Companion management crisis!!!!

I grow so fond of my party and the people that I have made it to be, now whenever someone wants to join my party I find it very hard removing someone. 
It's especially hard when someone wants to join due to a quest. Does anyone else have this problem?! I grow too attached!!!

It's especially hard when someone wants to join due to a quest. Does anyone else have this problem?! I grow too attached!!!

In BG2 I tend to rotate party members because the quests are much more linked to specific characters (though apart from the EE characters, you don't actually need quest characters to do the quests.) I make up excuses for why somebody goes off and does their own thing for a while, or sits out an expedition. It kinda makes sense really, the world doesn't revolve around Charname, your companions got other things to do as well.
But other than that, I found having four fixed party members and the fifth one to be exchangeable for what ever quest needs to be done helpful.
More on topic, I too tend to get attached to a specific group. Some members more than others, but I share your pain!
Keep the sixth spot open for rotation. So if you have an NPC you want around to do their quest, you can add them and then promptly drop them once the quest is complete or a new NPC comes around.
Having a set party, or a confirmed meta party for your playthrough helps though.
For example. I am doing an evil playthrough right now. My party is Vic, Monty, Xzar, and Dorn. I picked up edwin to do the gnoll stronghold and then dropped him once his quest completed. I will pick up Eldoth in cloakwood, drop Dorn before entering the city and pick up Skie having my 6 set till the end of the game.
Knowing this is what I am going to do, I can avoid and ignore other NPCs that might fit into my party such as Shar-teel and Kagain.