@Marzy Yes someone told me about that one last week, and I only just got a new version online yesterday. The problem was I used the "waiting" tag in a script on three occasions, so if you spoke to Spartan and told him to go wait at Fort Highmarch, you'd get the "waiting" tag which ruins other parts of the mod (some of this had been there for over 10 years too!)
So yeah there's a new version of acts 2 and 3 on the vault now, but we can fix you up really easily: Open the console with ~, then type: DebugMode 1 dm_setvarint waiting 0 (and then click on your character) DebugMode 0
That should get rid of that tag and then you can speak to Saffron in a normal fashion.
@Marzy Yes someone told me about that one last week, and I only just got a new version online yesterday. The problem was I used the "waiting" tag in a script on three occasions, so if you spoke to Spartan and told him to go wait at Fort Highmarch, you'd get the "waiting" tag which ruins other parts of the mod (some of this had been there for over 10 years too!)
So yeah there's a new version of acts 2 and 3 on the vault now, but we can fix you up really easily: Open the console with ~, then type: DebugMode 1 dm_setvarint waiting 0 (and then click on your character) DebugMode 0
That should get rid of that tag and then you can speak to Saffron in a normal fashion.
Excellent, thanks. Can't wait to get back to the game.
I'm stuck on the Scepter of Transcendence quest and think it might be a bug in the enhanced edition. Or maybe I'm just being dense. This is using version 3.04 of Defender of the Crown, with the GOG version of NWN.
Before getting this quest I did the Shadow Druid one (ending with killing Deathmist) and the Frost Giant one (ending with giving the Frost Giant King's head to either Thaddeus - or maybe his brother). I've visited the Gold Dragon with Desmond already.
The problem is that, although there's a Journal note saying that I still hope to see the Dwarven king in person, the door to the throne room remains locked. I tried going back to Feybourne and the ethereal plane, thinking maybe the passage deeper into the ethereal plane might have opened, but that wasn't the case either.
Does this sound like a bug or am I missing something
It has been a while since I have played. The gender requirements were there last time I played. I plan on playing your new versions as soon as I know I have the time to play through the entire series. Aielund has always been one of the very best module series and it is like a dream to have it updated.
Yes I removed those restrictions when I did this enhanced edition Seeing how other games handled it in recent years showed me how to restructure the conversation threads to allow more flexible options. Basically the onus on starting a romance had to be with the player, not the npc.
Hah - that was easy. The funny part is that I did ask the guard the first time I was there. The second time I didn't even notice him - too short I guess Thanks for the quick response.
I'm loving the Saga by the way. Much better than the OC.
Just posted this on the nwn vault, not sure if you see the comments so i will post here. The quest to find Sebastian doesn't update or complete when you return him to the druid, no dialogue option from either of them, It remains open in your quest log. Even when he leaves for Highmarch Sebastian doesn't follow. Excellent work on updating the campaign, it's like a whole new experience, many thanks.
@Marzy I just put another copy of act 3 on the vault earlier today, Sebastian's quirky behaviour *should* be fixed now. Glad the rest of it is working for you though! Oh and this is the best place to get my attention as the forum tells me when someone has posted. I do check the nwvault posts but not as often.
Super, thanks I love the new music files btw, the one in the Bracksford Inn is gorgeous, i love the sound of pan pipes. Not so long ago i was walking through Oxford and there was a street musician playing the most beautiful piece, such talent was rewarded with a £10 note, to say he was overjoyed was an understatement.
I've had some other problems from someone trying act 1 with Real Skies for the first time. This is probably something I should have checked before putting it all online for the 1.69 Diamond edition, as the old version of nwn really doesn't like those high-res skies. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, and it's really chugging where EE handles it like a pro. Regretfully, I'm going to have to downgrade the mods back to Artful Skies to make it stable for 1.69 users.
Just working out a few kinks with Balkoth's Minion Control system, then I'll have a new version of all the mods online in the next day or so hopefully, so I'll switch them back to needing Artful Skies instead. I'll have to make that a hakpak instead of a bunch of texture files too. My apologies to non EE users.
I've had some other problems from someone trying act 1 with Real Skies for the first time. This is probably something I should have checked before putting it all online for the 1.69 Diamond edition, as the old version of nwn really doesn't like those high-res skies. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, and it's really chugging where EE handles it like a pro. Regretfully, I'm going to have to downgrade the mods back to Artful Skies to make it stable for 1.69 users.
Just working out a few kinks with Balkoth's Minion Control system, then I'll have a new version of all the mods online in the next day or so hopefully, so I'll switch them back to needing Artful Skies instead. I'll have to make that a hakpak instead of a bunch of texture files too. My apologies to non EE users.
@Savant1974 You could keep RealSkies attached to your module but just have 2 downloads: RealSkies169.zip (containing downgraded assets) and RealSkiesEE.zip. Both would be realskies.hak as that's what's attached to the mod in the toolset. The contents don't have to be the same for everyone!
That would be a way to leverage EE's power while not preventing your 1.69 players from using your content.
Okay, thanks to @MadHatter there is now a much smaller option of Real Skies on the vault for older versions of nwn. I actually tested them this time and they still look good at 1080p, and load very quickly. Still 4x the resolution of the originals!
@Savant1974 Something weird I noticed when transitioning from Bracksford to Highmarch Foothills in the FoA pt2. The WayPoint is not visible or usable in the ground even though it's there in the toolset.
If player forgets to talk with a certain NPC to get a certain plot item, there is no way back without creating recall stone and gems with the console.
NWN EE latest version of the saga assets.
PS Love to hear that you might be doing more content for NWN(EE), can't wait to see how that turns out, another epic story I hope.
Okay that seems to be because the tileset is bumpy and I haven't redone the transition trigger to compensate for that. I'll fix it
Yes, I might do another mod for nwn, but it's early days for the EE so I'm waiting to see how it all goes first. In the meantime I've started another novel
Hey Savant, when will you do your original idea that I pitched after episode 6: you stated, I believe, in an interview I conducted, that you originally thought you'd have a small epic level adventure where everyone would fight one big thing?
Then, Blackdog, was he, pitched episodes 4-6, taking characters up to level 35.
I then suggested that you perform your original thought to do an epic ending, taking the characters to level 40 (fighting one big boss, etc.)... also allowing characters to be able to utilize all of the NPCs- in other words, the final episode 7, so PCs create the character to level 40... and then OFFICIALLY RETIRE the character!
THOUGHT OF THE STORYLINE IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARDS: You return from the hall of worlds after defeating the Saraquin.
Now that the king has died, it is now Princess Criosa's responsibility to rule the kingdom (now a queendom.) The PC starts in her castle with henchmen waiting outside. I presume an audience with Criosa is first. She is lost and confused, and does not know what to do and how to rule due to her father's unexpected death.
Something (of epic level) EVIL escaped a world that was not accessed in the halls... and entered the kingdom of Queen Criosa. This evil being fears the PCs and their henchmen (Nelieese, etc.) and thus starts to round up traitors- there are MANY now who lust for power (from knowing the king is dead to thinking Criosa will fail.) The former king's advisor, now serving Criosa, tells the PC that there are many who would murder her just to get the throne. The advisor says they were foretold this... and then an image of Neliesse's mother or father appears stating they sensed this being came from one of the realms that was not accessed in the hall. Neliese asks for her parents' assistance, but is told they need to maintain law, order, and peace in their realm (that was visited in episode 6.) They encourage Neliese she can handle this with the help of [PC's name's] aide.
After either an adventure or mini quests thwarting throne usurpers (from level 35 to the bare end of 39, reaching 40), the PCs confront the evil being in Criosa's throne room, where she automatically comes to the PC's aide, just now realizing, sometimes she has to be brave... it's part of the cost of being a ruler.
Of course, the being has an army with him, as I imagine he would be too easy to take on alone, with henchman help, UNLESS you made it as powerful as the final boss in John MCA's Sands of fate... that battle was with the final boss itself and was hard!
Wow, I guess this was more of a pitch than I thought.
ADDING: weren't there 2 betrayers who switched sides in episode 5, the beginning- an elf named Mona and her lover?
Now that this is a final adventure, and he leveled up in the last module, will Robert turn turncoat and be one of the traitors who think he can take the throne? (I thought since he's adventured with us, Robert would ask for Criosa's hand in marriage to be king, but she refuses. That could be the lead to his turning.) Criosa can say, "I need to think about my queendom BEFORE I can think about marriage."
And if you DO go that route, before battling Robert, he says, "After all we've been through, it's come to this. I can't say I was looking forward to it, but perhaps all this has made fate a fight."
(I thought since he's adventured with us, Robert would ask for Criosa's hand in marriage to be king, but she refuses. That could be the lead to his turning.) Criosa can say, "I need to think about my queendom BEFORE I can think about marriage."
It's been a while since I've played Aielund, but I don't remember any sparks between Robert and Criosa. Certainly there weren't any in the first four novels (I'm reading the fifth now). And since Criosa is the male player's romance,
So yeah there's a new version of acts 2 and 3 on the vault now, but we can fix you up really easily:
Open the console with ~, then type:
DebugMode 1
dm_setvarint waiting 0 (and then click on your character)
DebugMode 0
That should get rid of that tag and then you can speak to Saffron in a normal fashion.
Before getting this quest I did the Shadow Druid one (ending with killing Deathmist) and the Frost Giant one (ending with giving the Frost Giant King's head to either Thaddeus - or maybe his brother). I've visited the Gold Dragon with Desmond already.
The problem is that, although there's a Journal note saying that I still hope to see the Dwarven king in person, the door to the throne room remains locked. I tried going back to Feybourne and the ethereal plane, thinking maybe the passage deeper into the ethereal plane might have opened, but that wasn't the case either.
Does this sound like a bug or am I missing something
@thucydides_jones Have you tried talking to the guard standing next to the throne room door?
I'm loving the Saga by the way. Much better than the OC.
Just working out a few kinks with Balkoth's Minion Control system, then I'll have a new version of all the mods online in the next day or so hopefully, so I'll switch them back to needing Artful Skies instead. I'll have to make that a hakpak instead of a bunch of texture files too. My apologies to non EE users.
That would be a way to leverage EE's power while not preventing your 1.69 players from using your content.
Okay, thanks to @MadHatter there is now a much smaller option of Real Skies on the vault for older versions of nwn. I actually tested them this time and they still look good at 1080p, and load very quickly. Still 4x the resolution of the originals!
If player forgets to talk with a certain NPC to get a certain plot item, there is no way back without creating recall stone and gems with the console.
NWN EE latest version of the saga assets.
PS Love to hear that you might be doing more content for NWN(EE), can't wait to see how that turns out, another epic story I hope.
Yes, I might do another mod for nwn, but it's early days for the EE so I'm waiting to see how it all goes first. In the meantime I've started another novel
Then, Blackdog, was he, pitched episodes 4-6, taking characters up to level 35.
I then suggested that you perform your original thought to do an epic ending, taking the characters to level 40 (fighting one big boss, etc.)... also allowing characters to be able to utilize all of the NPCs- in other words, the final episode 7, so PCs create the character to level 40... and then OFFICIALLY RETIRE the character!
Now that the king has died, it is now Princess Criosa's responsibility to rule the kingdom (now a queendom.) The PC starts in her castle with henchmen waiting outside. I presume an audience with Criosa is first. She is lost and confused, and does not know what to do and how to rule due to her father's unexpected death.
Something (of epic level) EVIL escaped a world that was not accessed in the halls... and entered the kingdom of Queen Criosa. This evil being fears the PCs and their henchmen (Nelieese, etc.) and thus starts to round up traitors- there are MANY now who lust for power (from knowing the king is dead to thinking Criosa will fail.)
The former king's advisor, now serving Criosa, tells the PC that there are many who would murder her just to get the throne. The advisor says they were foretold this... and then an image of Neliesse's mother or father appears stating they sensed this being came from one of the realms that was not accessed in the hall.
Neliese asks for her parents' assistance, but is told they need to maintain law, order, and peace in their realm (that was visited in episode 6.) They encourage Neliese she can handle this with the help of [PC's name's] aide.
After either an adventure or mini quests thwarting throne usurpers (from level 35 to the bare end of 39, reaching 40), the PCs confront the evil being in Criosa's throne room, where she automatically comes to the PC's aide, just now realizing, sometimes she has to be brave... it's part of the cost of being a ruler.
Of course, the being has an army with him, as I imagine he would be too easy to take on alone, with henchman help, UNLESS you made it as powerful as the final boss in John MCA's Sands of fate... that battle was with the final boss itself and was hard!
Now that this is a final adventure, and he leveled up in the last module, will Robert turn turncoat and be one of the traitors who think he can take the throne?
(I thought since he's adventured with us, Robert would ask for Criosa's hand in marriage to be king, but she refuses. That could be the lead to his turning.) Criosa can say, "I need to think about my queendom BEFORE I can think about marriage."
And if you DO go that route, before battling Robert, he says, "After all we've been through, it's come to this. I can't say I was looking forward to it, but perhaps all this has made fate a fight."