Charming Tazok and his Confusing Banter (Spoiler)

I always found Tazok's dialogue after a charm person, equal parts interesting and confusing. He has a very low save vs. spell, but its easy enough to get him to fail his breath weapon save via Algernon's Cloak. Once the charm takes, talk to him and he relays the following:
"I'm a member of the Blacktalons. All I know is that we've been hired by the Zhentarim to attack the iron shipments coming along the Coast Way road."
This doesn't seem to jive with the story line and what we know of Tazok and the bandits plaguing the Sword Coast. The plot to disrupt the iron trade along the Coast Way is the Iron Throne's scheme -- not the Zhentarim's. In fact, the Zhents are investigating what is going on, same as everyone else (hence Xzar and Montaron's mission). While they are certainly also an evil organization, their main goal is to counter the Iron Throne's influence in the region. Tazok works for Davaeorn, who is also employed by the Iron Throne and is not a Zhent.
Seems to be an oversight with this dialogue. Perhaps in early drafts, the Zhentarim were considered the antagonist instead of the Iron Throne (which was obviously created for the game). It might even be worth replacing the word "Zhentarim" with "Iron Throne" to make the statement accurate, but I don't know if Beamdog has the rights to make such dialogue changes.

"I'm a member of the Blacktalons. All I know is that we've been hired by the Zhentarim to attack the iron shipments coming along the Coast Way road."
This doesn't seem to jive with the story line and what we know of Tazok and the bandits plaguing the Sword Coast. The plot to disrupt the iron trade along the Coast Way is the Iron Throne's scheme -- not the Zhentarim's. In fact, the Zhents are investigating what is going on, same as everyone else (hence Xzar and Montaron's mission). While they are certainly also an evil organization, their main goal is to counter the Iron Throne's influence in the region. Tazok works for Davaeorn, who is also employed by the Iron Throne and is not a Zhent.
Seems to be an oversight with this dialogue. Perhaps in early drafts, the Zhentarim were considered the antagonist instead of the Iron Throne (which was obviously created for the game). It might even be worth replacing the word "Zhentarim" with "Iron Throne" to make the statement accurate, but I don't know if Beamdog has the rights to make such dialogue changes.

Post edited by HaHaCharade on
Here's the Nimbul charmed text:
"Now isn't this strange, you are now my friend! This is quite the predicament; I've been hired to kill you, yet now I love you. What am I to do? I know......I know! I will tell you want you want to hear, and then I shall kill you. Does this satisfy you? No matter, let me begin: Once their [sic] were three pigs who had built a house of iron. This house had brought them fortune and comfort, but it was now threatened by the big bad wolf! So the three pigs hired out a small man named Nimbul. 'Nimbul' they said 'You must kill this wolf for us. If you do this, you will be given much gold to line your pockets.' So Nimbul set out to kill the wolf, but then something happened that he never expected: Nimbul fell in love with the wolf! So now, to Nimbul's sorrow, he must carry out this order and end the wolf's life. Good bye!"
I was able to do it with Algernon's cloak, after Teven (or I guess Raiken if you went that route) takes you to the bandit camp, but *before* he talks to you the first time. His saves are ridiculous though - not sure if they change, but I couldn't do it after he talked to me. I'll edit the OP with a screenshot.
Certain peasants and other characters will even give your rings and other items after a charm. True story.
But how can you blame the developers?
Only an utter maniac with a death wish would attempt to charm Tazok.
Has Kivan taught you nothing???
(RP people, RP)
You even get a journal entry that says:
"I've heard rumors that Tazok gets his orders from the Zhentarim. Of this I am not too sure."
I would just think that Tazok would know the truth, and relay the truth if charmed. But apparently he's pretty dumb... which doesn't surprise me I guess, lol.
"I've learned something interesting from a hobgoblin stockboy in the bandit camp today. He wasn't quite sure who was funding this whole operation, but his guesses leaned towards either the Zhentarim, or a new group, the Iron Throne. I don't know much about the latter, so I had best keep my eyes peeled and my ear to the ground...."
Funny. I guess hobgoblin stockboys know more than Tazok does. LOL.
"It would seem that the Black Talons were hired by Tazok at the request of the Iron Throne! The rumors of a Zhentish threat would seem to be unfounded in light of this information".
I guess all this confirms is... Tazok is an ignorant stooge. Even more so than I thought. He should be working to stock shelves as well.
Given this, I think Tazok should really tell you the truth upon charm. Kind of silly. Oh well.
I still find it hard writing his correct name now I'm mainly playing the EE - after so many years of doing no-reload reports saying "Taugosz" putting the extra r in just doesn't feel right
In truth, nobody knows who anyone works for. Its a terribly managed organization.