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Sarevok57's Mega Icewind Dale Mod is finally here and it's a big one



  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    Redrake said:

    I get a bunch of errors when fighting enemies. Usually on death. Goblins when die show up "Invalid: 41258".
    This error relates to bad string references.

    did you replace your dialog.tlk file with mine?

  • RedrakeRedrake Member Posts: 426
    Yes, I did. I also looked in Near Infinity after the errors showed up (just errors, no crashes). It looks like you created the goblin shamans using the IWD2 animations, that Beamdog placed in the game. You then created the CRE files with that animation, complete with BCS scripts (overdone, IMO, good only if you want to have different drops in different difficulty levels). However, the imported IWD2 animations also need to have an IDS corespondent (Beamdog's negligence here, they took the IWD2 animations and forgot those also need a smaller script).

    I am also wondering if there might slight differences in versions of dialog.tlk. I have my copy of the game bought from GoG. I don't know maybe the version from Beamdog site or Steam are different. I remember running into similar issues in the older IWD1 game, the US version had some slight script differences from UK and international versions. My mod used to crash in the level 4 of Dragon's Eye because there were some conflicting scripts in eldathyns CRE files.
  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    BTW will this mod work with other languages? (I am guessing no)
  • RedrakeRedrake Member Posts: 426
    Ravandel said:

    BTW will this mod work with other languages? (I am guessing no)

    I am also guessing, no. From what Sarevok said, he added over 50 items. I doubt Infinity Engine comes with Google Translate for those items... And if it did, would you trust that translation?
  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    edited October 2017
    Its not a problem to have eng strings/descriptions etc. the question is what will fully replaced dialog.tlk and other things bring. With other item mods I have just some eng items which I am changing and translating myself if I want. In IWD2 I have translation weidu mod installed as last and I am translating whatever I want to.

    Ofc I can go for eng version but its not the same as PL, and IIE games are ones that I really like translated to my own language with awesome voices, eng versions don't have that 'feeling' and nostalgia.
  • RedrakeRedrake Member Posts: 426
    Never could stand translated games. When I hear Malavon Despana talking in IWD2, I want to hear him with his accent and the tone of the voice.
  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    It depends on language. I prefer mostly original languages, but in example Planescape Torment is probably best Polish game translation from foreign language ever. Also at least for me, party voices in PL are way better than in eng.

  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    Ok I have just replaced PL dialog.tlk and mod actually working fine (except with some wrong strings in racial enemy or how is it called). Trying solo on insane, atm Vale of Shadows.

    Mod is pretty nice, I see huge amount of work Sarevok57 but 2 things are really missing:
    *version for weidu
    *cutomizations (not everyone like all changes, like me), would be great to choose what I can pick, even if you would separate this just in folder it will be great
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    Ravandel said:

    BTW will this mod work with other languages? (I am guessing no)

    if i recall i added about 1200 or so string references to the dialogue file, so unfortunately its only going to be in english
    Ravandel said:

    Ok I have just replaced PL dialog.tlk and mod actually working fine (except with some wrong strings in racial enemy or how is it called). Trying solo on insane, atm Vale of Shadows.

    Mod is pretty nice, I see huge amount of work Sarevok57 but 2 things are really missing:
    *version for weidu
    *cutomizations (not everyone like all changes, like me), would be great to choose what I can pick, even if you would separate this just in folder it will be great

    weidu is just beyond my comprehension, i for the life of me can't figure it out

    this mod was made mostly for myself, but i figured i would share it with others in case they might enjoy it as well, i have no problems fixing bugs when need be, but at the same time i don't know when i will work on it next, i've actually been pretty busy with work lately ( and im always away from home when i work ) and since i dont get paid for this mod, it kind of takes a back seat on priorities, but i always look at the updates of this mod thread, in case some crazy things are going on that i over looked and the such
  • RedrakeRedrake Member Posts: 426
    The Invalid errors still show up on enemies deaths. As it doesn't leads to any crashes, I let them be.

    One significant part I really don't like about your mod. You totally abolished the random finds. That takes a huge flavor away from me, as I enjoyed different runs not only in characters I play with, but also on random items I can find. This also leads to significantly more gold for the party early in the game and this potential overbalance the otherwise stringent rewards.

    I am still playing your mod, but this should definitely go into the optional install. You should consider splitting the components of your mod and allow the players to install only what they want. I enjoy the extra enemies, as an example.
  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    Yes I got it Sarevok, thanks for sharing it anyway :)
    But if you will ever have some time splitting this as Redrake also propsed would be great.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Over the past few days, I played through the entire game (base game, Heart of Winter, and Trials of the Luremaster) with this mod on Insane.

    I didn't have much trouble. As in the unmodded game, most of the enemies have what I call brute syndrome: all they do is walk up to you and attack you. This means that you can just kite them all and win the battles without a scratch. Brute syndrome should be avoided if possible. It's better if most enemies have a way of threatening you aside from just attacking you in melee. Even if it would be silly to give hook horrors some sort of supernatural power, there are certain lengths you can go and still have believable enemies. For example, the remorhaz queen from Icewind Dale 2 spews searing orbs at you. It's hard to kite her when she's hitting you at long range (and blinding you with the orbs). Whereas your remorhaz hive mother just whacks people.

    Many of the spellcasters and bosses in the mod have multiple contingency effects that give them lots of extra protections. However, all I had to do to bypass those protections was to cast Dispel Magic. Unlike in Baldur's Gate, in Icewind Dale Dispel Magic automatically dispels everything. Icewind Dale was not designed for the hardcore mage combat of Baldur's Gate 2.

    Despite the tougher enemies, the game seemed significantly easier than I remember. Maybe it's because you can get all of the good random loot in one playthrough. It also helped that there are so many good items to spend all the excess late-game money on.

    I was excited to see the enemies you added to each area, but I noticed that you really didn't add much to Trials of the Luremaster. If I had to make one suggestion, it would be for you to add tough enemies and cool encounters to Trials of the Luremaster like you did to the base game and Heart of Winter.
  • RedrakeRedrake Member Posts: 426
    I have some bugs to report.

    First of all, the trolls in level 2 of Dragon's eye, just stand still not attacking. Completely passive.

    Second, you seem to have broken Orrick's store beyond Chapter 3. This was an initial bug when IWD EE was first released, but fixed by the latest patch. Now it looks broken again. No new items showing up, just 4 spells.
  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    Redrake said:

    Second, you seem to have broken Orrick's store beyond Chapter 3. This was an initial bug when IWD EE was first released, but fixed by the latest patch. Now it looks broken again. No new items showing up, just 4 spells.

    Its pretty weird because in no-mod run I had that bug, but with Sarevok mod I didnt :P
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    Redrake said:

    I have some bugs to report.

    First of all, the trolls in level 2 of Dragon's eye, just stand still not attacking. Completely passive.

    Second, you seem to have broken Orrick's store beyond Chapter 3. This was an initial bug when IWD EE was first released, but fixed by the latest patch. Now it looks broken again. No new items showing up, just 4 spells.

    do you have any other mods installed? because i never had problems with the trolls in dragon's eye and my orrick store has always been fine
  • RedrakeRedrake Member Posts: 426
    No. No other mods. I made sure the override was clear before I installed your mod.

    I am going to try later today to clear its content and then reinstall it.

    However, so far, by the looks of things merging our mods is going to be very difficult to do. Unless you organize the modifications in some fashion, the fixes I did to items are going to be possibly the only thing possible to merge.

    I also, don't like your approach to wands, by making them un-sellable. There are easier ways to fix the possible overpowered availability of wands. Wands are actually quite scarce in IWD1. You can find one Vale of Shadows (Wand of Armory and it only has about 12 charges) and then next time you run into a wand is when you get them from Orrick in Chapter 3. And they don't have 100 charges, only 8. Even so, your argument about Wand of Fire is not valid either, you can only find that in Trial of the Luremaster on the Banite party.
    You can also set the number of charges available on wands by NearInfinity and also, you can make them buyable only by mages and up their prices if you want to make them more expensive to re-charge.
    And really, I have played IWD1 for over 17 years, each year, with maybe around 100 parties. I never, ever felt the need to recharge the wands.

    Also, I don't like fixes of items taking into account the fact that Dwarven Defender is overpowered. Not everyone plays with Dwarven Defenders and is always a bad idea to assume that all players play in just one way, overpowered parties and take measures to make the life difficult to them.

    One thing, which I did and you should definitely try to emulate, is to fix the items that disappear when used. There are 2 such items, Black Knight and Bishop, which summon one a knight and another a cleric, but they disappear after one use. You added Black Knight permanently in Temple of the Forgotten God and it needs fixing. Make the item recharge after being spent and then set the flag as being rechargeable once/day.

  • GodGod Member Posts: 1,150
    Redrake said:

    First of all, the trolls in level 2 of Dragon's eye, just stand still not attacking. Completely passive.

    I noticed that as well when playing on Easy. All trolls were passive, as if something about their AI was broken.
    No such problems on Insane/HoF difficulty, though.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @sarevok57 - any plans to update this mod for v2.5 when it is released?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    i was thinking about it, it would take me a looooooooong time to do so, and if i were to do it, it would have to start sometime this summer,

    so im still 50/50 on it
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited February 2018
    sarevok57 said:

    i was thinking about it, it would take me a looooooooong time to do so, and if i were to do it, it would have to start sometime this summer,

    so im still 50/50 on it

    Since your mod replaces the dialog.tlk, I assume it is locked to v1.4 until then?

    EDIT: What I'd be most interested in would be the tactical components. Could they be extracted so that the additional strings wouldn't be needed? Or is everything too tied together to do that?
    Post edited by AstroBryGuy on
  • saoxsaox Member Posts: 106
    Please make this a full flying weidu mod :)
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    Still planning to use this mod on my next "marvel theme" run after Im done my current BG2 EE run from last its taking forever!
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    edited February 2018

    sarevok57 said:

    i was thinking about it, it would take me a looooooooong time to do so, and if i were to do it, it would have to start sometime this summer,

    so im still 50/50 on it

    Since your mod replaces the dialog.tlk, I assume it is locked to v1.4 until then?

    EDIT: What I'd be most interested in would be the tactical components. Could they be extracted so that the additional strings wouldn't be needed? Or is everything too tied together to do that?
    yeah, it would be a good idea to keep your version to 1.4 since 2.5 will be adding in more strings
    saox said:

    Please make this a full flying weidu mod :)

    i wouldnt mind that, the only thing is, i have no idea how to use weidu, i just cant seem to get my head wrapped around how it works, that is also why i want to do it in the summer time ( when i have some down time ) so then i can learn how this weidu thing works

    plus what i am thinking, i might just completely revamp the entire mod, kind of a "starting over" sort of thing, although it will still have the same features it has now, but i might add more baddies in, add better AIs in and the such,

    but we will see what the summer brings, this version of the mod took me a month or so to complete and that was back to back 16-18 hour days and then 3 weeks after that i was getting tired so then i was only pumping out 12 hour days until it was finished, so its a pretty big under taking, especially doing it for free

    so if i do, do it this summer, it might take at least 2 months ( maybe 3 because i might only do 10 hour days, plus i want to starting pumpin iron again this summer and you know, hang out with friends every ONCE in a while hahaha )
  • saoxsaox Member Posts: 106
    Btw, does this mod fix the IWD problem in which monsters lock on targets and don't release it for like a minute?

    In BG they dont do it, and they switch target if you move a character behind others, in IWD they will just blindly follow around getting hit by all other team members making this a cheap tactic.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    saox said:

    Btw, does this mod fix the IWD problem in which monsters lock on targets and don't release it for like a minute?

    In BG they dont do it, and they switch target if you move a character behind others, in IWD they will just blindly follow around getting hit by all other team members making this a cheap tactic.

    i want to say in general the AI is better, i think how i have it set is that if an enemy is attacking someone but that someone doesnt attack back and then someone else goes to attack them the monster will go after that new attacker

    plus there is also a shwack load of spell casters added in with this mod as well and all original spell casters have been upgraded so they just dont cast a couple of spells and then resort to inconsequential melee attacks like in the EE

    best part about the mod is to, there will be areas where you meta game knowledge will have no effect ( especially at higher difficulty levels ) and there is lots of surprises to help freshen the experience

    the feedback i have received from this mod has been quite positive so there is no harm in trying it out, although you will no doubt have to use the 1.4 version of IWD, it has not been updated to be compatible with 2.5 yet

  • saoxsaox Member Posts: 106
    In which order should I install my mods? Should yours come first or last? :)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    saox said:

    In which order should I install my mods? Should yours come first or last? :)

    since my mod doesnt use weidu, you should install my mod and talk file first, if you go to the first page and first post of this thread it gives a pretty comprehensive list of what this mod does
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    edited February 2018
    I did not know people hated the way humanoids are silent in IWD. I thought it was a nice change that makes enemies much less "likeable" and more threatening.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025

    I did not know people hated the way humanoids are silent in IWD. I thought it was a nice change that makes enemies much less "likeable" and more threatening.

    not sure if people hated the silence of NPCs or not, but i didnt like it, it made the game feel more like a dungeon crawler and less alive

    and its not really a substantial difference, its just one of those little tid bits i put in to the game to freshen in up a bit

    another example of a little tid bit i did was every time you are awaken when you rest it will have a small description of the encounter that is coming ( like how BG1 did it ) not the lame dialouge that every rest encounter had "you have been waken up by monsters from your rest" or something like that
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    I noticed I had some notes about this mod laying around in a txt file I made when I played through it a year ago:

    1) "Ballad of Daen Winterbrush" is not usable by Gnome Bards.

    2) Night Club has a black icon.

    3) The Ogre mages in the Temperature Control Room in the museum seem out of place, story-wise.

    4) The Giant Ice Trolls in Wyrm's Tooth seem impossible to kill without cheese. Buffing up my whole party to the max with spells, and then having them all attack one of these trolls, deals lots of hits per round on the troll but he still regenerates faster than he is injured. (Cheese for beating him involves a carefully timed Dispel Magic + leading him into a Web.)

    5) Callard's Son has a soundset, even though his tongue was cut out so he shouldn't be able to speak.

    6) When I met Guello in the mines of Lower Dorn's Deep, he initiated conversation *while* fire elementals were attacking, instead of waiting until combat was over.

    7) Purvis went invisible again instantly after being exposed by true Sight. Not fair.

    8) Was the Short Sword of Backstabbing nerfed?

    Also, some more general observations from what I remember:

    - It's certainly challenging, and provides a fresh experience even for IWD veterans. Thanks for taking the time to make this mod!

    - I loved being able to fight a dragon in the non-HoW part of the game.

    - Enemies using powerful self-buffs at the start of combat, which needed to be removed with Despel Magic to make them manageable, was a neat challenge - but IMO overused and became repetitive when lots of trash mob monsters (even dumb ones like animals etc.) did it. I think only particularly smart/magical creatures, and "boss" versions of mundane creatures, should do it.

    - So. Many. Basilisks.
    I hate basilisks. I suppose if they were only in one or two areas where it made thematic sense, it would have been fine, but instead they appeared all over the place as filler trash mobs, in every kind of environment. Too much. :anguished:

    - The TotL expansion felt the same as it always has. Did the mod not change anything here, or was my party simply so high-level by then that I didn't notice?
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