BGII:EE Android Tweaks

in BGII:EE Mods
This might already be answered elsewhere on the site but I can't seem to find a straight answer wherever I go. Info on the game on androids is vague at best.
Are mods able to be used on Android? I just want the tweak pack, but it looks like the pack itself has been discontinued and is only available in another mod. Everything I find is not compatible with android.
Secondly, are cheats/use of the console not available for android? I'm seeing conflicting answers, but following the instructions of other players it's been successful for hasn't led it to work for me. Editing the .ini, using hackers keyboard app and still not successful.
Before I spend another day or two searching, can someone be able to give details on whether or not these options are even possible on android?
Thanks in advance
Are mods able to be used on Android? I just want the tweak pack, but it looks like the pack itself has been discontinued and is only available in another mod. Everything I find is not compatible with android.
Secondly, are cheats/use of the console not available for android? I'm seeing conflicting answers, but following the instructions of other players it's been successful for hasn't led it to work for me. Editing the .ini, using hackers keyboard app and still not successful.
Before I spend another day or two searching, can someone be able to give details on whether or not these options are even possible on android?
Thanks in advance
For installation of the tweaks module, because BG2EE on android is still at v1.3.x, the tweaks packs would still work, but you can also use the new 'Tweaks Anthology'. To clarify, I didn't install all of the tweaks, my main focus was PnP fixes, inventory management and ability to allow illegal charname classes. Actually, I just looked at the readme and found that I probably used about 3/4 of the pack...
To install the mods on android, it requires a little more setting up and access to a PC. There is a discussion in the forum that explains how to install mods onto an android device. Have read of that and if you still are having trouble, I could explain further, just ask... I have answered some questions in an earlier discussion about a similar request.
For EEKeeper, once you have your directory setup for modding, use this as you base to edit your BG2EE saved game.
If you don't have a PC or access to one, it becomes a little more difficult. You can let me know which parts of the Tweak pack you want installed, I can use my config here to setup the components and upload it...
Hope all goes well
Can you confirm the version number of your BG2EE.
I am also guessing that you are using English (US) as your default language. This is required for the 'dialog.tlk' that will be modified.
It will just stop a wall of text being a prob.
Enclose you text inside the following:
Insert Text Here
You can use the preview button to test before posting...
All good for the version and language.
Edit: Just a quick Q. What android device do you have?
Remove Helmet Animations
Force All Dialogue to Pause
Improved Athkatlan City Guard
Multiple Strongholds
Bonus Merchants
Female Edwina
Universal Clubs
Weapon Styles for All
Remove Experience Cap
Allow Spellcasting in Heavy Armor
No Restrictions on Multiple Protection Items
Cast Spells at Character Level
Shopkeepers Unlimited Identifying Ability
Multi-class Grandmastery
True Grandmastery
Add Save Penalties for Spells Cast by High Level Casters
Alter Multi-class Restrictions: allow all races to have access to every valid multiclass combo
Remove Racial Restrictions for Kits
Max HP on Level up
Max HP all Creatures
Identify All Items
Easy Spell Learning: 100% + unlimited
Bottomless Bags of Holding
Remove Fatigue from Restoration Spells
Unlimited Stacks: ammo, jewelery, gems, potions, scrolls
NPCs are neutral about reputation
NPCs Don't Fight
No Traps/Locks
Faster Cut Scenes
Invisible Cloak of Mirroring
Rest Anywhere
Sellable Items
Change Korgan to Neutral Evil alignment
Using an old school Galaxy S5
I have made a copy of the installation instructions on the text file attached, which also contains comments about the mod components. I have also attached the WeiDU.log.
I made some guesses on which part of the component that you wanted and added some additional (one by mistake and one intentionally). I left them in on the first run to check. There is nothing that would break the game... Anything that does not have a comment beside it modded as requested.
I also use ES File Explorer and have tested the method below on my Note 4. All seems to work as expected. If it doesn't we can work through whatever probs may occur. Make a backup of the files as we will be deleting a file when unpacked.
Unfortunately I couldn't get the zip file to work as it should (it should only be one file and work without unpacking). After a little playing around, I found that only packing the (contains dialog.tlk) and copying the override folder across, it all worked as it should... so we are going to do that.
To install onto S5 BG2EE:
- Download file. The file is called (~18 MB), and should download into your SCDCARD\download folder.
- Copy into the 'sdcard/android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateiienhancededition/files' folder. This folder should also contain Baldur.ini.
As an extra if you aren't aware, if it isn't there already, you can create another folder here called 'portraits' which is where you would place any custom portaits you might want to use ingame.
- Using ES File Explorer, tap on '' and use ES Zip Viewer. Once open, select unpack (looks like an zipper with an arrow the top menu), then select current path, OK.
- Once it has unpacked, hit your 'S5 soft return button' (the return arrow on the S5 - bottom right hand key near the hard menu button - looks like an arrow returning on itself) and make sure you have the folder called 'override' and a file called in the files directory. If you do, delete ''.
So now, you should have the following in the folder 'sdcard/android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateiienhancededition/files/'
override (folder)
portraits (folder)
save (folder)
Baldur.ini (file) (file)
- This should now complete the install.
- You could probably continue with a current game but I would recommend starting a new one. Some components don't play nice coming in half way though a game.
- To uninstall, just delete and the override folder. It will reset the game back to unmodded.
- Since this is BG2Tweaks, it will need to be redone when the android version of the game is undated to v2.x or 3.x. It wont work properly on the new version. The current pack for 2.3.x is Tweaks Anthology 3.0 (which contains all the BG2Tweaks plus some). If the Android version allows the mods that the PC version does, there are also some GUI enhancements that you just can't do without...
Hope all this works as expected.
Edit: Files removed
Glad to help.
For v2, I have attached all files with the modified content. Don't worry about the reduced size of the Mods file, I just used a better compression. ES File Explorer still does the job in unpacking. For the text document, I have just added the changes to the bottom, the rest is the same. Tested and works on my Note4.
V2 changes
Add: Icon Improvement's under the Cosmetic Changes - Cosmetic
Fix: no restrictions on strongholds - Content
Add: Cromwell Upgrade Items - Content
Add: Cespenar's ability to use Cromwell recipes - Content
To install:
- Download files
- Copy file '' to the BG2EE files folder
- Delete the current and override folder.
- Using ES File Explorer, unpack to the current path as we did before.
- Test BG2EE start.
- Roll and Re-roll for that 97.
Play on
Happy gaming
I'm not too concerned with trying to figure out the issue (I'm not much for spending more than a day on it) so I had planned to just create a whole new character, different class. I didn't want to run into the same problem, and wanted to change some components in the tweak pack I'm using currently. I had also thought a fresh new install and mod version might be beneficial.
Are you available to create v3?
Remove Helmet Animations
Weapon Animation Tweaks
Icon Improvements
Change Avatar When Wearing Robes or Armor
Force All Dialogue to Pause
Improved Athkatlan City Guard
Improved Multi-Player Kick-out Dialogues
Add Bags of Holding
Multiple Strongholds -- no restrictions
Bonus Merchants
Female Edwina
Allow Cromwell to Upgrade WK Items
Give Cespenar Cromwell recipes
Universal Clubs
Weapon Styles for All
Remove Experience Cap
Allow Thieving in Heavy Armor
Allow Spellcasting in Heavy Armor
No Restrictions on Multiple Protection Items
Alter Weapon Proficiency System--all changes
Cast Spells from Scrolls at Character Level
Multiclass Grandmastery
True Grandmastery
Triple Class HLA Tables
Alter Multiclass Restrictions--allow every race to have every muticlass combo
Remove Racial Restrictions for All Classes
Alter Dual Class Restrictions--allow nonhumans to dual class
Remove Racial Restrictions for Kits
Higher HP on Level Up--maximum
higher HP on Joinable NPCs
Identify All Items
Easy Spell Learning--unlimited spells per level
Bottomless Bags of Holding
Remove Fatigue from Restoration Spells
Change Effect on Reputation--stores gives discounts for higher rep
Unlimited Ammo, Jewelery, Potions, Scrolls
Happy Patch--NPCs always remain neutral
No Traps or Locks
*NO* Faster Cut Scenes (this is where the bug was forming I gathered)
Invisible Cloak of Mirroring/Spell Trap effects
Keep Drizzt's Loot
Rest Anywhere
Minimum Stats Cheat--15
NPC Tweaks--none
I will do my best to repay the favor
As far as the behaviour, I not sure what is occuring. As a test, could you rename the "override" folder (like it was being deleted). You may get different strange behaviour as dailog.tlk may be trying to display something that may not be there... Try your saved game and see if your char is still invisible. Don't save you game!
Don't forget to rename folder back to override when test complete...
I tried the method you suggested by renaming the folder and tried paying Gaelan. My char was visible after!
Afterwards I was able to read some of the battle text. It looks like the journal updated twice (once to agree I'm paying 20k, then second paying 15k). It showed only a line or two of extra dialogue. However it showed a guard calling for help outside and a thug was out waiting for me but wasn't before. (Not a superhuman one or anything but still strange.)
When I was searching around (including reading a post on this site), it appears it is a bug that occurs for EE users with faster cut scenes enabled under the tweak pack.
Not sure if you were interested in all the extra info, but for other posters I thought it'd be best to include it all.
edit: grammar
Attached are the modded files.
To install:
- Download files
- Copy file '' to the BG2EE files folder
- Delete the current and override folder.
- Using ES File Explorer, unpack to the current path as we did before.
- Test BG2EE start.
There were two question marks and a comment:
- Alter Weapon Proficiency System--all changes (I made this Rebalanced Weapon Proficiencies as all changes doesn't exist)
- Change Effect on Reputation--stores gives discounts for higher rep (This is normal gameplay. I am guessing, and installed, that you wanted discounts for lower rep for if you play an evil team and can bully [RP only - don't hit them or anything...
- Minimum Stats Cheat--15 (I did this myself although only to 10, in my first mod and found it quite frustrating having very limited access to adjust attributes to lower than 10. If you find the same, just go into the override folder and delete the following two files: abclasrq.2da and cdt03210.g3 to go back to default. If you just want to adjust the minimum attribute figure itself, you can edit abclasrq.2da with a text editor. Once you have a look at it, you will understand. You can adjust it for all or a specific CHARNAME type if you want.)
Make a backup of the file! Using ES Explorer, long press on the file, go to additional menu options (three vertical dots), and select Open As, Text, ES Note Editor. Opens as read only by default but selecting the pen which will place the file into edit mode. Adjust which ever figures you want, back out, save the file.
When testing this, placed the cursor against the number to be adjusted, delete the number then add the new number. You will need to watch out as the gaps between the numbers are there for columns so you don't want to spoil the columns...
I have done a quick test on my Note 4 and all seems to be operating as expected.
Gather Your Party
And thanks for that interesting bit on the minimum stats. At first I agreed but naturally it forced all initial stat rolls to 90 and above, making it that much easier to roll in the 100s. It didn't take long to find one heh
It looks like everything worked correctly.
Again, thanks for being the awesome player you are. It's always refreshing when players are kind enough to do these kinds of things for others
edit: I was looking to make a F/M/C but noticed they can't specialize in regular weapons. Are there any ways around that (in case I missed something in the tweak pack)?
So far as tweaking the FMC, by regular weapons I take it that you mean non-blunt. If so, I am unaware of any mods to make this so. If you mean specialise by adding the second point into the proficiency slot, then I thought this could be done. I had a quick check on my Note and was able to place the second point in, so if it isn't working for you, let me know.
This part
And with spells animation from ID EE
You are using BG2EE v1.3.2064 with Engilsh language and would like the following from Tweaks Anthology (was using BG2 Tweaks for this but now Tweaks Anthology 4.0):
Remove Helmet Animations
Weapon Animation Tweaks
Icon Improvements
Change Avatar When Wearing Robes or Armor
Force All Dialogue to Pause
Improved Athkatlan City Guard
Improved Multi-Player Kick-out Dialogues
Add Bags of Holding
Multiple Strongholds -- no restrictions
Bonus Merchants
Female Edwina
Allow Cromwell to Upgrade WK Items
Give Cespenar Cromwell recipes
Universal Clubs
Weapon Styles for All
Remove Experience Cap
Allow Thieving in Heavy Armor
Allow Spellcasting in Heavy Armor
No Restrictions on Multiple Protection Items
Alter Weapon Proficiency System--all changes
Cast Spells from Scrolls at Character Level
Multiclass Grandmastery
True Grandmastery
Triple Class HLA Tables
Alter Multiclass Restrictions--allow every race to have every muticlass combo
Remove Racial Restrictions for All Classes
Alter Dual Class Restrictions--allow nonhumans to dual class
Remove Racial Restrictions for Kits
Is this correct?
If you want, have a look at Tweaks Anthology and see if there is anything else you would like included.
I need only this with Icewind Dale casting graphics
To install:
- Copy file to the BG2EE files folder
- Delete the any current and override folder.
- Using ES File Explorer (or My Files), unpack the file to the current path.
- Test BG2EE start.
You should end up with in your 'files' folder and override folder with contents unpacked.
To uninstall:
Delete and override folder.
If you have any probs, let me know.
Happy gaming
Remove the previous files and repeat install with this one.
If probs occur, let me know.
Level 1 Npc's?
Thank you if you are willing and have time to do this