Bhaalspawn Lore to be addressed in SoD?

Obviously we are all here for our love of the BG series but lets be honest: the lore surrounding Bhaal and the Bhaalpawn is not strongly addressed for the majority of BG1.
While the revelation of your heritage is foreshadowed throughout the game, but the actual meaning of your legacy is only explored in BG2.
It seems to me SoD is aiming to build a stronger foundation regarding the meaning of your heritage before you end up in Amn. I'm basing this speculation on the following: Two of the areas revealed on the official website: The Fallen Temple of Bhaal and Boareskyr Bridge both seem to have ties to Bhaal. The description of the Shining Lady implies she may be a Bhaalspawn or at least have some people convinced she is one.
That being said: what lore questions of people eager to see explored? What unanswered questions about your legacy are story fodder?
My speculation: The Shining Lady is not, after all a Bhaalspawn (save the battle among Bhaalspawn for ToB) but is instead a Cyric-spawn. You will have a chance to avenge/answer for your fathers defeat by confronting her and her father's legacy.
While the revelation of your heritage is foreshadowed throughout the game, but the actual meaning of your legacy is only explored in BG2.
It seems to me SoD is aiming to build a stronger foundation regarding the meaning of your heritage before you end up in Amn. I'm basing this speculation on the following: Two of the areas revealed on the official website: The Fallen Temple of Bhaal and Boareskyr Bridge both seem to have ties to Bhaal. The description of the Shining Lady implies she may be a Bhaalspawn or at least have some people convinced she is one.
That being said: what lore questions of people eager to see explored? What unanswered questions about your legacy are story fodder?
My speculation: The Shining Lady is not, after all a Bhaalspawn (save the battle among Bhaalspawn for ToB) but is instead a Cyric-spawn. You will have a chance to avenge/answer for your fathers defeat by confronting her and her father's legacy.
Perhaps some other lore I would like addressed is a greater semblance to your past with Imoen. It kinda reminds me of those stupid movies and the cliche "we've only known these characters for a half-an-hour why should anyone care about their past together!?" Only, in contrast, players have known Imoen through like a 100 hour campaign or whatever.
There is an empty void of dialogue missing from BGI that I would REALLY like to be built upon in SoD, mostly because Imoen isn't a cackling mess.
It could be very beneficial to have some moments where they speak a little bit about their past at Candlekeep. They talk about it a little in BGII, but Imoen is just a garbled mess through like 65% of the game.
EDIT: Sorry for the edit but, here's a BIIIGGG one. Let's have a LITTLE (emphasis on the little so that no spoilers) indication on Imoen's nature, enough so that most won't know what the game is referring to but enough so that those who look will see and know.
Yep, just reread that part in "Waterdeep". Bhaal was preoccupied with talking to Midnight (whom later became Mystra, the same one that Cyric killed which caused the Spellplague), trying to get her to give up the Tablet of Fate, when Cyric snuck up to within 2 feet of Bhaal, and when Bhaal whirled around in alarm when he realized it, Cyric stabbed him in the chest with the red shortsword (Mask's avatar) and killed him.
@deltago The only way you can see it or any of the floors above the Iron Throne Merchants is by kiting a watcher I've found. Is there another way to gain access to those floors? I ask since even if I go nowhere near Reiltar a Watcher is on the next floor waiting to take me to prison.
Actually that wouldn't really work would it...
I'm thinking there may be a trial of some sort near the end of the game where a bunch of character witnesses come out and praise/condemn you before the arch dukes decide to banish you/strongly suggest you go somewhere else, at which point Khalid, Jaheira, and Imoen accompany you because they are your stalwart allies/they want to keep an eye on you. Maybe something similar to the trial in Chrono Trigger where little things through out the game are used as evidence for or against you, but I'm a sucker for courtroom drama.
That all happens after SoD and Baldur's Gate 2, if you believe such ridiculous tales.
Secondly would be what being a Bhaalspawn does to a person. Consider that in two short years you not only amass phenomenal cosmic power, you bring potentially twenty-two people that the Bhaalspawn can bring with them from "highly skilled adventurer" level 9 to "there are approximately fifteen people at this level on the entire planet and they spent their long, artificially extended, lives getting there" level 30+.
So does the Bhaalspawn act as a delimiter for those around them? If not, and they keep accumulating power at the same rate, then forget claiming their birthright, mage CHARNAMEs could be ascending to divinity Vecna style. If simply being around a Bhaalspawn is enough to let the ones that survive progress into new heights of power is that why others flock to their banners in ToB? Are they all hoping for that Bhaalspawn boost? And if it does, then is that limit retroactive? Is the Bhaalspawn who abandons their taint dooming themselves and their party to a life of mediocrity, robbed of their power and forced to become a "mortal" level 20?
It's obviously not something that can be covered fully in SoD, but I'd be interested to see at least some of this explored or at least touched upon in the story.
Also there is never enough Imoen dialog in the world.
Of course, in the long run I'd really like beamdog to turn a profit. Both because I think they deserve it, and because I have a faint hope that they might continue to make more games for us in this same style if they do make a profit.
Chris Avellone WAS the Designer on Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance and BG DID bring him over for his input on SoD, so you might have a point there OP.