lolien said:
SethDavis said:Why have i never noticed how freakishly strong Homer must be to be able to do that for so long with so little apparent effort?
Why have i never noticed how freakishly strong Homer must be to be able to do that for so long with so little apparent effort?
God said:Diablo II Enhanced Edition by @God spoiler alert!Ever wished to have a party of NPCs fighting on your side in Diablo 2? You WILL have it.
Diablo II Enhanced Edition by @God spoiler alert!
Buttercheese said:I don't know care much about british politics, but this still amuses me purely from a gamer's perspective.
I don't know care much about british politics, but this still amuses me purely from a gamer's perspective.
Buttercheese said:
deltago said:EA proudly presents its new free to play game: Baldur's Gate 3. Download now.
EA proudly presents its new free to play game: Baldur's Gate 3. Download now.
deltago said:EA presents free to play game.
EA presents free to play game.
Source: spyisaspy
credit memecenter
Ever wished to have a party of NPCs fighting on your side in Diablo 2? You WILL have it.
Uhhhhh, warning for bad language :X
Thin veil on Sundermount indeed...
14 would be:
EA proudly presents its new free to play game: Baldur's Gate 3. Download now.