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Politics. The feel in your country.



  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited February 2018
    So Paul Ryan tweeted how a secretary in PA has noticed a $1.50 a week increase in her pay as a result of the tax cuts for the rich that gave companies like Koch brothers billions in tax savings. Oh boy right. Well twitter was having none of it and Ryan deleted his dumbass tweet after his opponent, who does not accept corporate donations like Paul Ryan does, called him out on it (screenshot).

    Conservative Koch brothers' network to spend up to $400 million for the midterm election cycle – including $20 million to sell the GOP tax law

    Analysis: Koch Brothers Could Get Up To $1.4 Billion Tax Cut yearly From Law They Helped Pass

    Post edited by smeagolheart on
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    edited February 2018
    @deltago well crud.
  • TStaelTStael Member Posts: 861
    Social mobility has become lesser in Finland than it was, or should be.

    So I hate to think but the tabloid press in onto something fussing about a presidential off-spring. The tyke is statistically meant for greatness...
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Remember the poll that had Generic Democrat with 15 point advantage over Generic Republican? Well don't get too excited or too worried about that it is now down to just 2 points. It seems like the "Schumer Shutdown" where Democrats caved almost immediately didn't win them any fans. Not sure what Republicans have done that is good in the meantime (or at all if you ask me) but apparently several polls are showing a closed gap.

    In other news a holocaust denying Nazi (former head of the American Nazi Party) is running unopposed as the Republican nominee for a House of Representatives seat in Illinois.

    And due to the Republican tax scam the debt ceiling will be reached much sooner than expected.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,464
    Trump has once more managed the difficult task of uniting all the political parties in the UK (with the possible exception of UKIP) - this time by having a pop at the NHS.
  • dreamtravelerdreamtraveler Member Posts: 377
    i have a question... how many political parties exist in US ?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @dreamtraveler: There are a lot of little parties, but politics is very much controlled by the left-leaning Democratic Party and right-leaning Republican Party, the latter of which is also often called the GOP, for "Grand Old Party." The Green Party is a major left-leaning political party but is not remotely as strong as either of the two main parties. Other political parties include everything from the far-right Tea Party (more of a movement than a formal party, but very influential within the GOP) to the left-leaning, reform-oriented Justice Democrats to extremely small, largely irrelevant parties like the Communist Party and Nazi Party. I don't think the last two have any seats in any legislature in the country.

    So there are a fair number, but state elections and especially national elections are overwhelmingly dominated by the Democratic Party and the GOP, to the extent that people often call it a "two-party system," and votes for third-party candidates for the presidency are sometimes considered a waste.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited February 2018
    After the Eagle's Super Bowl victory last night, once again a primarily white fan-base took to the streets and some engaged in riot-like behavior, flipping over parked cars and setting fire to Christmas trees in the middle of the street. Here is how it is be characterized in major media outlets:

    When it's poor black people protesting police brutality, it's a riot. When a football team wins a game, it's blowing off steam. And for god sakes, what is the dynamic at play that causes people to destroy things when your team WINS?? Where was the National Guard armed and ready for war on the streets of Philadelphia last night like in Ferguson. When are we going to start hear the moralizing about the absentee fathers of these Eagles fans?? What is it about their culture and upbringing that caused this behavior?? We'll never hear those questions asked. This is what white supremacy looks like. I can't even count the number of times this behavior has been excused ober the years, almost like it is a cultural right of passage for a starved sports city. People expect it to happen and generally seem to think it's amusing. Year after year, championship after championship.
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    I realize that the inconsistency is galling, but the problem is with how Ferguson was handled, not with how Philadelphia was handled. And I'd argue that in both cases, the media severely exaggerated the extent of the damage and violence caused by the crowd.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    joluv said:

    I realize that the inconsistency is galling, but the problem is with how Ferguson was handled, not with how Philadelphia was handled. And I'd argue that in both cases, the media severely exaggerated the extent of the damage and violence caused by the crowd.

    The inconsistency is what I have the problem with. But it really isn't inconsistent. The reaction to sports riots is remarkably consistent. They are engaged in by (mostly) young white males who are drunk. And it is culturally engrained in people's minds that, in those cases, it is simply boys being boys. Give them a few hours and they'll pass out. When African-Americans take to the streets (even in peaceful protest), our society views it and treats it like a existential threat.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044

    This (re: Super Bowl riots) is what white supremacy looks like.

    I have to disagree--this riot had very little to do with white supremacy but had a lot--everything, in fact--to do with people's deep-rooted tribal mentality. Eagles fans felt like winners after the team they supported won the game despite the fact that the fans had absolutely *nothing* to do with the attainment of victory whatsoever. All they did was watch and yet they succumbed to the same set of emotions they might have had if they had been in a fight and won. This is not to say that I excuse their behavior, of course; this is merely an explanation as to why it happened.

    Not that I support any actual rioting under any circumstances, but at least riots because of something like police violence are legitimate--those people have actual grievances which no one addresses. These people rioting after a sports event are just stupid--they got all liquored up, experienced an emotional high, and because they cannot engage in marital relations in the street they expressed their fundamental, primal urges in some other way. Some of their self-worth and personal identity is linked to the sports team they support, which is completely illogical.

    Besides, I am going to go out on a limb and presume that some of the current Eagles' roster are not white. If this is the case--as per my presumption, because truthfully I have no idea given that I pay no attention to sports--then white fans celebrating the victory cannot be race-related alone, else they would be celebrating a victory attained by non-white players. Were all the protesters white? If not, then it simply isn't race-related.

    Anyway....police should have treated it like any other riot--full gear, bean bags, tear gas, and pepper spray for crowd control along with mass arrests.
  • dreamtravelerdreamtraveler Member Posts: 377
    what is a bean bag ?
  • QuickbladeQuickblade Member Posts: 957

    the left-leaning Democratic Party and right-leaning Republican Party, the latter of which is also often called the GOP, for "Grand Old Party.",

    Which is ironic, because it's like 40 years younger than the Democratic Party.
    The Green Party is a major left-leaning political party but is not remotely as strong as either of the two main parties. Other political parties include everything from the far-right Tea Party (more of a movement than a formal party, but very influential within the GOP) to the left-leaning, reform-oriented Justice Democrats to extremely small, largely irrelevant parties like the Communist Party and Nazi Party. I don't think the last two have any seats in any legislature in the country.
    You didn't mention the Libertarian Party, which is actually stronger than the Green Party. At present, if there was to be an actual third party, it would be the Libertarian Party, loathe as I am to admit it. (I'm in near 100% alignment with the Green and would MUCH rather see them as competition as a third major party).
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850

    This (re: Super Bowl riots) is what white supremacy looks like.

    I have to disagree--this riot had very little to do with white supremacy but had a lot--everything, in fact--to do with people's deep-rooted tribal mentality. Eagles fans felt like winners after the team they supported won the game despite the fact that the fans had absolutely *nothing* to do with the attainment of victory whatsoever. All they did was watch and yet they succumbed to the same set of emotions they might have had if they had been in a fight and won. This is not to say that I excuse their behavior, of course; this is merely an explanation as to why it happened.

    Not that I support any actual rioting under any circumstances, but at least riots because of something like police violence are legitimate--those people have actual grievances which no one addresses. These people rioting after a sports event are just stupid--they got all liquored up, experienced an emotional high, and because they cannot engage in marital relations in the street they expressed their fundamental, primal urges in some other way. Some of their self-worth and personal identity is linked to the sports team they support, which is completely illogical.

    Besides, I am going to go out on a limb and presume that some of the current Eagles' roster are not white. If this is the case--as per my presumption, because truthfully I have no idea given that I pay no attention to sports--then white fans celebrating the victory cannot be race-related alone, else they would be celebrating a victory attained by non-white players. Were all the protesters white? If not, then it simply isn't race-related.

    Anyway....police should have treated it like any other riot--full gear, bean bags, tear gas, and pepper spray for crowd control along with mass arrests.
    I agree with 80% of this. To be clear, I am not saying the behavior itself is an example of white supremacy. My point is that how these events are constantly excused and brushed off (specifically in the media) are a function of a society based in white supremacy. You are correct about WHY they happen. Even though it's absurd behavior to engage in when you are ostensibly happy and over the moon.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited February 2018
    Dow suffers it's biggest one-day drop since the financial crisis today, over 1000 points. On the heels of 600 on Friday. Though I don't much care about the stock market, Donald Trump, by his own statements day after day, has tied his success to this metric.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044

    what is a bean bag ?

    A special type of "less than lethal" ammunition used in 12-gauge shotguns, allowing law enforcement to shoot people without killing them. At least, I haven't heard of a case where someone died from a bean bag round...but I suppose it would be possible if it hit you directly on the sternum or in the face. Typically, all it will do is knock you down and stun you long enough for them to zip-tie your wrists and/or ankles. Anyway, the rounds themselves do not have much mass but because strike with a high velocity (around 80 m/s) and hit such a small area the force imparted to the target can be considerable.

    Oh, that, @jjstraka34 ... Yes, the media treats virtually identical situations somewhat differently depending upon the majority skin color present. I don't know why people sometimes panic if they see non-whites protesting something--if I see a crowd walking down my street, chanting and holding picket signs, I wouldn't worry--I didn't do it and I am not part of whatever problem they are protesting because I already treat people equitably, judging based on actions rather than outward appearance.

    @Quickblade I suspect you have some misconceptions about the Libertarian Party, as most people do. Most Libertarians are "middle of the road" people who support many ideas that self-identified liberals support (legalizing marijuana, Libertarians supported equal rights for marriage, etc). Don't get distracted by the fringe--all political parties have fringe elements who make the centrists roll their eyes.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903

    the left-leaning Democratic Party and right-leaning Republican Party, the latter of which is also often called the GOP, for "Grand Old Party.",

    Which is ironic, because it's like 40 years younger than the Democratic Party.
    The Green Party is a major left-leaning political party but is not remotely as strong as either of the two main parties. Other political parties include everything from the far-right Tea Party (more of a movement than a formal party, but very influential within the GOP) to the left-leaning, reform-oriented Justice Democrats to extremely small, largely irrelevant parties like the Communist Party and Nazi Party. I don't think the last two have any seats in any legislature in the country.
    You didn't mention the Libertarian Party, which is actually stronger than the Green Party. At present, if there was to be an actual third party, it would be the Libertarian Party, loathe as I am to admit it. (I'm in near 100% alignment with the Green and would MUCH rather see them as competition as a third major party).
    I knew I was forgetting someone! You're right, the Libertarian Party is one of the biggest third parties in the United States.

    @dreamtraveler: So you know, libertarians are closer to the Republican party, but that's strictly because of economics. Libertarians tend to lean right on fiscal policy (keep government away from the free market), but lean left on social issues (keep government away from abortion rights).
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137

    Anyway....police should have treated it like any other riot--full gear, bean bags, tear gas, and pepper spray for crowd control along with mass arrests.

    Why? What's the point of escalating the situation, putting officers and innocent people in harm's way? Philly is fine today. There are a few broken windows and traffic lights, the Ritz needs a new awning, and a car was flipped. Everything was being recorded from a thousand angles, and the police will undoubtedly make some arrests based on reviewing the video. A police crackdown last night would not have helped anyone.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited February 2018

    Dow suffers it's biggest one-day drop since the financial crisis today, over 1000 points. On the heels of 600 on Friday. Though I don't much care about the stock market, Donald Trump, by his own statements day after day, has tied his success to this metric.

    I spoke with a mid-level member of the local Republican party he said there's a lot of people unhappy with Trump's antics but figures Trump won't lose support as long as the market is strong. Presumably because old racist leaning people and their 401ks and stock holding won't stop supporting Trump as long as the markets as strong as its been.

    Well its a good theory he had but I'm sure they will find another way to rationalize supporting him even if the market continues to tank.

    "All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." -Hermann Göring

    The parallels to Trump should be obvious with that quote. He's saying we're been attacked by immigrants who are all MS13. He called Democrats who didn't get up and applaud his lame speech" treasonous" today. He's taking the playbook from Goring presumably via Stephen Miller.
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    They had a huge police presence on the streets. They've been preparing for this for two weeks. But they didn't treat it like a military conflict or make a futile attempt to maintain absolute control. And judging from the level of damage compared to the number of people who were involved, I consider the PPD's approach a success.

    To be clear, this isn't purely academic to me. I'm sitting half a block from Broad Street, I think Eagles fans are very annoying, I was afraid to go outside last night, and I was worried that my car would be damaged. But at no point last night did I even begin to think, "I wish they would tear gas these people." I am extremely glad that the police kept their cool.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044
    If police can use tear gas and/or dogs on Occupy protesters, people protesting the Dakota Access pipeline, and in Ferguson then they can use them in Philadelphia...unless some protesters are more equal than others.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I'd rather they use tear gas exclusively on violent riots, strictly as a last resort after other methods have been earnestly tried and failed.

    I don't know why you'd use dogs to end a riot. Dogs don't know what "non-lethal force" means.
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    "Listen, guys. I know that siccing dogs on our citizens is inhumane and counterproductive. But here's the deal: Bull Connor did it to civil rights activists, and these people are just drunk jerks. So we had better release the hounds, or else we're racist."

    I mean, come on.
  • MathsorcererMathsorcerer Member Posts: 3,044

    I don't know why you'd use dogs to end a riot. Dogs don't know what "non-lethal force" means.

    I don't know why they would use them for Dakota Access protesters, either, but they did.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited February 2018
    I know it is wrong to use it on the Philadelphia fans AND BLM and Dakota Access protesters. But I would be lying if I said it doesn't piss me off that only the later two examples ever actually have the full-force of militarized law enforcement come down on them like a ton of bricks. And the fact that it didn't (and wouldn't) happen in situation like last night doesn't make individual people racist. But it does mean that society as a whole is engulfed in institutional racism that seems to exert itself as surely as gravity.

    And yes, Eagles fans ARE as bad as their reputation. At least a large enough contingent of them to give the rest a bad name. Two weeks ago they threw full beer cans at Vikings fans walking to the stadium and mercilessly heckled the mother (in the stands) of a Vikings offensive lineman who broke his ankle late in the game. The fact that last night devolved into patches of mayhem is not at all surprising. I mean, think about it. @joluv said he was afraid to walk outside. Because the Eagles won the Super Bowl. WON the Super Bowl. I guarantee Downtown Minneapolis would not riot if the Vikings won the title. For some reason, this only happens in certain cities. Oddly enough, multiple times in Canada, which I have always viewed as a far more even-keel country than my own. The Montreal Canadians and Vancouver Canucks seem to have VERY passionate fanbases.

    What would I do if one of my teams won the title?? A view fist-pumps in my living room. And I'd probably be really happy for a few days afterwards. But literally nothing beyond that. The idea that someone would smash store windows or overturn cars because their team won a game remains a bizarre question. As has been mentioned, at least the most guilty of the Ferguson or Baltimore protesters may have actually been ANGRY about something (though many of those people just strolled into town to cause trouble in the chaos). But causing property damage because you are HAPPY is something I can't wrap my head around.
  • ildaronildaron Member Posts: 52
    The reason why Republicans are against granting amnesty is rooted in history. Regan made a deal with the Democrats which became the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. This granted amnesty to all those who entered the country before January 1st 1982 and allowed them to become United States citizens. It was supposed to be a onetime thing and in return we would have a more secure boarder. After all deporting the four million illegal aliens who was thought to be in the country was too large of a goal to handle.

    The result however was even more people came in. When you set the tone of live quietly in the country long enough than you will become a citizen, then people will move here and wait it out. If we do this again it extends that perception. Myself I feel bad for DACA members, they had no control over breaking the law. Their parents did. Still amnesty is not the question, despite them being no different than any other child growing up in the United States. I would offer this, a path to earn their citizenship. Join the military. Defend this country (or if a conscious objector fill in another role such as at the Veterans affairs office). Invest in this country they want to be a part of. Four years, stay out of trouble, giving something back, and citizenship (as well as veteran status).
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    Anecdotally I've heard that crime goes down during the footy World Cup in many countries as many criminals are busy watching it :).
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    @ildaron: You feel bad for DACA recipients, recognize that they had no control over breaking the law, acknowledge that they are no different from any other child who grew up in America... and think they should be forced to choose between deportation and military service? How does that make sense?
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    joluv said:

    @ildaron: You feel bad for DACA recipients, recognize that they had no control over breaking the law, acknowledge that they are no different from any other child who grew up in America... and think they should be forced to choose between deportation and military service? How does that make sense?

    He listed more options than just military service. They sounded like the requirements for DACA that Trump killed and started this current crisis.

This discussion has been closed.