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Adventure X (Glangnam Style)

lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
edited December 2014 in Challenges and Playthroughs
I didn't try out Black Pits so far, what is a shame. So i thought, that i jump in the fray, and have some fun!

I will role-play this, but just for a low extent. I imparted some of my character ideas, which weren't come true another way, than in the Pits of the Black.

The characters:
Glolien Grolio, halfling shadowdancer

This halfling girl is part of BeamDog next project, the Adventure Y, so her biography is secret at the moment. The fact, that Baeloth can summon her in the Pits represent the drow wizard's power all too well.

Jim Raynor, human fighter
He represents Baeloth magical might too: he was summoned in the Pits from a totally different universe!

Alveus Malcanter, human first level mage
Yes. Baeloth can summon persons from video shows too! Do the universe explode if the longest living first level mage levels up? Hope we won't find out!

Marthur Malcanter, human cleric
His summon in the Pits is an accident. To summon Alveus Malcanter Baeloth needed a unique variation of a powerful spell, and such magic is always unpredictable. How can Uncle Marthur keep himself sober enough for the fights in the Pits, and still drink enough not to get mad: the fact that he know this shows his attractive wisdom!
Post edited by lolien on


  • wubblewubble Member Posts: 3,156
    But is it worth the risk?

    The resultant singularity caused by @AlveusMalcanter‌ leveling up would rip apart reality as we know it. not even @elminster would survive...
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    This should be fun! *goes looking for candy machine in the Black Pits lobby*
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Ohh my God! I've laughed so much that the whole office turned to me to look what's happened...

    I knew he had a brother, Marthur, I knew it!
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    New story, and goodies. Christmas rocks!
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    After the Necromancer came some Ogre with an Ogre mage. And the time of my first reload. After that i was less careful with the battles, and i can't call this even as a minimal-reload game. Sorry, no-reload funs out there : )

    So the ogre mage was handled with a silence spell from Marthur, part of the ogres get feared from a wand from Alveus, then Jim and the party routed slowly the ogre's forces.

    Jim sacrificed himself in the process, but the ogre kept hitting his corpse.

    After the silence spell run out Alveus blinded the Ogre mage, preventing it from being a further threat.

    After this i tried the option and fight a previous battle again. I chose the Necromancer with the skeletons, because that was the easiest for the party. As it turned out it was easier, than i expected, because the skeletons dies instantly as the combat starts. (I think this is a bug.) So i farmed some xp and gold with the repeated killing of this Necromancer.

    And with this Alveus can have a fully charged wand of fear:

    "wands, i just love them!"
    In the cages there was a talktive beholder:

    The first hint gave me not too much help.

    Also one of the other prisoner gave me a note:

    I don't know who you are unknown illusionist, but hey! Happy birthday, if you read this!

    Then came the ending Tier 1 battle with the adventurer party from the cages. Marthur and Alveus disabled the enemy spellcasters (and most of the other members too) with silence, fear and hold person, and after that the battle was a cakewalk.

    And so i became famous in the pits, and it seemed that Baeloth didn't like this:


    Alveus: - I think, that five funeral ceremony will be enough, Uncle.
    Marthur: - Nonsense! I reserved this dwarven ritual to our little pretty lady!
    Jim: - She's a halfling Marthur, not a dwarf, this even i can pick out!
    Marthur: - Are you sure, man from the space? Anyway, a shorty is a shorty.
    Glolien: - Thanks Uncle Marthur, it's very kind of you! You really know many culture! I never would thought however, that there's so much drinking in the various funeral rituals!
    Marthur: - Alcoholic beverages play divine roles in the faith of every thinking folk, my dear.
    The party can learn some further insights from the life of the fungus man:

    Did i say how i like this wonderful expansion?

    The first Tier 2 battle have some bugs also : )

    After i learned from the first battle's defeat, i bought two boots of speed for Alveus and Glolien, and memorized sleep spell with Alveus and command spells with Marthur Malcanter. The sleep spell worked well on the Rabid Ankhegs, and the command spell kicked out automatically one bug for one turn. First i tried the burn out strategy on the bugs: with Marthur's fire protective spells i granted 100 % fire immunity for him and Jim, they fought with the critters, while Glolien and Alveus used they fire wand and ring of energy. The tactic worked, but it was quite rescourse consuming.

    After that i started farming Rabid Ankhegs, and with pumping up (or i should rather say down) the frontliners AC with two full plate mail, and strenghten them with my war-priest's pre-buffs i brought the party's bug killing ability to perfection.

    The wand of fire went to the end of it's charges, so i sold it back to the illithid. The beholder prisoner gave me the information from an owerwhelming horde, so i wanted to by back the firewand before continuing the battles. It was more than bug-hunt, the party really earned the exterminator title ; )
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    For the overwhelming horde i prepared some explosive potions, i add them to my melee-ers (Jim and Marthur) I didn't know what kind of creature would be the horde, but i guessed, that fire will come handy. And i didn't guess wrong:

    The minor arachnids and it's leader burned in the starting explosion, the two remaining (injured) spider was not a threat to the party, even with some of them was held:

    Meantime the cages was filled up with fresh adventurers:

    The beholder next tip:

    Undeads. I hoped, that fire will work with them too : ) However, the difficulty of the next battle were not the undeads, but the traps, what the thieves prepared for my party. First the thieves finished my party, i activated some damaging, and a stinking cloud trap. I learned from my first attempt's failure, switched to missile weapons with Jim, Marthur casted spells, and my second try went without problem.

    Best way to avoid traps: don't move!

    The words of my advisor promised nothing good:

    I count on a nasty battle:

    And sadly, i was right.An ogre mage, quasits, wraiths, golems and slimes. On my first try Alveus was flatted by a flesh golem. 4 hp is slim, when a meatmountin wrap you:

    Next try went better, and i could eliminate the portals in time (and there were no flesh golems this time):

    Here i must mention, that Black Pits opponents have the nice ability, to target your weaker party members with good efficiency, what the vanilla AI lacked. Not an SCS, of course, but nice. Nevertheless, there are bugs, like enemy spellcasters targeting the corpse of a dead party member, or under 1 hp damaged character don't die intantly, what makes the fights easier.

    It seemed, that the next battle would be an enemy adventuring party again:

    The beholder words were very mysterious, but i thoght, that it confirms the battle with the caged party:

    And i was right:

    Baeloth had high expectation for the thayan party, what they didn't match:

    For some reason the victory of my party infuriated Baeloth:

    And with this the Tier 2 battles ended.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    Glolien made the new prisoner's aquintance:

    It seemed, that the final Tier 3 battle would be a fire giant. But there was some other battles first. The beholder's shady words made me think that trolls will come next, and my bet became correct.

    With the trolls came some extra slimes just for the fun. Yeah, slimes are mighty foes, am i right @Kamigoroshi‌?
    But fire with a good hammer is enough 99% of the time.

    Next the floating orb mentioned enchanted weapons, so i feared that golems will come. And they came. I thought that i farm some more and buy the gargoyles boot for tanking them, but then i rather bought the belt that increase AC against crushing and a fire giant strenght potion.
    Sorry, i lost some screenshots.

    Jim needed some healing, but he do the job perfectly.

    Winter was about to come.
    My tip was that it would bring some winter wolf, polar bear or frost salamander with it. A white dragon would be great too, but even a drow wizard has their limits ;)

    So the wizard presented us some lizards, but without wonderful white wings:
    Fortunatelly Uncle Marthur's cold protection buffs combined with some brewery from the wonderful Concocter and the wand of fire in hands of Alveus did the battle an easy one for us. Baeloth was suspicious about the effectiveness of the party, but he didn't made any real retorsion. It seemed that the party won the adience's favor, and Baeloth didn't dare to get rid with his favourite pet gladiators outside the arena.

    Hogarl, the caged fire giant was in bad mood, when the party arrived back from the battle.

    According the words of the slave beholder it was highly probable, that Hogarl would have the opportunity to channel his angry emotions by the next battle in the pits on the party.
    I buffed the party, prepared them with protection against fire, and even bought the gargoyles boots for Jim and Marthur this time.

    Hogarl was angry, and he brought his burning buddies with him.

    The fire giant taught some respect for my party, knocking out almost every member.
    But the greatest first level mage, who ever lived happened to be an unbeatable opponent even for him:

    Alveus: - Wands! I just love them!

    After this came the final battle with Baeloth himself. From the conversations before the fight i assumed, that Baeloth would bring the traitorous duergar and the rakshasa with himself, but i had wait for a chance to battle with his pet beholder in the pit first.
    Sadly that chance never came.

    Before the final battle i buffed up as hell, i bought some scroll and a lot of potion for the battle. As @typo_tilly‌ would say, Jim and Marthur peed myconid body-fluid after this buffing.

    The battle with Baeloth turned to be an easy one finally, Jim was a killing machine with this preparation. He killed the rakshasa and the duergar first, while Glolien dispelled Baeloth's illusions with her detecting ability, allowing the rest of the party to interrupt the drow in his spell casting. The battle was disappointedly short and easy.
    Sorry, lost screenshots this time too.

    In the end, i amused myself and Alveus with suffocate the duergar clan in gas:
    but i had gotten bored before the charges of the cloudkill wand depleted.

    I enjoyed this ride a lot!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Congratulations! It was a lot of fun to follow.

    Eat that, Baeloth, the so called "one of the most powerful wizards". The most badass level-1 mage has beaten you : )

    The screenshots where only Alveus stays alive are excellent!
  • kcwisekcwise Member Posts: 2,287
    And the crowd goes wild!

    So, on to Black Pits II now? Pretty please? : )
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