-The Final Fantasy series is universally terrible.
Ironically, Planescape Torment was influenced by Final Fantasy VII. And Chris Avellone is a HUGE fan of Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI.
Now, about mine: -I despise the hypocrisy/double/prudism/conservatism of people that are okay with violence and gore but any nudity is suddenly too much. ("It's okay and fun to decapitate and mutilate your enemies in Mortal Kombat, but Dead or Alive is ridiculous because bouncing boobs and don't you dare show a nipple.")
-I despise the double-standards of so called modern Tumblr feminists (Feminazis) that constantly criticize female armor and depictions but they are fine with the shirtless muscles of Kratos etc. If you're gonna criticize aesthetics be objective for both genders, otherwise don't.
-I hate it that Bethesda got the rights to Fallout and are making Oblivion/Skyrim with guns (Fallout 3/4) and don't focus on the actual roleplaying like the first two games. Obsidian should have kept the rights and made actual RPGs, with emphasis on roleplaying, than first-person wasteland exploration simulators with leveled everything.
-I hate those arguments in some games that say Monks are not realistic because they punch people in plate and huge animals. Apparently someone turning into animals (Druids), someone blasting stuff with their minds (Psions) and using songs to become better warriors (Bards) are realistic.
-I generally find MOBAs boring but I love Smite. It has a unique gameplay and uses gods based on various mythologies. Also Cthulhu, Elvis and Darth Maul skins (among others).
-If a Pathfinder video game was made in the spirit of the Neverwinter Nights games, I would pre-order it with no second thought and I rarely pre-order.
-I loved Final Fantasy VII (still do) before I knew anything about it or seen its hype. Like it or not, it almost single-handedly sold the Playstation along Metal Gear Solid and it was revolutionary in it's tech and effects.
-Played the crap out of NwN2 online for YEARS as well as many modules. Still haven't finished the Original Campaign and Mask of the Betrayer. The latter has been praised and compared to Planescape Torment many times.
-Haven't played Planescape: Torment yet (bought it and I'M ON IT).
-I've been playing Icewind Dale II on and off since 2012. Not even kidding. Perhaps it was it's rushed development or it's pacing, I lost interest all the time until I pushed through it again and again.
-Neverwinter Nights 1 was what got me into PC RPGs and DnD in general. Then I got hooked into all the (A)DnD RPGs. I was a console/Playstation guy before that.
Also heavily flawed characters are possible in ToEE but...Well, the real problem with ToEE is that its a combat based RPG so you need to plan for combat. My barbarian didn't have a single mental stat above 8. Oddly my cleric ended up being the hardest one to keep alive. ToEE taught me alot about making effective characters in 3rd edition, but its rather low in terms of story value.
ToEE was more or less a simple dungeon crawl. But then most of the Greyhawk modules from back in the day were little more than that and had to be fleshed out by the DM as you went. The translation to video game kind of left that piece out of it (mostly), particularly since development got cut short and they did an 11th hour pull of a significant amount of content. The Co8 patch did a LOT to restore that but it still isn't the same as having a DM and a group of 5 other guys/gals to run through it.
Where ToEE really shines in my book is the implementation of ACTUAL turn based combat. I love BG to death, but the 'Turn based real time' thing bugs me. ToEE did combat right (where the code wasn't broken).
Back to confessions:
- I initially played Tomb Raider because of Pixilated curves - I played Bloodrayne for the same reason - I've actually WATCHED the Bloodrayne movie... all the way through.
I enjoyed the BG Dark Alliance games. I wish DA 3 was made. Also wish that the DA games were also made for the PC.
I really enjoy the NWN and NWN2 games (haven't played SoZ or MoW yet). I prefer the NWN2 OC over MOTB. Deekin is my favorite companion (from SoU and HotU, also makes a guest appearance in NWN2 OC). I think Zhjaeve (no idea how to pronounce her name) is the hottest babe in the FR games and that she should be the romance choice for males in NWN2 OC instead of Elanee (jk about Z).
I like BG more than BG2. My least favorite IE game is probably Throne of Bhaal. A game where a bunch of your siblings die one way or another.
I prefer IWD over the BG saga.
I think Drizzt / Salvatore is overrated (I did enjoy the IWD Trilogy, Dark Elf Trilogy and Cleric Quintet though).
I avoided CRPGs for a long time because the graphics looked primitive compared to other computer games back in the 1980s and 1990s (the Quest for Glory series was the first CRPG I got into and that was after four of them were already out).
I wish that D&D games would be released that do NOT take place in the Forgotten Realms, such as DragonLance...
I give my NPC's exp to get them up to same level as CHARNAME.
I also EEkeeper NPC's to the classes I think they should be.
I have never played any MMORPGrrr for more than a week, I just can't deal with thousands of people doing the same quests and everybody being the chosen one. Also people like being unique which is completely natural, but in MMO's this translates into I'm going to make my character look like a complete moron, it's all so immersion breaking. Also playing with friends tends to kill any story the game has, so being a bit of a lorehound, this just kills the game for me.
I think the Gothic games besides Gothic 1 were trash, also the Risen series is incredibly bad. Risen 2 was the worst, a pirate game, where you play a pretend pirate who doesn't do anything piratey.
I also think the Fable games are trash, besides Fable 1. Fable 3 was possibly the worst RPG I have ever played. You can't die, they reuse bosses as normal enemies, it's filled with pointless fetch quests, the interacting with any NPC falls flat, when all NPC's are pretty much the exact same NPC, you can't kill the stupid dog that follows you around, I even tried throwing it's stupid ball off a stupid cliff. Oh and the final boss is a old man that takes no skill whatsoever to beat.
I haven't played any of the Assassins Creed games and I don't intend to.
I haven't played Planescape Torment and won't, unless a EE version is released.
I have never played any MMORPGrrr for more than a week, I just can't deal with thousands of people doing the same quests and everybody being the chosen one. Also people like being unique which is completely natural, but in MMO's this translates into I'm going to make my character look like a complete moron, it's all so immersion breaking. Also playing with friends tends to kill any story the game has, so being a bit of a lorehound, this just kills the game for me.
Although I did play Evercrap for more than a year, I couldn't agree more with this assessment. I guess that makes me stupid or something, but I just could never get past the immersion break of 'camping' a given 'spawn', and further sometimes having to wait until the previous group got it first. Or having my team mates chat about the latest sports events in and among tags of "OOC". Or having some Avatar look/act/get a name that was outlandish "Just because they could". And finally, being an adventurer in a world of normals is fun and enjoyable, but being one adventurer among MILLIONS was just a complete deal breaker.
- I started but never finished PS:T, Mass Effect, KotoR, Fallout, Shadowrun Returns and Ni no Kuni, even though I really really want(ed) to. - Elder Scrolls is overrated and the gameplay is dull. Yes, that includes Skyrim. - Chrono Trigger and Seiken Densetsu 3 are the best Final Fantasy games. - JRPGs aren't RPGs. - TellTale Games' cineastic adventures are better RPGs than like 90% of the games that are actually called RPGs. - South Park: The Stick of Truth was one of the best RPGs in a long long time. - I haven't played Dragon Age: Inquisition yet out of pure spite towards EA.
And now, the ultimate confession: - I actually had a huge crush on Anomen when I was a teenager :X
- I started but never finished PS:T, Mass Effect, KotoR, Fallout, Shadowrun Returns and Ni no Kuni, even though I really really want(ed) to. - Elder Scrolls is overrated and the gameplay is dull. Yes, that includes Skyrim. - Chrono Trigger and Seiken Densetsu 3 are the best Final Fantasy games. - JRPGs aren't RPGs. - TellTale Games' cineastic adventures are better RPGs than like 90% of the games that are actually called RPGs. - South Park: The Stick of Truth was one of the best RPGs in a long long time. - I haven't played Dragon Age: Inquisition yet out of pure spite towards EA.
And now, the ultimate confession: - I actually had a huge crush on Anomen when I was a teenager :X
I agree with you on the JRPG thing for the most part (FINAL FANTASY TACTICS IS STILL THE BEST, THOUGH!) and I'd say avoid Inquisition unless you REALLY want to know the story. The game itself was boring to me at least ~_~
So I haven't been active lately... going to try and make up for it with a stupid amount of confessions
- I haven't played a sonic game since the genesis until this week... and the cause of this was me watching a playthrough of the second worst game in the series (boom scored lower than 06) What can I say... after experiencing some of the worst I wanted to experience some of the better moments for a dying franchise. - I actually liked Generations more than the adventure games. I found the adventure games didn't control too well, and I constantly would miss a grind rail or something and die. I do, however, see that they could be enjoyable if I got used to the controls more. - The first thing I did was boot up Adventure 2 just to play city escape. I then played all of generations first before going back. - I've listened to sonic music for a long time without even playing the games in forever (minus the genesis games). I also did so with Metal Gear Rising: Revengance. - My favorite character might not even be sonic himself, but rather Blaze the Cat. Although I think she got a lot of bonus points just for being one of the only good female characters while there is a larger cast of good male characters. However, I find she is ruined when Silver is around, so overall at least Sonic is more consistent. I did still like her enough in 06 to seek out her other games, and just preferred her in Rush much better, and that is also her original design anyway (not too mention canon design). - I've actually never in my entire life accepted any ships. (I don't count having a favorite Bioware romance as shipping) I just see no point if the story never officially puts the characters together. However, I admittedly did develop a liking to SonicxBlaze after Sonic Rush. A large part in this is pretty much because it is an alternative to Amy, whom I find annoying. However, I also find Sonic and Blaze to have a VERY close relationship, and took notice of the pretty ridiculous amount of hints that were given to this pairing. Due to all of these hints, and my hate for Amy, I see and accept a relationship there, although I am of course more glad that no pairing will ever be official in the series. Sonic isn't about that. -I actually like generations' modern sonic gameplay more than the classic... I liked being able to see the obstacles in front of me so I could focus on just going fast and not what is at the edge of the screen.
- Today I identify as asexual, and I credit finding this to Tali from Mass Effect. I actually felt jealousy that the relationship wouldn't allow for such contact and they would still make it work - I didn't play Baldur's Gate until about a year before the EEs got announced. Talk about the timing to get into a series! - I first got Mass Effect 1 on christmas, and though to myself "this looks so nerdy!" and put it aside for months as I played Fallout 3. I would later pick it up to give it a shot as I was done with that, and I accepted that I am a nerd Mass Effect became became my life until ME3. - I legitimately had problems with a lot more of ME3 than just the ending, although the ending was just the final straw that ruined the series for me entirely. I haven't played even 1 and 2 ever since the extended cut failed to solve my issues. - Although I really like DAO, I have to admit that I find it hard to replay. I think I've only ever had 2 full playthroughs, and many other attempts. - Is it just me who found nightmare in DA2 to just be ridiculous? I love challenges... but I spent an entire hour on the first chapter boss... on the successful attempt. I actually spent an entire day making attempts before winning. I also didn't have a dual of honor with the quanari because the moment he picked me up on his blade I would be dead by his next attack he does instantly. - I actually did the search for evidence and some math to find that Jaheira isn't seriously as old as people always like to make her out to be. She is actually quite young for a half elf, around 20 with a human lifespan. In the sense of a human lifespan she is certainly younger than Vic and possibly also Aerie. The bigger problem for the Jaheira romance to me is just Khalid's death. As such I just turn down the sleeping scene and save that kind of stuff for after the events of the games. - Garrus died on my first ME2 playthrough... and I resisted reloading. Don't worry, he lived in all my other playthroughs
Metal Gear
- I have gotten Foxhound rank on MGS3, and could almost get Big Boss in MGS2. The part that usually ruins it is the ending with Snake and Raiden together. Seriously... Snake needs to stop running in and dying. - On that same subject, I refuse to use saves for the purpose of reloading before I died. If the challenge is things like no deaths and killing no enemies, then it doesn't feel right to be able to reload so the record doesn't take note of your failures. - I didn't play MGS1 until after MGS4, with 2 being my first in the series. I got the desire to play 1 after the Shadow Moses mission of 4, as I missed out on a ton of nostalgia. - I never skip the MGS2 intro when I want to play it. Seriously... the MGS theme is too epic for me to skip. It seriously saddens me to not have it in the games anymore because it shares some similarities to a Russian song. While I do not know if the copying was deliberate or not, I miss this theme. - Every time I reach the top of the MGS3 ladder, I seriously contemplate jumping off to climb up it again. I manage to resist because I don't want to lower my score... but it's quite difficult to do so. - I actually never use some of the most iconic items in the game. Cardboard boxes, books, I barely think about them. - I never actually taught myself to use CQC in MGS3. I instead use the tranq gun always. - I always ignore the guns in MGS3 because ammo in the game is only for guns you have. Therefore, you can get just ammo for the pistols if that is all you have. - I've done runs of Ground Zeroes where I try to extract every guard in the base. I find these runs easier, although longer, than actually going stealthily for the objective right away. Usually in that case I get caught as I am leaving the base. - I actually think Kiefer Sutherland is doing a great job as Snake. I will miss Hayter, but I at least think we got a good replacement. I am just hoping that we see Solid Snake in Phantom Pain with Hayter reprising that role
Bethesda (and fallout)
-I've already preordered the collector's edition of Fallout 4... I really wanted the pipboy replica. It's such a stupid gimick! - I have the classics, although I never completed a playthrough yet. I think I just prefer real time with pause, like Baldur's Gate. - I never actually finished the main questline in New Vegas... I always fool around until I get bored. A part of this is my desire to explore and all I was given is desert. I do have to agree that the quests and characters are better than Fallout 3 however. - I really want the low intelligence dialogue to come back. Come on... who doesn't! - I actually am a little off about the way it looks like power armor is a power up in Fallout 4. I love the look of power armor and like to wear it everywhere when I have it. Still, it would be nice to wear something else for once and for power armor to be truly unique and powerful when you do decide to use it. - I only ever get dog companions in games like Fallout where they are an after thought. It feels like they offset the game balancing, which is balanced for a single player. However, I can't resist having a dog with me, and I hope the focus on FO4's dog makes enemies better balanced for having companion help. - I actually quite liked ESO for a time... but then I haven't played MMOs for years to be mad at the somewhat lack of innovation. Today I only really play because there is a great RP community, however. - I have played all the TES games start to finish, usually completing a large amount of content. - Oblivion is my favorite TES, and my first which I think creates bias. I've played Skyrim the least out of all, however, and only completed the thieves guild and main quest lines when it comes to major quest lines. In Oblivion I completed all expansions and vanilla major questlines.
@ChildofBhaal599, that first chapter boss, the giant rock thing in DA2 is the hardest boss in the game by far, simply because you don't have the levels to deal with it properly and you have Varric autolocked for story purposes. But yeah a nightmare run of the game is a proper challenge, DAI nightmare mode is no different, including the end of the first chapter being the hardest fight in the game.
With ME3 could you tell what the problem was besides the ending? I remember the gameplay being better than the first 2 games and for the most part the story was top notch, The fact bioware got me so invested in their characters that I cried twice during game, means they were doing something right. The only major problem I remember were the random dream sequences where you had to chase the random dead kid around, those were so pointless. I don't care about some dead kid, I've reapers to kill and showtunes to sing "Gods Tali is awesome.".
@SmilingSword - things felt a little rushed to put the game into around a 24 hour time frame. i think with these long built up plots we needed more time to really build up their finales. i long awaited the Quarian plot but it felt like it ended just as it began. - many choices that I thought would be huge provided little consequence. that is a huge theme of ME3 to me: the consequences didn't seem big enough. i was even hoping that Ashley would be pissed at me for cheating on her with Tali (what... she wasn't originally available in ME1 so I couldn't have her at first) I was a little disappointed when she was so forgiving about it! that is just an example of course. there is also the stand in characters for dead ME2 characters among many other things. - lack of choice in the 3rd game in general. i mean, they pretty much removed the neutral dialogue options, and made a lot of dialogue automatic as well. i mostly just got some decisions at the end of major quest chains. - new characters I didn't care about. really... there were not many good new characters in that game. that reporter lady obviously shouldn't even be in the game, and I am pretty sure IGN shouldn't review a game featuring one of their people. - the whole military strength thingy. first of all the system in itself was a stupid way to handle the ending, second of all I don't like that I had to look at a bar to know what my ending will be. decisions should've just come together into just how badly you beat or are beaten by the reapers. - the whole earth sequence is the biggest thing though. i didn't find just the final cutscene off, but the whole entire final mission was off to me. it didn't feel epic like it should've. we only got to go to one city, we didn't get to fight alongside our armies, almost nothing special happened to truly set this moment apart. in fact, we never get to fight harbinger! even the illusive man boss fight in the CE art would've been nice. i LOVE the ending of Dragon Age Origins, from the final mission to the actual ending. you felt like you were in a huge battle to settle the fate of the world, and in the end you either stood victorious or dead. in ME3... you kinda just go on another mission and then the credits roll after you choose your favorite color.
the most I can give the game is that it is a better shooter than the other games (although a worse RPG) and that their was a sufficient amount of banter. however, the banters didn't really feel like I got closure so much as just another time to talk to my imaginary friends. unfortunately for me though a big thing about the ending is that I am a sucker for hearing the writer's story, and not for making my own stuff up. this is especially my case for RPGs. I think Bioware tried too hard to satisfy everyone by leaving it open, but for me I end up feeling like I can't do that because it ruins the impact of consequences by making my own consequences. if I mess up in real life I don't get to twist the results in my favor, or decide what bad will happen to me. when it comes to the characters I don't feel like I deserve to write up their future, and even just a BG TOB style character ending would satisfy me. They could kill off Tali in some way as they did Viconia and I would accept it, as much as I love her. i am not the voice of god in that world, but rather Bioware is, and it just feels like the universe ended there at the end of 3.
edit: i was writing this around 3 in the morning, and I feel like I could think of more right now, but I'll leave it there.
Confession: I know exactly what internet forum I'm on.
Confession: I LOVE JRPGS!
But that being said...
Confession: The only JRPG I play anymore is Fire Emblem: Awakening, because I don't have time for anything else. ;_;
I fully admit I enjoyed Awakening far more then what was healthy. I maxed *all* relationships (Seriously. All of them). Married Tharja (Because apparently I'm insane). I have I think...200+ hours?
Generally I'm fine with tactics based JRPGs. Those are fun.
Confession: I know exactly what internet forum I'm on.
Confession: I LOVE JRPGS!
But that being said...
Confession: The only JRPG I play anymore is Fire Emblem: Awakening, because I don't have time for anything else. ;_;
I fully admit I enjoyed Awakening far more then what was healthy. I maxed *all* relationships (Seriously. All of them). Married Tharja (Because apparently I'm insane). I have I think...200+ hours?
Generally I'm fine with tactics based JRPGs. Those are fun.
*holds up hand* Same here, though...
Confession: I also married every character at least once over multiple playthroughs.
Confession: I know exactly what internet forum I'm on.
Confession: I LOVE JRPGS!
But that being said...
Confession: The only JRPG I play anymore is Fire Emblem: Awakening, because I don't have time for anything else. ;_;
I fully admit I enjoyed Awakening far more then what was healthy. I maxed *all* relationships (Seriously. All of them). Married Tharja (Because apparently I'm insane). I have I think...200+ hours?
Generally I'm fine with tactics based JRPGs. Those are fun.
*holds up hand* Same here, though...
Confession: I also married every character at least once over multiple playthroughs.
I haven't maxed out all my relationships yet, on either of my files. BUT I'M WORKING ON IT.
Confession: I don’t mind scantily clad females in video games, as long as the males are just as improperly dressed for combat. It’s the double standard that makes me roll my eyes.
Confession: Others have asked the question why is violence acceptable in games, but not nudity or content that deals with sexuality. I ask the same question, but again, when I have seen such content included it has too often been balanced for only one gender.
Confession: For my own game, I EEKeeper NPC stats and proficiencies to reflect my own perception of them.
Confession: I liked Dragon Age: Origins very much, but my heart sank with Dragon Age II.
Confession: I like to delude myself with the hope that they may still make Planescape: Torment EE one day.
Confession: I don’t mind scantily clad females in video games, as long as the males are just as improperly dressed for combat. It’s the double standard that makes me roll my eyes.
Confession: Others have asked the question why is violence acceptable in games, but not nudity or content that deals with sexuality. I ask the same question, but again, when I have seen such content included it has too often been balanced for only one gender.
About the topic of violent against sexual content, funnily enough, here in Germany it's vice versa. Violent content often has to be censored and a lot of, for example, first person shooters never get a below 18+ rating (which is the highest rating here) while you can find sexual content even in some games that are rated 12+ if not lower. Rather explicit games such as Catherine get a +16 rating, while the first Doom was completely illegal here until a few years ago. Quite paradox, I say.
Confession: I know exactly what internet forum I'm on.
Confession: I LOVE JRPGS!
But that being said...
Confession: The only JRPG I play anymore is Fire Emblem: Awakening, because I don't have time for anything else. ;_;
I fully admit I enjoyed Awakening far more then what was healthy. I maxed *all* relationships (Seriously. All of them). Married Tharja (Because apparently I'm insane). I have I think...200+ hours?
Generally I'm fine with tactics based JRPGs. Those are fun.
*holds up hand* Same here, though...
Confession: I also married every character at least once over multiple playthroughs.
I haven't maxed out all my relationships yet, on either of my files. BUT I'M WORKING ON IT.
Yeah, sorry Grima, but could you hold on for a bit? We kinda still haven't mastered true friendship yet. I'm sure you understand, being a massive dark dragon god who rains destruction upon everything. You must have A LOT of friends, am I right?
Freaking. Fire Emblem Awakening ate my life away for a while. NOWI I LOVE YOU! You're so tiny and adorable and you act dumb but obviously are SUPER smart and just trick the rest of the party into thinking you're a kid when you're a two thousand year old Dragon!
I'm not a fan of her clothes at all and she can be a bit TOO childish at times but I appreciate the character nonetheless n_n
Anyway more confessions!
-I think the best numbered Final Fantasy (Because Tactics is the BEST) is Final Fantasy I since you can build your party and name them. -The Drizzt novels made me fall in love Drow and so I'm totally on that bandwagon (though I lean to more playing neutral Drow than good) -I rarely finish games even though I should >_< -I think as of late Obsidian has much better writers than Bioware (I'M SORRY FOR MY BLASPHEMY! PoE>>>Inquisition) -Despite my extensive knowledge of the Metal Gear Universe and love of the games I have never actually played one. Only watched other people play it. -I didn't start playing PnP D&D until 2011 because I thought it was "too nerdy for me." /now owns every Pathfinder book, a few 3.5 books, and a few 2e books now and play in an IRL and online group each week. -I'm unfortunately put off by Planescape: Torment because of the pre-set character. I own the game but only played it for 10 minutes. Hopefully I'll get out of this "No pre-set character" phase soon.
Freaking. Fire Emblem Awakening ate my life away for a while. NOWI I LOVE YOU! You're so tiny and adorable and you act dumb but obviously are SUPER smart and just trick the rest of the party into thinking you're a kid when you're a two thousand year old Dragon!
I'm not a fan of her clothes at all and she can be a bit TOO childish at times but I appreciate the character nonetheless n_n
I always felt like I was somehow beating the system when I set her up with Ricken. Take that, game. They look the same age!
Anyways I should add more confession.
-I have yet to get far in Pillars of Eternity. I find the combat system overly complicated at best and I strongly dislike that the first companion I found was a ass of an elf that I had no option but to defend. Seriously, I tried to help them beat him up. They turn on me.
-I use to make drow characters but I one upped it by making them part demons. My special snowflakes were more special then *your* special snowflakes.
-I have actually played date sims in my youth and by god I might play them again. Forgive me, judgmental people of the internet!
-Deep inside I uncomfortably twitch when I tell people I play video games and they immediately assume I mean Call of Duty. This happens 9 times out of 10
-I crushed heavily on Aerie and Viconia in my youth. The amount of fictional characters I crushed on growing up is ridiculous.
-I crushed heavily on Aerie and Viconia in my youth. The amount of fictional characters I crushed on growing up is ridiculous.
Oh, so that for me. I still get attracted to characters in games, movies and books. It's painful I tell you… painful! (My current obsession being Adam Jensen from Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Previously, the Sniper, The Engineer, The Pyro, the Spy and the Demoman from Team Fortress 2.)
I have not played either of the above mentioned games. I can't play Deus Ex:HR (Director's Cut) on my computer, and I am utterly unable to play TF2 due to lacking the skills for like games. However, I did watch an entire pacifist run of DE:HR, and that informed my view of the characters in the game. And I watched all the "Meet the…" videos from Valve (and have read many/most of the online comics).
Because I own a Macintosh, I have not played a lot of games that require Windows/Linux to run. I played Master of Orion 2 on a friend's PC (and Master of Magic as well, along with D&D Strongholds), and I do have it for my Mac now.
I've probably played more TBS (turn-based strategy) games than RPGs due to owning all the Civilization Games (with the exception of 5) and playing them for HOURS at a time.
My first RPG was probably the Dungeons and Dragons game from the early 80's. One of my cousins owned it, and I got to play it as his house on Christmas. My first owned RPG was the SSI Gold Box Pool of Radiance Game, and I played the hell out pf that, as well. In between SSI games and Baldur's Gate, I played Realmz, Taskmaker (and Tomb of Taskmaker much later- these two are abandon ware now. If you need help, I can tell you where to find all the Angels in ToT and all the "Hidden" spells in Taskmaker. I also have Codes that work for both games. I feel secure in offering them, because the company that made them is out of business.
Other good RPGs are made buy Spiderweb Software. I especially liked Exile (the series, including Blades of Exile), Avernum (remade Exile series, now being re-released yet again), Geneforge, and the Yipe! series. I also have a ton of "Hidden Object" games, Puzzle-ish games like the Virtual Villagers series and the Gemini Lost Game, where you acquire resources, upgrade sciences and build stuff. My other "Big obsession" is Visual Novel Games like "Anima Mundi: Dark Alchemist" and "Yo-Jin-Bo: The Bodyguards" by Hirameki. Sadly, due to people ripping off their games, this company also went under (Boo! Hiss!). I own all the Sims Games original series, all the Sims 2 expansions for the Macintosh and the base Sims 3 game. I also owned Sim City from back in the day, when it was black and white. I owned Sim Earth, Sim Theme Park, Sim Town, and SimIsle. These days, I wouldn't spit to put EA out if it was on fire.
I also played an absolute TON of shareware, like Realmz, Castle Knowledge, MacBoss, and others.
My other earlier game hits include Crystal Quest, Angband/MacAngband, Dungeons of Daggorath (i used to play it in the Radio Shack in the mall near my house), and several games I downloaded from the Games section of AOL when it was a pay service.
-Despite my extensive knowledge of the Metal Gear Universe and love of the games I have never actually played one. Only watched other people play it.
Really? This must be fixed when you have time! Metal Gear is the most consistent game that I've love from my childhood and as I grew up. With Phantom Pain coming to both major consoles and PC, you should jump in for the finale. If you know all of the games so well then I suppose you won't feel left out jumping in now, and if Phantom Pain is as polished as Ground Zeroes then this will be a serious GOTY contender and maybe even a safe day one purchase when it comes to bugs.
-Deep inside I uncomfortably twitch when I tell people I play video games and they immediately assume I mean Call of Duty. This happens 9 times out of 10
This happens a lot with me as well. They don't assume CoD, but they do look at me like I am some child. It's particularly tough in the dating arena because a lot of women (at least of the ones I've met) will immediately nix anything simply because of this fact alone. Like it is any different than sitting and watching Football all afternoon? Or spending hours and hours at the Spa. Welcome to the 21st century.
As for confessions.
- I spend a lot of time on this site at work, when I should be working... And I haven't logged an hour on BG in several months. So why am I here?
- I've never played any of the Metal Gear games?
- When playing an RPG like IWD or ToEE, where I can create my own party members, I will often role play the entire party in my head while I play the game. I imagine the banter and the responses and have actually created rifts in the group as a result. "Put your analyst on danger money, Baby!"
- I find PnP D&D to be an extremely boring activity, I even had a group of friends that were really into it. I found making a character and backstory to be far more fun than actually playing the game. But it could also be that they always wanted to play on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, which as we all know is time best spent being hungover and feeling sorry for yourself.
- Sengoku Rance is by far the best JRPG I have ever played.
- I straight up love girls in unrealistic armour.
-This ones gonna get me crucified, but I think Hideo Kojima is terrible writer. He uses so very much dialogue to say exactly nothing and is in dire need of a dedicated group of editors, to hack up his meanderings and turn them into something coherent. Also a man with a big stick to hit him over the head, every time he decides it's a good idea to add a pointless child character to the story, make a full game about a side character nobody likes or make 30 min cut scenes you could actually play, but they won't let you because reasons.
- I like fanservice in general (videogames, etc.) I like watching female curves, so I don't think that there is anything wrong in girls looking at males' abs or anything like that. That all apply, if the videogame/movie/manga still has some interesting gameplay/story behind it.
- I haven't played BG2:EE as of yet.
- I couldn't care less about Hieo Kojima or Satoru Iwata. That doesn't mean that I won't respect their contribution to the videogames.
@the_spyder well, Hideo Kojima is the maker of the Metal Gear series, and the fanbase practically follows him like god. He even got listed in the MGS4 credits in the voice actors section for "voice of god". so yeah, people love him for the great games he makes, but maybe a bit too much
Satoru Iwata is the recently deceased president of Nintendo. I've never really played Nintendo, but he seemed like an amazing man. "On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." Seriously... that is an inspiring quote coming from someone in his position when every other company simply goes for profit. He's also been credited with such stuff as cutting his salary to keep a single employee from being fired, and holding off the investors as they pushed for Nintendo to go mobile. The gaming world needs more of such people, not less. These are 2 people that makes games "to be fun. Fun for everyone."
And Chris Avellone is a HUGE fan of Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI.
Now, about mine:
-I despise the hypocrisy/double/prudism/conservatism of people that are okay with violence and gore but any nudity is suddenly too much.
("It's okay and fun to decapitate and mutilate your enemies in Mortal Kombat, but Dead or Alive is ridiculous because bouncing boobs and don't you dare show a nipple.")
-I despise the double-standards of so called modern Tumblr feminists (Feminazis) that constantly criticize female armor and depictions but they are fine with the shirtless muscles of Kratos etc.
If you're gonna criticize aesthetics be objective for both genders, otherwise don't.
-I hate it that Bethesda got the rights to Fallout and are making Oblivion/Skyrim with guns (Fallout 3/4) and don't focus on the actual roleplaying like the first two games.
Obsidian should have kept the rights and made actual RPGs, with emphasis on roleplaying, than first-person wasteland exploration simulators with leveled everything.
-I hate those arguments in some games that say Monks are not realistic because they punch people in plate and huge animals.
Apparently someone turning into animals (Druids), someone blasting stuff with their minds (Psions) and using songs to become better warriors (Bards) are realistic.
-I generally find MOBAs boring but I love Smite. It has a unique gameplay and uses gods based on various mythologies. Also Cthulhu, Elvis and Darth Maul skins (among others).
-If a Pathfinder video game was made in the spirit of the Neverwinter Nights games, I would pre-order it with no second thought and I rarely pre-order.
-I loved Final Fantasy VII (still do) before I knew anything about it or seen its hype.
Like it or not, it almost single-handedly sold the Playstation along Metal Gear Solid and it was revolutionary in it's tech and effects.
-Played the crap out of NwN2 online for YEARS as well as many modules. Still haven't finished the Original Campaign and Mask of the Betrayer. The latter has been praised and compared to Planescape Torment many times.
-Haven't played Planescape: Torment yet (bought it and I'M ON IT).
-I've been playing Icewind Dale II on and off since 2012. Not even kidding. Perhaps it was it's rushed development or it's pacing, I lost interest all the time until I pushed through it again and again.
-Neverwinter Nights 1 was what got me into PC RPGs and DnD in general. Then I got hooked into all the (A)DnD RPGs.
I was a console/Playstation guy before that.
Where ToEE really shines in my book is the implementation of ACTUAL turn based combat. I love BG to death, but the 'Turn based real time' thing bugs me. ToEE did combat right (where the code wasn't broken).
Back to confessions:
- I initially played Tomb Raider because of Pixilated curves
- I played Bloodrayne for the same reason
- I've actually WATCHED the Bloodrayne movie... all the way through.
I really enjoy the NWN and NWN2 games (haven't played SoZ or MoW yet). I prefer the NWN2 OC over MOTB. Deekin is my favorite companion (from SoU and HotU, also makes a guest appearance in NWN2 OC). I think Zhjaeve (no idea how to pronounce her name) is the hottest babe in the FR games and that she should be the romance choice for males in NWN2 OC instead of Elanee (jk about Z).
I like BG more than BG2. My least favorite IE game is probably Throne of Bhaal. A game where a bunch of your siblings die one way or another.
I prefer IWD over the BG saga.
I think Drizzt / Salvatore is overrated (I did enjoy the IWD Trilogy, Dark Elf Trilogy and Cleric Quintet though).
I avoided CRPGs for a long time because the graphics looked primitive compared to other computer games back in the 1980s and 1990s (the Quest for Glory series was the first CRPG I got into and that was after four of them were already out).
I wish that D&D games would be released that do NOT take place in the Forgotten Realms, such as DragonLance...
I also EEkeeper NPC's to the classes I think they should be.
I have never played any MMORPGrrr for more than a week, I just can't deal with thousands of people doing the same quests and everybody being the chosen one. Also people like being unique which is completely natural, but in MMO's this translates into I'm going to make my character look like a complete moron, it's all so immersion breaking. Also playing with friends tends to kill any story the game has, so being a bit of a lorehound, this just kills the game for me.
I think the Gothic games besides Gothic 1 were trash, also the Risen series is incredibly bad. Risen 2 was the worst, a pirate game, where you play a pretend pirate who doesn't do anything piratey.
I also think the Fable games are trash, besides Fable 1. Fable 3 was possibly the worst RPG I have ever played. You can't die, they reuse bosses as normal enemies, it's filled with pointless fetch quests, the interacting with any NPC falls flat, when all NPC's are pretty much the exact same NPC, you can't kill the stupid dog that follows you around, I even tried throwing it's stupid ball off a stupid cliff. Oh and the final boss is a old man that takes no skill whatsoever to beat.
I haven't played any of the Assassins Creed games and I don't intend to.
I haven't played Planescape Torment and won't, unless a EE version is released.
- Elder Scrolls is overrated and the gameplay is dull. Yes, that includes Skyrim.
- Chrono Trigger and Seiken Densetsu 3 are the best Final Fantasy games.
- JRPGs aren't RPGs.
- TellTale Games' cineastic adventures are better RPGs than like 90% of the games that are actually called RPGs.
- South Park: The Stick of Truth was one of the best RPGs in a long long time.
- I haven't played Dragon Age: Inquisition yet out of pure spite towards EA.
And now, the ultimate confession:
- I actually had a huge crush on Anomen when I was a teenager :X
- I haven't played a sonic game since the genesis until this week... and the cause of this was me watching a playthrough of the second worst game in the series (boom scored lower than 06) What can I say... after experiencing some of the worst I wanted to experience some of the better moments for a dying franchise.
- I actually liked Generations more than the adventure games. I found the adventure games didn't control too well, and I constantly would miss a grind rail or something and die. I do, however, see that they could be enjoyable if I got used to the controls more.
- The first thing I did was boot up Adventure 2 just to play city escape. I then played all of generations first before going back.
- I've listened to sonic music for a long time without even playing the games in forever (minus the genesis games). I also did so with Metal Gear Rising: Revengance.
- My favorite character might not even be sonic himself, but rather Blaze the Cat. Although I think she got a lot of bonus points just for being one of the only good female characters while there is a larger cast of good male characters. However, I find she is ruined when Silver is around, so overall at least Sonic is more consistent. I did still like her enough in 06 to seek out her other games, and just preferred her in Rush much better, and that is also her original design anyway (not too mention canon design).
- I've actually never in my entire life accepted any ships. (I don't count having a favorite Bioware romance as shipping) I just see no point if the story never officially puts the characters together. However, I admittedly did develop a liking to SonicxBlaze after Sonic Rush. A large part in this is pretty much because it is an alternative to Amy, whom I find annoying. However, I also find Sonic and Blaze to have a VERY close relationship, and took notice of the pretty ridiculous amount of hints that were given to this pairing. Due to all of these hints, and my hate for Amy, I see and accept a relationship there, although I am of course more glad that no pairing will ever be official in the series. Sonic isn't about that.
-I actually like generations' modern sonic gameplay more than the classic... I liked being able to see the obstacles in front of me so I could focus on just going fast and not what is at the edge of the screen.
- Today I identify as asexual, and I credit finding this to Tali from Mass Effect. I actually felt jealousy that the relationship wouldn't allow for such contact and they would still make it work
- I didn't play Baldur's Gate until about a year before the EEs got announced. Talk about the timing to get into a series!
- I first got Mass Effect 1 on christmas, and though to myself "this looks so nerdy!" and put it aside for months as I played Fallout 3. I would later pick it up to give it a shot as I was done with that, and I accepted that I am a nerd
- I legitimately had problems with a lot more of ME3 than just the ending, although the ending was just the final straw that ruined the series for me entirely. I haven't played even 1 and 2 ever since the extended cut failed to solve my issues.
- Although I really like DAO, I have to admit that I find it hard to replay. I think I've only ever had 2 full playthroughs, and many other attempts.
- Is it just me who found nightmare in DA2 to just be ridiculous? I love challenges... but I spent an entire hour on the first chapter boss... on the successful attempt. I actually spent an entire day making attempts before winning. I also didn't have a dual of honor with the quanari because the moment he picked me up on his blade I would be dead by his next attack he does instantly.
- I actually did the search for evidence and some math to find that Jaheira isn't seriously as old as people always like to make her out to be. She is actually quite young for a half elf, around 20 with a human lifespan. In the sense of a human lifespan she is certainly younger than Vic and possibly also Aerie. The bigger problem for the Jaheira romance to me is just Khalid's death. As such I just turn down the sleeping scene and save that kind of stuff for after the events of the games.
- Garrus died on my first ME2 playthrough... and I resisted reloading. Don't worry, he lived in all my other playthroughs
Metal Gear
- I have gotten Foxhound rank on MGS3, and could almost get Big Boss in MGS2. The part that usually ruins it is the ending with Snake and Raiden together. Seriously... Snake needs to stop running in and dying.
- On that same subject, I refuse to use saves for the purpose of reloading before I died. If the challenge is things like no deaths and killing no enemies, then it doesn't feel right to be able to reload so the record doesn't take note of your failures.
- I didn't play MGS1 until after MGS4, with 2 being my first in the series. I got the desire to play 1 after the Shadow Moses mission of 4, as I missed out on a ton of nostalgia.
- I never skip the MGS2 intro when I want to play it. Seriously... the MGS theme is too epic for me to skip. It seriously saddens me to not have it in the games anymore because it shares some similarities to a Russian song. While I do not know if the copying was deliberate or not, I miss this theme.
- Every time I reach the top of the MGS3 ladder, I seriously contemplate jumping off to climb up it again. I manage to resist because I don't want to lower my score... but it's quite difficult to do so.
- I actually never use some of the most iconic items in the game. Cardboard boxes, books, I barely think about them.
- I never actually taught myself to use CQC in MGS3. I instead use the tranq gun always.
- I always ignore the guns in MGS3 because ammo in the game is only for guns you have. Therefore, you can get just ammo for the pistols if that is all you have.
- I've done runs of Ground Zeroes where I try to extract every guard in the base. I find these runs easier, although longer, than actually going stealthily for the objective right away. Usually in that case I get caught as I am leaving the base.
- I actually think Kiefer Sutherland is doing a great job as Snake. I will miss Hayter, but I at least think we got a good replacement. I am just hoping that we see Solid Snake in Phantom Pain with Hayter reprising that role
Bethesda (and fallout)
-I've already preordered the collector's edition of Fallout 4... I really wanted the pipboy replica. It's such a stupid gimick!
- I have the classics, although I never completed a playthrough yet. I think I just prefer real time with pause, like Baldur's Gate.
- I never actually finished the main questline in New Vegas... I always fool around until I get bored. A part of this is my desire to explore and all I was given is desert. I do have to agree that the quests and characters are better than Fallout 3 however.
- I really want the low intelligence dialogue to come back. Come on... who doesn't!
- I actually am a little off about the way it looks like power armor is a power up in Fallout 4. I love the look of power armor and like to wear it everywhere when I have it. Still, it would be nice to wear something else for once and for power armor to be truly unique and powerful when you do decide to use it.
- I only ever get dog companions in games like Fallout where they are an after thought. It feels like they offset the game balancing, which is balanced for a single player. However, I can't resist having a dog with me, and I hope the focus on FO4's dog makes enemies better balanced for having companion help.
- I actually quite liked ESO for a time... but then I haven't played MMOs for years to be mad at the somewhat lack of innovation. Today I only really play because there is a great RP community, however.
- I have played all the TES games start to finish, usually completing a large amount of content.
- Oblivion is my favorite TES, and my first which I think creates bias. I've played Skyrim the least out of all, however, and only completed the thieves guild and main quest lines when it comes to major quest lines. In Oblivion I completed all expansions and vanilla major questlines.
Confession: I know exactly what internet forum I'm on.
Confession: I LOVE JRPGS!
But that being said...
Confession: The only JRPG I play anymore is Fire Emblem: Awakening, because I don't have time for anything else. ;_;
With ME3 could you tell what the problem was besides the ending? I remember the gameplay being better than the first 2 games and for the most part the story was top notch, The fact bioware got me so invested in their characters that I cried twice during game, means they were doing something right. The only major problem I remember were the random dream sequences where you had to chase the random dead kid around, those were so pointless. I don't care about some dead kid, I've reapers to kill and showtunes to sing "Gods Tali is awesome.".
- things felt a little rushed to put the game into around a 24 hour time frame. i think with these long built up plots we needed more time to really build up their finales. i long awaited the Quarian plot but it felt like it ended just as it began.
- many choices that I thought would be huge provided little consequence. that is a huge theme of ME3 to me: the consequences didn't seem big enough. i was even hoping that Ashley would be pissed at me for cheating on her with Tali
- lack of choice in the 3rd game in general. i mean, they pretty much removed the neutral dialogue options, and made a lot of dialogue automatic as well. i mostly just got some decisions at the end of major quest chains.
- new characters I didn't care about. really... there were not many good new characters in that game. that reporter lady obviously shouldn't even be in the game, and I am pretty sure IGN shouldn't review a game featuring one of their people.
- the whole military strength thingy. first of all the system in itself was a stupid way to handle the ending, second of all I don't like that I had to look at a bar to know what my ending will be. decisions should've just come together into just how badly you beat or are beaten by the reapers.
- the whole earth sequence is the biggest thing though. i didn't find just the final cutscene off, but the whole entire final mission was off to me. it didn't feel epic like it should've. we only got to go to one city, we didn't get to fight alongside our armies, almost nothing special happened to truly set this moment apart. in fact, we never get to fight harbinger! even the illusive man boss fight in the CE art would've been nice. i LOVE the ending of Dragon Age Origins, from the final mission to the actual ending. you felt like you were in a huge battle to settle the fate of the world, and in the end you either stood victorious or dead. in ME3... you kinda just go on another mission and then the credits roll after you choose your favorite color.
the most I can give the game is that it is a better shooter than the other games (although a worse RPG) and that their was a sufficient amount of banter. however, the banters didn't really feel like I got closure so much as just another time to talk to my imaginary friends. unfortunately for me though a big thing about the ending is that I am a sucker for hearing the writer's story, and not for making my own stuff up. this is especially my case for RPGs. I think Bioware tried too hard to satisfy everyone by leaving it open, but for me I end up feeling like I can't do that because it ruins the impact of consequences by making my own consequences. if I mess up in real life I don't get to twist the results in my favor, or decide what bad will happen to me. when it comes to the characters I don't feel like I deserve to write up their future, and even just a BG TOB style character ending would satisfy me. They could kill off Tali in some way as they did Viconia and I would accept it, as much as I love her. i am not the voice of god in that world, but rather Bioware is, and it just feels like the universe ended there at the end of 3.
edit: i was writing this around 3 in the morning, and I feel like I could think of more right now, but I'll leave it there.
Generally I'm fine with tactics based JRPGs. Those are fun.
Confession: I also married every character at least once over multiple playthroughs.
I also probably have more hours, overall, behind flight sims and space sims, than RPGs.
Confession: Others have asked the question why is violence acceptable in games, but not nudity or content that deals with sexuality. I ask the same question, but again, when I have seen such content included it has too often been balanced for only one gender.
Confession: For my own game, I EEKeeper NPC stats and proficiencies to reflect my own perception of them.
Confession: I liked Dragon Age: Origins very much, but my heart sank with Dragon Age II.
Confession: I like to delude myself with the hope that they may still make Planescape: Torment EE one day.
About the topic of violent against sexual content, funnily enough, here in Germany it's vice versa.
Violent content often has to be censored and a lot of, for example, first person shooters never get a below 18+ rating (which is the highest rating here) while you can find sexual content even in some games that are rated 12+ if not lower. Rather explicit games such as Catherine get a +16 rating, while the first Doom was completely illegal here until a few years ago. Quite paradox, I say.
Fire Emblem Awakening ate my life away for a while. NOWI I LOVE YOU! You're so tiny and adorable and you act dumb but obviously are SUPER smart and just trick the rest of the party into thinking you're a kid when you're a two thousand year old Dragon!
I'm not a fan of her clothes at all and she can be a bit TOO childish at times but I appreciate the character nonetheless n_n
Anyway more confessions!
-I think the best numbered Final Fantasy (Because Tactics is the BEST) is Final Fantasy I since you can build your party and name them.
-The Drizzt novels made me fall in love Drow and so I'm totally on that bandwagon (though I lean to more playing neutral Drow than good)
-I rarely finish games even though I should >_<
-I think as of late Obsidian has much better writers than Bioware (I'M SORRY FOR MY BLASPHEMY! PoE>>>Inquisition)
-Despite my extensive knowledge of the Metal Gear Universe and love of the games I have never actually played one. Only watched other people play it.
-I didn't start playing PnP D&D until 2011 because I thought it was "too nerdy for me." /now owns every Pathfinder book, a few 3.5 books, and a few 2e books now and play in an IRL and online group each week.
-I'm unfortunately put off by Planescape: Torment because of the pre-set character. I own the game but only played it for 10 minutes. Hopefully I'll get out of this "No pre-set character" phase soon.
Anyways I should add more confession.
-I have yet to get far in Pillars of Eternity. I find the combat system overly complicated at best and I strongly dislike that the first companion I found was a ass of an elf that I had no option but to defend. Seriously, I tried to help them beat him up. They turn on me.
-I use to make drow characters but I one upped it by making them part demons. My special snowflakes were more special then *your* special snowflakes.
-I have actually played date sims in my youth and by god I might play them again. Forgive me, judgmental people of the internet!
-Deep inside I uncomfortably twitch when I tell people I play video games and they immediately assume I mean Call of Duty. This happens 9 times out of 10
-I crushed heavily on Aerie and Viconia in my youth. The amount of fictional characters I crushed on growing up is ridiculous.
I have not played either of the above mentioned games. I can't play Deus Ex:HR (Director's Cut) on my computer, and I am utterly unable to play TF2 due to lacking the skills for like games. However, I did watch an entire pacifist run of DE:HR, and that informed my view of the characters in the game. And I watched all the "Meet the…" videos from Valve (and have read many/most of the online comics).
Because I own a Macintosh, I have not played a lot of games that require Windows/Linux to run. I played Master of Orion 2 on a friend's PC (and Master of Magic as well, along with D&D Strongholds), and I do have it for my Mac now.
I've probably played more TBS (turn-based strategy) games than RPGs due to owning all the Civilization Games (with the exception of 5) and playing them for HOURS at a time.
My first RPG was probably the Dungeons and Dragons game from the early 80's. One of my cousins owned it, and I got to play it as his house on Christmas. My first owned RPG was the SSI Gold Box Pool of Radiance Game, and I played the hell out pf that, as well. In between SSI games and Baldur's Gate, I played Realmz, Taskmaker (and Tomb of Taskmaker much later- these two are abandon ware now. If you need help, I can tell you where to find all the Angels in ToT and all the "Hidden" spells in Taskmaker.
Other good RPGs are made buy Spiderweb Software. I especially liked Exile (the series, including Blades of Exile), Avernum (remade Exile series, now being re-released yet again), Geneforge, and the Yipe! series. I also have a ton of "Hidden Object" games, Puzzle-ish games like the Virtual Villagers series and the Gemini Lost Game, where you acquire resources, upgrade sciences and build stuff. My other "Big obsession" is Visual Novel Games like "Anima Mundi: Dark Alchemist" and "Yo-Jin-Bo: The Bodyguards" by Hirameki. Sadly, due to people ripping off their games, this company also went under (Boo! Hiss!). I own all the Sims Games original series, all the Sims 2 expansions for the Macintosh and the base Sims 3 game. I also owned Sim City from back in the day, when it was black and white. I owned Sim Earth, Sim Theme Park, Sim Town, and SimIsle. These days, I wouldn't spit to put EA out if it was on fire.
I also played an absolute TON of shareware, like Realmz, Castle Knowledge, MacBoss, and others.
My other earlier game hits include Crystal Quest, Angband/MacAngband, Dungeons of Daggorath (i used to play it in the Radio Shack in the mall near my house), and several games I downloaded from the Games section of AOL when it was a pay service.
As for confessions.
- I spend a lot of time on this site at work, when I should be working... And I haven't logged an hour on BG in several months. So why am I here?
- I've never played any of the Metal Gear games?
- When playing an RPG like IWD or ToEE, where I can create my own party members, I will often role play the entire party in my head while I play the game. I imagine the banter and the responses and have actually created rifts in the group as a result. "Put your analyst on danger money, Baby!"
- Sengoku Rance is by far the best JRPG I have ever played.
- I straight up love girls in unrealistic armour.
-This ones gonna get me crucified, but I think Hideo Kojima is terrible writer. He uses so very much dialogue to say exactly nothing and is in dire need of a dedicated group of editors, to hack up his meanderings and turn them into something coherent. Also a man with a big stick to hit him over the head, every time he decides it's a good idea to add a pointless child character to the story, make a full game about a side character nobody likes or make 30 min cut scenes you could actually play, but they won't let you because reasons.
- I like fanservice in general (videogames, etc.) I like watching female curves, so I don't think that there is anything wrong in girls looking at males' abs or anything like that. That all apply, if the videogame/movie/manga still has some interesting gameplay/story behind it.
- I haven't played BG2:EE as of yet.
- I couldn't care less about Hieo Kojima or Satoru Iwata. That doesn't mean that I won't respect their contribution to the videogames.
- I don't know who Hideo Kojima is. Nor Satoru Iwata for that matter. (don't crucify me)
Satoru Iwata is the recently deceased president of Nintendo. I've never really played Nintendo, but he seemed like an amazing man. "On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." Seriously... that is an inspiring quote coming from someone in his position when every other company simply goes for profit. He's also been credited with such stuff as cutting his salary to keep a single employee from being fired, and holding off the investors as they pushed for Nintendo to go mobile. The gaming world needs more of such people, not less. These are 2 people that makes games "to be fun. Fun for everyone."