It seems Beamdog has quitted on the idea of NWN:EE for now

It seems to be a known fact Trent Oster has a habit of acquiring domains just in case
For e.g., see
For some period of time, Trent was an owner of and domains. It was probably due to the fact Trent had led the development of Neverwinter Nights in the past.
In an interview at the very start of Beamdog, he said: "I loved Neverwinter Nights, devoting seven years of my life to development on it and the expansions". (
But these two domains have recently gone through the redemption period (that occurs when a domain name is deleted after having expired unrenewed) and now are in the pending delete phase (when no one is allowed to renew the domain and it cannot be yet registered because its still not returned to the public domain pool, after this period the domain name will be back into the public pool of available domain names enabling fresh registration).
The fact that Trent hasn't renewed the and domains means that at least right now the idea of Neverwinter Nights HD is abandoned.
This opinion is confirmed by this link.
For e.g., see
For some period of time, Trent was an owner of and domains. It was probably due to the fact Trent had led the development of Neverwinter Nights in the past.
In an interview at the very start of Beamdog, he said: "I loved Neverwinter Nights, devoting seven years of my life to development on it and the expansions". (
But these two domains have recently gone through the redemption period (that occurs when a domain name is deleted after having expired unrenewed) and now are in the pending delete phase (when no one is allowed to renew the domain and it cannot be yet registered because its still not returned to the public domain pool, after this period the domain name will be back into the public pool of available domain names enabling fresh registration).
The fact that Trent hasn't renewed the and domains means that at least right now the idea of Neverwinter Nights HD is abandoned.
This opinion is confirmed by this link.
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
This discussion has been closed.
No! Nononono!
Man this sucks! I'm gonna be an old man before they ever make a NWN:EE!
dear Mr. Oster,
NWN EE is the thing the world needs. The youth need this game, they dont need soulless dragon age stupiditys and other fancy but uninspiring work... they want (maybe they dont know that they want it but I KNOW) a NWN EE. It´s more important then human rights, who cares anyway? So NWN EE must be done and you are our only hope...chrkkkk Obi Trent... you are our only hope...chrrkkkk!!!
and i need the NWN Enhanced Edition for shadow maps without using work arounds that very complicated!
Also, if you fixed some art from nwn, it'd probably stick out like a booth babe does at cons.
Shame, I'd love to play NWN on a tablet, but at this rate I'd be better waiting for windows tablets to become affordable.
just look at some recent creatures or tilesets. Well, lighting and shadows are still "terrible" to work with at times but what we have done is something we can be proud of. Sure thing! And no one should forget that NWN´s editor is the most unique and easy to work with toolset (+ all the knowledge we have now in every aspect of maxing it out) in gaming history. You can create anything with it. Even schools or universitys could work with it if the editor would be treated as what it realy is. A master piece like half life was as a game!
I do not mean to say I do not want an enhanced version of NWN, quite the opposite. Unlike Baldur's Gate, what made NWN a remarkable game was not the built in module/adventure. It was the release of the toolset (plus a stand alone program to create a server for a module) and the 3rd edition D&D rules.
Truth be told, if an enhanced version of NWN appears in the market, many people will want compatibility with prior modules and hakpaks of NWN out of the box and that can be troublesome. But if a games appears without the NWN name but includes a superior toolset and an option to convert (most) resources to the new (enhanced) format, nobody would complain.
As for the ruleset, there is already a game (Knight of the Chalice) which uses the D&D 3.5 ruleset without having signed a contract with hasbro/WotC. Why? Because D&D 3rd edition (3.0 and 3.5) has the Open Gaming Licence (OGL) which opens the door for such use, you cant use some terms (like neverwinter) but most of the ruleset is fair game. There is even the OSRIC ruleset for 1st edition AD&D rules (for those nostalgic for the original NWN). There is even an OGL for Pathfinder (aka D&D 3.75). So it would be feasible to convert/upgrade the gameworld neutral modules done for NWN by bioware and include them as adventure modules done with the upgraded toolset. As an added bonus, the hardcoding in the original NWN was probably a requirement from WotC (to thwart the possibility that another ruleset could be adapted to use in NWN) so now the ruleset could be softcoded (in xml or whatever beamdog programmers choose).
If down the line the neverwinter IP becomes available again, it could be released as an add-on which would include the modules, plus material not included in the OGL (some monsters, deities, etc.). Beamdog owners could wait, but imo if they start TODAY from scratch (which is the best method to create better code in the long run) to create an upgraded toolset they will finish in several years, so it would be better if they started now so that we can see an upgraded toolset asap. Remember that if cryptic continues to be succesful with NWN online, then might never release said intellectual property.
As an added bonus, there would be a possibility that another game company might get interested in releasing modules with the new toolset.
TxSurfer: Any hope for NWN:EE? I still play it to this day and I havent found a multiplayer experience like it since, the human DM aspect adds so much and has never properly been redone, I play with a group of 8 people on the weekends and our characters have been there since 2002. Aurora toolset was great.
Trent: We've talked to the fine fellows at the Wizards of the Coast about such a thing. The sheer number of people involved in the contractual side of all things Neverwinter is mind-boggling. As such, we are not making much in the way of progress. It currently sits in my "waiting on external approval" pile. We did some work with the Aurora Engine a couple years ago, as a possible platform for a new project, but it died when we could no longer acquire a license to the engine.
Noldofinwe: Any chance for a Neverwinter Nights Enhanced edition? I love that game to death!
Trent: We've talked with Wizards about it. At the moment the issues around the Neverwinter property ownership are quite thick.
I will wait for return of the king.
First, in the known podcast Oster names as possible future project not only IWD2EE or PSTEE but also NWN.
And now he says "if we did anything with NWN"
I'd say there's a chance (of Beamdog working on NWN next after the Adventure Y)
Apparently, there was an attempt from Beamdog to get a permission to work on NWN, in Spring, 2015. covers it.
But it turned out the code still was the property of BioWare. Although Trent left the door a little bit open for the future.