Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition Steam Czech Beta

in čeština
Czech it out PST:EE fans! A new localization beta for Czech is available on Steam! We’ll be rolling Czech localization into the main version of Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition soon, but we wanted to get your feedback first.
Follow instructions on our Blog to enable the translation:
If you have PST:EE from the Beamdog store, don't hesitate and send a request to to get a Steam key.
Please, report any feedback about the translation in this thread.
Follow instructions on our Blog to enable the translation:
If you have PST:EE from the Beamdog store, don't hesitate and send a request to to get a Steam key.
Please, report any feedback about the translation in this thread.
This discussion has been closed.
"Ne, comgad pouze dostal od Beamdogu mnou upravenou verzi češtiny, která původně pochází od Mawerickova týmu a od něhož jsem dostal výslovné povolení použít ji jako základ pro vytvoření češtiny do Planescape Torment - Enhanced Edition..."
Mě jsem totiž za to, že @Franky4 zajímalo, jestli se jedná o stejnou češtinu, kterou vám tady dávám ke stažení, nebo jestli si comgad nezávsile na mě vytvořit vlastní překlad. Pokud by však jeho otázka byla orientovaná na historii češtiny, rozhodně bych mu poskytnul podrobnější informace.
The translation interface can show "100% done" but the number is wrong because the game still contains a fair amount of untranslated text. The problem is that (for some reason) most of the new text has never been marked as "needs to be translated". I repeatedly told that to people from Beamdog for a VERY long time and nobody ever did anything. It was very frustrating...
Have you tried with @Coriander ? He is conscientious. Even @JuliusBorisov is euergetic.
Even the Italian Team has had a lot of troubles but now finally they are gone and the work proceeds.
Exactly, nothing more to say. Looks like someone in Beamdog isn't doing his job (decently said). Then Beamdog can be curious, why people like Edvin have no more interest to do their work for BD, when they are treated like this.
PS: Even if you consider that as completed translate, on steam page of IWD it shows Czech language as unsupported language - just marketing tip.
Can you, as a fellow translator, answer one question?
How much faster do you think you could work IF would Beamdog translation interface included the option to display dialog trees? You know, such a tiny thing that would allow you to find out immediately who speaks, to whom the question is addressed or which question was answered.
Do you precisely want to display dialog trees in the translation interface?
Would it be the same a separate document with the dialog trees shown?
Anyway I do not know it is feasible with these old EE games.
The only way to work is to translate apace counting on a well managed beta-testing phase.
Also, do you know how difficult is to do proofreading after other translators without the ability to display text effectively? It's funny that you say it, because it's actually very simple.
Even VERY old (18 years) and VERY simple programs can display dialog trees from text files in BG, IWD and Torment. The texts themselves are actually in a format that allows them to be displayed in the form of dialog trees. It seems hard to believe that Beamdog does not have one of at least a little experienced programmer who would be able to do something similar to what people did 18 years ago.
Just pick any character you want
(There are even separate folders for dialogs, romance and banters)
And here are organized dialog trees