I have more stuff to say, but it seems that the ability score changes are not fully implemented. Although the relevant .2da files have been updated to account for STR scores over 25, it is still not possible to actually hit 26 STR or higher in the game. The 25 cap is still in place.
Supreme Mastery also does not appear to grant any APR bonuses beyond Grandmastery.
yeah, for the life of me, I cant figure out how to make your stats go above 25, must one of those hard coded things, although I had a friend waaaaaay back in the day who was able to do it ( he had a character with a constitution of 1000 )
and for the mastery it worked with me, although I have it set so you only get an extra 1/2 attack with that 7th proficiency point
im looking at the attack table right now and it goes as follows:
2-4 proficiency points: + .5 attacks per round 5-6 proficiency points: + 1 attack per round 7 proficiency points: +1.5 attacks per round
and I just play tested it out, and I see what the problem is, the proficiencies are working as intended, its just that the wording is a little misleading, but it is correct in the fact that if you have 7 proficiency points at level 15, you will have 3.5 attacks per round ( which is the example given for supreme mastery to help clear up the wording a bit)
Nishruu and Hakeashar should be cancelled by Death Spell if they're the BG2 creatures, as they're summoned and ending a summon is a function of Death Spell (and is in fact why every major enemy spellcaster in ToB knows it - you need to throw cannon fodder at them before you can send in the elites! If you plan on throwing around Magic Eaters, you should soften up the enemy mages with some lower level summon spells. I don't think Animate Dead works for this purpose.)
The inability to get ability scores above 25 would normally not be a worry for me--I can live without 30 STR--but the changes to Intelligence are very bad for a no-reload game. This mod changes spell scribing chances so that it's not possible to get a 115% chance of success or higher unless you have INT above 25, which is impossible.
Which means a specialist mage with its -15% penalty to scribing chances will never be able to guarantee a successful scribing of a scroll outside their school. And in a game like IWD:EE, where scrolls are so incredibly scarce that some scroll types only appear once in the entire game, being unable to reach 115% scribing chance is a huge detriment to mages, who are far weaker in IWD than they are in any of the other IE games.
I have altered superior strength scores ( 18/01-18/99) in which now for every point you have in the 18/xx will give you an extra 2lbs of weight allowance, so a score of 18/20 STR will now allow you to carry 240 lbs, while a score of 18/70 will allow you to carry 340 lbs, this makes it so now matte what your superior strength is, it will affect your weight allowance based on your 18/xx, and 400 is still 18/00
I would love, love, love to steal this as a component for Tweaks. It's an elegant way to differentiate the percentiles into something meaningful beyond the current five tiers.
Cheers, I mainly wanted your permission so that I can credit you properly for the great idea.
When you get around to WeiDU-izing your mod, this will patch in your exceptional strength changes without having to overwrite the whole 2da:
COPY_EXISTING ~strmodex.2da~~override~ REPLACE_EVALUATE ~^\([0-9]+\)\([%TAB%]+[0-9]+[%TAB%]+[0-9]+[%TAB%]+[0-9]+[%TAB%]+\)\([0-9]+\)~ BEGIN SET weight =(%MATCH1%*2)END ~%MATCH1%%MATCH2%%weight%~ BUT_ONLY
Anyone that can help me with installing specific changes from this mod? I love the npc soundsets, I love the difficulty changes even more and some of the nerfs on defender weapons are very welcome since IWD:EE really is easier than the old version. The random loot changes are AMAZING, no more reloading to get that juicy elven chain!
Things that change stats, classes, races, proficiencies, spells, kits, hp rolls, new racial enemies and new racial save bonuses is just not what I'm looking for.
The mod needs to be converted to WeiDU before that sort of selectivity is possible. Right now it's an all-or-nothing install that pretty much has to be done first.
Do the options that remove difficulty based damage and experience changes interact with this mod at all? Is it intended to be played with those options off or on for insane difficulty, or does either one work? I'd be interested to know if people generally play on higher difficulty with a faster experience progression.
Do the options that remove difficulty based damage and experience changes interact with this mod at all? Is it intended to be played with those options off or on for insane difficulty, or does either one work? I'd be interested to know if people generally play on higher difficulty with a faster experience progression.
as far as I know, those options work as intended whether on or off, when I played insane difficulty with this mod I had double damage on with double experience off
This mod actually made me create a user name just so I could respond. This is just what I've been looking for. Thank you for making this. I'm going to give it a go on insane with taking the first roll I get for each character. I'll let you know my progress and how it goes, provided I can get it to work.
Well character creation was not exactly kind, however I feel like it could have been far worse. Opening roll for my half orc fighter cleric was 14, 9, 14, 10, 15, 16. Not bad but that 9 dex hurts. 2nd roll for my dwarven figher/thief was 11, 15, 15, 10, 18, 13. Great roll, unfortunantly that 18 is sitting wasted in wisdom instead of a higher strength or dex I was looking for. 3rd roll was a gamble. I took a human fighter hoping I could get the scores to dual him at some point. This was also a solid roll of 13, 12, 11,15, 16, 15. Not bad. We will see if I can't find something to dual to at a later point using the permanent stat changing potions in the game. 4th roll was an acher. I actually had a solid roll here again. bad placing of the stats however meant no bonus to my dex for me. I would rather have had the 15 and 16 in other spots but, hey, this is part of the fun! His roll was 14, 13, 14, 15, 16, 8. 5th roll was for my figher mage. I actually got stats somewhat aligned for my class with my rolls!!! I rolled 15,16,12,14,12,14. That intelligence is going to smart though. Still I was excited to see some decent strength and dex show up here. Seeing as my stats were good on my rolls, nothing really standing out bad or good, I needed just some raw bonuses to attack stats. I decided on a skald to round out the team to make up for my lack of any heavy hitter on the team. I can already tell potions are going to be my friend. My Skald rounded out the team with 12,15,11,16,9,15 for her roll. That intelligence was nice to see but I would rather have had that on the fighter mage
Character creation complete I moved on to the small and easy tasks around town and easily dispatched the goblins to the south.
Hitting up the orc caves next. Ill Send word of how that goes as I make progress.
Pretty good progress so far. No problems other than a reload at the ogre fight in the caves. Vale has been decent so far but due to the lack of the stats to support me I have been relying on the skald song heavily. That ac and thaco bonus has been my go to. Without the bonus spells from higher stats I am also having to rest more to replenish spells. So far it has been quite challenging just starting off. lots of hit and run and range weaponry has been huge. Some of the bonuses I have taken for granted in past campaigns, such as the elf bonus to longbows and the inherent +1 bonus to thaco that longbows offer has been crucial to my success so far. It has been interesting, I have been scrounging for stat and thaco bonuses and every little bit helps.
So far I love the mod, especially the weapon overhaul, I am actually using a spear as my primary two handed weapon for my fighter. Great mod Sarevok!
Fun but very difficult so far. My archer and skald are the mvp. My cleric hit 3rd level spells by the end of the vale which has really increased my front line damage output by casting strength of one, a spell i have rarely if ever used. It is still slow going, I cant take more than three or four fights without resting. Lack of stats might present problems later on but for now it is making a nice and enjoyable challenge.
Heading to the temple of the forgotten god tonight.
Temple of the forgotten god wasn't so bad really. The verbeeg had massive amounts of hit points. Yet again I had slow progress with lots of resting. Overall it could have gone much worse, the spell buffs are the only thing keeping me in the game really. Lack of constitution is starting to show through as most of my front line has less than 50 hp and are level seven making for me not so keen on long drawn out fights.
I am wondering. As I did a similar mod (non-weidu) in the original IWD1 along with some work on the older Auril's Bane mod, would you consider merging it with your mod? I am still getting to learn the ropes of modding and transforming the files from IWD1 to EE, so merging it with your mod, might be more feasible. I also did a lot of tweaking in addition to fixing.
yeah I remember hearing about this mod and adds new quest/content but not available for EE...would be great if able to add to this mega mod!
Integrating Auril's Bane into EE would be a huge undertaking. Implementing the fixes and tweaks would be rather easy to do, but when I was helping Grog on them, he still had big problems with properly implementing all of the mechanics he wanted to include. Auril's Bane introduced several quests (a large one involving the descendants of the dwarves from Dorn's Deep, a quest involving the sister of Yxunomei coming for vengeance and a rather extended quest involving some drow characters but only available if you included some imported special characters he created).
Yeah, I know, lately it has been the talk of many people here about this mod. Unfortunately, back when Grog created it and I was his left-over undertaker, roughly 10 years ago, it didn't had that much publicity, because back then, IWD was largely ignored by most modders and players (who like to play BG2 and its huge list of NPC mods).
Even IWD2 was ignored and with the exception of Weimer, I was the only one who actually created a mod for that game (I fixed some unfinished quests and added some flavor modifications to the game).
A big mod like AB would be great. Most modders attention are going to BG (which I am not playing at all atm, and probably won't).
I am currently playing IWD2 almost full modded (up to my personal choice ofc, missing mainly some tweaks I don't like). Reddrake, can I ask which mod did you create for IWD2? I am curious if I have it installed. And sorry for kind of offtopic sentences here.
And its sad to watch how IWD2 has been forgotten...
The Bone Golems on Burial Isle are super tough on HoF + Stronger Creatures. It feels awesome to drop them with a single blow of Three White Doves, for some 62000 XP
Wish me luck, my party is about to challenge the lich. Totally not ready for it.
Reddrake, can I ask which mod did you create for IWD2? I am curious if I have it installed. And sorry for kind of offtopic sentences here.
And its sad to watch how IWD2 has been forgotten...
My mod was not weidu, so it wouldn't have got much publicity. I can send it to you if you like, but it would pretty much ruin your own modifications. It works however if installed after Weimer's Fixpack. Beside cosmetic changes, I made improvements to the existing classes (replaced Paladin of Helm with Paladin of Red Knight and alike) and I also fixed some quests, like Goublika's crusade to liberate the giants: http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a205/Redrake/iwd2003-6.jpg
And also, a quest involving Ubchug Babblemug a half-orc crazy cleric in Severed hand.
Ok thanks for answer Redrake, if you could I will be glad to check your mod, but I will probably take from it what I need since I have other fixes other than Weimer, like Almateria and she included at least 2 of your changes in her fixpack.
Worst thing for me with mods are that I am using language other than english and in addition I am translating mods a bit :P
Ok thanks for answer Redrake, if you could I will be glad to check your mod, but I will probably take from it what I need since I have other fixes other than Weimer, like Almateria and she included at least 2 of your changes in her fixpack.
Worst thing for me with mods are that I am using language other than english and in addition I am translating mods a bit :P
Almateria. Yes, I remember her. She contacted me a few years ago to ask me about my mod. I gave her the files, but I had no idea she actually managed to release the fixpack in the end. Last time I spoke with her she had some family issues.
Just for the record, I am finally going to attempt a run of this mod to see how my own older IWD1 mod might fit in.
I am going to use a Core Rules difficulty (easier to manage the balancing), with a 6 characters IWD-like tester party: Human Cavalier (using long swords and warhammers) Human Fighter/Druid (dual class from level 13 onward) (using scimitars and possibly spears) Half-Elf Ranger/Cleric (dual-wielding flails and/or maces) Dwarf Fighter/Thief (using crossbows and axes) Half-Elf Bard (using longbows and short swords) Human Abjurer (using slings and darts)
I get a bunch of errors when fighting enemies. Usually on death. Goblins when die show up "Invalid: 41258". This error relates to bad string references.
and for the mastery it worked with me, although I have it set so you only get an extra 1/2 attack with that 7th proficiency point
im looking at the attack table right now and it goes as follows:
2-4 proficiency points: + .5 attacks per round
5-6 proficiency points: + 1 attack per round
7 proficiency points: +1.5 attacks per round
and I just play tested it out, and I see what the problem is, the proficiencies are working as intended, its just that the wording is a little misleading, but it is correct in the fact that if you have 7 proficiency points at level 15, you will have 3.5 attacks per round ( which is the example given for supreme mastery to help clear up the wording a bit)
Which means a specialist mage with its -15% penalty to scribing chances will never be able to guarantee a successful scribing of a scroll outside their school. And in a game like IWD:EE, where scrolls are so incredibly scarce that some scroll types only appear once in the entire game, being unable to reach 115% scribing chance is a huge detriment to mages, who are far weaker in IWD than they are in any of the other IE games.
here is the str modifier .2da if ya want it
When you get around to WeiDU-izing your mod, this will patch in your exceptional strength changes without having to overwrite the whole 2da:
Things that change stats, classes, races, proficiencies, spells, kits, hp rolls, new racial enemies and new racial save bonuses is just not what I'm looking for.
Opening roll for my half orc fighter cleric was 14, 9, 14, 10, 15, 16. Not bad but that 9 dex hurts.
2nd roll for my dwarven figher/thief was 11, 15, 15, 10, 18, 13. Great roll, unfortunantly that 18 is sitting wasted in wisdom instead of a higher strength or dex I was looking for.
3rd roll was a gamble. I took a human fighter hoping I could get the scores to dual him at some point. This was also a solid roll of 13, 12, 11,15, 16, 15. Not bad. We will see if I can't find something to dual to at a later point using the permanent stat changing potions in the game.
4th roll was an acher. I actually had a solid roll here again. bad placing of the stats however meant no bonus to my dex for me. I would rather have had the 15 and 16 in other spots but, hey, this is part of the fun! His roll was 14, 13, 14, 15, 16, 8.
5th roll was for my figher mage. I actually got stats somewhat aligned for my class with my rolls!!! I rolled 15,16,12,14,12,14. That intelligence is going to smart though. Still I was excited to see some decent strength and dex show up here.
Seeing as my stats were good on my rolls, nothing really standing out bad or good, I needed just some raw bonuses to attack stats. I decided on a skald to round out the team to make up for my lack of any heavy hitter on the team. I can already tell potions are going to be my friend.
My Skald rounded out the team with 12,15,11,16,9,15 for her roll. That intelligence was nice to see but I would rather have had that on the fighter mage
Character creation complete I moved on to the small and easy tasks around town and easily dispatched the goblins to the south.
Hitting up the orc caves next. Ill Send word of how that goes as I make progress.
So far I love the mod, especially the weapon overhaul, I am actually using a spear as my primary two handed weapon for my fighter. Great mod Sarevok!
Heading to the temple of the forgotten god tonight.
I am wondering. As I did a similar mod (non-weidu) in the original IWD1 along with some work on the older Auril's Bane mod, would you consider merging it with your mod? I am still getting to learn the ropes of modding and transforming the files from IWD1 to EE, so merging it with your mod, might be more feasible. I also did a lot of tweaking in addition to fixing.
We can compare notes if you agree.
Yeah, I know, lately it has been the talk of many people here about this mod. Unfortunately, back when Grog created it and I was his left-over undertaker, roughly 10 years ago, it didn't had that much publicity, because back then, IWD was largely ignored by most modders and players (who like to play BG2 and its huge list of NPC mods).
Even IWD2 was ignored and with the exception of Weimer, I was the only one who actually created a mod for that game (I fixed some unfinished quests and added some flavor modifications to the game).
I am currently playing IWD2 almost full modded (up to my personal choice ofc, missing mainly some tweaks I don't like). Reddrake, can I ask which mod did you create for IWD2? I am curious if I have it installed. And sorry for kind of offtopic sentences here.
And its sad to watch how IWD2 has been forgotten...
Wish me luck, my party is about to challenge the lich. Totally not ready for it.
Beside cosmetic changes, I made improvements to the existing classes (replaced Paladin of Helm with Paladin of Red Knight and alike) and I also fixed some quests, like Goublika's crusade to liberate the giants:
And also, a quest involving Ubchug Babblemug a half-orc crazy cleric in Severed hand.
My old mod thread could be found here: http://www.baldursgatemods.com/forums/index.php?topic=6803.0
Worst thing for me with mods are that I am using language other than english and in addition I am translating mods a bit :P
I am going to use a Core Rules difficulty (easier to manage the balancing), with a 6 characters IWD-like tester party:
Human Cavalier (using long swords and warhammers)
Human Fighter/Druid (dual class from level 13 onward) (using scimitars and possibly spears)
Half-Elf Ranger/Cleric (dual-wielding flails and/or maces)
Dwarf Fighter/Thief (using crossbows and axes)
Half-Elf Bard (using longbows and short swords)
Human Abjurer (using slings and darts)
This error relates to bad string references.