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[MOD] Afaaq, the Djinni Companion for BG2 and BG2:EE released



  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    @argent77 the djinni talks to Afaaq and just leaves after the end of the discussion even if I give him the sword. It looks like Afaaq is supposed to say something but doesn't, I don't remember the details of how it went through last time. Is there a way to simulate the process through clua commands or eekeeper? I don't have the 1.6 version on this install.
    I went through a first time using the neutral path because it worked the last time I did it, I ended up in Saradush without a restored Afaaq so I went back to my save in Hell and went through hell taking the good path this time and I went up to retribution in ToB and Afaaq still didn't have his powers restored.

    That was before my first post, right now I went back to the beginning of Hell, I've tried sleeping, having afaaq in his lap or out of his lamp, using ctrl R on Afaaq, using his correcting script( behaving oddly) but I haven't gone through to saradush every time. Iirc remember the genie is supposed to free Afaaq on the spot.

  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited September 2015
    Yes, you can trigger Afaaq's upgrade manually. Talk to the Greed Djinni and choose either good or neutral path. Afterwards, don't leave the Greed Trial area yet. Make sure that Charname has the djinni lamp in his/her inventory and execute the following console commands:
    C:Eval('TakeItemReplace("A7DJLMPA","A7DJLMP",Player1)') C:Eval('StartCutScene("A7afqup1")')These commands only work in the Enhanced Editions. You can copy and paste them into the console for convenience.

    If everything went well, then he should have a couple of new special abilities among other improvements.

    Could you also post your WeiDU.log and attach a save from before talking to the Greed djinni? I'd like to find out what went wrong.
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    Here it is, i've re read my weidu log and I realise it may be because I should have installed Afaaq after the Quest pack? The bws did some weird stuff and I didn't get exactly the mod order I wanted.

    The commands worked to get the upgrade.

    The save is outside the lair of the greed djinni, should I use one from inside instead?

    Thanks for the help.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    @GrimLefourbe I was able to reproduce this behavior when installing DjinniCompanion before QuestPack. I don't know why this mod has been installed so early by BWS, but it shouldn't cause any further trouble in ToB since "Wheels of Prophecy" (another dependency) has been installed in the correct order.
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    Alright thanks.

    On another subject, i'm not a modder (maybe one day) but i'm still fairly interested, how does the "oddly behaving" function works?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    It attempts to fix wrongly set variables and creature states, such as states where Afaaq would become invulnerable without returning into his lamp, doesn't return from his gaseous state, a wrongly set allegiance after being dire charmed (caused by a known bug in the game engine) or certain variables which cause the djinni to behave abnormally.
    You can see it here in detail. I may add more when I find new problems that have to be fixed. In any event, you can call this dialog option whenever you think something doesn't work as intended.
  • fataljasminefataljasmine Member Posts: 67
    Help! I keep trying to install Afaaq on MAC OSX through steam and I keep getting this error:

    I have Dungeon BGone, Kindrek, Vampire Tales, Tyris Flare, Varshoon, and Isra installed already.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited October 2015
    I can't determine the cause for this error from the screenshot alone. Could you also post the full content of the text file SETUP-DJINNICOMPANION.DEBUG, which you should find in the game's installation folder? Enclose the content in <code> </code> tags for best readability.
    Post edited by argent77 on
  • fataljasminefataljasmine Member Posts: 67
    Here's what the DEBUG says:

    WeiDU v 23800 Log ./setup-DjinniCompanion [./chitin.key] loaded, 847192 bytes [./chitin.key] 186 BIFFs, 60118 resources [./weidu.conf] loaded, 17 bytes [./lang/en_us/dialog.tlk] loaded, 12828497 bytes [./lang/en_us/dialog.tlk] 114009 string entries [SETUP-DJINNICOMPANION.TP2] PARSE ERROR at line 1 column 0--1 Near Text: GLR parse error [SETUP-DJINNICOMPANION.TP2] ERROR at line 1 column 0--1 Near Text: Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: parsing [SETUP-DJINNICOMPANION.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error ERROR: problem parsing TP file [SETUP-DJINNICOMPANION.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error FATAL ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error WeiDU Timings load TLK 0.000 parsing .log files 0.000 loading files 0.006 Parsing TP2 files 0.012 stuff not covered elsewhere 0.026 unmarshal KEY 0.039 unmarshal TLK 0.061 TOTAL 0.144
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited October 2015
    The error message indicates that it attempts to process an empty script file. It is possible that the downloaded archive has been damaged or is incomplete. Try downloading it again. You can find the latest mod version here.

    After unpacking the archive make sure that you can find the folder "DjinniCompanion" in your game's installation directory, which should contain a non-empty file "setup-DjinniCompanion.tp2" and around a dozen subfolders.
    Post edited by argent77 on
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521

    Update: Afaaq, the Djinni Companion v1.7

    Changes in v1.7:
    - Fixed an incompatibility with Spell Revisions which prevented the completion of the Dao Trademeet quest.
    - Afaaq's Wish-granting ability improves after successfully solving the ToB quest.
    - Added new innate ability "Transfer Knowledge" to Afaaq, which raises the Lore skill of a character for a short span of time.
    - Added a new journal entry to Afaaq's Underdark quest after talking to certain drow citizens or listening to the local rumors, which should give you more hints about how to complete it successfully.
    - Several more minor fixes and adjustments.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521

    Update: Afaaq, the Djinni Companion v2.0

    The Djinni Companion is now available for Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition!

    Changes in v2.0:
    - Added Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition support:
    - Allows to install the "Light Version" of the Djinni Companion in IWD:EE.
    - The djinni can be "acquired" somewhere in Dragon's Eye. (More info in the FAQ section of the Readme.)
    - Provides two opportunities to improve Afaaq's powers (first option available while following the HoW main quest, second option somewhere in Lower Dorn's Deep).
    - Added a dialog options that allow Afaaq to drink potions of various types in addition to healing potions.
    - Added dialog options for Afaaq to keep himself constantly hasted in ToB.
    - Made Afaaq immune to curse effect.
    - Fixed several bugs.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited December 2015

    Update: Afaaq, the Djinni Companion v2.1

    Changes in v2.1:
    - Added a simple storyline to the IWD:EE version of the djinni, which mainly consists of a number of challenging battles.
    - Added a "Tweaks" subcomponent which allows you to disable the storyline in IWD:EE.
    - Added the djinni to a new HoW-only game in IWD:EE.
    Post edited by argent77 on
  • PaarethPaareth Member Posts: 34
    You won't believe it but i've been trying to work out a way of doing a 7th party member for years, I thought of talking swords, shades (for evil NPCs), permanent or temporary summons, small intelligent pets, spirits etc . Hats off to you for this idea!

    PS feel free to steal any of those anyone else though I can't promise I won't release the same one day :D
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Yeah, implementing a "seventh party member" is a real challenge from a technical perspective, but it worked well enough in the case of the djinni. I had to (mis)use all kinds of effects and techniques to make it possible though.
  • PaarethPaareth Member Posts: 34
    edited December 2015
    Yes! And it fits well with the Djinni. Would you object if I poked around a bit to study your code. Its been a long time since I looked at it properly, but if I can get something similar working it might give me the kickstart interest to release something :D, if I can work out some triggers related to equipment anyway for dialogue. Holding X for example, in the case of some enchanted sword.

    Also an aside - One thing that crossed my mind was, people talk about the number 6 being referenced a lot in the engines code. It makes me wonder if the number 1 is. If not would it be possible to make the code look for number 0 first in its check or even -1 etc, food for thought in regards to the party member limit.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Paareth said:

    Would you object if I poked around a bit to study your code.

    Not at all. I have published the mod under the Creative Commons license, so feel free to inspect as much as you like or reuse parts of it in your own projects.
  • PaarethPaareth Member Posts: 34
    argent77 said:

    Paareth said:

    Would you object if I poked around a bit to study your code.

    Not at all. I have published the mod under the Creative Commons license, so feel free to inspect as much as you like or reuse parts of it in your own projects.
    Many thanks!
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    edited January 2016
    argent77 said:

    - Added a simple storyline to the IWD:EE version of the djinni, which mainly consists of a number of challenging battles.

    Alright, I've arrived at Nym's shop in Lower Dorn's Deep with this mod installed, so time for some feedback.

    First off, you were right: Having Afaaq in the party definitely makes a noticeable difference, even though he doesn't have much to say. It's a nice addition to the game, thanks for porting it to IWD!

    I also found the 'storyline' (a.k.a. the circumstances in which you meet him, and the battles that follow) to fit in quite nicely with the general style of IWD.

    As for the battle difficulty, I found the first and third battle to be quite manageable (beat them on the first try), but the second battle was really hard and after two unsuccessful tries to face them in melee I resorted to cheesing it by running out of their line of sight while they were busy self-buffing, and then bombarding them with AOE spells :wink::
    (Maybe it's because I'm playing on Insane difficulty with double XP, which makes things harder in some regards and easier in others.)

    As for Nym's thing, I'm not sure what that actually did? The dialog suggests that Afaaq was somehow "upgraded", but he levels up on his on anyway, doesn't he?
    Also, when I initiated dialog with Afaaq afterwards, I found an option for letting him take me inside his home, and that just crashed the game. (I tried it again just to make sure it was no random occurrence, and it crashed again.)

    On the topic of levelling, when I first found Afaaq he was level 10/11 I think, which was higher than my own characters. Is that intentional?
    I seem to remember that in the BG2 version he was lower level than my PC. Also, in the BG2+SCS playthrough Afaaq "died" all the time (went into gaseous form), whereas in this IWD playthrough he almost never dies even though I let him fight in melee most of the time.
    Maybe he should be nerfed a little in the IWD version?

    Last but not least, may I suggest adding a little introduction dialog for when you first meet Afaaq? I know this is the "lite" version, so I don't expect a wall of text, but it felt a little weird to summon him from his lamp for the first time and go straight to his standard "What can I do for you, master? etc." dialog menu, with no explanation of who he is or why the player character in the first slot is now his "master".

    Anyway, thanks again for releasing this mod, it's part of my "won't play without" mod list for IWD too now... :)
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited January 2016
    Thanks for your feedback.
    ineth said:

    As for the battle difficulty, I found the first and third battle to be quite manageable (beat them on the first try), but the second battle was really hard...

    I can try to tweak the difficulty of the battles a bit. The battle difficulty was mainly based on my party composition at that time. The second battle is indeed very difficult, but should be manageable since you have a lot of free space for tactical moves. The final battle is probably more of a hit-or-miss battle since you can't move around much to avoid damage.
    ineth said:

    As for Nym's thing, I'm not sure what that actually did? The dialog suggests that Afaaq was somehow "upgraded", but he levels up on his on anyway, doesn't he?

    The results of Afaaq's upgrade are pretty much the same as in the BG2 version. He becomes stronger and thougher and he gains new spells and innate abilities. You can ask him to present his stats, to compare the changes.
    ineth said:

    Also, when I initiated dialog with Afaaq afterwards, I found an option for letting him take me inside his home, and that just crashed the game. (I tried it again just to make sure it was no random occurrence, and it crashed again.)

    I'll look into it. It worked on my game setup, but that map depends on a couple of vanilla game resources (which is always a potential source of bugs).
    Edit: Actually, the files are already there, but I have forgotten to update the references in the area file. Will be fixed in the next release.
    ineth said:

    On the topic of levelling, when I first found Afaaq he was level 10/11 I think, which was higher than my own characters. Is that intentional?

    Not really. It's a side effect of reusing many resources from the BG2 version of the mod. I can try to create a nerfed version of him exclusively for IWD:EE. Lowering his levels would also mean to have a smaller range of spells and innates at his disposal.
    ineth said:

    Last but not least, may I suggest adding a little introduction dialog for when you first meet Afaaq?

    Good point. I can probably add a short introduction to him. I won't change his behavior to only answer to the party leader though. Changing it would be huge amount of work. Maybe I can come up with some excuse for this particular behavior.
    Post edited by argent77 on
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    argent77 said:

    The second battle is indeed very difficult, but should be manageable since you have a lot of free space for tactical moves.

    But so do the other guys... In this case, their hidden thief snuck around my party and killed my Druid with a single backstab.

    (While their heavily armored warriors were mowing down my front-line... Come to think of it though, maybe the fact that I had the "Full Plate And Packing Steel" mod installed, is what made them so durable.)
    argent77 said:

    The final battle is probably more of a hit-or-miss battle since you can't move around much to avoid damage.

    The confined space actually helped me here, because this way I could avoid fighting all the minions at once, and I could keep them away from my weaker party members.
    As for the Wizard himself, I took care of him by casting an AoE spell (I think it was "Death Fog") that causes damage each round - he was very vulnerable to it, and it seemed to disrupt most of his spells... :)
    argent77 said:

    I won't change his behavior to only answer to the party leader though. Changing it would be huge amount of work. Maybe I can come up with some excuse for this particular behavior.

    Yes, as long as he states during the introduction that he is now bound to that particular character (for whatever reason), there will be no confusion.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521

    Update: Afaaq, the Djinni Companion v2.2a

    Changes in v2.2a:
    - Fixed missing string references in the BG2 Light Version.

    Changes in v2.2:
    - Added preliminary EET support.
    - Added a new interjection to the Genie dialog in "Unfinished Business -> Kalah and What He Was Promised".
    - Nerfed Afaaq's level progression in IWD:EE since you encounter him on much lower character levels as in BG2.
    - Revised battles in the IWD:EE version. Made second battle less difficult and increased challenge of final battle.
    - Added a proper introduction talk to IWD:EE version of Afaaq.
    - Fixed a few historical inconsistencies in the IWD:EE version.
    - Fixed an issue (again) which sometimes prevents the party to leave the current area if the djinni returned into his lamp.
    - Fixed a small issue of displaying uninitialized stats when talking to Afaaq's lamp under certain circumstances.
    - Fixed incorrect WAV references in Afaaq's lamp interior map in the IWD:EE version which caused the game to crash.
    - Worked around an installation issue on tolowered games on Linux.
    - Added a note to the Readme that djinns are immune to healing spells cast on them in IWD:EE.
    - Updated the compatibility section of the Readme.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521

    Update: Afaaq, the Djinni Companion v2.3

    Note: The latest Enhanced Edition patch v2.x adds quest entries into the "Journal" section instead of the "Quest" section of the Journal. This is caused by a new method how quest entries are stored internally by the game which is not yet supported by WeiDU.

    Changes in v2.3:
    • Added new side quest: Put Adratha's spirit to rest.
    • Rebalanced Afaaq's "Transfer Knowledge" ability.
    • Made script to keep Afaaq hasted more user-friendly.
    • Fixed incompatibilities with Enhanced Edition patch v2.0.
    • Various internal fixes and optimizations.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    argent77 said:

    Update: Afaaq, the Djinni Companion v2.3

    Note: The latest Enhanced Edition patch v2.x adds quest entries into the "Journal" section instead of the "Quest" section of the Journal. This is caused by a new method how quest entries are stored internally by the game which is not yet supported by WeiDU.

    Changes in v2.3:
    • Added new side quest: Put Adratha's spirit to rest.
    • Rebalanced Afaaq's "Transfer Knowledge" ability.
    • Made script to keep Afaaq hasted more user-friendly.
    • Fixed incompatibilities with Enhanced Edition patch v2.0.
    • Various internal fixes and optimizations.
    Is this still compatible with the prior (pre-SoD release) version of BG2?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    @SharGuidesMyHand Yes, with one limitation. Item description images are no longer available since the new patch changed the image format from BMP back to BAM. Everything else should work as usual.
  • hippofanthippofant Member Posts: 35
    So out of curiousity, in the Underdark..

    Who's supposed to win the battle? I just got out of the way, and Arabani won pretty handily, and then turned hostile on me. Not sure if I was supposed to intervene in some way?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    @hippofant This is an open battle where either side can win.

    You can tip the scales by helping one side if you want. Actually, your reward may change a bit if you take an active role in this fight (depending on which side you want to help).

  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521

    New beta release: Afaaq, the Djinni Companion v2.3.1

    Note: This release can be considered stable content-wise. I have labeled it as beta since the required WeiDU version is currently only available as beta. Windows and Mac OS X installers are included. The GNU/Linux version of WeiDU can be found here.

    Changes in v2.3.1:
    • Made journal entries compatible with Enhanced Edition games patched to v2.0 or higher.
  • axellsladeaxellslade Member Posts: 47
    edited May 2016
    Jenia does not spawn outside after you imprison Khan Zahraa and thus Tiris' quest can't be started. Probably because you never actually turn in Ihtafeer's head to him.
    Tiri's quest is the continuation of the skinner quest from the Bridge District(Rejiek).
    Post edited by axellslade on
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    @axellslade Did you talk to Lord Logan again after you imprisoned the Dao leader? Afaik, Jenia only spawns after finishing the Dao quest officially. Or, since she spawns off screen you might have missed her by walking into the opposite direction. Look for her somewhere in the vicinity of the Mayor's house.

    (Btw, you can finish the skinner quest slightly differently if the djinni is already tagging along with your party.)
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