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Aielund Saga Enhanced Edition



  • rashkaerashkae Member Posts: 179
    @Savant1974: Since we're talking Aielund, I just thought I would point out that Book 2 of the novels seems to be missing from Kobo Store.
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    I don't have direct control over that content, but I'll talk to Smashwords who do distribute it :) Thanks.
  • Michel889Michel889 Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2018
    I have played so many time Aielun saga 10 years ago, i am playing it again and it feels good to play with the enhanced version.
    Post edited by Michel889 on
  • unavailableunavailable Member Posts: 268
    edited April 2018
    Is the dwarf captain supposed to permit me to speak to the king? He's not talking. I have started the sceptre o transcendence quest. I killed the giant king and turned in his head.
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    If you've turned in the head, then you should be able to speak the guard just outside the main doors of stoneguard and get him to open them for you.
  • unavailableunavailable Member Posts: 268
    I'm trying to get into the throne room.
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    The guard out the front of the throne room is called 'Royal Guard' and there's nothing getting in the way of him speaking, even if he refused entry for some reason. If you're still seeing him listed as 'dwarven captain', you must be playing a really old version of the mod!
  • unavailableunavailable Member Posts: 268
    edited April 2018
    I want to know where I can get that permission to pass the royal guard where the king is at. I assumed the guard captain behind the front entrance was the one to talk to.
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    If you have completed the giant quest, you should get a dialog option to get past.
  • unavailableunavailable Member Posts: 268
    edited April 2018
    well I did. I looted the giant king, turned it in, and now I can get into stoneguard but not the throne room.
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    You first talk to the guard outside the city to get in, yes, but to get into the throne room, you speak with the Royal Guard. Is he saying nothing at all when you click on him? He should say "Who seeks entry into the royal chambers?" and that's where you get the option to show him the head in your inventory, and then he lets you through.
  • unavailableunavailable Member Posts: 268
    Captain connor mctavish takes the head so I can enter the city, I talk to the guy outside of the throne room asking to speak with their king and he tells me to bugger off.
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    Interesting! Okay, there's a second option to get through, you need the Letter of Marque object in your inventory.
  • unavailableunavailable Member Posts: 268
    edited April 2018
    Its a shame I dropped it somewhere.

    Found it at the temple of silence.

    It was certainly foolish of me to drop it, but it probably shouldn't be a droppable item?
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    There's your problem. You won't be able to complete the game without it. You can spawn another one in the console:
    DebugMode 1
    dm_spawnitem letterofmarque
    DebugMode 0

    It'll appear under your mouse cursor so point it at your feet. That should get you back on track again.
  • unavailableunavailable Member Posts: 268
    Thanks for that.
  • JinashiJinashi Member Posts: 47
    edited April 2018

    I redo the game with another character and I am stuck in Chapter 3 in Culdeny.
    I try to leave the city from the south but the Gate Guard forbids it
    Count Talbot Matheson tells me to go see Commander Ariel Smith who answer me:
    "Hello again [charname]. I hope the war goes well for you."
    Yet I have the quest that asks me to go kill the black dragons and save Dante's girlfriend.

    I have attached my backup in case.
    Post edited by Jinashi on
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    Ariel should have given you a permission slip item. I'll have to look closer and see if there's any dialog path that takes you past that action without her giving it to you. In the meantime, go to the console:
    DebugMode 1
    dm_spawnitem ariel_slip
    DebugMode 0
  • mzacharymzachary Member Posts: 106
    I have a question, maybe it has been posted before, but is there a complete list for all the additional hak files and such needed for all the chapters?
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    Yes on Lilura's page you'll find all sorts of info:
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    there also on the vault pages.
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    True, but some of the mods have different lists. Act 1 doesn't list the ship interior, abyss tileset or painting packs.
  • mzacharymzachary Member Posts: 106
    Thank you (-:
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Nharwell said:

    Interesting. Maybe it's processsor specific. My current computer has an intel skylake processor. I just pulled out an older computer (still Intel), installed NWN EE, copied all the files, loaded my sav, and was able to move into Culdeny on the first attempt. Weird - I would think my old computer would have more issues...

    @Nharwell , I have the same crashing issues as you do with Culdeny, and some other areas. My processor is Intel core as well, so maybe that has something to do with it.

    The problem is so bad with frequent unpredictable crashing, it basically makes Aielund unplayable unless I want to save and reload every few minutes. It's not only on building exit area transitions, either. It happened to me once when taking an item out of a chest, and once it happened suddenly for no apparent reason when I was just standing in place.

    I put in a ticket on Beamdog's Redmine with my crash dump files, but who knows when or if they'll get around to looking at mod compatibility issues.

    I've been a little disappointed, actually, since mod compatibility was one of Beamdog's big selling points.
  • mzacharymzachary Member Posts: 106
    Have you tried using the lower resolution version of the real skies hak?
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992

    Yes on Lilura's page you'll find all sorts of info:

    Let's not promote that hatemonger anymore, please?
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    I've clearly missed some drama...
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    edited April 2018
    She's put a lot of effort into making guides and reviews for a lot of old but good modules..That speaks for itself imo and she's spoken very highly of the aielund saga on several occasions. There aren't that many people around willing to do that.

    Why should a fallout with beamdog users and the staff affect that? That doesn't seem fair to me at least, but then again I like her blog and the content she's put forward. Credit where credit is due..

    I'm gonna try replaying the Aielund Saga with your updated versions. I remember I liked act 1-3 best though, act 4 was good as well, but I thought it became a bit too high level in some aspects..Does that sound weird?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    as of now she has basically disowned beamdog and out right said if you only make content for the ee she is not covering it.

    whatever happend must have been bad if this is her stance now.
  • NharwellNharwell Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2018

    @Nharwell , I have the same crashing issues as you do with Culdeny, and some other areas. My processor is Intel core as well, so maybe that has something to do with it.

    The problem is so bad with frequent unpredictable crashing, it basically makes Aielund unplayable unless I want to save and reload every few minutes. It's not only on building exit area transitions, either. It happened to me once when taking an item out of a chest, and once it happened suddenly for no apparent reason when I was just standing in place.

    I put in a ticket on Beamdog's Redmine with my crash dump files, but who knows when or if they'll get around to looking at mod compatibility issues.

    I've been a little disappointed, actually, since mod compatibility was one of Beamdog's big selling points.

    Update: so I had almost no problems with Act IV. But I'm replaying parts again with a new character for more testing. I'm not sure if a recent update made things worse, but culdeny is basically unplayable for me now, even on my old intel computer. Whereas before with this pc it crashed maybe 50% of the time when loading Culdeny, now it's more like 95%. And even when it loads, I only have a few seconds to move around the town before crashing. Using debug mode to teleport directly between buildings helps some, but parts of the Culdeny quests require interaction with NPCs in the main area, so I think I'll have to basically skip those.

    So my impression is that Beamdog updates have made things worse, not better, for Intel processor computers.
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