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Negative reviews on GoG and Steam



  • TakisMegasTakisMegas Member Posts: 835

    Sorry but not all opinions are of equal weight, and there is a difference between criticism and outright trolling. There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of SOD, and for me, that includes the UI, bugs, and narrative flow, but in the end, I'd expect people to judge SOD as a whole product. When a mob of people who doesn't even own the game starts to flood forums and complain about a relatively minor issue within the context of the game, I certainly question their motives and sincerity.

    Those who write silly reviews over that one Minsc line are as relevant as those who complained about Sidney Pontier's skin color in the 1960s.
    Two things that are wrong with your final sentence.

    1/ You are trying to compare the struggles of Black Americans in the 60's to the political views of 1% of the worlds population?

    2/ No comment is "silly" or less than another. All comments are to be considered equally because they have the RIGHT to be said. Do not try to ridicule someone because they do not agree with your view.

    If you ever dare to start talking about slavery I would suggest you read a little first. My people where slaved and culled for over 500 years. No mention of a holocaust or a blip in American schools. Don't ever pull the race card.
  • PurudayaPurudaya Member Posts: 816
    Dimitriid said:

    So there are no technical issues? This is just about politics and you're not misrepresenting one side's argument? Funny that if I go to the steam store page right now I can see the exact opposite: mostly people complaining about technical issues and poor writing. Respectfully and with opinionated but valid points. The fact that they use a term you do not like does not takes away from what you quoted, in fact you actually are misrepresenting his entire point which is the same I'm making: negative reviews are mostly related to technical issues and SHOULD have a right to exist and be read.
    Did I say that? For people who complain about strawmen, you all sure do use them a lot.

    Of course there are technical issues with the game (although my playthrough has been bug free) and those reviews are perfectly valid. I'm talking about 0 star reviews attacking this game specifically for its (f***ing minimal!) LGBTQ friendly content. If you're telling me that you haven't been able to find SEVERAL of those, then I don't know how I can help you.

    Also, did you want to address the flood of downvotes for positive reviews or is that too inconvenient to your argument?
  • VladVlad Member Posts: 17
    Purudaya said:

    Have you played it?
    Never! First, I don't pay and I don't charge for mods, which is my principle, there are tons of them around, and I can make mods for myself. Second, I'm strongly against the whole EE stinky business, and I don't want to support these guys. I said that the call for posting positive reviews against one transgender related post without mentioning posts reporting essential issues is actually another dirty step.
  • LifatLifat Member Posts: 353
    Wauw. I still haven't begun playing SoD because I'm doing a v. 2.0 playthrough of bg1ee... But once I've played SoD, I'll certainly leave a review. Whether this review is positive or negative depend entirely on the quality of the game. I personally have ZERO beef with LGBTQ communities (Who the hell cares? If they aren't forcing me to be something I'm not, why would I force them to be something they aren't?).

    My review will be based on the 4 important things that make up a game:

    (These aren't listed in a particular order, as the importance change depending on type of game and personal preference).
    Notice that if the LGBTQ stuff is indeed poorly written, as some claim, then I will surely mention that as a negative when it comes to story writing. But it won't be enough to tank the review if it is there.
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351

    I didn't even question Mizhena about her name. I'm at the castle and I almost never spoke to her. Who am I to question names? I seriously had to go check it out on purpose.

    is this what people are flipping over? Big deal.

    So, it isn't shoved down your throat like a lot people have been saying it is then?

    Dimitriid said:

    So there are no technical issues? This is just about politics and you're not misrepresenting one side's argument? Funny that if I go to the steam store page right now I can see the exact opposite: mostly people complaining about technical issues and poor writing. Respectfully and with opinionated but valid points. The fact that they use a term you do not like does not takes away from what you quoted, in fact you actually are misrepresenting his entire point which is the same I'm making: negative reviews are mostly related to technical issues and SHOULD have a right to exist and be read.
    A lot of the reviews state technical issues but I cant see any about poor writing... Well actually there are a few that say there is poor writing, but they then use that reason as a spring board to then go on about the trans gender character. Maybe that character is poorly written, but are those few lines representative of the whole game? I didn't see them give any more examples..
  • Mikey205Mikey205 Member Posts: 307
    He just said if you're having a good time then please write a review to counteract those people who are angry about politically correct content. Doesn't seem unreasonable to me. I don't even like sjw stuff but its inclusion doesn't drop a game to 0/10.
  • rjmacreadyrjmacready Member Posts: 91
    edited April 2016
    People are seriously taking time out of their lives to try and attack this game over a few seconds worth of content? I mean I get it if the game design or plot went in a direction you didnt like - Ive been there and made my valid criticisms heard on things - that I can accept. But seriously? I cant stand pretentious SJW nonsense but if there are people out there who think this game is trying to push some sort of agenda - its just beggars belief.

    I wrote a review on metacritic anyway, not just because I thoroughly enjoyed the game but also because there are literally sad little people clicking away at all the positive reviews saying they unhelpful. Pathetic.

    Anyway Im going to play some more of this expansion because Im having a blast.
  • DimitriidDimitriid Member Posts: 43
    Insultion said:

    So, suddenly context doesn't matter?

    Don't bold any of it and it doesn't support you whatsoever.
    How does it does not supports me? I'm saying is wrong for a developer to call to drown out criticism of a "loud minority" no matter how much he disagrees with their politics. There is no question on what he meant with the entire statement. If I take the entire post, it still basically says "If you're having a good time, help us stamp out this political dissidents"

    I'm saying that's a misrepresentation of what's going on: the top negative reviews on Steam for example are still about technical issues. You're selectively ignoring part of the statement saying that he's just asking for positive reviews if you enjoy the game when he opens up mentioning Minsc's line and the trans character and specifically asks users to balance out. It could not be more clear, there is no room for not interpreting it as "I don't like political dissidence, henceforth I want people who like this game to balance out those opinions"

    Why even mention that? Why there isn't a single line about the majority of the reviewer's points: technical issues? Also why imply that this is because of the content itself when it's perfectly clear on the top reviews that what's being called out is bad, out of character writing? Nobody can object to something entirely subjective now can they? You cannot have a wrong opinion on bad writing, you just consider it bad, it's your subjective experience.

  • SFJakeSFJake Member Posts: 8
    So... living in your delusionary world where your definition of "ethics" is unbreakable, you insult everyone that doesn't like your close-minded attitude to what -I- actually find insulting towards the entire world, from trans to normal people?

    I consider the mindset behind this a big detriment to the entire writing of the entire game. Your philosophy is a joke to me, and it bears saying, and your answer to this is is begging for nice reviews?

    Now, I totally understand that there are people riding the hate train a bit too liberally, but don't try and spin this as if you're not deserving it.

    Your misplaced (and badly presented) political agenda in this game reflects the general quality of your work, and you deserve the general hatred coming to you.

    If you can't understand why people despise SJW as a whole, even me, when I am totally for representation of any and all genders/races/types fairly, and why your game is a direct reflection of the problems SJW causes...

    ...well, what can I say.

    But I won't let a game like this spout this kind of SJW ignorance and if that means giving it a harsh review, that'll be that. This kind of thing is toxic to humanity, and its pissing people off even more when its in their beloved Baldur's Gate.

    Which really, is the only reason I'm here. If it wasn't Baldur's Gate, I would never have been so shocked to see this kind of close-minded SJW behavior in it. But here we are, uh?

    Anyway, I'm dragging this post. You get the idea. Get off your god damn pedestal, you and your game's misplaced ideologies.
  • SqueakyWheelSqueakyWheel Member Posts: 22
    shawne said:

    Exactly so. It's a bald-faced lie, because if you put those posters on the spot and ask them to name a single LGBT character who does meet that supposed standard of "quality writing", they'd stammer like a machine gun and come up blank. It's a convenient - and transparent - excuse.

    Thats a nice Strawman you have there. Not only did you prop him up very proudly, you also unironically went with how he would react according to you.
    In fact, you should write a fanfic about it.

    Just keep ignoring the people who point out Arcade and Veronica as good writing repeatedly since it doesn't support your argument.

  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882

    So, it isn't shoved down your throat like a lot people have been saying it is then?

    Nope. Although she has a voice-over. That could have been "the issue".
  • MessiMessi Member Posts: 738
    This was a really stupid move. It both riles up the idiots and gives them ammunition against people actually leaving a good review.
  • InsultionInsultion Member Posts: 179
    @Dimitriid My apologies, I wasn't clear. I mean it doesn't support the idea that anyone is begging. I should have said that, I knew you had other points to make as well.
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137

    No comment is "silly" or less than another.

    I have seen other comments that are better than this comment.
  • InconnuInconnu Member Posts: 99
    SFJake said:

    So... living in your delusionary world where your definition of "ethics" is unbreakable, you insult everyone that doesn't like your close-minded attitude to what -I- actually find insulting towards the entire world, from trans to normal people?

    I consider the mindset behind this a big detriment to the entire writing of the entire game. Your philosophy is a joke to me, and it bears saying, and your answer to this is is begging for nice reviews?

    Now, I totally understand that there are people riding the hate train a bit too liberally, but don't try and spin this as if you're not deserving it.

    Your misplaced (and badly presented) political agenda in this game reflects the general quality of your work, and you deserve the general hatred coming to you.

    If you can't understand why people despise SJW as a whole, even me, when I am totally for representation of any and all genders/races/types fairly, and why your game is a direct reflection of the problems SJW causes...

    ...well, what can I say.

    But I won't let a game like this spout this kind of SJW ignorance and if that means giving it a harsh review, that'll be that. This kind of thing is toxic to humanity, and its pissing people off even more when its in their beloved Baldur's Gate.

    Which really, is the only reason I'm here. If it wasn't Baldur's Gate, I would never have been so shocked to see this kind of close-minded SJW behavior in it. But here we are, uh?

    Anyway, I'm dragging this post. You get the idea. Get off your god damn pedestal, you and your game's misplaced ideologies.

    What the hell are you talking about? It's ONE paragraph from a non-essential character. This is no agenda. No politics aside from the tiny inclusion of a transgender NPC that is completely optional and offers no other content aside from healing services.

    Your close-minded opinions and sweeping generalizations are the thing that are toxic here.
  • SqueakyWheelSqueakyWheel Member Posts: 22
    Joey said:

    There is no ingrained bigotry or intolerance in the gaming community, that's not what this is about.

    I agree.

    What I meant more is that people more often than not are celebrating and defending a character simply for being black or in this case trans even if he neither fits the world/setting nor is written well.

  • PurudayaPurudaya Member Posts: 816
    Vlad said:

    Never! First, I don't pay and I don't charge for mods, which is my principle, there are tons of them around, and I can make mods for myself. Second, I'm strongly against the whole EE stinky business, and I don't want to support these guys. I said that the call for posting positive reviews against one transgender related post without mentioning posts reporting essential issues is actually another dirty step.'re upset about technical issues that you haven't experienced in a game you've never played and never intend to play? Dude, don't you have anywhere else to be?
  • InsultionInsultion Member Posts: 179
    @Dee My only issue is that saying that at all, or making note of it, makes some people think you're desperate, and as Messi said, riles up and inflames an already itchy rash.
  • DimitriidDimitriid Member Posts: 43
    edited April 2016
    Purudaya said:

    Did I say that? For people who complain about strawmen, you all sure do use them a lot.

    Of course there are technical issues with the game (although my playthrough has been bug free) and those reviews are perfectly valid. I'm talking about 0 star reviews attacking this game specifically for its (f***ing minimal!) LGBTQ friendly content. If you're telling me that you haven't been able to find SEVERAL of those, then I don't know how I can help you.

    Also, did you want to address the flood of downvotes for positive reviews or is that too inconvenient to your argument?
    My point has consistently been that calling out political disagreements is misleading. Go to the steam page, here I'll give you the link:

    What's the first negative review? and the second? the third? All three are mostly about technical issues. Which coincidentally address your second point: those, and not the pure "trolling" reviews (which actually DO have a right to exist and be upvoted: you don't get to control people's political opinions) are clearly on the upfront. Those are valid, those are real problems potential new comers face. Those are the ones being upheld as the most popular reviews, your entire point fails by your own standard then.
  • BigfishBigfish Member Posts: 367

    Dorn il-Khan
    Didn't like the character and didn't have him in my group so I cant tell.

    Black lesbian vampire who dun need no man. Are you serious?

    Dorn and Hexxat aren't really forced. My experience has been Dorn coming on to my character and the whole thing ending with a respectful "I don't swing that way." and that being the end of it. Hexxat it just never came up because I didn't have a female character, and the fact that she didn't exactly embrace being a vampire was far more interesting than who she tries to share a bed with.

    There are times when this sort of thing has to be flamboyant to get the point across. There are other times when subtlety is key. example: Albus Dumbledore. His sexuality was never brought up in the Harry Potter books because his romantic conquests were never an issue.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited April 2016
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • vurtvurt Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2016
    What's so hard to understand? If you provoke people with your political views in your game, people will provoke you back and they will downvote you (if they don't agree with you) This might not be up there with Bioware, but it's similar enough and people have had enough. Deal with it.
  • DimitriidDimitriid Member Posts: 43

    I can see how it's annoying to have reviews
    - downvoted that talk positively about the game (without mentioning a TG cleric or Minsc's ethics)
    - upvoted that talk about pandering to SJWs or not liking the queer

    The release is probably a crucial period, so one-issue review and vote brigading based on all of 3-4(?) lines misrepresents the actual quality of the game: you know, the parts about exploring dungeons and fighting monsters.

    Again, that's not what's happening here:

    The most popular and upvoted comments talk about technical issues and bad writing. They even have to preface it with "I have nothing against LGBT people" because they know they'll be misrepresented for calling out bad writing and lo and behold, apparently it was necessary.
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Vlad said:

    Never! First, I don't pay and I don't charge for mods, which is my principle, there are tons of them around, and I can make mods for myself. Second, I'm strongly against the whole EE stinky business, and I don't want to support these guys. I said that the call for posting positive reviews against one transgender related post without mentioning posts reporting essential issues is actually another dirty step.
    Hehe, @Vlad you once asked me at BWL to tell you 3 advantages that BGEE has over vanilla. I sincerely wanted to do just that, but then I thought I'm not that suicidal. Whatever I'd said it wouldn't change your mind, so I backed off. Your post above just confirms this. And saying that area graphics in SoD is just made from pieces of existing art is well... unjust to put it mildly. Look, you obviously didn't played SoD, so just throwing insults, because you don't like Beamdog? Try it out for gods sake, you may be even surprised!
  • epicrakshasasepicrakshasas Member Posts: 71
    shawne said:

    Exactly so. It's a bald-faced lie, because if you put those posters on the spot and ask them to name a single LGBT character who does meet that supposed standard of "quality writing", they'd stammer like a machine gun and come up blank. It's a convenient - and transparent - excuse.
    Most of the characters you listed are the usual Bioware trash. Witcher 3 had representations of LGBT characters that were not forced. Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines had Jeanette if we include implications. I didn't even think Dorn as a character was that bad. It was just the quality of the writing. If we go outside of the gaming realm, Renly Baratheon and Loras Tyrell were good LGBT characters. I didn't mind the LGBT overtones in Haruki Murakami's 1Q84. Should I keep going or can I stop now?
  • SqueakyWheelSqueakyWheel Member Posts: 22

    Hi everyone. I usually spend most of my time lurking here, but I'd like to ask a favour. It appears that having a transgendered cleric and a joke line by Minsc has greatly offended the sensibilities of some people. This has spurred these people into action, causing them to decide this is the worst game of all time and give it a zero review score on Steam, GoG and meta critic. Now, I'd like to ask for that favour. If you are playing the game and having a good time, please consider posting a positive review to balance out the loud minority which is currently painting a dark picture for new players.

    Thank you.

    Question: Have you actually tried to approach "some people" and address the worries of "these people" instead of deciding that they must all be bigots because they are unhappy with gender-politics getting shoved into the game?

    Honestly, I am curious.
  • PekingduckmanPekingduckman Member Posts: 151

    Two things that are wrong with your final sentence.

    1/ You are trying to compare the struggles of Black Americans in the 60's to the political views of 1% of the worlds population?

    2/ No comment is "silly" or less than another. All comments are to be considered equally because they have the RIGHT to be said. Do not try to ridicule someone because they do not agree with your view.

    If you ever dare to start talking about slavery I would suggest you read a little first. My people where slaved and culled for over 500 years. No mention of a holocaust or a blip in American schools. Don't ever pull the race card.

    1) Yes, since both groups, in their times, fought for cultural acceptance. It says a lot about the maturity of the gaming medium when TV shows, films, and even comic books can have LGBT characters being depicted without reactionary lynch mobs crying about "pandering" and "political correctness". My point stands.

    2) Maybe in your own head, but in real life, they do not. A person who believes the moon is made out of cheese is entitled to his opinion, but that doesn't mean his views should be taken seriously or given equal weight to trained scientists. Similarly, the opinions of a person who actually played the game can at least provide backing evidence, as opposed to ones flooding reviews because they heard that the game dared to include a transgendered person.

    3) The only one pulling out the race card is you. My country of origin lost hundreds of millions of people in the 20th century, but it's irrelevant to the topic at hand.

  • InsultionInsultion Member Posts: 179
    Bigfish said:

    Dorn and Hexxat aren't really forced. My experience has been Dorn coming on to my character and the whole thing ending with a respectful "I don't swing that way." and that being the end of it. Hexxat it just never came up because I didn't have a female character, and the fact that she didn't exactly embrace being a vampire was far more interesting than who she tries to share a bed with.

    There are times when this sort of thing has to be flamboyant to get the point across. There are other times when subtlety is key. example: Albus Dumbledore. His sexuality was never brought up in the Harry Potter books because his romantic conquests were never an issue.

    I didn't even know either of them were gay.
  • epicrakshasasepicrakshasas Member Posts: 71
    Insultion said:

    I didn't even know either of them were gay.
    This is how it should be if you don't follow their romance path.
This discussion has been closed.