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[bug] Candlekeep: Fighting illusions in Obe's Warehouse

AronAron Member Posts: 94
edited January 2013 in Fixed

When you try to practise for mass combat, the NPCs and the characters only remember your command for 1 round of combat if they have a distance from the monsters. If they are close to the monsters, they have aprox 25% chance of remembering your command. If not, you need to keep giving the order every new round of combat you are in.

I hope this will be looked at soon :)


Tom Fjellheim
Post edited by Jalily on


  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    edited December 2012
    I've just started out in Candlekeep and entered the Gatekeeper's tutorial. Most of the characters in the group, including my own, won't attack the mobs or use wands. They will attack with ranged weapons and cast spells, but I'll assign them to melee mobs and they just stand there. He keeps spawning mobs and I get to the hobgoblins while I'm still fighting the first set. I normally don't use the scripts, just default and micromanaging. I've tried assigning scripts to the characters, but that didn't fix anything. Can I count on the rest of the game being this buggy?
    Post edited by Balquo on
  • Sese79Sese79 Member Posts: 478
    Already posted here:
    Not sure anymore that this is actually a bug. Anyone else?
  • Sese79Sese79 Member Posts: 478
    Oh, sorry, I read only the main title. Please just delete my comment. Thanks.
  • NeboryaNeborya Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2012
    Fighting with illusions is impossible. Characters just do not react on mouse clicks 90% of the time. I checked this location several times with with different starting characters. Always the same.
    Post edited by Balquo on
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited December 2012
    I ran into a bug at the party tutorial in Obe's warehouse. As soon as Obe stops talking and the gibberlings spawn after entering this area I completely lose control of all my characters. I could still give them commands but they would be unable to follow through with any of them as about half a second after that they freeze and cancel all actions as if the "stop" button had been pressed. This prevented me from being able to do anything but watch as illusionary gibberlings attempted to hack my party to pieces. I even tried turning the party AI on but, while the AI tried to kill the gibberlings, it had the same problem I did. After some experimentation I found that the "action cancelling" was happening because of Osprey, one of the people that joins your party in this area. This bug only happens when osprey is alive and in the party. Kicking her out or killing her will resolve the issue. I haven't gotten very far in the game yet so I don't know if its just osprey or various other party members also cause this behavior.
    Post edited by Tresset on
  • PieSnatcherPieSnatcher Member Posts: 4
    I'm getting this much further in the game. No matter how many reloads I do, it doesn't go away. My party members cancel all actions after one or two seconds (or less)- so they can't walk very far and... well, everything is a chore. Opening containers, attacking, anything. No gibberlings involved.
    It happened to me a couple times, but reloading always helped. Now the problem persists.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Was there a battle going on when this happened? I remember from my play through of the original game that there are quite a few creatures with similar AI to gibberlings which constantly re-target the party in order to attack their nearest enemy. I never meant to suggest that the gibberlings themselves may be the problem but rather the AI that they used. I wouldn't be surprised if other NPC AI patterns were causing issues (i.e. wandering commoners, talking characters, etc) but this is just speculation. One thing I am certain about is that the gibberlings were doing something to mess up the game in Obe's place. I would experiment further to try to pinpoint the problem but I'm not sure if there is a cheat/debug mode in EE that I could use to help me. I did reload several times though and it never helped me.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited December 2012
    OK. I figured out the cheats now. It appears I was wrong. It is not the gibberlings that are causing the problem. By experimenting with control-y I found out that Osprey (one of the people Obe gives you for your party) IS the problem. As soon as I control-y her things go back to normal and the party has no trouble carrying out orders. For now just control-y her until a fix comes out if you want to use this tutorial.
    Post edited by Tresset on
  • chrstnmonkschrstnmonks Member Posts: 176
    edited December 2012
    i am at beginning and where you have to fight illusions it seems my characters won't move or attack i have updated help please
    Post edited by Balquo on
  • ZiloaRDZiloaRD Member Posts: 1
    The same problem here. The characters don't do anything except move a few hexes, then nothing. They don't attack the enemies even if the party AI is on. It took half an hour to get my pc out of this madness.
  • gtexangtexan Member Posts: 2
    Same here. If I move my character he starts to follow the command and then it appears to be canceled and he stops.

    Same exact problem in the room with the rats as well
  • gtexangtexan Member Posts: 2
    This keeps happening to me. When trying to issue commands inside houses they disappear quickly. For example opening a chest sometimes has o be clicked 5-6 times before it works
  • MagabaraiMagabarai Member Posts: 2
    I've got the same issue but only with Rasaad, and only since I came accross what I believe to be a bug in his quest. My party was teleported on the map with the building of the 7 suns but nothing happened (no dialogue and no dark moon monks) and Rasaad can't do any action properly now.
    When I load a save game prior to the bug, Rasaad moves and attacks normaly though.
  • LeoherbieLeoherbie Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2012
    At the very beginning of the game there is a quest where you enter a room to receive training. You pick up a bunch of temporary companions and another dude in the room spawns monsters to fight. Basically this dialog just loops over and over asking if you want more monsters. This room has some weird problems where if you direct you character to move across the room that movement event is somehow terminated. So navigating around the room, fight, opening chests is really difficult in this room specifically. I have not seen this anywhere else. I'm on an iPad model A1430.

    On a side note this was one of the first battles I had and I was really afraid this was how the rest of the game would be. I actually put the game down for the evening. I'm glad this behavior has not shown up anywhere else.
    Post edited by Jalily on
  • LeoherbieLeoherbie Member Posts: 6
    Btw running iOS 6
  • chrstnmonkschrstnmonks Member Posts: 176
    it seems to have worked itself out for now (keeping fingers crossed)
  • visitectvisitect Member Posts: 2
    I saw the same issue. I'm running build 2009 on an iPad A1416 and iOS 10A523. Movement in the gate warden's training room was truncated - that's really the only way to describe it. Opening any container would cause it to automatically close very quickly. I also found these issues to be specific to this room, and I'm about 3 hours into the game.
  • FallenShadowzFallenShadowz Member Posts: 8
    I got exactly the same problem! I first thought this would happen in every battle... did you notice something like that in other battles as well?
  • AronAron Member Posts: 94
    No it is only this battle. Its because the monsters is illusions. Behaves almost like they turn invisible every round.

    But gladly the last patch fixed this :)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    Hmm. Latest patch said they fixed this... It ain't fixed for me...
  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292
    I found this too. Characters won't move or attack for more than one or two rounds.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    Week two: Group in Gatekeeper's tutorial still won't attack, same with my main character. Looking forward to this getting fixed so I can venture on outside of Candlekeep.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2012
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • visitectvisitect Member Posts: 2
    It's possible that what @tresset describes about halfway down the thread could be related, yes. It sounds like a recent patch fixed the issue (s)he was seeing, so once this lands in the appstore, I can verify that this is a dupe of the same problem.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited December 2012
    I think the dialog is supposed to "loop" like that because as Obe says, he is supposed to ask you every once in a while whether you want more monsters or you want to stop. It was like this in the original too. He starts conversation sometimes one right after the other (annoyingly) as I recall from the original. I'm guessing this was done to avoid getting beginner players stuck because they couldn't figure out that they had to talk to him to leave or make more monsters. So the conversation "loop" is normal.

    The bugged part is the action cancelling I mentioned in the discussion here:

    The NPC Osprey is the cause somehow. As for the patch; It said that this area was fixed but it was not for me unfortunatlely.

    @visitect I would be a he.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    @Shandyr I have the same behavior in the current 1.0.2010 Windows version, The only way to finish the quest is saying you had enough as you can't move to kill anything in that area.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited December 2012
    @mlnevese Try giving osprey a control-Y. That should "fix" things.
    @Shandyr your link is broken.
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