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Any Monk mods/kits for BG2 EE?

Hello all, I would like to start a new adventure in BG2 EE, with a monk, I really like this class. But I was wandering if there is any mod/kit for monks for BG2 EE.
Thank you all in advance :-)


  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    edited April 2016
    There's @Aquadrizzt 's Monastic Orders of Faerun, for one.
    @Prismo 's Monk Overhaul would be another possibility.
    @elminster did a dozen of monk kits as well for his A Frosty Journey: The IWDEE Kitpack. Perhaps some of its monk kits will reappear within Eve of War/A Journey's End?
  • Eltharion1979Eltharion1979 Member Posts: 92
    Thank you very much
  • Eltharion1979Eltharion1979 Member Posts: 92
    Hi again, thank you for the info about the monk mods, but I cant find any link for downloading, can someone give some links for the mods please?
    Thank you again.
  • Eltharion1979Eltharion1979 Member Posts: 92
    Ok ignore my last reply, I just found the liks....sorry thank you again.
  • Eltharion1979Eltharion1979 Member Posts: 92
    Hello all, I download the Monastic Orders of Faerun, I started with a Long Death Monk, but I notice that the poison weapon ability, doesnt work...I click the ability I apply poison, but unarmed or not when I hit the target, nothing happens, no poison added. This is a bug?
  • Eltharion1979Eltharion1979 Member Posts: 92
    Maybe I have the previous version of the mod, can someone give a link for the Version 0.3 please?
  • Eltharion1979Eltharion1979 Member Posts: 92
    Hello all, I download the Monastic Orders of Faerun, I started with a Long Death Monk, but I notice that the poison weapon ability, doesnt work...I click the ability I apply poison, but unarmed or not when I hit the target, nothing happens, no poison added. This is a bug? Maybe I have the previous version, can someone link me the latest version 0.3? Thank you in advance.
  • Eltharion1979Eltharion1979 Member Posts: 92
    Hello all, I download the Monastic Orders of Faerun, I started with a Long Death Monk, but I notice that the poison weapon ability, doesnt work...I click the ability to apply poison, but unarmed or not, when I hit the target, nothing happens, no poison added, no poison damage. This is a bug? I notice also, in the Shadow Monk Mod/kit, that when I shadow step, I cant hide in shadows like the shadow dancer thief and after every fight, their is a strange sound, like a spell is finished or its effect just stopped.

    Both mods (Monastic Orders of Faerun and Shadow Monk) are great, good job :-) I really like the Long Death Monks and the Shadow Monks.

    Their is any way to fix this issues?
    Thank you in advance.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    First, stop spamming the same questions over and over again.
    Reposting the same stuff ten times in a row doesn't make things happen any faster.

    The newest published version of Monastic Orders of Faerun is v0.3, released back in June 2015. Which means you already downloaded that one. @Aquadrizzt is currently working on releasing an update with bug fixes and brand new features. You can read about it in his mod thread. Wait and see.

    @Artemius_I already answered your question about the Shadow Monk kit in its mod thread. So give him time.

    Modding is no 24/7 serivce, it's a hobby that people do in their spare time. Depending on how busy ones real life is, it may take several weeks or even months to have a playable mod build ready. Have some patience!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    @Eltharion1979 I merged all your three threads about the same topic into one. There's no need to post the same question in different places.
  • Eltharion1979Eltharion1979 Member Posts: 92
    First of all, I'm really sorry for the spamming, yes you are correct modding is not 24/7 and real life is more important. I just didn't got an answer about the Monastic Orders/Long Death Kit issue, that's why the spamming. Also I thought a better idea to put both questions, about the Monastic Orders and the Shadow Monk kit in one post. If I caused any trouble I'm sorry, I don't want to put any kind of pressure to anyone, of course. Modding and gaming is not a job, is for having fun and enjoy the games. Anyway, be well all and take care, you already tolerate a lot with all my questions and spamming. I will be wait for any news or updates and meanwhile enjoy the game. Thank you all for the help and advices so far.
  • Eltharion1979Eltharion1979 Member Posts: 92
    Hello all, before one year, I started this thread, about some issues in Monastic Orders of Faerun mod and Shadow monk kit mod. Any update came out for the Monastic Order of Faerun? The Long Death monk class, still cant apply poison? Thank you for your time, take care.
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    Okay, that does it, I'm going to make a kit for a monk who serves the god of thieving: the Felonious monk.

    [ducks back into bomb-proof bunker]
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    edited June 2017
    tbone1 said:

    Okay, that does it, I'm going to make a kit for a monk who serves the god of thieving: the Felonious monk.

    You can, but only if you also make a Detective Monk, who has to open every container he comes across and can't carry items unless they're in even numbers.
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,072
    I am not sure @Eltharion1979. Did you check the specific mod threads listed above? If no news there then very probably there are no updates on these specific mods since you last posted. If the mods have an external page in another forum of course also look there.

    Also, try a forum search for monk mods. I remember there being some activity on this topic over the last couple of months. There may be something new that has appeared.

  • Eltharion1979Eltharion1979 Member Posts: 92
    Thanks for the reply, have a nice evening all, take care.
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