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[obsolete] Big World Setup (BWS): Mod Manager for Baldur's Gate / Enhanced Edition (Trilogy)



  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201

    Is there a way to integrate mods with BG:EE and BG2:EE separately, without combining it into EET?

    I understand that with BG:EE you have a first option - Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. For BG2:EE should I just choose the second one - Baldur's Gate II: EE / Enhanced Edition Trilogy and just deselect the first directory space?

    For BG2EE select *Baldur's Gate II: EE / Enhanced Edition Trilogy* and put a " - " where it asks for BGEE path (should be written above the entry line there)
    For BGEE select * Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition*
  • VeskoVesko Member Posts: 28
    edited September 2017
    these portrait are bad. is there a way to re/install other option wo reinstalling whole game? npcs pics look like a 10 year olds water pastel painting! which option/portrait mod should i choose to have bg2 or at least bg1 portraits? and which options to install more portraits so i can choose one for my pc, wo messing up standard npcs portraits? bellow is my selection for that part of bws. im suspecting paintbg, but not sure. prob selected that on my own and f***ed myself in the eyes.

    Also there are horizontal and more subtle vertical lines now. might it be from baldurs gate graphics overhaul for eet and bgt pre-release(en) - holy, what long name, mod author, please rename! If not what is causing it?

    Post edited by Vesko on
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    This is paintbg mod.
    If you post your weidu.log, someone could tell you if there is an easy way to get rid of it. My personal choice is Portraits Everywhere.
    Portraits are always a matter of taste, I don't like paintbg where they all look the same poverished brown, but I wouldn't rant out against those who like it.
  • VeskoVesko Member Posts: 28
    Here it is. Which option of portraits everywhere?
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    edited September 2017
    The lines are definitely from "baldurs gate graphics overhaul". Was trying that mod for different configurations - result is always the same.

    Is not it possible to simply un-install unwanted mods with "setup_[modname].exe
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    edited September 2017
    as long as you didn't run the BWS cleanup script you should be able to uninstall things - WeiDU is good about disinjection, but do be aware of dependencies. It is more advisable to remove it from your BWS settings since that'll also track dependencies, though that necessitates another setup.

    ...we need apt for windows.
  • ReddbaneReddbane Member Posts: 222
    So I've used Big World Setup before, for BGEE 1&2. But for some reason there is a problem when trying to use it with PSTEE. Everything (mods) downloads fine, I've disabled all the relevant security settings, placed the Game folders in the User Account/desktop. But when the installation is about to begin I get this message:

    Can't locate the directory 'BiG_World_Fixpack\_messages'.
    Make sure the Fixpack folder resides in the current directory.
    The latest WeiDU (from is also required.
    When I check the PSTEE directory I find a folder called "BiG World Fixpack", albeit without the underscores. (It does contain a "_messages" within though.) Does anyone know what is causing the problem?

    This is a GOG installation, if that helps.
  • VeskoVesko Member Posts: 28
    edited September 2017
    Ok, i got the portraits right, now theres a thing w dual wielding choice, im not sure whats the problem. in dual wield option i can select 3rd point, but there is no description for it(proficient, specialized, master). my choice of bws options is

    Light & Heavy Weapons - 1)scales of balance or Item Revisions - Dual Wielding Changes for Light and Heavy Weapons

    Alter Weapon Proficiency System - 1)tweaks anthology 2160 or Rogue Rebalancing?, not scales of balance

    Weapon Styles for All - 1)tweaks anthology 2060 AND scales of balance(Fighting Style 0124) They dont conflict, cover diff aspects of weapon styles

    Feat System - 1) Might And Guile or Thief High Level Abilities - Rogue Rebalancing

    Multi-Class Grandmastery - 1)tweaks anthology

    Change Grandmastery Bonuses - 1)tweaks anthology

    the 1) means i chose it over the second. is one of these causing problems? this is how it looks like:

    i can put 3. skill point into dual wield, but text only gives info for first 2.

    these are weidu logs if needed, i just renamed them, dunno which one is needed.

    the choice above is the one im sticking with through multiple install choices so im pretty sure my choice is the cause... and guessing one of these clash.

    I want to have 3 points in weapon styles and i want all classes to be able to have mastery i weapon choices and styles. i might have made a wrong turn somewhere.

    Edit: ah, bugger, forgot the logs.

    Edit 2: Im assuming tweaks anthologys - weapon styles for all is messing w something...? Or Multiclass Grandmastery? Im writing as im making choices in recommended install, so i might add more text.

    Here the whole screen of my choices:

    Edit 3: Im still looking at the choices and im still confused. Several clashing choices of weapon changes, proficiencies, styles...Some even clash/overlap w other categories. It would be great if BWS authors/maintainers could make like a profile save for choices, pre installation, so we can just reload last settings and make small changes. Dont take me wrong im grateful of course. Lol, im amazed how they even manage to pull this beast out of the water this far. Its a mammoth job. But it would definitely be easier if we didnt have to remake almost same setting every time. Provided the progrms coding allows it.

    Edit 4:
    Lol i think i got where i messed up. Not enough reading, or too much reading and jumping between all those categories messed my brain cells and eyes:

    Weapon Styles for All - 1)tweaks anthology 2060 AND Fighting Style 0124 - scales of balance
    They dont conflict, cover diff aspects of weapon styles

    Obviously they DO conflict. Will try new install tonight and see if it solves it.
    Post edited by Vesko on
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    edited September 2017
    @Reddbane Inside that folder should be the folder the mod installer is looking for. Move that into the same directory as the mod installer and game executable.
  • ReddbaneReddbane Member Posts: 222
    Inside which folder? Placing a copy of "_messages" into the PSTEE directory does nothing, same error message. As I've said "BiG World Fixpack" is already placed in the PSTEE directory when the BWS starts the installation, and I don't quite then understand what you recommend I do. (Does anyone know) What is the problem?
  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    Hm... in that case, rename the "BiG World Fixpack" directory to "BiG_World_Fixpack"

    (I am having trouble seeing how this sort of thing could have happened since BWS isn't supposed to break like that)
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Another question about installations: within one installation you (usually) can add/remove features from the mod. For example, you install SCS but left out "smart illitides" option. Later on you decided to add it, and in this case you do not have to install all the mods you had as well, but only run setup-SDS.exe and this time choose the right options.

    If I understand it right, it's possible, because SDS would install everything anyway but flag as active only selected few.

    What if you want to install a new version of SDS? Would that be possible? Or in a new version variables will be different and you can not simply overwrite existing files and re-run setup-sds.exe?
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    Mirandel said:

    Another question about installations: within one installation you (usually) can add/remove features from the mod. For example, you install SCS but left out "smart illitides" option. Later on you decided to add it, and in this case you do not have to install all the mods you had as well, but only run setup-SDS.exe and this time choose the right options.

    If I understand it right, it's possible, because SDS would install everything anyway but flag as active only selected few.

    What if you want to install a new version of SDS? Would that be possible? Or in a new version variables will be different and you can not simply overwrite existing files and re-run setup-sds.exe?

    You can add SCS options you left out initially at a later stage by running the setup.exe again. Just be careful to make the right choices to leave everything that is already installed untouched - otherwise you run into trouble.
    You cannot update SCS in an install without uninstalling the mod and everything installed after it.
    It may make sense for some mod at the far end of your install sequence (see your weidu.log for this) but in the specific case of SCS it will be pretty risky. For such a mod I would always do a new install and just wait until I'm ready for that.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Actually, I meant Sandrah mod now (and other NOC mods updated as well). But I suspect in case of NPC mods it would be even less recommended to mess with already existing installation.
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    Mirandel said:

    Actually, I meant Sandrah mod now (and other NOC mods updated as well). But I suspect in case of NPC mods it would be even less recommended to mess with already existing installation.

    Generally, NPC mods are installed relatively early in a large modded install. This way items, spells, scripts etc from those mods can become subject to the more general tweak mods. In addition, there may be a number of dependencies between NPC mods that recognise each other and have their NPCs interact.
    I would not attempt to update an already installed NPC mod later on. In some cases it may not be a big problem to add a new NPC mod to the end of your install, this needs to be looked at individually.
  • gcr1985gcr1985 Member Posts: 4
    the installation instructions above clearly say do not install BG into programs files. after hours of sorting through errors, I am at the main installation. 1/2 way through, it errors out while trying to install BGT because the installation directory cannot be found in the "preset" destination (program files/black isle/ etc) what in the world is going on? It doesn't give an option to tell it where the directory is. I had to skip it, which I'm sure will lead to countless errors if I try to install it after it finished installing everything else...

  • PokotaPokota Member Posts: 858
    edited September 2017
    One of the very first things you do with BWS is you set the paths to your games.
    If you are not getting this screen when BWS first loads, run the "Update if needed" version
  • gcr1985gcr1985 Member Posts: 4
    I reached the point where I selected which mods I would like, then tested the links no problem, and left the computer to download them all. Came back after a few hours and my computer went to sleep even though I set everything to never sleep. Signed in, and it looks as though it completely restarted - no Big setup window. I opened the setup - update if needed file and it looks as though its starting from scratch but all downloads seem to have been downloaded no problem. Is there a way to continue from where I was without going through the download step again?
  • PheosicsPheosics Member Posts: 16
    gcr1985 said:

    I reached the point where I selected which mods I would like, then tested the links no problem, and left the computer to download them all. Came back after a few hours and my computer went to sleep even though I set everything to never sleep. Signed in, and it looks as though it completely restarted - no Big setup window. I opened the setup - update if needed file and it looks as though its starting from scratch but all downloads seem to have been downloaded no problem. Is there a way to continue from where I was without going through the download step again?

    If you start it again it will just do a check to make sure all the downloads are there and they are up to date. Should go much much faster than previously since it won't download anything you already have downloaded.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Sorry if this has been answered before but I tried to uninstall BG1 and BG2 recently and then delete their directories. However the files "Big_World_Fixpack" "EET" "Strategems" and "Baldur.exe" cannot be deleted for some reason. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you~
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    edited September 2017
    Vallmyr said:

    Sorry if this has been answered before but I tried to uninstall BG1 and BG2 recently and then delete their directories. However the files "Big_World_Fixpack" "EET" "Strategems" and "Baldur.exe" cannot be deleted for some reason. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you~

    Neither BWS npr any of those mods would prevent deletion. It must be a local problem, most likely some process still using something from those files and folders. Check with taskmanager that nothing accesses those files etc. Or just restart the PC.
  • gcr1985gcr1985 Member Posts: 4
    I'm having terrible frame rate issues. It is not playable. I see this has been mentioned in several other forums mostly with BGEE. Ive tried running in windows 95 compatibility mode with no luck. Even the home screen is very choppy/music jumps when I click any button. Thoughts?
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    In Baldur.lua set
    SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Maximum Frame Rate','30')

    You find baldur.lua in your user/mydocuments/Baldur's Gate - xxx(which game you play?) and you can open it with wordpad or similar program.
  • gcr1985gcr1985 Member Posts: 4
    PaulaMigrate - I don't have anything in the documents folder. Looks like everything is only on the installation directory itself. I searched the entire computer for balder.lua and nothing comes up. Is it possible to make this adjustment on the normal balder.ini file which i have in the install directory? Thanks
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    gcr1985 said:

    PaulaMigrate - I don't have anything in the documents folder. Looks like everything is only on the installation directory itself. I searched the entire computer for balder.lua and nothing comes up. Is it possible to make this adjustment on the normal balder.ini file which i have in the install directory? Thanks

    Is this talking about old game, not EE?
    You have on your game directory a BGConfig.exe that opens a program where you modify your settings.
  • ariakas2ariakas2 Member Posts: 80
    BWS suddenly stopped working. During my regular scs install, i get this message while running the batch command:

    Please start the "BiG World Install.bat"

    Bitte startet die "BiG World Install.bat"

    Veuillez lancer le "BiG World Install.bat"

    Press any key to continue . . .

    and it stuck there. I tried running the install.bat it gives other errors. I was installing without errors before, i dont know what happened.
  • southfla79southfla79 Member Posts: 214
    @ariakas2. I keep getting the same issue, three times now. I'm doing a reinstall of the same setup I used month or so ago
  • kaidekaide Member Posts: 4
    Hey, does anyone else has the same problem? BWS cant install Installpack v16.7z? Does anyone have install link so i can manually install it or is this version of BWS bugged somehow?
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    kaide said:

    Hey, does anyone else has the same problem? BWS cant install Installpack v16.7z? Does anyone have install link so i can manually install it or is this version of BWS bugged somehow?

    I had no problem with this one
  • southfla79southfla79 Member Posts: 214
    Same version I have but i'll give yours a go just in case
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