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Hardest Enemy?



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  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited October 2014
    Pretty much everything in Durlag's Tower:


    Astral Phase Spider
    Ashirukuru (I think that's how it's spelled)
    Greater Wyverns
    Greater Ghouls
    Fission Slime (really annoying when your team happens to have no fire attacks)
    The chess board
    The room with the skeleton archers and the stinking cloud traps
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  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    Ratchild?!? RATCHILD??
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  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    Tarnesh I will buy, given his appearance time and position, and the party level.

    Ratchild I will not, for the same reasons.
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  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Ratchild is a really potentially fugly encounter if you are planning to rest in the sewer after scrapping by vs the Ogre Magi house is done. If you PC is their primary target? And he a pure mage? Ick.
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  • KingGhidorahKingGhidorah Member Posts: 201
    Kahrk... with Tarnesh as a close second. Keeping into account that you run into them at relatively low level, i often end up using munchkin tactics to defeat these guys. Especially the SCS versions.
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875

    Kahrk... with Tarnesh as a close second. Keeping into account that you run into them at relatively low level, i often end up using munchkin tactics to defeat these guys. Especially the SCS versions.

    I hope the Lollipop Guild doesn't go after you for their trademarked tactics. They look so mean, even when welcoming you to munchkin land!
  • VitorVitor Member Posts: 288
    1. Sarevok
    2. Jon Irenicus (Suldanesselar)
    3. Alhoon
    4. Aec'letec
    5. Kangaxx
    6. Lamalha
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    BG1, Victor
  • LateralusLateralus Member Posts: 903
    That crazy demon in Ulgoth's Beard! Aftet completing Durlag's you gotta fight that thing. Minions, gaze attack, hits hard, immunities, a lot of HP, hard to kill. Its not even close.
  • HumbleScribeHumbleScribe Member Posts: 10
    Karoug's regeneration and immunity to various weapons is a pain, but Sarevok is the one I've found hardest on a reliable basis. It's almost like it was designed that way...
  • QueenQuinzelQueenQuinzel Member Posts: 44
    I'm not very far in the game (in terms of how large the game is), but of all the enemies that I've encountered so far, I think either vampiric wolves or sirens are the hardest. I think vampiric wolves just require high levels and good equipment, but Sirens require you to strategize, and I'm not much of a tactician.

    Flesh golems were also harder on my second playthrough than I remember them being on my first playthrough.
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    Is Sarevok really that hard? Maybe I need to pump the difficulty a bit more, but I have never really had problems with the final encounter of the game. You know you are going into the last battle, have plenty of time to prepare an no reason to not consume any and every potion you may have saved till this point in the game. I have a front line all having strengths of high 20s, all at their respective max levels. His mad mage accomplice teleports ahead and is toast before he can cast, then Sarevok follows up and a party of 6 pound him to paste, usually before any of us die.

    Admittedly, I tend to miser potions and wands through the rest of the game, so it could just be I have deferred all the goodies to the fight where I will need them, or that I generally hit the other fights at less than max level.

    Now Sarevok's coronation, that I find much harder…
    Karoug (especially with a party of clerics!)
    Aec'Latec (probably mis-spelled)

    Those encounters are always a challenge for me, regardless of level.
    The 4 guardians in Durlag's first level down always used to be a problem too, but I am having much less trouble in EE - not sure if the game is easier, or I finally am getting a clue. Likely both (kits and new toys definitely make things a little easier)
  • GamingFreakGamingFreak Member Posts: 639
    Sarevok himself isn't that bad; it's his entire party that's trouble. The mage is the worst, because he uses "tattoos" that give him free abilities; in other words, he freaking cheats. Dealing with his Greater Malison > Web combo means potions of freedom for your whole party or else. Angelo is a fighter/mage but he isn't THAT bad. Tazok has a good deal of HP but he goes down easily enough (only his voice is annoying... "I'll have your HEAD!").

    Sarevok himself is only a beast because he has the largest amount of HP of the group (over 220HP or something, irrc) and wears the best armor in the game that's completely unobtainable. Oh, and of course uses a powerful two-hander. But if the rest of his party is dead, you literally only need to surround Sarevok and wail on his ass until he keels over. Hell, one strategy is to just ignore his party and go gung-ho on Sarevok, since if he dies the rest of his party flees from moral failure and you win the game.
  • dementeddemented Member Posts: 388
    Of all the boss battles in BG 1, I still find the first, Mulahey, to be one of the hardest. It's easy enough to overpower him, but the skeletons and kobolds will make short work of the squishier characters. What adds to the annoyance is that by the end of the mines you acquired a good deal of loot and need a full party to bring it back to town.

  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    demented said:

    Of all the boss battles in BG 1, I still find the first, Mulahey, to be one of the hardest. It's easy enough to overpower him, but the skeletons and kobolds will make short work of the squishier characters. What adds to the annoyance is that by the end of the mines you acquired a good deal of loot and need a full party to bring it back to town.

    You know it is neither necessary nor wise to hoard kobold shortswords, right?
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Nobody mentioned Gorion yet?
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    DreadKhan said:

    You know it is neither necessary nor wise to hoard kobold shortswords, right?

    But, but, my loot! Yes, I am an OCD packrat and cannot leave a single piece of loot behind (including items that I cannot sell, like clubs and staves). Besides, find a nice store that has no shortswords and they pay a sweet 5gp per kobold, that's 80p for a full set of 16! Way better gp/lb rate than I get lugging around 16 sets of hobgoblin leather armor, or all those gnollish halberds...
  • AHFAHF Member Posts: 1,376
    edited February 2015

    There's one enemy I can think of from the original, non-enhanced, Baldur's Gate Tales of the Sword Coast. Load the Mission Pack save and go to the Duchal Palace. There, you shall see something that you will never see in the enhanced edition...


    Don't tease! I have played the non-enhanced version many times but am not sure what you are talking about. Do tell!
    Post edited by AHF on
  • Eadwyn_G8keeperEadwyn_G8keeper Member Posts: 541

    But, but, my loot! Yes, I am an OCD packrat and cannot leave a single piece of loot behind (including items that I cannot sell, like clubs and staves). Besides, find a nice store that has no shortswords and they pay a sweet 5gp per kobold, that's 80p for a full set of 16! Way better gp/lb rate than I get lugging around 16 sets of hobgoblin leather armor, or all those gnollish halberds...
    Actually the Magic Tent at the Caravan gives a better price than 5gp for those Shortswords. More like 8gp at least.

  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857

    Actually the Magic Tent at the Caravan gives a better price than 5gp for those Shortswords. More like 8gp at least.

    Whoa!! All this time I left those swords to rust...

    To say nothing of the no doubt thousands of tarnishing away Silver Necklaces!! And those 1 GP Fun Jewelery garbage in BG2!!!!!!

  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    edited February 2015
    Hey now, while I never pick up standard, unenchanted equipment to sell, jewelry is another matter!
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited February 2015
    I think the answer to this question is the optional enemies; such as Shandalar, Dradeel, and especially Drizzt (especially since the improvements made to him).
  • PingwinPingwin Member Posts: 262
    Maybe I got lucky with the dice rolls but I didn't notice the Dorn bridge encounter to be particularly difficult. Had to heal Dorn once or twice but it was just one of those fights where it just takes a while as everyone seems to have decent AC and lots of hit points.
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