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lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
I'm Chief Inspector Sltrrr Zltrrr C'k L'k from the IRNOIC (Inter Realms Noteworthy Outfits Illegal Cases) Agency, and this is my office.
I come here to arrest a local myconid named @lolien for the misuse and illegal wearing of the Red Hat (Registered trademark belonging to Santa Claus, medieval priest and winterfather, alias Jack Frost), and investigate this case thoroughly.

The furthersome persons will be rewarded!


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  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    @Anduin: Dura Lex, Sed Lex. :)
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited December 2014
    Dear Mr. Metalloman, thank You for Your advice!
    I count on the help of the local law enforcement forces in the future too, I promise You that i will refer from the collaborative work in the proper leadership circles.

    I see that three new name emerged on the matter: Flashburn, Anduin and this another myconid, OneAngryMushroom. Excellent work, keep it up!
    I'm trying to get started the investigation as soon as possible into the list of persons, and to take the necessary measures.

    Unfortunately, I have to work with limited resources (for now at least), so i wait for the dedicated volunteers with all eagerness!
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    Although I have no quarrel with lawful authorities carrying out their appointed tasks I must question under what authority you arrest these people. Has anyone here previously heard of this IRNOIC organization? And, while I am rarely one to judge beings on appearance alone, you have a distinct hint of the infernal about you. Step carefully, lest we unleash the burning stare of hamsters upon you!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774

    @Anduin: Dura Lex, Sed Lex. :)

    De minimis non curat lex
    lolien said:

    I come here to arrest a local myconid named @lolien for the misuse and illegal wearing of the Red Hat

    I won't let you leave with @lolien‌ , not when I'm so close to unlocking his myconid power.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    edited December 2014
    It not surprised me, that You didn't hear about IRNOIC, Mr. Sword, because it's a SECRET agency, You Know.
    But i show some of my portfolio willingly:




    And i have some experience with Santa hats too:
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    I know nothing of this "power unlocking" as it sounds a bit questionable, yet I still stand with bengoshi in opposing your taking of these people!

    Well, stand may not be the most exact term. Float menancingly, is more accurate. Thank heavens for the flight enchantment I picked up recently. You have no idea how hard it is to find the right paladin to carry me around, and how often the silly fools (er.. I mean, brave champions) end up dying. Now I'm free to carry out my righteous causes without... but I digress.

    Short version, keep your mitts off our fungus!
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975

    I shall wear my hat in protest of this horrid trampling of myconid rights. The right to wear silly hats has been central to our culture for centuries

    @OneAngryMushroom: Yo dawg, I heard U like hats, so I put a hat on your hat so U can wear hats while U wear hats.


    bengoshi said:

    I won't let you leave with @lolien‌ , not when I'm so close to unlocking his myconid power.

    Contra legem facit qui id facit quod lex prohibet


    Lex specialis derogat generali

    This is a out of the ordinary case: we can't oppose law, but we can make sure that the accusations this IRNOIC office advances toward lolien are founded or not, and then assure him a right judgement process: if innocent we'll make sure he'll be released.

    You could be his lawyer, ben, what do you think?

    Also we need to discover if this No Red Hats law is real and if it is valid in this forum too.

    In the end, I have to add, extradition is not allowed in this forum, so if a process is needed, you'll have to do it here, Inspector.

  • old_jolly2old_jolly2 Member Posts: 453
    I learned a new word today. Extradition. What is the verb form of it ? Extradite ? Can anyone use it in a sentence , probably adding lolien in it ? It may help me understand :)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
    edited December 2014
    @lolien‌ 's advocate is here today, partly by the invitation of my client and partly by my own inclination.

    A day ago Chief Inspector Sltrrr Zltrrr C'k L'k spoke here on the subject of the @lolien‌ 's guilt in the misuse and illegal wearing of the Red Hat.

    I've read the report and intend to contradict which I now take the opportunity of doing.

    If it prove to be true, that @lolien‌ is quitly, then Chief Inspector can make his arrest.

    But in all this, it is very plain Sltrrr Zltrrr C'k L'k evades the only question we all can ask: "Where's the evidence?"

    It appears extraordinary that Chief Inspector should make such a statement without any evidence but still.

    I believe, as much as everyone else here, (perhaps more) in obedience to, and respect for the right procedure of this case.

    Witnesses of lolien's last activity concerning the use of the Red Hat should come here and tell their story.
  • old_jolly2old_jolly2 Member Posts: 453
    bengoshi said:

    @lolien‌ 's advocate is here today, partly by the invitation of my client and partly by my own inclination.

    A day ago Chief Inspector Sltrrr Zltrrr C'k L'k spoke here on the subject of the @lolien‌ 's guilt in the misuse and illegal wearing of the Red Hat.

    I've read the report and intend to contradict which I now take the opportunity of doing.

    If it prove to be true, that @lolien‌ is quitly, then Chief Inspector can make his arrest.

    But in all this, it is very plain Sltrrr Zltrrr C'k L'k evades the only question we all can ask: "Where's the evidence?"

    It appears extraordinary that Chief Inspector should make such a statement without any evidence but still.

    I believe, as much as everyone else here, (perhaps more) in obedience to, and respect for the right procedure of this case.

    Witnesses of lolien's last activity concerning the use of the Red Hat should come here and tell their story.

    @lolien is quitly yeah definitely. There are 1283912893 BG players that could have done the same if they had their hands on that hat.

    Well I want to hail out as a witness. Elminster was acting kinda "wtf" at the moment , so that red hat is probably a Chinese fake-out , so we can all chill.

    I think we need a few reindeer here to conclude the missing plot. Or some delusionals under mushrooms. WAIT! Wow. What a plot twist. You think we couldn't figure that out ? You see , I think it happened this way :

    Santa was on shrooms. And he saw @lolien. Then , I travelled to China with his reindeers and picked up a red hat. Gave it to @lolien. Santa said "why?". @lolien said "you need to feel happy sometimes , too." Hmm...
    I need evidences with my theory here.
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    @old_jolly2: extradition: handing [somebody] over for trial in another country.
  • old_jolly2old_jolly2 Member Posts: 453

    @old_jolly2: extradition: handing [somebody] over for trial in another country.

    that's what she said. I mean the dictionary. I need some good examples. Have @bengoshi take @lolien to Antarctica. Sydney gonna beat us all anway in New Year , so probably Santa is still there.
  • old_jolly2old_jolly2 Member Posts: 453
    *hands @lolien some snickers , leaning head over*

    Have these while you wait for the court hearing. Should keep the cold at bay.
  • old_jolly2old_jolly2 Member Posts: 453
    *shakes his knees , puffing in hands*

    Well this court gonna be majestic. If the decision they put would be any other than "EVERYBODY HUG EACH OTHER!!!" , we're gonna die freezing...
  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    you guys might freeze but I brought a belt of antipode
  • old_jolly2old_jolly2 Member Posts: 453
    wubble said:

    you guys might freeze but I brought a belt of antipode

    @lolien's gonna be fine too with that presumably fake wool hat. Insanity is like gravity really. All we needed was for @lolien to push a little. And here we are. THANKS OBAMA!
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    @old_jolly2 Oh, I thought I was clear! Okay, here's a brief and rough explanation (@bengoshi: correct me if I'm wrong): When somebody commits a crime in a country (let's say country A) and then flees to another country B to escape judgement by the laws of A (as national laws applies only inside the nation itself), extradition allows the above mentioned country A to apply its own laws to that somebody fled in the country B.

    This is possible only when country B considers extradition valid and applicable inside its territory, otherwise the above mentioned somebody is "immune" to country A laws while inside country B territory and jurisdiction.

    If country B considers extradition as valid in its own penal code, then that somebody can be judged by country A laws either in country B territory by a court from country A or can be extradited - country B allows country A to return that somebody in its own territory to be judged by a court.
  • old_jolly2old_jolly2 Member Posts: 453

    @old_jolly2 Oh, I thought I was clear! Okay, here's a brief and rough explanation (@bengoshi: correct me if I'm wrong): When somebody commits a crime in a country (let's say country A) and then flees to another country B to escape judgement by the laws of A (as national laws applies only inside the nation itself), extradition allows the above mentioned country A to apply its own laws to that somebody fled in the country B.

    This is possible only when country B considers extradition valid and applicable inside its territory, otherwise the above mentioned somebody is "immune" to country A laws while inside country B territory and jurisdiction.

    If country B considers extradition as valid in its own penal code, then that somebody can be judged by country A laws either in country B territory by a court from country A or can be extradited - country B allows country A to return that somebody in its own territory to be judged by a court.

    Well I will thank you , but only for the effort. I thought I was clear too , that I what I did was a joke there. We're unto this issue right now. You will be disturbed no further. I will be probably banned , or I will delete my own account.
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    @old_jolly2‌: I shamelessly admit that more than often I have a hard time understanding your jokes, but it could be just me. ;)

    Anyway: enough off-topic! @lolien, @bengoshi, @Anduin‌, @OneAngryMushroom‌, @kcwise‌, @wubble‌, @Shandyr‌ and everyone else willing to participate: shall we roleplay this thread? (like we were doing until some posts ago?) :D
  • old_jolly2old_jolly2 Member Posts: 453
    If you can't reach them then probably the court has started. And they'll come out hugging each other , just wait and see.
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    Hey! I really hope this will not be a closed-doors trial! I wanted to spectate! :(
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