#11084 Lich with Phreya should not be invincible

After I kill the woman and then I attack the lich but the lich stay near dead and he is unkillable.
Also Hexxat keep repeating the same reponse after that.
Can @gate70 or anyone else help me with this?
Here is the save.
Also Hexxat keep repeating the same reponse after that.
Can @gate70 or anyone else help me with this?
Here is the save.
Post edited by Gate70 on
Could you try after unzipping and adding this file to your override folder to see if that helps.
(edit, file removed as replaced with another on later post)
I don't know if the problem occur because I used a pre-patch save or the patch himself.
Maybe I should waited to finish my playthrough before downloading the patch then again I know that Hexxat quest was quite buggy before it so I don't know.
edit: It seem the door to the real lich remain close, anyway to fix this @gate70 or anyone?
Here is the save.
I'm not sure that one is a bug, I assumed the other doors needed to be set to a certain pattern. Will have a look and see if I can work it out.
Try this override instead - you'll need to fight Phreya and the lich again though.
But the override file from Gate70 allowed me to progress! Thanks again, I hope this will be fixed more permanently at some point, so it will work even without the extra override file!
I am facing the same problem. What is the override folder, exactly? I took a look at the folder where the BEII EE is located and found only a data folder. Where exactly should I unzip this file in order to fix this bug?
If you're on PC and Beamdog you can right-click the game within the launcher to get "Open Game Location". After opening that, double-click the highlighted folder. The override folder needs to be there, e,g. for me c:\beamdog\games\00783 and it is likely you'll need to create a new override.
It varies by platform and store, and I'm not sure whether all of them can take overrides so if that's the case you may either have to wait for a fix or zip/attach a save and ask someone else to get you past that part (If that is the case I can look at the issue again and see if there is an alternate workaround.
it seems to work. I created a folder named override and unzipped the file there. loaded a save before the fight and the lich was killed.
First of all, i´m in Korkorran maze. Facing Phreya and the decoy lich.
1° Problem: I kill Phreya, but when i fight the decoy lich… he does not die. Here are some screenshot of the problem. I keep hitting him, with no results.
2° Problem: I leave the “inmortal” lich alone (my journey updates saying that it was not Korkorran, just a decoy), walking to the next room. Here Neera starts to “talk” to my carácter saying: “yes?”, “i´m ready”, ¿Hm?, etc. It´s a dialogue loop. I solve it killing Neera or kicking her out of the group. Here is the Screenshot of the problema.
3° Problem: Yes, maybe i got a new record of bugs in the same screen. But, after all the previous problems, Hexxat starts a dialogue with my carácter saying that the Lich was not Kekorran and bla, bla, bla. Here is another loop. She keeps saying the same, no matter what i answer. Here is the screenshot.
Well, maybe someone can help with this… i´m stuck here! Thanks to all!
Sorry for my bad english! :-)
If you can add the file posted earlier to your game it should work, if not post a save.
I played this quest twice. The first time, Phreya making off with Hexxat's cloak didn't trigger. That means Hexxat keeps her cloak till she met Phreya with that fake lich. Actually, she will not go to pick up her cloak. I though that was bug-related.
Then I played again. In second time, I triggered the making off cloak dialogue. Phreya stole Hexxat's cloak. But when I set my foot in west inner part of map, killed Phreya and first lich, the bug is the same. BTW, I never can really kill that lich only to make him near death.
Hope somebody can help me. Here is my save.
You'd need to unzip the file attached on the 5th post here to an override folder within your game folder. e.g. mine is C:\BeamDog\Games\00783\Override
BTW, I only can find a titled 'override' folder within lang/es_ES folder. I unzip 5th floor zip file into it and tried. It seems don't work out. But anyway, I got a save file, i'm satisified. You know, this problem drive me crazy.
Best Regards, You = Awesome