I think Dragon Age 2 is a much better game than Dragon Age Origins.
I think LOL is a better MOBA than DOTA and I played DOTA for years before moving over to LOL.
I will totally pirate a game if I'm not sure I'm gonna like it. If I do like it, I will buy it on Steam, If not I have wasted no money on something I'm never gonna play.
I kinda hate Blizzard, they are so so skeevy, even by AAA game company standards and nobody calls them out on it. If Blizzard cut all of their DLC prices in half, they would fairly priced. Come on a animated gif for $10, really Blizzard, come on now......
I've tried to play Planescape: Torment a bunch of times and never get out of the first building. I WANT to like it but just can't do it for some reason.
I actually like Skyrim better than Morrowwind.
I've never played any of the Final Fantasy games.
I played Evercrack for more than a year.
I've spent more hours playing Bejewelled and Temple Run than any other single video game in my life.
I've hard rebooted out of Dark Souls PVP on more than one occasion.
I've never played any COD games, or indeed any of the Military based shooters. And I've only played Halo once in my life and sucked so badly at it that I gave up and never went back.
I actually prefer my consoles to PC gaming for a lot of games (Dark Souls, Batman Arkham series, Fallout 3, etc...).
I've played Planescape: Torment, and thought it was crappy.
I think Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magic Obscura is an awesome game, and get hardcore restartitis.
I've played, and beat Final Fantasy 7, and I think it isn't good.
I've played Final Fantasy 8 on PC, and I rather dislike how all the characters force Squall into a relationship with Rinoa. I also think that Rinoa = Ultimecia.
My favorite Final Fantasy game is 9.
I think Icewind Dale is actually better than Baldur's Gate 2 at times.
I've never played a PW in NWN2, nor do I ever plan to.
- I hated the first Witcher game game, couldn't get past the first third of The Witcher 2, and have no intention of playing the third. - I think Skyrim is utter rubbish - I consider Dragon Age: Origins to be an intensely mediocre game, and the sequel to be unspeakably vile. - I have never played a Call of Duty game except the first.
- I consider Dragon Age: Origins to be an intensely mediocre game, and the sequel to be unspeakably vile.
I personally liked Dragon Age: Origins (and awakenings) quite a lot (personal/subjective). However, I never found it that 're-playable' and have never gone back. So what does that say?
I didn't find DA2 to be an 'Abomination' so much as a HUGE departure from the franchise and the genre as a whole. Add to that how they re-ground the same maps over and over AND OVER again, just with different monsters/loot, and how they "Modified" (personal belief is dumbed down, but that's subjective) the combat, and how it felt very 'on the rails' and it was not my cup of tea.
I've yet to play DA: Inquisition. I'm holding out for a bit till I have some free time.
- I played like 20 minutes of The Witcher 1 and could not get any further.
- The Elder Scrolls games are mediocre at best -The Final Fantasy series is universally terrible. -Based on how I have played Fallout, Skyrim, Mass Effect and Baldur's gate. If I were forced into a hostile world with only my wits and abilities to keep me alive. I would not be the paragon of humanity that would help any and all who needed it. I would be an evil murderous thieving psychopath. -I don't like the Half-Life games -I have never not killed Noober -I don't care what anyone says, Sonic Adventure 2 was the last great Sonic game
I think when it comes to character's armor in games, I think Loren the Amazon Princess wins. Skanky armor on females? Check. Skanky armor on males? Double Check.
I think when it comes to romances, Loren the Amazon Princess does romances better than Baldur's Gate 2. Mostly because its designed with romances in mind.
I think its time for some Warhammer 40K vidya game confessions.... - I think the Blood Ravens are a bunch of heretics, and the Emprah needs to smite the ever living hell out of them. In fact, it should be on the Emprah's to do list. - My favorite Space Marine Chapter is Blood Angels. I'm not sure I'll ever play another faction in Space Hulk Ascension. - I think Avitus is really an Angry Marine that is masquerading as a Blood Raven. - Due to being voiced by Steve Blum, Cyrus is one of the most badass of the Blood Raven Chapter.
-I don't care what anyone says, Sonic Adventure 2 was the last great Sonic game
Speaking of sonic, I mentioned in another thread that I just started playing some of the hits collection from steam. I actually really liked generations, though, and so far feel a little underwhelmed by the first adventure. I did, admittedly, boot up adventure 2 first just to play city escape though stuff feel a bit more refined in 2, so I think I may like it more.
I spent the entire summer playing Diablo when I was sixteen. It was a good game though
I can't play Oblivion because of the retarded leveling system. I won't play Skyrim because it doesn't appeal to me for some reason. I would like to play Morrowind but the last time I tried to I got lost in the mod jungle and after spending a couple of weeks installing and uninstalling mods I didn't want to play the game anymore
- The Elder Scrolls games are mediocre at best -The Final Fantasy series is universally terrible. -Based on how I have played Fallout, Skyrim, Mass Effect and Baldur's gate. If I were forced into a hostile world with only my wits and abilities to keep me alive. I would not be the paragon of humanity that would help any and all who needed it. I would be an evil murderous thieving psychopath. -I don't like the Half-Life games -I have never not killed Noober -I don't care what anyone says, Sonic Adventure 2 was the last great Sonic game
Final Fantasy Tactics on the PS1/PSP was good QQ Probably the best grid-based tactical game I've played along with Tactics Ogre.
Later going to edit this post to add in my confessions but I'm super busy atm >_>
Edit: -Baldur's Gate ruined my ability to play RPGs with a pre-set protagonist. This means basically all JRPGs as well as games like the Witcher. I loved the Witcher 1&2 but I'm not sure if I'd be able to play the third. -I think most Final Fantasies are "meh" except for Tactics and Final Fantasy 12. Seven had a good story but I could never re-play it. -I find the standard JRPG turn based combat to be the most boring and can rarely beat games with such a system. -I think Dragon Age II is better than Inquisition because Inquisition's story is super lame among other things (I LOVE YOU THOUGH, SERA!) Dragon Age: Origins is still the best. -I think WoW has a terrible story and killed Warcraft's wonderful story. -I think once I get around to finishing NWN2 I may just like it more than BG:EE/BG2:EE. -I've never played more than 10 minutes of ToEE because I keep getting destroyed by frogs and it takes forever to do the fetch quests in the starting town. I have a feeling I would adore the game if I could get past the opening. -I hate competitive PVP in games but am Gold I in League of Legends because I adore the character Lulu (My profile picture). -I think Navi was adorable and not annoying at all. Preferred her counterpart in Majora's Mask. -I think Majora's Mask is much better than Ocarina of Time and is the best Zelda game.
I've spent by an order of magnitude more time designing builds for my games than actually playing them.
This is true for me in both PnP and CRPGs that use the D&D ruleset. I have 20 or so backup characters for my IRL PnP campaign and in NWN/NWN2 I've restarted so many times because of thinking of new builds.
-I think WoW has a terrible story and killed Warcraft's wonderful story. -I think once I get around to finishing NWN2 I may just like it more than BG:EE/BG2:EE. -I've never played more than 10 minutes of ToEE because I keep getting destroyed by frogs and it takes forever to do the fetch quests in the starting town. I have a feeling I would adore the game if I could get past the opening.
HOLY CRAP! Someone who actually might hate WoW as much as I do! *coughs* Okay, to put it into context I knew the moment I saw WoW released it was the end of the Warcraft series for me. Not because of the story, wich from what I can tell completely changed the original setting to include less orcs and men and more fanservicey things with horns and boobs, but more that I knew the moment it was released I would never see a single player Warcraft game again. I grew up on Warcraft 1 and 2. I hated Arthus in 3 (Hes not Darth Vader without the charm) and I can't tell you how disappointed I was when I realized the Warcraft 3 expansion was just a set up for more WoW expansions. I refuse to touch WoW because it was basically the end of the game series for me.
Also the expansion to NWN 2 (The first one) was pretty amazing. Make sure to try that after you finish the main campaign.
Also also ToEE can be hard as hell if you don't reroll stats til they're perfect constantly and make a very effective party. If you want I can provide a few tips here and there, but some off the top of my head? Barbarian rages are very very useful at low levels. I had a barbarian and a barbarian/fighter who used a spiked chain and tripped many of her opponents (Half-orc twins. Long story behind him and her that I still hope to find a home for some day). The pure barbarian once dealt 50 damage on a crit at level 1. I might have squee'd alittle when that happened. Also though this won't help with the toads Charm Person is insanely useful at low levels. Don't underestimate magic missile. I once killed a Balor using mostly that.
I think when it comes to character's armor in games, I think Loren the Amazon Princess wins. Skanky armor on females? Check. Skanky armor on males? Double Check.
I think when it comes to romances, Loren the Amazon Princess does romances better than Baldur's Gate 2. Mostly because its designed with romances in mind.
I think its time for some Warhammer 40K vidya game confessions.... - I think the Blood Ravens are a bunch of heretics, and the Emprah needs to smite the ever living hell out of them. In fact, it should be on the Emprah's to do list. - My favorite Space Marine Chapter is Blood Angels. I'm not sure I'll ever play another faction in Space Hulk Ascension. - I think Avitus is really an Angry Marine that is masquerading as a Blood Raven. - Due to being voiced by Steve Blum, Cyrus is one of the most badass of the Blood Raven Chapter.
I suspect that the Blood Raven's mysterious and unknown primarch was actually one of the renegade traitors. Possibly one of the unknown primarchs or maybe somebody like Magnus the Red due to the high number of psychers. This being the case, I totally agree, they should be purged from existence. "Burn the heretic"
-I think WoW has a terrible story and killed Warcraft's wonderful story. -I think once I get around to finishing NWN2 I may just like it more than BG:EE/BG2:EE. -I've never played more than 10 minutes of ToEE because I keep getting destroyed by frogs and it takes forever to do the fetch quests in the starting town. I have a feeling I would adore the game if I could get past the opening.
HOLY CRAP! Someone who actually might hate WoW as much as I do! *coughs* Okay, to put it into context I knew the moment I saw WoW released it was the end of the Warcraft series for me. Not because of the story, wich from what I can tell completely changed the original setting to include less orcs and men and more fanservicey things with horns and boobs, but more that I knew the moment it was released I would never see a single player Warcraft game again. I grew up on Warcraft 1 and 2. I hated Arthus in 3 (Hes not Darth Vader without the charm) and I can't tell you how disappointed I was when I realized the Warcraft 3 expansion was just a set up for more WoW expansions. I refuse to touch WoW because it was basically the end of the game series for me.
Also the expansion to NWN 2 (The first one) was pretty amazing. Make sure to try that after you finish the main campaign.
Also also ToEE can be hard as hell if you don't reroll stats til they're perfect constantly and make a very effective party. If you want I can provide a few tips here and there, but some off the top of my head? Barbarian rages are very very useful at low levels. I had a barbarian and a barbarian/fighter who used a spiked chain and tripped many of her opponents (Half-orc twins. Long story behind him and her that I still hope to find a home for some day). The pure barbarian once dealt 50 damage on a crit at level 1. I might have squee'd alittle when that happened. Also though this won't help with the toads Charm Person is insanely useful at low levels. Don't underestimate magic missile. I once killed a Balor using mostly that.
I played WoW from 2008-2012 and played a little a few years ago for like a month to try it again. I initially loved WoW and thought it was super amazing. I then played Warcraft II and III (I have the discs for Warcraft II and III but not the I QQ) and the story was SUPER GOOD. I loved the characters and the factions and the Orcish Death Knights in WCII are SO COOL BECAUSE NECROMANCERS ARE THE BEST! I loved in WCIII the undead campaign . I love Necromancers n_n.
Going back to WoW after playing those I saw the story was absolutely nothing in comparison. If you want WoW's story it's best to just read the books than playing the game. The game contains barely a plot. I hear that's changed for the new expansion but I'll pass on it.
I'd LOVE a Warcraft IV to eventually be made. Hero based RTS games are the best.
I guess my issue with ToEE has been me trying to make heavily flawed characters using point buy since I really dislike rolling for stats and usually have a set idea for a character stats in my head. Next time I play it I'll just roll for super high stats I suppose.
-I've never played more than 10 minutes of ToEE because I keep getting destroyed by frogs and it takes forever to do the fetch quests in the starting town. I have a feeling I would adore the game if I could get past the opening.
You are going after the Moathouse WAAAAAAAAAY too early. Do some of the Fed-ex quests in town, then head to the Deklo grove and THEN the site of 'The big Battle'. This will allow you to get a few levels under your belt before you go and do the main story line.
@Vallmyr I admit I had a deep love for the WCII Death Knights and was so sad about how they changed in the third game. They were the most badass thing ever and the fact they were Warlocks summoned into the bodies of slain knights? Man, that just made them cooler. Their voice was also definitely something. You could tell just how much they despised everything ever.
Warcraft 1 was fun but not as good as 2. Except for a few magic spells both sides basically played the same way and I honestly just waited until I could summon demon/water elementals en masse to stomp the other team. They were insanely over powered. Still a fun game, but you're not missing much by only playing 2.
Also heavily flawed characters are possible in ToEE but...Well, the real problem with ToEE is that its a combat based RPG so you need to plan for combat. My barbarian didn't have a single mental stat above 8. Oddly my cleric ended up being the hardest one to keep alive. ToEE taught me alot about making effective characters in 3rd edition, but its rather low in terms of story value.
Confession: I will reroll my character's stats if they're random until I get insanely lucky or frustrated due to my inability to properly make good builds without stat scum.
I have always though the Call of Duty series of games is for mouth breathers but recently I played Advance Warfare and I kind of liked it.
I've tried several times to get into WoW but I just can't. I can not comprehend the popularity of this game.
When I was younger I loved to play Dead or Alive - Extreme Beach Volleyball, and not for the obvious, jiggly, reasons, I actually love the gameplay.
I haven't played any CoD, Battlefield, MoH at all.
I haven't played FF7 as of yet.
The biggest sin, I haven't played Planetscape Tournamnet.
I dislike Mario franchise, I think there are better platformers out there.
I am often trolling people in Naruto UNS Revolution.
I think LOL is a better MOBA than DOTA and I played DOTA for years before moving over to LOL.
I will totally pirate a game if I'm not sure I'm gonna like it. If I do like it, I will buy it on Steam, If not I have wasted no money on something I'm never gonna play.
I kinda hate Blizzard, they are so so skeevy, even by AAA game company standards and nobody calls them out on it. If Blizzard cut all of their DLC prices in half, they would fairly priced. Come on a animated gif for $10, really Blizzard, come on now......
I think Bethesda gets way too much love.
I never finished Planescape Torment (but will some day!).
I never played IWD2.
I don't like Oblivion but I find Skyrim fun.
I tried to play Bioshock and did not like it. I played all of Bioshock Infinite and don't know why people like it so much.
I don't like first person shooters in general.
I have never owned a console.
I love the Myst games and I am sad they stopped making them.
I use to sit right in front of the screen with the laser gun touching the glass of the screen while playing Duck Hunt.
I believe first person shooters need to vd played with a laser gun and not a mouse click (but I understand the trepidation of releasing a new one)
I enjoy playing strategy games on he easiest setting to make total domination easier.
I sometimes lose on the easy setting.
I actually like Skyrim better than Morrowwind.
I've never played any of the Final Fantasy games.
I played Evercrack for more than a year.
I've spent more hours playing Bejewelled and Temple Run than any other single video game in my life.
I've hard rebooted out of Dark Souls PVP on more than one occasion.
I've never played any COD games, or indeed any of the Military based shooters. And I've only played Halo once in my life and sucked so badly at it that I gave up and never went back.
I actually prefer my consoles to PC gaming for a lot of games (Dark Souls, Batman Arkham series, Fallout 3, etc...).
I've never played on a PW in either NwN or NwN2.
I've never played any of the IE games (EE's included) in Multyplayer, nor do I plan to.
I never finished any of the Fallout games, ever. I did try though... without much success so far.
I think Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magic Obscura is an awesome game, and get hardcore restartitis.
I've played, and beat Final Fantasy 7, and I think it isn't good.
I've played Final Fantasy 8 on PC, and I rather dislike how all the characters force Squall into a relationship with Rinoa. I also think that Rinoa = Ultimecia.
My favorite Final Fantasy game is 9.
I think Icewind Dale is actually better than Baldur's Gate 2 at times.
I've never played a PW in NWN2, nor do I ever plan to.
I've tried Fallout 1, and absolutely hate it.
- I think Skyrim is utter rubbish
- I consider Dragon Age: Origins to be an intensely mediocre game, and the sequel to be unspeakably vile.
- I have never played a Call of Duty game except the first.
I didn't find DA2 to be an 'Abomination' so much as a HUGE departure from the franchise and the genre as a whole. Add to that how they re-ground the same maps over and over AND OVER again, just with different monsters/loot, and how they "Modified" (personal belief is dumbed down, but that's subjective) the combat, and how it felt very 'on the rails' and it was not my cup of tea.
I've yet to play DA: Inquisition. I'm holding out for a bit till I have some free time.
- I played like 20 minutes of The Witcher 1 and could not get any further.
-The Final Fantasy series is universally terrible.
-Based on how I have played Fallout, Skyrim, Mass Effect and Baldur's gate. If I were forced into a hostile world with only my wits and abilities to keep me alive. I would not be the paragon of humanity that would help any and all who needed it. I would be an evil murderous thieving psychopath.
-I don't like the Half-Life games
-I have never not killed Noober
-I don't care what anyone says, Sonic Adventure 2 was the last great Sonic game
I think when it comes to romances, Loren the Amazon Princess does romances better than Baldur's Gate 2. Mostly because its designed with romances in mind.
I think its time for some Warhammer 40K vidya game confessions....
- I think the Blood Ravens are a bunch of heretics, and the Emprah needs to smite the ever living hell out of them. In fact, it should be on the Emprah's to do list.
- My favorite Space Marine Chapter is Blood Angels. I'm not sure I'll ever play another faction in Space Hulk Ascension.
- I think Avitus is really an Angry Marine that is masquerading as a Blood Raven.
- Due to being voiced by Steve Blum, Cyrus is one of the most badass of the Blood Raven Chapter.
I can't play Oblivion because of the retarded leveling system. I won't play Skyrim because it doesn't appeal to me for some reason. I would like to play Morrowind but the last time I tried to I got lost in the mod jungle and after spending a couple of weeks installing and uninstalling mods I didn't want to play the game anymore
Probably the best grid-based tactical game I've played along with Tactics Ogre.
Later going to edit this post to add in my confessions but I'm super busy atm >_>
-Baldur's Gate ruined my ability to play RPGs with a pre-set protagonist. This means basically all JRPGs as well as games like the Witcher. I loved the Witcher 1&2 but I'm not sure if I'd be able to play the third.
-I think most Final Fantasies are "meh" except for Tactics and Final Fantasy 12. Seven had a good story but I could never re-play it.
-I find the standard JRPG turn based combat to be the most boring and can rarely beat games with such a system.
-I think Dragon Age II is better than Inquisition because Inquisition's story is super lame among other things (I LOVE YOU THOUGH, SERA!) Dragon Age: Origins is still the best.
-I think WoW has a terrible story and killed Warcraft's wonderful story.
-I think once I get around to finishing NWN2 I may just like it more than BG:EE/BG2:EE.
-I've never played more than 10 minutes of ToEE because I keep getting destroyed by frogs and it takes forever to do the fetch quests in the starting town. I have a feeling I would adore the game if I could get past the opening.
-I hate competitive PVP in games but am Gold I in League of Legends because I adore the character Lulu (My profile picture).
-I think Navi was adorable and not annoying at all. Preferred her counterpart in Majora's Mask.
-I think Majora's Mask is much better than Ocarina of Time and is the best Zelda game.
This is true for me in both PnP and CRPGs that use the D&D ruleset. I have 20 or so backup characters for my IRL PnP campaign and in NWN/NWN2 I've restarted so many times because of thinking of new builds.
Also the expansion to NWN 2 (The first one) was pretty amazing. Make sure to try that after you finish the main campaign.
Also also ToEE can be hard as hell if you don't reroll stats til they're perfect constantly and make a very effective party. If you want I can provide a few tips here and there, but some off the top of my head? Barbarian rages are very very useful at low levels. I had a barbarian and a barbarian/fighter who used a spiked chain and tripped many of her opponents (Half-orc twins. Long story behind him and her that I still hope to find a home for some day). The pure barbarian once dealt 50 damage on a crit at level 1. I might have squee'd alittle when that happened. Also though this won't help with the toads Charm Person is insanely useful at low levels. Don't underestimate magic missile. I once killed a Balor using mostly that.
I played WoW from 2008-2012 and played a little a few years ago for like a month to try it again. I initially loved WoW and thought it was super amazing. I then played Warcraft II and III (I have the discs for Warcraft II and III but not the I QQ) and the story was SUPER GOOD. I loved the characters and the factions and the Orcish Death Knights in WCII are SO COOL BECAUSE NECROMANCERS ARE THE BEST! I loved in WCIII the undead campaign
Going back to WoW after playing those I saw the story was absolutely nothing in comparison. If you want WoW's story it's best to just read the books than playing the game. The game contains barely a plot. I hear that's changed for the new expansion but I'll pass on it.
I'd LOVE a Warcraft IV to eventually be made. Hero based RTS games are the best.
I guess my issue with ToEE has been me trying to make heavily flawed characters using point buy since I really dislike rolling for stats and usually have a set idea for a character stats in my head. Next time I play it I'll just roll for super high stats I suppose.
Warcraft 1 was fun but not as good as 2. Except for a few magic spells both sides basically played the same way and I honestly just waited until I could summon demon/water elementals en masse to stomp the other team. They were insanely over powered. Still a fun game, but you're not missing much by only playing 2.
Also heavily flawed characters are possible in ToEE but...Well, the real problem with ToEE is that its a combat based RPG so you need to plan for combat. My barbarian didn't have a single mental stat above 8. Oddly my cleric ended up being the hardest one to keep alive. ToEE taught me alot about making effective characters in 3rd edition, but its rather low in terms of story value.
Confession: I will reroll my character's stats if they're random until I get insanely lucky or frustrated due to my inability to properly make good builds without stat scum.