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Aielund Saga Enhanced Edition



  • CometchaserCometchaser Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2018
    I recently got NWN:EE and have been playing through my very first playthrough of Aielund. I'm absolutely loving it.

    I am having some problems with the Criosa romance triggers in Act III. I've gotten the romance to activate, and have gotten the romance conversation in the Highway North of Bracksford to trigger. However I died and had to reload to a time before the Highway romance talk (those pesky respawning hill giants!), except the second time I never got the conversation to come up. I did some digging in the toolset to figure out what was going on and was able to at least get a workaround by manually setting the criosa_love_bm variable to 1, which enabled me to ask her "What was the thing you wanted to talk about earlier?" and trigger the conversation.

    I continued through Act III and was also unable to get the Cairnwood Forest romance talk to trigger. The script should have the proper conditions met (criosa_love >= 1), but the conversation isn't firing. When I run over the trigger on the ground there is a tiny hiccup like it's trying to fire the script but then nothing happens. I've checked and my character's criosa_love variable is set to 2, which is correct. Unfortunately unlike the Bracksford Highway talk, I couldn't work around this one with a criosa_love_bm variable since the Cairnwood forest conversation appears to be tied to its own separate conversation rather than the main romance conversation line which is all put into one dialogue tree.

    I'm not sure if this is an issue with the triggers themselves, or if it's a problem with conversation triggers in general. I haven't been able to test if this is an EE exclusive issue, as unfortunately EE saves don't seem to be backwards compatible with Diamond edition, or I would have tested it. :/

    Since this is my first playthrough I'm really combing through everything and trying to experience everything Aielund Saga has to offer, so I'd really hate to miss out on any conversations. Or have the Criosa romance botched because I missed a love talk. I'm currently running module version 3.03.

    I must say though I am having an absolute blast in Aielund Saga so far. Thank you for all the hard work, Savant, and for taking the time to update the game for EE. :)
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    Yeah it's been at 3.07 for quite a while now, I found a few errors with the romance triggers that have been fixed since then :) I suspect people just downloaded the whole saga at once and didn't go back to check for updated versions. Make sure Criosa is in the top two of your companions list or the older script you've got won't recognise her presence at the forest.
  • CometchaserCometchaser Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2018
    Yeah, you are correct, I downloaded the entire saga at once. I guess I should have double checked it was all up to date :D. Is it possible to download the 3.07 version and continue with that or would that require me to start the whole module over again?

    If not, maybe I can do some toolset hackery and copy the updated romance scripts over to the 3.03 version I'm running just as a temp fix. I've only been running with Criosa and Robert as companions so the top 2 slots thing shouldn't be an issue. Worth a shot, though. After act III then I can make sure I'm running up to date with Act IV.
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    You'd have to start again I'm afraid. There's probably some other issue causing trouble, I spent some time untangling my old scripts to get them working better :wink: If you're able to edit the saved version, give it a shot!
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    Just wanted to let everyone know that the saga has been updated with Balkoth's minion control system, which he applied himself with painstaking effort over the past few weeks. It's pretty damn cool!
  • JinashiJinashi Member Posts: 47
    When will you put your module on the workshop?
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    I'm waiting for @Zwerkules to put his early winter tileset on there. I also need the placeable paintings and abyss tileset, but I'll just add those as part of my download package until such time as they're put on the workshop too.
  • NharwellNharwell Member Posts: 10
    I'm replaying the module for the first time in years to try out EE. I'm enjoying the updates Savant has made but I have problems crashing sometimes on area transitions, usually to the cities. The worst is Culdeny. In Act 1 it crashed maybe 75% of the time when I exited a building in Culdeny or entered from another area. I would save, reload, and try again until it worked. In Act 3, however, I've been unable to enter the city at all. The game hangs/crashes every time on Loading Area.

    Anyone have any suggestions?
  • ZwerkulesZwerkules Member Posts: 112
    Okay, I'll see if I can put the Early Winter tileset on the Steam Workshop, but I don't like the workshop and this will probably be an exception.
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    Thanks @Zwerkules, it kinda sucks that I'm at your mercy here! This is the only stumbling block to putting my saga on the workshop, which I'm also very leery of. Oh, are you going to be adding normal and spec mapping to your tilesets btw?

    @Nharwell, not sure why you're having so much trouble there, maybe its the Real Skies pack impacting on your machine too much? Try using the lower res version and see if that helps (presuming you aren't already).
  • BalkothBalkoth Member Posts: 161
    @Nharwell Yeah, I was crashing in Culdeny a lot with the "full" Real Skies hak, at least while also recording. The lower res version (it's about 10% of the size) seemed to help. Can also check your graphics drivers, updating them may help (one of the benefits of NWN being modernized).
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    Clearly nwn has some issues with skyboxes around 4k resolution. If BD are going to do their own 4k skyboxes at some point, they'll need to change something in the engine to better handle big textures like these.
  • NharwellNharwell Member Posts: 10
    Thanks for the suggestions. I've now tried the lower-res Real Skies hak as well as updating my video driver. I still have the same problem with Culdeny. When I get a chance I'll try uninstalling & reinstalling, but I'm not hopeful for that - the problem seems rather specific to certain areas.
  • NharwellNharwell Member Posts: 10
    One note - I am running Windows 10 if that makes any difference.
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    Running windows 10 here as well, not having any issues. Do you have an Intel cpu? Apparently there are some issues with those.
  • NharwellNharwell Member Posts: 10
    Yes, it's Intel. Is this a NWN-specific Intel issue?
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    Yeah @TrentOster mentioned it last week, that Intel CPU's are causing the game some grief. I think they're working on solutions but I've no idea if/when they can fix those. :neutral:
  • NharwellNharwell Member Posts: 10
    Interesting. Maybe it's processsor specific. My current computer has an intel skylake processor. I just pulled out an older computer (still Intel), installed NWN EE, copied all the files, loaded my sav, and was able to move into Culdeny on the first attempt. Weird - I would think my old computer would have more issues...
  • UnstoppableFishUnstoppableFish Member Posts: 3
    Any one else getting this issue? Only affecting NWN:EE and not diamond edition.

  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    Yep I'm getting that too, @TrentOster and co. might have screwed something up in the last patch :wink:
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    I've put the Aielund Saga on to the steam workshop. Thanks to @Zwerkules for getting his early winter tileset on there :)
  • HunterRayder93HunterRayder93 Member Posts: 266

    I've put the Aielund Saga on to the steam workshop. Thanks to @Zwerkules for getting his early winter tileset on there :)

    Finally! I have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time! calmly I will go to play the entire saga ^ _ ^
  • NharwellNharwell Member Posts: 10
    Update - I finished the Culdeny section in Act 3 using an older intel computer. It crashed often (like in Act1) but worked. I'm now switching back and forth to my intel skylake computer for testing. Everything worked until I tried to go to Acadia - I've having the same problem there on my intel skylake pc, with it unable to load the area.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    @Savant1974 Can you please file this issue on (explaining under which pattern you're seeing it)?
  • SkipBittmanSkipBittman Member Posts: 146
    Having some of those issues on 4k Win10/Intel, not too bad tho and switching to lower res hak helped -- never played this series and looking forward to a free weekend to dive into this -- looks dense as hell! Thanks for getting up on Steam, more module-makers really should be uploading there stuff to coincide with launch. Especially good stuff like this.
  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    edited March 2018
    Ticket submitted @JuliusBorisov , hope that helps! Everyone else can just choose a different piece of clothing or equipment and you'll look fine :)
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 271
    @Savant1974 thank you x 1,000,000 for this game and returning to your work. a lot of modders get burnt out, but it's wonderful that you've updated it for the rerelease of NWN. I look forward to playing it soon once the bugs are ironed out on Beamdog's end
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    That visual glitch has actually already been fixed. A hotfix rolled out for NWN:EE yesterday, it didn't require changing the version number.
  • rashkaerashkae Member Posts: 179
    edited March 2018
    This add-on to NWN is really amazing. I played Aielund before back in the day, but fortunately for me, have forgotten most everything, so it's all fresh and fun to return too. I really think Bioware should showcase this mod, (or some other sample mods,) on their twitch to show what the game can really do. I honestly think this game with the new community content now looks much better than NWN2 (minus the pointing fingers and flapping lips, of course, neither of which did anything good for fan made mods.) (Note: I'm playing this on Diamond, so not even seeing the new visual improvements from EE.)

    @JulisBrisof: A little off topic.. but dude.. *any* change needs updating of a version number. Otherwise, testers just end up chasing their own tails trying to replicate behaviour.. and that gets frustrating beyond belief in no time. If you're pushing out changes without incrementing accessible build number, what, people have to start checking checksums on their binaries to verify they are on the same build?
    Edit: I'm sorry, I have no standing in this discussion.. that was just a kneejerk on my part, and no reflection on the amazing work. I know the developer build is meant to break and fix things rapidly.

  • Savant1974Savant1974 Member Posts: 310
    @JuliusBorisov thanks for that, it looks much better :)
    @Dorcus You're welcome! I did burn out hard when I originally finished the series back in '07 and just couldn't bring myself to fix up the known issues until heard about the enhanced edition, then I caught the bug again :) The EE is getting better every week, so you won't have to wait long I think!
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