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"Maybe this time" [NO-RELOAD THREAD]: "The Tale of ONE MILLION visions"



  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868

    Frisk: A Solo Archer/Mage in Legacy of Bhaal Mode

    Part 8: Siege of Dragonspear

    This is a huge transition for Frisk: BG1 and SoD have been immensely difficult, and once Belhifet is gone, we're finally going to enter BG2, the game with which I am by far the most familiar. Once we're in Chateau Irenicus, we have a clear and easy path to Melissan.

    But I'm not very familiar with the Belhifet fight, and I've never tackled it solo or in Legacy of Bhaal mode. It's especially tense because failure means we're going all the way back to Candlekeep and we'll have to scratch and claw our way through BG1 and SoD all over again. A lot depends on me getting this right.

    This is what Frisk looks like at the end of SoD.

    Do I take it that you have removed the Level Cap? None of my Characters went beyond 500,000.
    Jaheira didn't even reach the cap.

  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868

    @Wise_Grimwald: In this run, I am opting not to level up beyond what would normally be possible in BG1 or SoD, even though the XP in EET carries over from game to game. So I could have regained my Archer levels in BG1, but instead, I chose to avoid leveling up, to simulate the effects of the original BG1 and SoD level limits.

    So for BG1, I'm at 5 mage levels and 8 inactive Archer levels, and in SoD, I'm at 8 Archer levels and up to 11 mage levels, just like if the XP caps were still in place.

    That is what I have done in previous runs. It works well.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Pantalion: The Guril Berries are for a werewolf quest. There should be a woman shouting outside Thalantyr's tower because she wants him to help her cure her husband of lycanthropy. One of the possible cures Thalantyr suggests is Guril Berries; another is Belladonna.

    Every single time I've tried using Guril Berries, they have failed. The one time I used Belladonna from Balduran's Isle, it worked. So I think the Guril Berries serve only as a red herring in your BG1 install.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    I just realized that Brunash hasn't made an appearance here in a month. BG burnout hits hard. :disappointed:
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137

    Is this a byproduct of the whole "better calls for help" thing where the initial reaction to being hit with a fireball is to tightly converge on the person thus hit with a fireball? 's weird.

    If I forget this kid then explaining to his mother that I drowned him is going to be awkward.

    Invisible Hareishan starts casting a spell only to be held after Jack targets the golem and sends it her way.

    Gawd this party is chatty. Also, apparently Gavin wasn't paying attention. Dwarves were wiped out already by the same river plug Jack will be using to wipe out the mine.

    Two Skeleton Warriors and the Darkmonitor versus Dave:

    The skellies died after exhausting every spell Dave had, and he died to the dagger of uber venom.

    Jack takes a moment to red pill Gavin on why racial harmony is even more impossible on a world with sentient murderspiders than it is in a world where it's just different breeds of humans biologically hardwired to hate genetic outsiders.

    All part of the service that Darkcloaks provide, folks.

    Oh, right. You exist. Well we have some druids to kill first.

    Gavin then reveals that he is nigh literally a cuckold, adventuring to make money for a child that is not his own from a previous cheating partner, and seems to consider this to be in some way having misled the party, despite having specifically said he was adventuring... to make money.

    Seems like you're on an uphill slope with this one, Jack.

    Since I'm not sure where the druid is at this point, this is quite impressive.

    Apparently the paladin assassin isn't showing up in this game, but I can still to Stone of Askovar, starting with the most important: Dat robe of free action.

    Apparently game install is glitched so the extra two areas aren't showing up, making it impossible to complete the quest, or to get the other two (terrible) talismans.

    Shame. I guess I'll go see if I can enter Oversight without completing Section, since that's glitched as well without the palassin, and if not, find and use an area code to bust in and see what happens if I don't happen to have a note.

    Brief pause to show off how faaaaaabulous Jack looks in his new robe.

    Skeletons and shades for everyone! #youtoo

    Apparently plenty of new awful quests to compensate.

    Wellp, Valerie's been talking about how men are unnecessary if only she can find the right spell, so... Sort of torn on raising her. Maybe I should go grab Verr'Sza instead, to maintain the diversity quota?

    Since I stopped by the inn for a leisurely nap, I can only presume this commoner has been standing there, bleeding, for the last nine hours waiting for someone to listen to their dying words.

    At least Aura is safe.

    Enemies killing enemies in cutscenes. I think I should get exp for having to wait.

    Apparently I'm searching for six keys, have found four, and hopefully that's not something preventing a plot death later on.

    I... uh... I thought it was a nickname.

    Every time you mess up, the golem detonates into a fireball.

    Sirene has over 100% fire resistance.

    Oh lookie, base 100% scribe chance get.

  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Pantalion: I'm not sure how you're supposed to beat him in a normal game. I think someone in this thread had a decent strategy for him, but I forget who.

    Spamming the Amulet of Wyvren Summoning is the only method I know of to bring him down.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137

    @Pantalion: I'm not sure how you're supposed to beat him in a normal game. I think someone in this thread had a decent strategy for him, but I forget who.

    Spamming the Amulet of Wyvren Summoning is the only method I know of to bring him down.

    And here I was trying to beat him fair(ish) like a sucker. If his dialogue doesn't trigger on invisible characters then seven snares pre-loaded around the top of the stairs (so as not to trigger against the wind horrors), invisible thief breaking his mirror images before he goes red, and three toons using wands of fire could take him down before he busts out that 20d8 killshot? That or spam him with Fire immune Shades, assuming his script doesn't just have him snipe CHARNAME from across the map.

    I really don't want to have to go through the creation of another Shadow Adept/Mage/Cleric/Cleric/Cleric though.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Harpagornis: Since resting in the Undercity is hard, I decided not to try to charm two critters at once, on the grounds that I wouldn't have been willing to spend so much time trying to get extra allies.

    Granted, I do use a custom rest spell to deal with rest ambushes whenever I have access to Invisibility to save time, and I did quick save to simplify the charming process and save time there as well. But that's just meant to replicate what I would have done otherwise, and I would not have invested the time in charming more than one person. Besides, the first charm effect would only have 4 hours left after resting, so it would wear off by the time Diarmid lost his Protection from Magic effect.

    I don't have the Nymph Cloak in all of my runs due to sometimes turning Abela hostile (and once I think I missed it for some other, completely different reason), and at any rate, it's rigged to be a once-per-day item instead of a 40-charge item in my install. I'm normally only working with one or two charms per day.
  • HarpagornisHarpagornis Member Posts: 1,658
    In my installation i can rest without any risk in front of the temple @semiticgod. The four hours left on Wudei are no problem when you kill her with the Skeleton Warrior (in my installation summons dont turn hostile when their caster gets attacked). So at the end i can get one Skel (for Angelo) and Gorf (for Sarevok). However: Both arent needed unless playing with heavy restrictions. :D
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited February 2018

    @Pantalion: The Guril Berries are for a werewolf quest. There should be a woman shouting outside Thalantyr's tower because she wants him to help her cure her husband of lycanthropy. One of the possible cures Thalantyr suggests is Guril Berries; another is Belladonna.

    Every single time I've tried using Guril Berries, they have failed. The one time I used Belladonna from Balduran's Isle, it worked. So I think the Guril Berries serve only as a red herring in your BG1 install.

    The Guril berries are NOT a red herring.

    I have found that I succeed with them more often than I fail. I am playing on core to get these results. Perhaps the values of your attributes plays a part as my character has very good stats.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited February 2018

    @Pantalion: I'm not sure how you're supposed to beat him in a normal game. I think someone in this thread had a decent strategy for him, but I forget who.

    Spamming the Amulet of Wyvren Summoning is the only method I know of to bring him down.

    Send in summoned monsters so that he targets them. You should be well away from the spell so use potions of speed to escape. It's an area effect spell. You may still be affected by it even if you flee, but so long as you are well away from him, you will have time to recover. If you think that you are going to be affected take a potion of invisibility.

    Then take on the various monsters a few at a time for ease in killing them.
    I don't have improved calls for help installed which might make it easier.

    With this tactic he is beatable. I have never had the amulet of wyvern summoning so I know that amulet isn't necessary, though I have used more than one charge of the wand of monster summoning in order to beat him.

    Always remember that if the battle is going against you, you can run away to the ankheg area (or the bridge area) to rest. He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day!!

    Don't run to the area to the south of the FAI. The likelihood of having your beauty sleep interrupted is much higher there and don't try to rest at the FAI. Interruptions are certain there.
    Post edited by Wise_Grimwald on
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Wise_Grimwald: If my memory is correct, in my install, it was impossible to leave the area until the quest was complete, so resting was impossible. This is the Grey Clan mod, right?
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