A Simple XP cap remover. Now compatible with Siege of Dragonspear!

Updated post with information about the new file added by Siege of Dragonspear. Thanks to @Avenger_teambg for pointing out the new file 
Just download the file attached to this post.
And now that I've given the download links, let's have some instructions and a word of warning.
XP Cap in BG:EE is controlled by three files:
Siege of Dragonspear added a new file to the mix:
Actually this had me scratching my head when I tried to make a simple XPCap remover as modifying XPCAP.2DA has always been enough. In BG:EE's case changing just the XPCAP.2DA did not remove the cap, so I went on looking for the cause.
STARTARE.2DA and STARTBP.2DA control the starting conditions of the main quest and Black Pits, respectively, controlling among other things your starting position, starting XP and XP Cap for that campaign, proving that the new EE engine is able to deal with multiple campaigns with their own individual limits.
The release of SoD made it clear there was something new as modifying the original 3 files from the EE didn't remove the cap in the expansion. Thanks to a post by @Avenger_teambg pointing out wich file it was, it was quite seimply to remove the cap there as well.
The game has all the tables up to level 40 BUT there are no HLAs (High Level Abilities) present. That means that if somehow you reach a level where you'd normally get an HLA you have to hit ENTER on the character screen to skip that.
If you want to change the XP Cap to any other fixed value all you have to do is edit the 2DA files and change the -1 into whatever value you want. Actually you can also change the starting XP in the main quest and Black Pits as well. Just change START_XP from 0 to the value you want in both STARTARE.2DA and STARBP.2DA.
To remove or change the cap in SoD you need to edit SODSTRTA.2DA.
Notice you'll need a text editor to change the file such as Editpad Lite. The game will not recognize the 2DA files if they're converted to Rich Text Files or Word Documents.
So you must be asking yourself how to make it work. It's very simple. Just copy the four files into your override folder. If you don't have one, create one in the same place the movies and scripts folders are located (usually bgee installation path/data/00766), In my computer, for instance, it would be placed in C:\Games\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766
If you are a Steam user, the default override folder path would look something like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\override
Post edited by mlnevese on
Anyway thanks for the guide it helps me a lot!
P.S. of course im talking about Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
P.S.2. sorry for my bad english btw
For the 00766 folder, in a default windows installation it would be somewhere similar to:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766"
If you're looking in your documents folder you're in the wrong section of the install.
1) Download the zip file from any of the links in the first post.
2) Unzip the file, it should create an override folder.
3) Drag the override folder to your "installation path\data\00766 folder". It's the same folder where the scripts folder is located, for instance. In my computer it would be "C:\Games\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\data\00766"
If you're seeing the biff files, you've gone one data folder too far. Go back a folder and create the override there. If you're in the correct folder, you'll see a data folder, lang folder, music folder, etc. It's also the same folder your Baldur.exe is located.
The 2da files are in the zip file in the first post and can be easily edited with a text editor, btw.
Do no create a 00766 folder if you don't have one. That's the default folder name for the release game data. Last beta before release was 00764, press release version had a different number, 00755 if memory serves.. Anyway the override folder must inside the numbered folder not de data folder that exist inside the data folder.
this folder contains following folders: data, lang, Manuals, movies, music, scripts
and files: baldur.exe, chitin.key, decrypt.dll, shadowkeeper.exe (lol
that's all
btw thanks for very fast responce!
The ful path for the override folder will be
Read my post above, I added some more instructions.
I assume this is because I am not supposed to be that level in BG:EE and I am not supposed to have those spells and abilities yet thus the spells and abilities functions are not implemented yet but are for future (like BG2:EE)? I guess this is more of a developer question... but am I safe to assume so?