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Why doesn't list an ESRB/PEGI rating?

This discussion was created from comments split from: My review.


  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    About something on Corwin

    I do agree she has a good romace, a daughter, a job in the military, an ex husband, strong personality, but fall when she says she still thinks about a gilr, unfortunatly corwin is bisex, and for a personality so strong to still cry about her, and she has a daughter, it doesn't really match. She should move on, and she did, but this fact ruins her personality in many way.

    Also like I said

    Change her gender, if CHARNAME is male she is female, if CHARNAME is female he is male

    So you allow also female players to join one of the best romances.

    For the rest, i really like her the best NPC you can join.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    About something on Corwin

    I do agree she has a good romace, a daughter, a job in the military, an ex husband, strong personality, but fall when she says she still thinks about a gilr, unfortunatly corwin is bisex, and for a personality so strong to still cry about her, and she has a daughter, it doesn't really match. She should move on, and she did, but this fact ruins her personality in many way.

    Also like I said

    Change her gender, if CHARNAME is male she is female, if CHARNAME is female he is male

    So you allow also female players to join one of the best romances.

    For the rest, i really like her the best NPC you can join.
    What...? Can I confess I don't understand a word you're saying? What's wrong with a woman with a strong personality to have maternal instinct? Are the two supposed to be mutually exclusive? Are you saying a female-female romance can't be one of the best? What is this I don't even

  • VbibbiVbibbi Member Posts: 229
    I don't see how her being bisexual has any impact on her story or character. She's not my favorite character, but it has nothing to do with her bisexuality and more about her willingness to throw Charname to the wolves in the hope of preventing theoretical riots.

    Plus she has no sense of humor.
  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2016
    Post edited by LoveViconia on
  • VbibbiVbibbi Member Posts: 229

    Cause a female player gets, a drunken, a monk, that is. The genger change is something already there and it has been used more than once. Why a female player have to give up a nice romace because she does not like bisx? Or she has to be forced to play romances she does not like? We male are fine. It's ridicule.

    But this seems to be treating heterosexual romances as "better" or "more appropriate" than bisexual/homosexual romances. If all content is going to be the same, just the character's gender swapped, you're just requesting that there not be non-heterosexual relationships.

    Would you also prefer that all romances in the BG series have the romanceable characters switch gender to the opposite of what Charname is? Start as a female in Irenicus' dungeon and suddenly Jaheiro is mourning his wife's death by dissection and Viconio was saved by his sister in the underdark, who became a drider as punishment? Meanwhile Anomen is still a man so Charname gets to choose from all romance options, as long as they're heterosexual options.
  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2016
    Post edited by LoveViconia on
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited July 2016

    I'm afraid you got nothing. A female player, she wants to romance a male, what are her options? Now we all know Corwin is not just a romance, but also a good NPC, when a female player uses CHARNAME, why not make Corwin a male? So she will avoid a lesbian romance, because that what is going to be, and a drunken romance not so good. Got it? Corwin is one of the main, in bg1 but expecially in bg2 there are some NPC who change their gender according to CHARNAME. If you have never seen it then you have never played this game. So, i say last time, allow those female players too, because I have read some of their posts, and the seems all upset about the poor choice they have, and the pick they can get are all lesbain bisex and so on. For me is fine i'm male, but for them, if they don't play here, guess the reason. Bye.

    You want to spark a controversy that makes Mizhena look like a slow day on garbage detail? Because I promise you that is what would happen if the writers opt for such a lazy, contrived, badly done 'solution' to the imbalance. Or would you rather they shoehorn Baeloth and Edwin into cheap, lazy romance options? (Please god no!)

    Writers opt for quality, not quantity. Now, maybe you think the quality of Voghiln, Rasaad and Dorn's romances are lacking, and sure, you can make that argument, but completely destroying the essence of Corwin's character for the sake of pandering to the audience is not the right way to solve it.
  • KhalDrogoKhalDrogo Member Posts: 60
    Nooooooo not Anomen !!!!!

    lol One of the romance I don't like in BG2 when you play female... you have to baby sit the brat.... same thing for Aerie xD but at least I like her romance, even if I prefer Viconia with her tongue xD
  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2016
    Post edited by LoveViconia on
  • VbibbiVbibbi Member Posts: 229

    You got nothing again, like a fool. Rasaad has a nice romance for female players, but he is a monk, like to romance a priest, would you? The drunkan camon, he is the safana version. What is left. More romances for females they have nothing, and i want to see in this forum more female player who are now gone because they know what they have to do for a romance. Put some good man, etero, only for female player. The choice they have is ridicule. Corwin for now a bisex, Dorn a bisex, an home, a drunken, a brat, a monk. How can female player stay here. It would be nice to have female player on here too. All i read are males, homos, really a few, and fake homos spamming the game. First or later you know people would start to ask for this. You had all of your preferences, so not put something for the females, i don't play with males only on a male only community. Is ridicule.

    So you have no problem roleplaying as a female, just as long as she is a heterosexual female. So you're okay with playing a character who is having pixel sex with a man, but you don't want to talk to "homos" on these forums? And you're on these forums in the hopes of interacting with more female players, not just homos and fake homos. I think if you have been paying any attention to Beamdog's ethos and attitude toward "homos" in the past few months you would realize that your argument is not going to be well received on these forums.

    I'm sure the female players are thrilled that you are speaking on their behalf, though. I'm sure they're glad a guy who doesn't want to talk to homos and specifically was hoping to talk to women on a game forum is sticking up for them.
  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2016
    I'm sure a bunch of fake homo smartasses never tho about it, as long they have their precious content what would they care about.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239

    I'm sure a bunch of fake homo smartasses never tho about it, as long they have their precious content what would they care about.

    I'll say to you what I said to the last moron who tried this: if you have a problem with "homos" (fake or otherwise), you are very clearly in the wrong place, since Beamdog were the ones who put those characters in the game to begin with. And since they're probably not going to change their minds on the strength of you deciding to stand up and spew your nonsense on their forum, maybe you should find somewhere else to be.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    I'm sure a bunch of fake homo smartasses never tho about it, as long they have their precious content what would they care about.

    Dear god, the amount of hypocrisy in this one statement is enough to make me feel sick. At this point I can only deduce that you are trolling.
  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    As a female player, I'll only be happy when I'll be able to romance Xzar. Preferably with the option of cooking for him Montaron's body parts.

    Why don't you think of female players, Beamdog???
  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2016
    shawne said:

    I'll say to you what I said to the last moron who tried this: if you have a problem with "homos" (fake or otherwise), you are very clearly in the wrong place.
    Makes me think that this forum is males and "males" only, not surprised if someone asked for more conts for female players was taken bad. This is your last warning about insulting with explicit words kids, still again the moron when you say it, say it to yourself. Do you know how many players think like I do? More than this forum.

    I made my point and i think it was a good point, but a topic has been wasted, I have started it with a spoiler then the *usuals* and we know who are the *usual* have to come out with their rights. It's a game. You want your rights go outside your home not here. For me a mod can delete all the post and put back the original post who turned into an argument. Bye.
  • VbibbiVbibbi Member Posts: 229
    I am not a female player, but am in fact a homo player. Not a fake homo...though I don't actually know what that is anyway.

    But if I had to guess what a typical female player's attitude toward this idea would be, I would think she would be against gender swapping a female character just so that a female protagonist doesn't have a homosexual romance. That's basically saying that Corwin's characterization is completely removed from her gender and sexuality, which it isn't, and that it's okay to reduce the appearance of one of the major female characters in SoD into a blank slate romance.

    If you really don't want to romance her as a woman, then play as a male PC.
  • coucounetcoucounet Member Posts: 7
    Hard to believe this subject -gay and lesbian characters- awakens so much passion in 2016...
  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    Vbibbi said:

    If you really don't want to romance her as a woman, then play as a male PC.

    Wow so a young user, to avoid a homo NPC romance has to play a different gender, to get a romance from another homo NPC, your idea is f*ing awsome really.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    You probably don't realize it, but "homo" is a derogatory term for a lot of people. It may be undermining your points here.
  • KhalDrogoKhalDrogo Member Posts: 60
    Agreed everybody is homo after all we are homo sapiens. xD
  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    Dee said:

    You probably don't realize it, but "homo" is a derogatory term for a lot of people. It may be undermining your points here.

    Where you live because rap songs use it as derogatory slang? Blame them where i live it's not derogatory. In this contest the word homo indeed refers to homosexual and it's for both. Now get your super like agree whatever just because you have a different color on your profile, like if it counts something. The point you are avoiding is still there.
  • mf2112mf2112 Member, Moderator Posts: 1,919
    @LoveViconia The reason Dee's profile is blue is because he is a BeamDog team member. Mine is gray as I have volunteered to be a forum moderator. I agreed with Dee's post as "homo" is generally understood to be derogatory where I live and generally on this forum as well, and his point is that usage of that term here, whether you mean it that way or not, is going to be perceived somewhat negatively.

    May I ask, what exactly is your point that we are all avoiding? I have read your posts but so far it isn't really clear to me.
  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    edited July 2016
    @mf2112 @Dee The color of your profile is what attrachs most of the likes and user to agree with you even if they don't. Don't play silly everyone knows it. And the word homo does not refer only to the gender, so as i said is a slang used in there, it doesn't mean that in the rest of the world is supposed to be offensive. Is there any advisory? I didn't see any when i got the game, means that a preteen can play this game and deal with content that he should not really be reading.
  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    I'm not sure that implying that homosexuality is a terrible sight children should be protected from will make your posts any less offensive.
  • VbibbiVbibbi Member Posts: 229

    Wow so a young user, to avoid a homo NPC romance has to play a different gender, to get a romance from another homo NPC, your idea is f*ing awsome really.
    Considering that Corwin doesn't force a romance on anyone, anyone playing a female character who decides to enter into a same sex relationship with her is doing so out of their own volition and not being "tricked into become gay" or whatever it is you're afraid of.

    As I've said before, if this is your attitude toward homosexuality, you are not going to get any sympathy on these boards or from the company that made the game. You are welcome to voice your opinion, but don't be surprised if no one backs you up on this.

    And insulting employees of the game company and forum moderators is going to get you nowhere.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    In the UK "homo" is most definately an offensive term, of the same order as a three letter term for a person of colour that begins with W.
  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    Homo means "same" and its used in many different contest, go to learn something before talking. Read your own comment "in the UK" but "UK" is not the world, in "USA?" but "USA" is not the world, and in both of these countries the word homo has other meaning too. Where i live none use the word homo as an insult, and often i have seen in this forum users that are in your team using the word homo as well but none said something about it. Regardless if you decide to make some lines that touch an argoment that is not supposed to be for a preteen you should at the least put a warning, and you didn't.
  • GandalfPortraitGuyGandalfPortraitGuy Member Posts: 206
    Homosuperior here.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Let me put it another way:

    The word "homo", in a number of English-speaking countries, is a derogatory shorthand for "homosexual". It's not the worst slang for homosexuals there is, but it is derogatory in a number of English-speaking countries.

    Your use of that shorthand, particularly in the context of wanting to avoid the non-heterosexual content in the game, makes it sound (to those who are in English-speaking countries) like you're using it in that same derogatory way. Whether that's your intention or not, it is going to color the reactions of anyone who's reading your posts. If you don't want people to have those reactions, my recommendation would be to find a different word. If it helps, "gay" and "lesbian" are both acceptable terms to use, as is "homosexual".

    I'm not placing any judgment on your choice of words, only pointing out why people might be reacting the way they are.

    That being said, if your posts do veer into discriminatory and attackative language, there will be consequences, because this site does have rules.
This discussion has been closed.