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Hardest Enemy?

Can we have a thread on who thinks the hardest enemy in the game is, im curious because i want a challenge for my party. So drop your opinions for hardest enemy in BG1EE Thanks you(:


  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Karoug is probably the worst if you are soloing, since he regenerates fast and is hard to injure; solo Clerics are pretty much screwed against him, but can handle anything else, though many tough fights are tedius.

    Sarevok is pretty hard though, especially if you don't have a good strategy to beat him.
  • SomnamSomnam Member Posts: 18
    The Dwarven Doom Guards also pose quite a challenge. They seem to have both pretty decent AC and thAC0. They are to be found further down in Durlag's Labyrinth. I never confronted them with a "finished" and fully developed party though.

    lets try that!
  • OneAngryMushroomOneAngryMushroom Member Posts: 564
    The Pheonix Guards have always been a tough fight, especially the one with the arrows of detonation. At least the game has the decency to warn you about that though.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084

    The Pheonix Guards have always been a tough fight, especially the one with the arrows of detonation. At least the game has the decency to warn you about that though.

    They are less annoying if you have a level 5 cleric or druid in your party who can cast Resist Fire/Cold and Protection from Fire to make someone completely immune to fire.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    edited September 2014
    Trigger them, kill the old man (or at least severely wound him) with a burst of ranged fire (not necessarily in that order), RUN AWAY, and take them one at a time as they show up. Let the local heros help as they will. That way you can be sure of taking them on at max range before you are in death flare radius.

    For as tough as they are, I hate it that their treasure sucks. You have to count on collecting from the old man, and from any cooperating warrior they knock off, and from bystanders caught in the fires. Even then, if the one loaded bystander is not a collateral casualty, the payoff, even in XP is not worth the risk and struggle.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited September 2014
    Sarevok's acolytes in the Iron Throne and Drasus's party at the mines drive me insane.

    Drasus uses Berserker Rage with SCS which makes him an unstoppable monster truck and he has two mages who can cast level 5 spells. If Chaos hits half your party you might as well reload.

    The Iron Throne fight starts you in an absolutely horrible position where your entire party get instantly nailed by a Chaos and Unholy Blight and has two assassins that will always target your mages and thieves and try to two-shot them. Oh and one of them has a Wand of Heavens which he will use to incinerate your party members with low health.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084

    Drasus uses Berserker Rage with SCS which makes him an unstoppable monster truck and he has two mages who can cast level 5 spells. If Chaos hits half your party you might as well reload.

    How about turning invisible and charming Drasus with Algernon's Cloak before he goes berserk? Or how about making him go berserk then turning invisible and waiting for him to become winded?
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    If you charm a potential berserker, and then make him berserk, will he break the charm effect?? I assume so.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    There's one enemy I can think of from the original, non-enhanced, Baldur's Gate Tales of the Sword Coast. Load the Mission Pack save and go to the Duchal Palace. There, you shall see something that you will never see in the enhanced edition...
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    I'll probably say Karoug. Not because I find him difficult but because of how many times people ask about beating him.

    Kahrk might be a challenge as well, depending on your level/equipment.
  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    Karoug because its easy to missunderstand how to fight him and because if your unlucky/careless he can be incredibly difficult
  • SirBaldurSirBaldur Member Posts: 80
    Kahrk killed me innumerable times. I think i had to use some combo cheese of invisibility + backstabs + waiting around for his protections to fizzle to finally get him. Everything else in that area I handled pretty without too much fuss, so i don't think i was too early, but that guy seemed unstoppable. I should have just come back later, but really didn't want to take the detour.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    edited September 2014
    Hands down Aec'letec, with koureg coming in close second.
    Honestly I think it's the hardest battle in the whole trilogy, not just bg1. See, in bg2 you just have so many more options and levels. Every enemy has a weakness that can be exploited.
    Kangaxx: sun soul monks abilities
    Mellisan: spike traps
    Dragons:time stop+shapechange, and when all else fails you can level up so much more than you really need. With a full party I don't hit 30 even with rouges by the end of the game, and spellcasters get to 25, *maybe*, but you can always grind for XP if it gets hard.
    In bg1 you can't do that. Not only do you actually hit the cap, but even if you remove it you've pretty much accumulated all the XP.
    Post edited by meagloth on
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Its easy to stumble on Karhk too early. He's a bit nuts for a ~3rd lvl party that just cleared the mines.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Borda is another tough fight
  • simplessimples Member Posts: 540
    prat and his friends. that one archer guy does like 15 damage per hit and the other dude poisons you with his darts. also, the pathfinding makes it difficult to actually even get near them, let alone kill them
  • 1234512345 Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2014
    Most of the human party (mercenaries, assassin, Sarevok puppet, etc) can be easily handed with a combination of ''web+free'' or ''immunity to fire+fireball''. Thoses strategies are possible quite soon in the game. Combine thoses strategies with ''greater malison'' for high level party and its effective!!

    Karoug is sensible to web and fire damage, a quick way to take that doggy dog down on the carpet.

    But Sarevok wont let it go so easely, make me think he is the hardiest one!

    Post edited by 12345 on
  • simplessimples Member Posts: 540
    also the party you meet in the undercity with the arrows of detonation
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    Back when I played the original BG without expansion Saervok was without question the hardest enemy I faced. No enemy required as much reloading as the big armored fiend himself.
  • 1234512345 Member Posts: 27
    Have you try Shandalar? In the old BG it was possible to intoxicate him with deadcloud
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    he doesn't qualify as an enemy because you have to force attack him
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    The original Sarevok was pretty cheese resistant, unless you bought a wand of summons or ran several clerics for animate dead. A swarm slowed him down nicely so you can use him as a pin cushion!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    12345 said:

    Have you try Shandalar? In the old BG it was possible to intoxicate him with deadcloud

    Shandalar can indeed seem to be tough to kill (or should I say tough to kill before he leaves) if you attack him honestly but the thing is that he's neutral. So you can calmly come to him and use the wand of paralyzation till he fails his saving throw :) As soon as he's stunned, he's done.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    simples said:

    prat and his friends. that one archer guy does like 15 damage per hit and the other dude poisons you with his darts. also, the pathfinding makes it difficult to actually even get near them, let alone kill them

    Firing one charge immediately from each fire wand you have accumulated up to that part makes Prat's party MUCH easier. Well, OK, much smaller too.

  • VfleetVfleet Member Posts: 15
    edited October 2014
    I found Aec'letec difficult because i had absolutely no idea how to get that curse lifted, tried remove curse to no affect maybe it was bugged at the time. Karoug for me was just a bit of trial and error and because they give you a weapon that can kill him, my pally with -12 AC just went apesh*t on him. Oh and i killed sarevok before his wizards even got one spell off :(.
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