Old dog re-learning old tricks

Hello, fellow adventurers.
My name is Drakum, and I first put my hands on a copy of Baldur's Gate when it was released back in 1996.
It was great to know that Beamdog was re-launching these 'Black Isle' games. I learnt about this only last year, after been disconnected from the roleplaying/social media/PC gaming scene for a very long time.
Anyways, I'm playing BG right now, and enjoying every second of it. Can't wait to finish the game and move on to every other title that Beamdog has relaunched.
See you in the forum. Happy adventuring!
My name is Drakum, and I first put my hands on a copy of Baldur's Gate when it was released back in 1996.
It was great to know that Beamdog was re-launching these 'Black Isle' games. I learnt about this only last year, after been disconnected from the roleplaying/social media/PC gaming scene for a very long time.
Anyways, I'm playing BG right now, and enjoying every second of it. Can't wait to finish the game and move on to every other title that Beamdog has relaunched.
See you in the forum. Happy adventuring!
Hail and well met @Drakum ! Every good forum has a few skeletons in the cupboard and I am one of them.
Now please. The most important question is...
Do you like cauliflower (purest white, beloved of cauli and all that is good) or broccoli (green with envy, E.coli carrying, stomach rot) ?
Beware of @Shandaxx he is truly manipulative and you will be charmed by his lies. DO NOT LISTEN!
What a great community. Having a great time already.
Now in response to the most important of all questions, I have to confess that I equally like cauliflower and broccoli.
On one hand, my wife makes a mean cauliflower bake, with cheese and bacon...
... on the other hand, steamed broccoli dipped in aioli mayo is a great snack. You know, nothing better to boost that E.coli than a good dose of salmonella. Yum.
@Shandaxx can keep an eye on you but I'll be watching your wife!
This sounds oddly wrong... So I'll just decease and shuffle away...
Happy to make your acquaintance, @Shandaxx , and sorry to do that to broccoli.
If it makes you feel any better, I can confirm that broccoli does giggle when you tickle it. I still don't know why this realisation is usually followed by my wife laying me on bed, restraining me, administering a couple of quick electroshocks on my parietales, then letting me go with a kiss on my forehead and a pat on my head. Misteries.
Also, thank you, @tbone1 , and the rest of the adventuring gang for the warm welcome. I'm feeling right at home in here.
And now, it's Friday here in Oz and, as they say in Baldur's Gate, "I need a swig of some strong dwarven ale".
@Anduin , careful with that. Her natural awareness is equal to having permanent drips of potions of perception, and her mastery in war axe is second to none in the whole Forgotten Realms.
And this is a Broccoli
What do you call this?
Off with their heads! I want them mounted on forks by teatime!
ok... ok... breathe in.... breathe out....
Now... will my party be automatically picked up to go on in SoD? I wanna olay that before going to BG2.
Should I start a new thread with this question?
If you were playing BGEE using the SoD interface, I recall you go straight into Seige after Sarevok falls. If you were playing BGEE then you will need to export from a save I believe.
Remember to eat your broccoli before heading to Dragonspear!