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Just started, immediately stopping (spoiler?)

I just played through BGEE again before starting the Dragonspear expansion, had a blast with some of the improvements. Somewhat sad Beamdog hijacked the interface. If you redo a game your not responsible for to update it for modern operating system, taking liberties with something as iconic as the UI art feels like they are trying to take ownership of the original content away from the first devs. Maybe not, just my gut feeling.

But what really gets me is I cant have Imoen in my party. Really? This was a poor design choice for my style of play, and the fact that I did ZERO roleplaying with other party members during the campaign, it makes makes no sense for my CHARNAME. I am sure many thread like this have popped up, but I had to put in my two cents for Beamdogs sake, as well as my own.

Change my iconic game icon to original art by your company, with art so small you cant make out what the icon is anymore? I am somewhat irked, but maybe you earned it with all the work you put in. Change the iconic UI art for the entire experience? I power through. Take my foster sister away with zero warning, I dont even care if it makes sense as the campaign continues. I am out. I wont see your new content. Moving on to BG2EE as if your expansion never happened. Sorry.


  • Sylvus_MoonbowSylvus_Moonbow Member Posts: 1,085
    edited December 2016

    Moving on to BG2EE as if your expansion never happened. Sorry.

    Oh dear. See you back soon for round two!
  • boffmoffetboffmoffet Member Posts: 6
    No, I have already played through BG2EE, I found some additional content and most engine updates range from acceptable to downright appreciated. The UI was updated, very well, and the original art style was maintained.

    Other than the black dragon scale UI I found I appreciated most of the engine and system upgrades in BGEE, they were well done. As a gamer with a Dachshund named Imeon however, I just cant continue with some stranger named Safana in my party. Saying Imoen cant come because her head hurts from spells doesn't sell me. She was slinging 5th level spells when I killed Sarevok. Maybe I will play through again with a full premade party in a few years to check out the new content, but I doubt it. Just feels like a bad call on a product banking on nostalgia.
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    edited December 2016
    This has always been a non-issue for me with storytelling in video games and especially rpgs IMO. It's just the reality of the situation that you need to have some canon and predetermined outcomes. Unless you want to have reactivity and choice and consequence that covers everything, but we're not there quite yet.

    It's the price to pay for having a medium in which you can impact the story directly, at least to some extent.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773

    But you've always been able to kill Imoen in BG1, or have her die in combat and not ressurected, and she'll still be there in BG2. Same with Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc, and Dynaheir. Players have been creating their own head canons to deal with the possible story conflicts for years. What does SoD do if Imoen (or any of the others) die during BG1 and then the player's party exports directly into SoD?

    "It works the same as BG2 did in its original day. You might have killed a NPC off but they keep coming back."

    "If you've chosen to kill Imoen in BG:EE it will have no effect on SoD. But you should be very, very ashamed of yourself."
  • EnilwynEnilwyn Member Posts: 140
    @JuliusBorisov that was quite insightful.

    That is more of what I would like to see from Beamdog going forward. Most of us on the forum have a special attachment to this series and knowing the thought process is better than, "if you don't like it, too bad."

    When appropriate, talk to us about the stuff we can't see. I think it shows great respect to the community and craft. Posts like that are slowly helping me get over all the extracurricular events around SoD.

    I just want to believe again. :)
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    Trying to imagine Imoen being replaced by Biff the Understudy...
  • boffmoffetboffmoffet Member Posts: 6
    Arunsun said:

    Sorry but I couldn't help laughing when I read this post. Imagine, 15 years ago, on boards, a similar thread featuring, say, Tiax, Xzar, Quayle or Coran or any of your former mates, whom you all meet throughout BG2 and can't recruit, with someone saying "Won't go any deeper into BG2 because I can't recruit Xzar".
    No really, Imoen is hardly more important than any of them in BG1, there are a select few banters with her and that's about it.
    And though there were many criticism on numerous points of SoD, what comes out of the majority was that Beamdog handled the forced dual Imoen gets from BG1 to BG2 (which has no apparent reason in the original games, though it has always been a possibility) quite well, considering the three options they had (either what they did, forcing Imoen's dual as an NPC, or not forcing anything, which would result in discontinuity).

    I thought about that during the post, it is unfair to place the burden of a head canon on a RPG developer. However in this case canon has been somewhat established for 17 years because this expansion takes place between two existing games. If we were talking about any companion that was not present in Irenicus' dungeon with you, I would agree my expectations would be unreasonable.

    I started this particular game because I had never taken a character all the way through on import, and it was going to be my Pièce De Résistance of BG games. It was exciting because by sheer coincidence followed by bioware design, my ideal canon fit entirely with how the first and second games are presented. Its jaring to be prepared for that and kill Saervok with my well liked party, then immediately be given a chaotic neutral thief that will one day try to murder me in place of my nice foster sister. My Paladin CHARNAME would not be down. It was a unfounded but safe assumption that Imeon would join me in my adventures.

    I do appreciate the feedback, and hearing some of the reasoning behind the decision, but I still dont agree with it. It just means the expansion wont be part of my grand play through.

    As for the reasons given, how is Imoen any diffrent from the other 4 canon companions in regards to having to make sure she is kept alive. Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc, and Dynaheir are all in the EXACT same position as Imeon canonically, so why was she the only one kicked out of the party? I read the reasons up top and I will admit I have a brain injury so my critical thinking can take awhile to catch on, but logically, I dont see how she is different from the others in any way, beyond gaining some mage levels, which Bioware recognized 17 years ago most of us did already. It almost feels like they took one of the canon companions out to encourage players to check out new companions and showcase their new work. Entirely their call as devs, but a little to DM fiat for a mid campaign prequel.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773

    As for the reasons given, how is Imoen any diffrent from the other 4 canon companions in regards to having to make sure she is kept alive. Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc, and Dynaheir are all in the EXACT same position as Imeon canonically, so why was she the only one kicked out of the party?

    It's because Imoen is the only character among all five who had to get a new class, who had to dual-class. I'd like to remind that these ties between BG1 and BG2 in SoD are based on the actual documents from Bioware. The explanation of how it could be done is given in SoD. Also, the fact Imoen stayed in Baldur's Gate city direcly affects the storyline at the end of SoD if you're evil.
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    I can't stand Imoen, that said what has been done in SOD surely upsets more players than simply following the pattern in BG2 that people are accustomed to?

    The thing that would grind my gears as an Imoen fan would be the way they have taken the agency away from players of dualing her to mage.
    All that time spent dualing her, and judging by posts here about how that progresses it's very doable, popular and she reaches a very reasonable level, and then you are told she is at the stage of such a novice she has to practise concentrating?
    You actually get a cut scene where she behaves as if she has never even cast a spell.

    It completely messes up so many peoples head cannon, far more I reckon than those who simply kill/abandon her and have to deal with her immortality (I fall into that catagory).
    Imoen is a cross we all have to bear, however we've had 15 years of practise and having Imoen in our faces in SOD isn't going to upset us that much (compared to having to rescue the annoying bint).

    Something about SOD makes my spider senses tingle.
    I get the constant feeling that there was a real attitude problem with people who have and are still playing BG/BG2, a certain resentment about their fandom.
    Too many things that are garenteed to rub them up the wrong way, for no reason that even makes sense.
  • GallengerGallenger Member Posts: 400
    edited December 2016
    Boffmoffet just think of dogmeat in fallout 1 lol. The ultimate in less-is-more NPC writing lol. Think of all the people out there who took especial pain to make sure dogmeat survived the whole game despite his never saying anything to you besides "woof" and occasionally blocking doorways.

    I think Imoen definitely fell into that category - since she was basically thrown in at the last minute as a rehash of 2 different NPC ideas - because Good players wouldn't have access to a non-PC rogue until BG (which is funny because that means Alora was meant to be a special late-game NPC). But, since she's the first NPC you meet, and happens to fill a very important niche, oodles of players take her - it's a shame we can't get a new player base to look at achievements like they do in Mass Effect to see how many players took xyz companions - because I'd wager the number of people who finished their first BG playthrough with Imoen in the party was astronomically high.

    Imoen's fit into SoD didn't bother me however for the record, mainly because the revamped Safana and Glint were both lots of fun to play with (and it makes Safana's appearance in BG2 more sad). I was pretty sad about Tiax though :(
  • boffmoffetboffmoffet Member Posts: 6
    Tiax is the beginning of all things! Tiax is the end! Tiax does not care to be the middle! Let his subjects be the hyphen! Hyphen people! >:)
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
    No need to dwell upon the past. We must look to the future. A future filled with Tiax.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    edited December 2016
    The OP reminds me of how I felt when Dynaheir was killed off at the beginning of BG2. It didn't stop me from playing the game though.
    Post edited by BillyYank on
  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    edited December 2016
    Or even just leave her at whatever state she was in BG1. The player is used to the difference between BG1 and BG2 NPC stats and even if they weren't it's less jarring that having Imoen mysteriously replaced by Safana in the crypt.
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  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Kurona @typo_tilly People would complain anyway, I'm sure.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2016
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited November 2019
    Post edited by lefreut on
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    My only problem with SoD is that it sells an idea of continuity and doesn't deliver it.

    Exactly like the BG2 intro, some NPCs are shoved down your throat, some others are arbitrary banned and that's it.
  • PentiumDPentiumD Member Posts: 62
    Who needs a thief when your PC is a Thief :smile: I dropped Imoen when i got her at the start of BG EE I prefer Safana.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2016
    lefreut said:

    How hard would it be to create a mod that keep Imoen in your starting group in SoD if you have her when defeating Sarevok and have her at least for the first dungeon ?

    Her existing dialog could probably be handled by the existing scripts (for the most part) but Imoen is kind of crucial at the moment when it comes to leaving the safehouse. Ideally you'd need to provide some guaranteed way for players to leave the safehouse when finished (in the event Imoen is killed). Maybe a trigger on the entrance.

    You'd also need to test to make sure you can still talk to her when she is in your group. To be sure that the player still has the option of learning from what she has to say.

    You'd need to update scripts so that she is properly removed from your party (and potentially prevent Safana from being added to it at the beginning).
    Post edited by elminster on
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    The new dialogue she gets whenever you explore a new room of the Tomb could be automatically triggered. It would be consistent with Irenicus' dungeon.
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