Neera Banters for BGEE

The Neera Banters - Version 0.9.1
Do you wish Neera would interact more with her companions in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition? Then this mod is for you! The Neera Banters mod adds banters between Neera and other joinable NPCs available in BGEE. There is at least one banter with every* joinable NPC _(ok, not quite **every** - there is one exception, for narrative reasons)_.
The mod also adds interjections in various dialogues. Currently, only a handful of interjections are added, but more are planned.
On successful extraction, there should be an neerabanters folder and a setup-neerabanters.exe file in your game folder. To install, simply double-click setup-neerabanters.exe and follow the instructions on screen.
Run setup-neerabanters.exe in your game folder to reinstall, uninstall or otherwise change components.
Mac OS X
If properly extracted, you should have a neerabanters folder, setup-neerabanters, and setup-neerabanters.command in your game's main directory folder. To install, simply double-click setup-bneerabanters.command and follow the instructions on screen.
If you have installation problems or encounter any bugs, please leave a message in this forum discussion.
Changes in version 0.9.1 (2017-11-07)
* Fixing parse error with sounds removal script.
* Fixing COPY error for DLC portrait under Windows.
Changes in v0.9 (2017-05-07)
* Adding banters for (almost) all NPCs
* Adding more interjections
* Adding Interaction Banters component
* Adding DLC Portrait component
* Updating code to use .tra files for translations
* Updating code to use CPMVARs for EET compatibility
Changes in v0.1.2:
* Fixing typos identified by @Hook71 - THANKS!
Changes in v0.1.1:
* Quick bugfix to add missing CD_STATE_NOTVALID declaration.
* Fixes an issue with one of Neera's banters with Imoen. It removes a duplicated line of dialog.
Do you wish Neera would interact more with her companions in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition? Then this mod is for you! The Neera Banters mod adds banters between Neera and other joinable NPCs available in BGEE. There is at least one banter with every* joinable NPC _(ok, not quite **every** - there is one exception, for narrative reasons)_.
The mod also adds interjections in various dialogues. Currently, only a handful of interjections are added, but more are planned.
On successful extraction, there should be an neerabanters folder and a setup-neerabanters.exe file in your game folder. To install, simply double-click setup-neerabanters.exe and follow the instructions on screen.
Run setup-neerabanters.exe in your game folder to reinstall, uninstall or otherwise change components.
Mac OS X
If properly extracted, you should have a neerabanters folder, setup-neerabanters, and setup-neerabanters.command in your game's main directory folder. To install, simply double-click setup-bneerabanters.command and follow the instructions on screen.
If you have installation problems or encounter any bugs, please leave a message in this forum discussion.
Changes in version 0.9.1 (2017-11-07)
* Fixing parse error with sounds removal script.
* Fixing COPY error for DLC portrait under Windows.
Changes in v0.9 (2017-05-07)
* Adding banters for (almost) all NPCs
* Adding more interjections
* Adding Interaction Banters component
* Adding DLC Portrait component
* Updating code to use .tra files for translations
* Updating code to use CPMVARs for EET compatibility
Changes in v0.1.2:
* Fixing typos identified by @Hook71 - THANKS!
Changes in v0.1.1:
* Quick bugfix to add missing CD_STATE_NOTVALID declaration.
* Fixes an issue with one of Neera's banters with Imoen. It removes a duplicated line of dialog.
Post edited by AstroBryGuy on
This update fixes an issue with one of Neera's banters with Imoen. It removes a duplicated line of dialog.
I looked through the files and noticed some potential typos:
~Yes, I hast stood beside mine sisters in battle against the Thayvians.~
Thayvians -> Thayans
~Those droppings were stumbled upon earlier were pretty disgusting too. Phew!
were stumbled -> we stumbled
~It could have been worse, I guess. I didn't turn my myself into a squirrel! At least, not that time...~
turn my myself -> turn myself
~What? You mean trekkin' up and down the Sword Coast, fighting’ bandits and goblins, runnin' errands for strangers?~
fighting’ -> fightin'
~The bugs are eating me alive! It's like their drawn to me - and just me. Why aren’t they bothering you?~
their -> they're
~Oooooooo.... That feels good. So cool and soothing.~
Oooooooo.... -> Oooooooo...
~We shall have to get you a new pair the next time we are in town. Until then, try these on. They are a old pair of Jaheira's. They may be old, but well c-c-cared for. You're both half-elven, they may fit.~
a old pair -> an old pair
~Will ya shut yer yap, ya peevish rug-haired witch!?! Every creature in this damned hole will be on to us with all the racket yer makin'!~
yer makin' -> ye're makin'
~*sigh* we’re doomed...~
we’re -> We're
~Well, aren’t you the nosy one. If you must know, it was gathering some cochineal insects.~
it was -> I was
~Um, excuse me, , but that creep is a Red Wizard. There is no way am I going to be in a party with a Red Wizard! It’s him or me!~
am I -> I am
*except "Thayvian" (WotC started using only Thayan with 3rd Edition, so I'm invoking my greybeard card and continuing to use "Thayvian" as in my TSR sourcebooks
EDIT: Alright, should be fixed now.
The .tra files are not available. Can you please consider the chance to add them? Otherwise the mod cannot be translated. Thanks
I just want to repeat our interest in translating this nice mod, but first we need the .tra files
You dropped a '~' at the end of line 17 of ay#bneera.d
*Edit*. More profound than that, actually. The Neera-Eldoth banter breaks the install (BELDOT.DLG not found), %BGT_VAR% doesn't work at all... Maybe my own install is fubar, checking that now. But, yea, totally dropped a '~' at least.
This version gives Neera dialogue banters with every* joinable NPC in BGEE (*with one exception). Neera also has a few interjections into game dialogues (I plan to add more in the future).
There are now three components to the mod:
- Dialogue Banters and Interjections: This component adds dialogue banters between Neera and other joinable NPCs in BGEE. It also adds interjections by Neera in various dialogues.
- Interaction Banters: This component adds Neera to the INTERACT.2DA file, which controls the "non-dialog" banters that BG1 NPCs have. Voiced lines from BGEE and SoD are used to create compliments, insults, and responses for Neera.
- DLC Portrait: This component uses the Neera's DLC image featured on the BGEE startup menu for a character portrait.
Some additional features of this update:- Updated code to use .tra files to facilitate translations
- Updated code to use CPMVARs for EET compatibility
You can download the latest version at GitHub: it be this component doesn't work in BGEE version 2.3?
Steps I took before installing Neera Banters were applying ModMerge, the BigWorldFixPack, BG Mini quest and encounters, NPC1Project and Chatty Imoen, before installing the Neera Banter with the WeiDu setup.
I'm sorry I didn't take a screenshot of the error. If needed, I might try to replicate the error for you by applying it on a fresh instal?
If you do replicate the error, please attach a copy of the SETUP-NEERABANTERS.DEBUG file.
I made a clean install to install the Neera Banters to. The DLC portrait failed to install.
The first time I applied the Neera Banters to a clean install, the second time I applied it after using modmerge on the clean install,
the result is the same: all components do install but for the DLC portrait.
I include both SETUP-NEERABANTERS.DEBUG files but had to rename them to .txt for being allowed to include it as an attachement.
Try the attached version to see if it works. If it does, I'll release it generally.
Changes in version 0.9.1
* Fixing parse error with sounds removal script.
* Fixing COPY error for DLC portrait under Windows.