@Axie Heh, you seem to have found the only compatibility patch that I haven't built; no, this mod is not compatible with Lefreut's enhanced UI (BG1EE skin). If you are willing to wait a couple of days, I can update the mod to be compatible.
@Axie Heh, you seem to have found the only compatibility patch that I haven't built; no, this mod is not compatible with Lefreut's enhanced UI (BG1EE skin). If you are willing to wait a couple of days, I can update the mod to be compatible.
Oh man, I wont pretend like how I would not like you to do it, but really if it is just for one player and no one else seemed to ask for...
Whatever you do, know you already did too much good for this community!
@Brecher: Oof, I just checked, and it appears that 2.5 has broken this mod. I'll work on updating it to get it compatible with the new patch, but that entails updating every single compatibility patch as well
It will probably take me a week or two to get everything up and running again; in the mean time, thank you for showing interest! Once I have everything updated, and if you are still willing to give it a try, you should install this mod after all other UI mods.
@Axie: I just wanted to say that I haven't forgot about you! Most of my time has been spent working on another modding project, though I'll make sure to squeeze in time to build in the new compatibility patch. I'll include it in the next update, which should be out in one to two weeks.
Hi @Bubb. First of all, I want to commend you and congratulate you on making a much needed mod for those of us who love to play casters.
However I'm having an issue with the mod and can't seem to get my head arround it to get it to work.
Currently I'm using:
Changelog: - Standardized GUI elements - Now compatible with 9 different UI bases: Baldur's Gate II Vanilla Baldur's Gate + SoD Vanilla Dragonspear UI++ Enhanced Edition Trilogy (BG2 Skin) <<= This GUI with all its features. So it shouldn't be a problem of compatibility. Enhanced Edition Trilogy (SoD Skin) Icewind Dale Vanilla Lefreut's enhanced UI (BG2 Skin) Lefreut's enhanced UI for IWDEE Lefreut's enhanced UI (SoD Skin)
However when I install the mod and chose Patch as installation method I get this message:
I manually looked for the UI.MENU file and it turns out I have like 15 of them from previous GUIs and other mods (should I clean those?)
Needless to say that choosing the Override path effectivly breaks the GUI and your spell bar doesn't show or doesn't work.
As suggested I made a backup of the SETUP-BUBB_SPELL_MENU_EXTENDED.DEBUG file and now I come to you.
I'm not sure how to proceed now. Thoughts? Anything else you need? Thanks in advance.
@Vanhardisk Your post here got caught by the forum's spam filter. I have returned it to the forum and verified you so this should not happen again. I also tweaked the formatting of the post a little so that the image would display properly.
@raza: I actually never thought about reusing the actionbar space for my buttons; not a bad idea! I'll see what I can do, though it probably won't be in the very next patch, as my main goal for it is to just get the mod working on the latest game version.
@Vanhardisk: Hi Vanhardisk, I'm sorry that you have having this issue. The problem is happening in the UI.MENU patching process, which is the most temperamental part of the mod...
I'll need two things to diagnose the problem: 1. Your game version (can be found on the main menu), and 2. Your WeiDU.log (it should be in the game's base folder).
It appears that another mod has already altered the mage-book screen, other than EET, and it is interfering with my mod. I can build a compatibility patch to fix this if that is indeed the case.
I'll need two things to diagnose the problem: 1. Your game version (can be found on the main menu) Using verison 2. Your WeiDU.log (it should be in the game's base folder). Down below.
Anything else I can help you with, just say it. Many thanks!
@Vanhardisk: The conflicting mod is lefreut's Inscribed Arcana from EEUITweaks. I'll work on making my mod compatible with it, but in the mean time, if you want to use my mod you will have to uninstall lefreut's Inscribed Arcana.
Well... good news and bad news. Good news is that you were right, after uninstalling that tweak the mod could install successfully with the patch path. Bad news is that the interface is... well... not working as intended. My guess is maybe the Icewind Dale spells mod is interferring with it probably? not reading them correctly? Or dunno, maybe something else.
Also this:
Something is preventing me from being the caster I deserve <
@Vanhardisk: Oh, that looks pretty bad. Something is definitely breaking the installer in some fashion...
It looks like the UI.MENU patching is succeeding now, so that is a plus. I must have some wacky behavior in the installer that works for vanilla but not in a large modded install. I have a couple questions about your screenshots:
Screenshot #1: You are saying that the spells with the weird icons are vanilla spells? I understand modded spells being wrong somehow, but vanilla spells should be absolutely fine...
Screenshot #2: Those are all vanilla spells, correct? There should be NO reason for them to be getting incorrect strings, so that is a very odd issue.
One last question: Have you made sure to install my mod as the *last* thing in your install order? My mod has to be installed after any mod that adds / modifies spells, or it won't be able to read them correctly.
I'll look into reproducing the bug; you suspect the Icewind Dale spells mod, so I'll start there. Could you attach your "M_B3SpIn.lua" that is in the override folder? That is the file my mod generates and reads to handle all of the game's spells; something is very wrong with it, and I might be able to see what by inspecting it.
Screenshot #1: You are saying that the spells with the weird icons are vanilla spells? I understand modded spells being wrong somehow, but vanilla spells should be absolutely fine...
Yes, all vanilla, magic missle, identify, fireball, etc. I cast those weird icons and I get vanilla spells in return, so I asume is a visual glitch for the real spells.
Screenshot #2: Those are all vanilla spells, correct? There should be NO reason for them to be getting incorrect strings, so that is a very odd issue.
Again, all vanilla. The last prepared slot is an IWD spell ('Lance of disruption') but the rest is just regular spells with no additives on them.
One last question: Have you made sure to install my mod as the *last* thing in your install order? My mod has to be installed after any mod that adds / modifies spells, or it won't be able to read them correctly.
Well, I did install your mod last because it was indeed the last mod I found lurking here after I installed BGEET through the Big World launcher. Not sure how to enforce your mod to be 'last' in the install order (I know many games that allow you to actually move mods up and down to prioritize their loading, but not sure how it's done here). Nevertheless I'll make time in a few days to make a fresh install of everything because something is conflicting here and probably there are residual files floating in folders that maybe are generating a conflict we don't yet know about. I'll let you know of any progress.
@Vanhardisk: Hmm, well I haven't been able to reproduce it yet, but I'll keep trying. Also, the terminology I used was a bit misleading: "install order" in Infinity Engine games simply refers to the order in which you installed the mods, there is no "load" order like other games such as Skyrim.
After doing a fresh install of everything (3 times) I went back to finally install your marvelous mod (last) only to find myself with yet again not being able to install it correctly.
First things first: BGEE+SoD v2.5 updated. BG2EE v2.5 updated. BGEE Trilogy (playing here) I patched everything patcheable and double tested everathang! Using Enhanced Edition Trilogy (BG2 Skin) GUI Only mods that modifies spells are: Spell Revision v4 and IWDeification.
However when installing your mod I get:
Unable to patch UI.MENU: System.Exception: Expected Exception (Incompatible to patch .MENU): Could not map menu CHARGEN @20
en Bubb.UIMenuEditor.InsertLineIntoMenu(String menuName, Int32 lineIndex, String line)
en Bubb.UIUtil.ApplyPatchFiles(String toPatchMenuPath, String outputFilePath)
en Bubb.EntryPoint.Main(String[] args)
Press enter to exit UIUtil.exe...
Could not patch UI.MENU.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Bubb's Spell Menu Extended], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 2 files for [BUBB_SPELL_MENU_EXTENDED/SETUP-BUBB_SPELL_MENU_EXTENDED.TP2] component 0.
ERROR: Failure("Could not patch UI.MENU.")
Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-BUBB_SPELL_MENU_EXTENDED.DEBUG and look for support at: Bubb
The only 2 conflicting mods I got rid of were Lefreut's Inscribed Arcana and Character Screen, so those 2 are no longer an issue.
I saw in earlier posts were @Flashburn had a similar problem and it was not in fact a patching problem. I tried using the alternatives you gave him to no avail, still same error. I'm at a loss now.
@Vanhardisk: Sorry for the delayed response, I've been away from the computer for the past week and just now got back.
That error is indeed another conflict in the UI.MENU patching; some other mod has changed the CHARGEN menu, and my mod can't find the line it is trying to edit. Most likely it is "lefreut's Character Creation Screens" from EEUITweaks that is causing the error.
The way I decided to implement my patching is quite fragile, as my mod has to reach out to many different menus to patch minor problems with displaying spell names (literally one-liner fixes, but it breaks a lot of mod compatibility). I have an idea to make patching MUCH less fragile, so if you can wait just a few more days I should have a solution to your patching problems.
Regarding your original problem (the wonky spell names), I still haven't been able to reproduce it. I've noticed in your WeiDU.log that the BWP fixpack is being applied, can you confirm if you are using BWS to install your mods? If you are, you could export your mod selection and upload it here so I could exactly replicate your install.
And btw, I don't believe SoD works correctly with the BGEE v2.5 beta, you might possibly encounter placeholder texts and the like. Also, when I installed EET on the v2.5 games it installed with script patching errors, so there also might be problems there.
A quick update towards the status of making this mod compatible towards BG2EE - after looking into the patching error associated with the new BG2EE release, it appears that the problem is not directly caused by any edits Beamdog made, but as a consequence of my patching utility's logic breaking (for seemingly no good reason) because Beamdog inserted some new code before one of my edits.
I haven't touched my patching utility in three months, and frankly it is a bit of a mess internally. I know I slated the update to be done around this time, but these new developments are going to push it back a bit.
The good news is that I have a good amount of free time for the next week, so I should at least have some new developments to share during that time, if not a finished release.
There is a beta update for BGEE 2.5, but this doesn't include SoD. It's required to disable the DLC if you are looking to test 2.5. Installing SoD with that breaks the game.
This is really an incredible mod, I can't even believe you managed to get Weidu to seemlessly patch my existing mess of Big World UI mods without breaking anything.
You know back when they launched EE and many said it didnt bring enough to the table, and optimists said at least it would allow modders to do incredible things that weren't possible before and then it would all be worth it? Well this is the kind of stuff they meant and they were goddamn right.
Edit; Is there a way to bind a hotkey of some sort to your Extended spell menu? If I press F7 it opens the 'normal' way to cast a spell, I can only get your menu to show up by actually clicking on the magic icon. Its no biggie, but if I could Id bind a side mouse button or something.
Unfortunately the UI modding capabilities do not include much support for hotkeys. I can hard-code a certain button for it, but I can't make a dynamic binding like those of the normal game. -----------
As an update for everyone waiting for a new patch, I've shifted my focus to a new project of mine, here. This project will allow me to basically un-hackify this mod and get it working in proper order. Some of the benefits would include,
a) Proper spell handling; no more renaming every spell in the game to an ID.
b) Proper actionbar handling; no more reading the labels as a way to identify which mode it is in.
c) Proper non-PC creature handling. The amount of times you can cast a spell will appear with non-PC creatures.
d) Proper innate spells handling. The amount of times you can cast innates will appear.
So, I'd say that makes a compelling argument for me to hold off on updating this mod until I get these features worked out. An update will probably be 2-3 weeks out, but it will be worth it, I guarantee it!
A hard coded key could be pretty sweet too, assuming others want it. Whatever you set it as, we can easily rebind it to a mouse button etc. Id have gladly used F7 but that opens the traditional spell menu rather than yours.
> I have an idea to make patching MUCH less fragile, so if you can wait just a few more days I should have a solution to your patching problems.
Obviously you must be quite busy and Im sure updating your mod to 2.5 would take priority, but would this new way of patching make it perhaps compatible with UI mods such as lefreut's Enhanced UI?
I tried in various ways but theres clearly no way to make them play nice together yet. Which is fine, I care about your mod more hehe, but if things should change and they become compatible Ill be sure to try that out.
@ziplock9000: Sorry for the late reply - this mod is not currently updated to work with I've been trying to update it and truly dehackify the thing, but it's giving me more trouble than I would have hoped. I don't know when I finally will have it running, sadly.
So is this only for the main game screen (i.e. casting spells)? Or does it also affect the mage book screen?
@subtledoctor: The only modification this mod makes to the mage book screen is an on-the-fly change of spell names to their correct representation, (so no problem there). The "cast a spell" menu is purely visual, it actually reads and uses the actionbar underneath in order to do everything, so vanilla behavior should not be affected.
I see no reason why Wondrous Recall wouldn't work the same way it did before the installation of this mod. I might be wrong about this, but any mod that "un-alphabetizes" the mage book, in my mind, would also be purely visual. I don't think any sort of UI mod could affect how the engine restores memorization slots.
Also I see you have extensive list of UI mods you are compatible, but I have little question: is it working with
Lefreut's enhanced UI (BG1EE skin) ?
Heh, you seem to have found the only compatibility patch that I haven't built; no, this mod is not compatible with Lefreut's enhanced UI (BG1EE skin). If you are willing to wait a couple of days, I can update the mod to be compatible.
Whatever you do, know you already did too much good for this community!
When to install, before or after LeUI?
It will probably take me a week or two to get everything up and running again; in the mean time, thank you for showing interest! Once I have everything updated, and if you are still willing to give it a try, you should install this mod after all other UI mods.
@Axie: I just wanted to say that I haven't forgot about you! Most of my time has been spent working on another modding project, though I'll make sure to squeeze in time to build in the new compatibility patch. I'll include it in the next update, which should be out in one to two weeks.
Thx a lot for your job! It's awesome!
I want ask you, is it possible to change UI behavior (optional) like on this screens?
However I'm having an issue with the mod and can't seem to get my head arround it to get it to work.
Currently I'm using:
- Standardized GUI elements
- Now compatible with 9 different UI bases:
Baldur's Gate II Vanilla
Baldur's Gate + SoD Vanilla
Dragonspear UI++
Enhanced Edition Trilogy (BG2 Skin) <<= This GUI with all its features. So it shouldn't be a problem of compatibility.
Enhanced Edition Trilogy (SoD Skin)
Icewind Dale Vanilla
Lefreut's enhanced UI (BG2 Skin)
Lefreut's enhanced UI for IWDEE
Lefreut's enhanced UI (SoD Skin)
However when I install the mod and chose Patch as installation method I get this message:
I manually looked for the UI.MENU file and it turns out I have like 15 of them from previous GUIs and other mods (should I clean those?)
Needless to say that choosing the Override path effectivly breaks the GUI and your spell bar doesn't show or doesn't work.
As suggested I made a backup of the SETUP-BUBB_SPELL_MENU_EXTENDED.DEBUG file and now I come to you.
I'm not sure how to proceed now. Thoughts? Anything else you need? Thanks in advance.
@Vanhardisk: Hi Vanhardisk, I'm sorry that you have having this issue. The problem is happening in the UI.MENU patching process, which is the most temperamental part of the mod...
I'll need two things to diagnose the problem:
1. Your game version (can be found on the main menu), and
2. Your WeiDU.log (it should be in the game's base folder).
It appears that another mod has already altered the mage-book screen, other than EET, and it is interfering with my mod. I can build a compatibility patch to fix this if that is indeed the case.
I'll need two things to diagnose the problem:
1. Your game version (can be found on the main menu)
Using verison
2. Your WeiDU.log (it should be in the game's base folder).
Down below.
Anything else I can help you with, just say it. Many thanks!
Good news is that you were right, after uninstalling that tweak the mod could install successfully with the patch path.
Bad news is that the interface is... well... not working as intended. My guess is maybe the Icewind Dale spells mod is interferring with it probably? not reading them correctly? Or dunno, maybe something else.
Also this:
Something is preventing me from being the caster I deserve
It looks like the UI.MENU patching is succeeding now, so that is a plus. I must have some wacky behavior in the installer that works for vanilla but not in a large modded install. I have a couple questions about your screenshots:
Screenshot #1: You are saying that the spells with the weird icons are vanilla spells? I understand modded spells being wrong somehow, but vanilla spells should be absolutely fine...
Screenshot #2: Those are all vanilla spells, correct? There should be NO reason for them to be getting incorrect strings, so that is a very odd issue.
One last question: Have you made sure to install my mod as the *last* thing in your install order? My mod has to be installed after any mod that adds / modifies spells, or it won't be able to read them correctly.
I'll look into reproducing the bug; you suspect the Icewind Dale spells mod, so I'll start there. Could you attach your "M_B3SpIn.lua" that is in the override folder? That is the file my mod generates and reads to handle all of the game's spells; something is very wrong with it, and I might be able to see what by inspecting it.
Yes, all vanilla, magic missle, identify, fireball, etc. I cast those weird icons and I get vanilla spells in return, so I asume is a visual glitch for the real spells.
Again, all vanilla. The last prepared slot is an IWD spell ('Lance of disruption') but the rest is just regular spells with no additives on them.
Well, I did install your mod last because it was indeed the last mod I found lurking here after I installed BGEET through the Big World launcher. Not sure how to enforce your mod to be 'last' in the install order (I know many games that allow you to actually move mods up and down to prioritize their loading, but not sure how it's done here).
Nevertheless I'll make time in a few days to make a fresh install of everything because something is conflicting here and probably there are residual files floating in folders that maybe are generating a conflict we don't yet know about. I'll let you know of any progress.
After doing a fresh install of everything (3 times) I went back to finally install your marvelous mod (last) only to find myself with yet again not being able to install it correctly.
First things first:
BGEE+SoD v2.5 updated.
BG2EE v2.5 updated.
BGEE Trilogy (playing here)
I patched everything patcheable and double tested everathang!
Using Enhanced Edition Trilogy (BG2 Skin) GUI
Only mods that modifies spells are: Spell Revision v4 and IWDeification.
However when installing your mod I get: The only 2 conflicting mods I got rid of were Lefreut's Inscribed Arcana and Character Screen, so those 2 are no longer an issue.
I saw in earlier posts were @Flashburn had a similar problem and it was not in fact a patching problem. I tried using the alternatives you gave him to no avail, still same error. I'm at a loss now.
WeiDU log and Debug attached.
Thanks for your time!
That error is indeed another conflict in the UI.MENU patching; some other mod has changed the CHARGEN menu, and my mod can't find the line it is trying to edit. Most likely it is "lefreut's Character Creation Screens" from EEUITweaks that is causing the error.
The way I decided to implement my patching is quite fragile, as my mod has to reach out to many different menus to patch minor problems with displaying spell names (literally one-liner fixes, but it breaks a lot of mod compatibility). I have an idea to make patching MUCH less fragile, so if you can wait just a few more days I should have a solution to your patching problems.
Regarding your original problem (the wonky spell names), I still haven't been able to reproduce it. I've noticed in your WeiDU.log that the BWP fixpack is being applied, can you confirm if you are using BWS to install your mods? If you are, you could export your mod selection and upload it here so I could exactly replicate your install.
And btw, I don't believe SoD works correctly with the BGEE v2.5 beta, you might possibly encounter placeholder texts and the like. Also, when I installed EET on the v2.5 games it installed with script patching errors, so there also might be problems there.
I haven't touched my patching utility in three months, and frankly it is a bit of a mess internally. I know I slated the update to be done around this time, but these new developments are going to push it back a bit.
The good news is that I have a good amount of free time for the next week, so I should at least have some new developments to share during that time, if not a finished release.
There is a beta update for BGEE 2.5, but this doesn't include SoD. It's required to disable the DLC if you are looking to test 2.5. Installing SoD with that breaks the game.
You know back when they launched EE and many said it didnt bring enough to the table, and optimists said at least it would allow modders to do incredible things that weren't possible before and then it would all be worth it? Well this is the kind of stuff they meant and they were goddamn right.
Edit; Is there a way to bind a hotkey of some sort to your Extended spell menu? If I press F7 it opens the 'normal' way to cast a spell, I can only get your menu to show up by actually clicking on the magic icon. Its no biggie, but if I could Id bind a side mouse button or something.
Unfortunately the UI modding capabilities do not include much support for hotkeys. I can hard-code a certain button for it, but I can't make a dynamic binding like those of the normal game.
As an update for everyone waiting for a new patch, I've shifted my focus to a new project of mine, here. This project will allow me to basically un-hackify this mod and get it working in proper order. Some of the benefits would include,
a) Proper spell handling; no more renaming every spell in the game to an ID.
b) Proper actionbar handling; no more reading the labels as a way to identify which mode it is in.
c) Proper non-PC creature handling. The amount of times you can cast a spell will appear with non-PC creatures.
d) Proper innate spells handling. The amount of times you can cast innates will appear.
So, I'd say that makes a compelling argument for me to hold off on updating this mod until I get these features worked out. An update will probably be 2-3 weeks out, but it will be worth it, I guarantee it!
Obviously you must be quite busy and Im sure updating your mod to 2.5 would take priority, but would this new way of patching make it perhaps compatible with UI mods such as lefreut's Enhanced UI?
I tried in various ways but theres clearly no way to make them play nice together yet. Which is fine, I care about your mod more hehe, but if things should change and they become compatible Ill be sure to try that out.
I see no reason why Wondrous Recall wouldn't work the same way it did before the installation of this mod. I might be wrong about this, but any mod that "un-alphabetizes" the mage book, in my mind, would also be purely visual. I don't think any sort of UI mod could affect how the engine restores memorization slots.