So im doing DSOTSC The Citadel Quest w Gillian Ghastkills baby and all the vamps and daerthmac are dissapearing in the citadel. i enter the room, spot them and they just dissapear wo fighting. cant finish the quest.
only in the first room daert fought a little then fled, his vamps too, afterwards whenever i encounter one they just vaporize and dissapear. the last room daert and bunch vamps are spotted and then poof. so im left w treasures to loot, but no kid and quest ended.
is there any global variable that i can change to make vamps fight? have no idea whats causing this. or some console code to spawn daert and that nanny if shes needed for the quest? OR just the name of the kid if it can be put into inventory to bring it back to Gillian? TIA! :-)
ah thx will go there and ask. :-) i thought it might be some mod messing w it, thats why i asked here.
It might be some mod messing up vampires in deed. I played the EET version more than once and had no bugs. The vampires flee a couple of times until you go to the lower level (the one looking like Ulcaster). You can defeat them there. You can also put wooden stakes into their sarcophags in another area. The Lord vampire drops the baby when finally defeated.
First of all, i am really impressed of The Big World Mod, never seen anything professional before. Tanks to all the people that put so much effort in it.
Having some space time soon, i tried to install the mod to a Steam Version of BGEE and BGEE2 and having some fun with Minsk&co. I followed the instructions above and arrived at the last step, the installation of the mods which had been downloaded. BWS tells me this:
\Spiele\Steam\SteamApps\common\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition>IF NOT EXIST BWP_Textpack.installed Call "BiG World Textpack.bat"
Please start the "BiG World Install.bat"
Bitte startet die "BiG World Install.bat"
Veuillez lancer le "BiG World Install.bat"
Drcken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
With BiG World Install.bat i am able to prepare the installation (= unpacking mods from the BW Download folder) and to install all mods. The program quits after that, BW Setup doesnt change by pressing any button. I failed trying to install megamod with step 2, because it needs a patch for the original BG which doesnt work on this version (BGTalesIntl5512.exe).
After i read some instructions and watched movies, i presume that BWS should do the installation on its own, without starting "BiG World Install.bat". Did anyone experience the same issue or has an idea, how to fix this or going further?
After i read some instructions and watched movies, i presume that BWS should do the installation on its own, without starting "BiG World Install.bat". Did anyone experience the same issue or has an idea, how to fix this or going further?
Same here; no ideas as to how this could be fixed have been submitted yet, unfortunetaly. From what I have read, it would seem that someone decided to change/'update' some sh!t while the G3 and SHS were down. Now we're stuck with this.
IF exist "BiG World Install.bat" ( if "%BWIP%" == "" ( echo. echo Please start the "BiG World Install.bat" echo. echo Bitte startet die "BiG World Install.bat" echo. echo Veuillez lancer le "BiG World Install.bat" echo. pause exit
This worked for me, but it's actually the Textpack bat that needs amending.
Yesterday BWS reverted back to version 16.7 and worked. Today it was updated back to version 17 and it stopped working.
Reverting to 16 is fine as a solution for EE games. The BWS for some weird reasons still supports BGT as well. They should leave BGT for BWP support and use BWS for the new games IDWEE PSTEE etc. As long as BWS guys try to keep the old world alive, it will clash with BWP. Just read the *updated???* BWP.pdf and its mad rant against EE games and understand that the script to corrupt EE installs is no coincidence but intention. In case you doubt my statement, just read here
But can you make an installation of megamods in EET like Sandrah, for example, without corrupt BWP files?
Unless you do a german language install, you can. BWFixpack has everything you need. EET does not require BWP. Problem is that BWS is coded to look for it. Nobody is there anymore to change it in the tool. Currently EE games support few languages only, BWP some more. Ask yourself how many mods support the additional languages anyway. You always go for a smaller selection or for mixed language installs when you base your install on a non-english game. Not nice for some people, but still a fact. Few modders can provide their mods in multiple languages.
No-no, I did not mean it this way - just wanted to know if there is a less complicated way to install megamods in English than re-writing code in the middle of installation. Something like a simple un-check of Textpack bat during mod selection?
P.S. Interesting reading that topic you linked though I did not understand how such corruption made it's way to the general fix for all EET mods.
P.P.S. Forgot, that un-checking of fixes is impossible. Guess, BWS guys have to either remove that Textpack, or let us un-check it.
No-no, I did not mean it this way - just wanted to know if there is a less complicated way to install megamods in English than re-writing code in the middle of installation. Something like a simple un-check of Textpack bat during mod selection?
P.S. Interesting reading that topic you linked though I did not understand how such corruption made it's way to the general fix for all EET mods.
Maybe I didn't explain it well. You don't need BWP at all to install EET. What you need is BWFixpack which is available separately. BWS english install however makes use of some code in BWP smoothpack, but this is for convenience in the installation process and not for something needed in the game later on. The resulting dependency of BWS on BWP is a bad heritage and now has put BWS at the whim of the super-ego of the sole author of BWP, a german working in isolation and living in the past of a game like it was a decade ago. BWS people simply need to break their tool loose from those clutches and make EE/EET installs independent from this single point of failure.
Based on the code @AndreaColombo quoted above, all you actually need to do is to delete/rename the file "BiG World Install.bat" in your game folders if you find it there. BWS does not use it in EE/EET and therefore it is not removed after execution (like in BGT). Textpack finds the code and tries to run it - error occurs.
If I understand correctly, that "BiG World Install.bat" appears during installation and you have to catch the right moment to remove it. Not very convenient but the main problem is - when is this "right moment" occurs?
ah thx will go there and ask. :-) i thought it might be some mod messing w it, thats why i asked here.
It might be some mod messing up vampires in deed. I played the EET version more than once and had no bugs. The vampires flee a couple of times until you go to the lower level (the one looking like Ulcaster). You can defeat them there. You can also put wooden stakes into their sarcophags in another area. The Lord vampire drops the baby when finally defeated.
Haaaah thx i didnt notice that exit at all! had to press tab all the time to see it. Cheers. :-)
If I understand correctly, that "BiG World Install.bat" appears during installation and you have to catch the right moment to remove it. Not very convenient but the main problem is - when is this "right moment" occurs?
The bat is part of the BiG World Install download and put into your game directory when you (or BWS) unpack the 7z. The right moment is when the BWS asks you to start the actual install process after all the downloads and unpacking of mods has taken place. Which leads to think that the BWS itself maybe could do it if the game you selected for install is EE/EET?
Did update "2887678 Ugly BWP 17 fix for EE" from 2 hours ago fix the issue or do we still need to manually remove the line "exit" from the BiG World Textpack.bat file?
If I understand correctly, that "BiG World Install.bat" appears during installation and you have to catch the right moment to remove it. Not very convenient but the main problem is - when is this "right moment" occurs?
It's easy once you know how it works. After the BWS has downloaded it's mods it will unpack them. It will then wait for you to click continue and this is the pont when you must modify the BiG World Textpack.bat file.
Basically if you are unsure, just don't click continue and check the directory for the .bat file. You do not have to pause the process as it stops itself at the needed time.
If you're using BWS for EET, then you will have to do this twice, once in the BG1 directory at the start, then later in the BG2 directory. Both times the BWS setup will pause and ask for your permission to continue.
Did update "2887678 Ugly BWP 17 fix for EE" from 2 hours ago fix the issue or do we still need to manually remove the line "exit" from the BiG World Textpack.bat file?
My knowledge of CMD commands is limited, but the above BWS updates has this new code for EE games:
CMD;IF EXIST "BiG World Install.bat" REN "BiG World Install.bat" "NoInstall.bat"
The textpack.bat script has line "exit". >>>which causes the problem:
IF exist "BiG World Install.bat" >>> which is now "NoInstall.bat", so the action should not be triggered.
Maybe someone with better coding knowledge can check if this *ugly fix* could solve the problem.
ah thx will go there and ask. :-) i thought it might be some mod messing w it, thats why i asked here.
It might be some mod messing up vampires in deed. I played the EET version more than once and had no bugs. The vampires flee a couple of times until you go to the lower level (the one looking like Ulcaster). You can defeat them there. You can also put wooden stakes into their sarcophags in another area. The Lord vampire drops the baby when finally defeated.
I have actually had TWO babies by killing him twice. However that is unusual. For that to happen you have to kill with a backstab with one blow before he knows that you are there. Then kill a second version. This doesn't happen usually though.
ok, new problem. running BWS now it is currently installing SCS seemed to be working fine then started saying faield to patch. and said error message was 'out of memory' is this an issue with BWS or SCS? or caused by something else?
Thanks Thrawn
here is a sample of what it looks like: Determining spells and script for GORKUO03 This is Stratagems Scripting Language
Input file is stratagems/priest/ssl/bg2/main/dw#priest.ssl
Output file is stratagems_external\workspace\ssl_out/dw#priest.baf
Failed to patch GORKUO03.CRE; error message was Out of memory
Failed to patch GORKUO03.CRE; error message was Out of memory Appending to files ... Copying and patching 1 file ...
I re-named the file BiG World Textpack.bat to 1BiG World Textpack.bat after the mods were unpacked.
Firstly is that what I should have done?
Secondly, here is the debug text file: If anyone can help I would be grateful as this is so much gobbledy-gook to me.
Firstly - you should not have done this renaming. If there is any file to be renamed, it is BiG World Install.bat (unless the latest BWS update already did that for you - in which case you will find a NoInstall.bat in your directory). If you rename that file, you need to do it in the BGEE and BG2EE directory if you install EET
Secondly - the rest of the failure is a result of the first issue.
Additional question: Do you install the game in German language?
ok, new problem. running BWS now it is currently installing SCS seemed to be working fine then started saying faield to patch. and said error message was 'out of memory' is this an issue with BWS or SCS? or caused by something else?
Thanks Thrawn
here is a sample of what it looks like: Determining spells and script for GORKUO03 This is Stratagems Scripting Language
Input file is stratagems/priest/ssl/bg2/main/dw#priest.ssl
Output file is stratagems_external\workspace\ssl_out/dw#priest.baf
Failed to patch GORKUO03.CRE; error message was Out of memory
Failed to patch GORKUO03.CRE; error message was Out of memory Appending to files ... Copying and patching 1 file ...
Determining spells and script for GORPRI1 This is Stratagems Scripting Language
Input file is stratagems/priest/ssl/bg2/main/dw#priest.ssl
Output file is stratagems_external\workspace\ssl_out/dw#priest.baf
Failed to patch GORPRI1.CRE; error message was Out of memory
Failed to patch GORPRI1.CRE; error message was Out of memory
The out of memory error is an SCS issue in large installs.
A possible workaround is to - pause BWS - start the setup-strategems.exe in your game directory - install the components you want to have one by one with your preferences - when SCS is finished, resume BWS
ok, new problem. running BWS now it is currently installing SCS seemed to be working fine then started saying faield to patch. and said error message was 'out of memory' is this an issue with BWS or SCS? or caused by something else?
Thanks Thrawn
here is a sample of what it looks like: Determining spells and script for GORKUO03 This is Stratagems Scripting Language
Input file is stratagems/priest/ssl/bg2/main/dw#priest.ssl
Output file is stratagems_external\workspace\ssl_out/dw#priest.baf
Failed to patch GORKUO03.CRE; error message was Out of memory
Failed to patch GORKUO03.CRE; error message was Out of memory Appending to files ... Copying and patching 1 file ...
I had the same problems, 100% solved. You just have to follow the instructions, particularly the ones in my last post. Out of memory is just a.. memory
I am having a new problem installing. It won't install, saying that I have to use modmerge first. However, I have installed modmerge. ??? I suppose that I will have to do a fresh install from GoG and see if that helps. Has anyone else had this problem?
Modmerge wasn't working properly, however it did once I did a completely fresh installation.
Yahooo!!! The installation worked. I had to remove the Installation bat file, but installation was complete!!
Due to lack of experience, it may or may not work as I want it to, but at least it installed!! Thanks for the help.
only in the first room daert fought a little then fled, his vamps too, afterwards whenever i encounter one they just vaporize and dissapear. the last room daert and bunch vamps are spotted and then poof. so im left w treasures to loot, but no kid and quest ended.
is there any global variable that i can change to make vamps fight? have no idea whats causing this. or some console code to spawn daert and that nanny if shes needed for the quest? OR just the name of the kid if it can be put into inventory to bring it back to Gillian? TIA! :-)
Having some space time soon, i tried to install the mod to a Steam Version of BGEE and BGEE2 and having some fun with Minsk&co. I followed the instructions above and arrived at the last step, the installation of the mods which had been downloaded. BWS tells me this:
Please start the "BiG World Install.bat"
Bitte startet die "BiG World Install.bat"
Veuillez lancer le "BiG World Install.bat"
Drcken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
With BiG World Install.bat i am able to prepare the installation (= unpacking mods from the BW Download folder) and to install all mods. The program quits after that, BW Setup doesnt change by pressing any button. I failed trying to install megamod with step 2, because it needs a patch for the original BG which doesnt work on this version (BGTalesIntl5512.exe).
After i read some instructions and watched movies, i presume that BWS should do the installation on its own, without starting "BiG World Install.bat". Did anyone experience the same issue or has an idea, how to fix this or going further?
Please start the "BiG World Install.bat"
Bitte startet die "BiG World Install.bat"
Veuillez lancer le "BiG World Install.bat"
Press any key to continue . . .
Pressing any keys doesnt do anything, starting the bat file manually results in even more errors.
From what I have read, it would seem that someone decided to change/'update' some sh!t while the G3 and SHS were down. Now we're stuck with this.
As long as BWS guys try to keep the old world alive, it will clash with BWP. Just read the *updated???* BWP.pdf and its mad rant against EE games and understand that the script to corrupt EE installs is no coincidence but intention.
In case you doubt my statement, just read here
Problem is that BWS is coded to look for it. Nobody is there anymore to change it in the tool.
Currently EE games support few languages only, BWP some more. Ask yourself how many mods support the additional languages anyway. You always go for a smaller selection or for mixed language installs when you base your install on a non-english game. Not nice for some people, but still a fact. Few modders can provide their mods in multiple languages.
P.S. Interesting reading that topic you linked though I did not understand how such corruption made it's way to the general fix for all EET mods.
P.P.S. Forgot, that un-checking of fixes is impossible. Guess, BWS guys have to either remove that Textpack, or let us un-check it.
You don't need BWP at all to install EET. What you need is BWFixpack which is available separately. BWS english install however makes use of some code in BWP smoothpack, but this is for convenience in the installation process and not for something needed in the game later on. The resulting dependency of BWS on BWP is a bad heritage and now has put BWS at the whim of the super-ego of the sole author of BWP, a german working in isolation and living in the past of a game like it was a decade ago.
BWS people simply need to break their tool loose from those clutches and make EE/EET installs independent from this single point of failure.
Based on the code @AndreaColombo quoted above, all you actually need to do is to delete/rename the file "BiG World Install.bat" in your game folders if you find it there. BWS does not use it in EE/EET and therefore it is not removed after execution (like in BGT). Textpack finds the code and tries to run it - error occurs.
Which leads to think that the BWS itself maybe could do it if the game you selected for install is EE/EET?
After the BWS has downloaded it's mods it will unpack them. It will then wait for you to click continue and this is the pont when you must modify the BiG World Textpack.bat file.
Basically if you are unsure, just don't click continue and check the directory for the .bat file.
You do not have to pause the process as it stops itself at the needed time.
If you're using BWS for EET, then you will have to do this twice, once in the BG1 directory at the start, then later in the BG2 directory. Both times the BWS setup will pause and ask for your permission to continue.
CMD;IF EXIST "BiG World Install.bat" REN "BiG World Install.bat" "NoInstall.bat"
The textpack.bat script has line "exit". >>>which causes the problem:
IF exist "BiG World Install.bat" >>> which is now "NoInstall.bat", so the action should not be triggered.
Maybe someone with better coding knowledge can check if this *ugly fix* could solve the problem.
here is a sample of what it looks like:
Determining spells and script for GORKUO03
This is Stratagems Scripting Language
Input file is stratagems/priest/ssl/bg2/main/dw#priest.ssl
Output file is stratagems_external\workspace\ssl_out/dw#priest.baf
Failed to patch GORKUO03.CRE; error message was Out of memory
Failed to patch GORKUO03.CRE; error message was Out of memory
Appending to files ...
Copying and patching 1 file ...
Installing file(s) gorpri1.baf
Compiling 1 script ...
Determining spells and script for GORPRI1
This is Stratagems Scripting Language
Input file is stratagems/priest/ssl/bg2/main/dw#priest.ssl
Output file is stratagems_external\workspace\ssl_out/dw#priest.baf
Failed to patch GORPRI1.CRE; error message was Out of memory
Failed to patch GORPRI1.CRE; error message was Out of memory
I re-named the file BiG World Textpack.bat to 1BiG World Textpack.bat after the mods were unpacked.
Firstly is that what I should have done?
Secondly, here is the debug text file:
If anyone can help I would be grateful as this is so much gobbledy-gook to me.
If you rename that file, you need to do it in the BGEE and BG2EE directory if you install EET
Secondly - the rest of the failure is a result of the first issue.
Additional question: Do you install the game in German language?
A possible workaround is to
- pause BWS
- start the setup-strategems.exe in your game directory
- install the components you want to have one by one with your preferences
- when SCS is finished, resume BWS
I had the same problems, 100% solved. You just have to follow the instructions, particularly the ones in my last post. Out of memory is just a.. memory
P.S.: Next time check the mod forum first
Modmerge wasn't working properly, however it did once I did a completely fresh installation.Yahooo!!! The installation worked. I had to remove the Installation bat file, but installation was complete!!
Due to lack of experience, it may or may not work as I want it to, but at least it installed!! Thanks for the help.