as the Wolf devoured him. Jaheria, never managed to even curse her weapon for being useless and died a few seconds later. Good ol' Imoen had by then picked up the dagger, and somehow managed to kill the creature...
Unfortunately she died when she re-encountered some of the spawns I had thrown up in my hasty retreat to the bottom of the map.
However, her death allowed me to leave the scene quickly...
Kahrk might be a challenge as well, depending on your level/equipment.
Honestly I think it's the hardest battle in the whole trilogy, not just bg1. See, in bg2 you just have so many more options and levels. Every enemy has a weakness that can be exploited.
Kangaxx: sun soul monks abilities
Mellisan: spike traps
Dragons:time stop+shapechange, and when all else fails you can level up so much more than you really need. With a full party I don't hit 30 even with rouges by the end of the game, and spellcasters get to 25, *maybe*, but you can always grind for XP if it gets hard.
In bg1 you can't do that. Not only do you actually hit the cap, but even if you remove it you've pretty much accumulated all the XP.
Karoug is sensible to web and fire damage, a quick way to take that doggy dog down on the carpet.
But Sarevok wont let it go so easely, make me think he is the hardiest one!
Ain't nothin' in BG that comes even close to her pouty face in terms of challenge rating.