Why Are People Trying to Start Game with High Level Chars?

I can understand starting with high attributes (like all 18) or high thieving skills at level 1 to make up for pick pockets and etc not being usable until late game, but why would you want to load an end-game character in Candlekeep when the multiplayer game literally says "New Game".
You people are partially the reason people keep hosting with passwords, these guys that come in Candlekeep while everyone else is level 1 and load a level 10 character with end game items, tell me really what is the point? You're not going to have any real challenge until maybe end of Durlag's Tower or in Baldur's Gate, so tell me why. There's already enough exploits and free/cheap exp and items that starting at level 10 is totally unnecessary.
I just had to rant about this cause it's really beginning to bug me when I try to host publicly and get some people to join but they don't want to start new they want to load end game characters. I even told this one guy start new char or leave, and his response is "You want some items?" No I want to play the game not just spawn end game items high level characters and overpower every single monster in the game...... I seriously don't get it. To me that's not even playing the game, might as well start the game with 25 all stats level 20.
It's one thing to make yourself level 10 instantly for testing spells or stat progression or something, but these people were planning to do a play through with it.
You people are partially the reason people keep hosting with passwords, these guys that come in Candlekeep while everyone else is level 1 and load a level 10 character with end game items, tell me really what is the point? You're not going to have any real challenge until maybe end of Durlag's Tower or in Baldur's Gate, so tell me why. There's already enough exploits and free/cheap exp and items that starting at level 10 is totally unnecessary.
I just had to rant about this cause it's really beginning to bug me when I try to host publicly and get some people to join but they don't want to start new they want to load end game characters. I even told this one guy start new char or leave, and his response is "You want some items?" No I want to play the game not just spawn end game items high level characters and overpower every single monster in the game...... I seriously don't get it. To me that's not even playing the game, might as well start the game with 25 all stats level 20.
It's one thing to make yourself level 10 instantly for testing spells or stat progression or something, but these people were planning to do a play through with it.
Post edited by Zagacious on
Some classes don't even really pick up to about level 5, like mages for instance. As soon as you get Third level spells, the game truly opens up for you. And as long as it takes to get to level 5, especially in a full proper party, you're doing a lot of nothing but slinging and probably item identifying. That, frankly, is quite boring. And you can finally take a hit. Maybe.
Those are the primary reasons I can see for starting at a higher level. And since 5 is pretty close to the level cap for most classes in the first game, you might as well go whole hog.
This is only really true for a few specific classes that are pretty much useless until high level, like Monk or Shapechanger, and a few others I won't go into, but even a Mage level 1 is pretty powerful with a ranged weap and spells Sleep, Spook, and a couple others can be really powerful until you've gained a few levels. Pretty much any class that's weak at the beginning can just make use of level 1 spells and/or ranged weaps until they are leveled enough.
Also, I thought the level cap was like 8-9 for most classes? With level cap removed I can easily get way more than this, but level cap is around 8 or 9. The only part I really exploit to get more exp is killing elminster every time he appears for 26K more exp lol, and a lot of random NPC's and shops that are worth way more EXP than they should be.
Would you really prefer it if people started new Monk PCs in your game?!
The people I've seen that load these chars will mostly just not respond if you ask them to load a new char. Thanks, I didn't even know that existed. I vaguely remember a YouTuber referencing it but I forgot to look into it, that will solve my problem mostly. If only there was a way to kick people or disable them from using the console.
Now ferrets would make a nice snack!
I think the multiplayer would be improved if it had the ability to appoint a DM/moderator, with them setting the rules, and enforcing them, kicking folks out if not abiding by them.
Like many multi-player games, and internet forums for that matter, without a moderator things can get out of hand pretty quickly.
Just my 2cents.
Ferret brains are too messy. They can get in your teeth and cause all sorts of problems. I am also not a ferret murderer.
I was wondering if somebody was teaching their toddler how to play. That would be hard core!
And I'm clearly not using Mr. Muffin as a scapecat! *discreetly wipes away rat blood from lips*
However, that doesn't excuse joining a multiplayer game with someone else who doesn't want characters like that.
When I made a level 20 character with full items to show him how enjoyable it is to have an OP character around, he got bored and left. It seems he's done this a lot because now he found a way to get past the loading restrictions hosts can put in Game Options.
I mean I can understand the fun of being OP, but the fun doesn't last that long, you can only faceroll fights so many times before it gets boring, and I would never force other people to do it. On the other side of things, some guy deleted my character for loading a Gnome Skald with a legitimate 96 roll, yet he's constantly abusing save/load and Ctrl-R... I don't get some people, I need to find a group lol.