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[Utility] EE Autoroller



  • DragobscurDragobscur Member Posts: 4
    Alright so thanks to your screen I got the issue right , which happened to be that it needs to be in windowed mode for the autoroller to scroll. My most sincere thanks to your dedication !
  • Eddard_StarkEddard_Stark Member Posts: 52
    Could someone maybe create an IOS mobile version of this mod?
  • roastpotatoesroastpotatoes Member Posts: 2
    Roman215 wrote: »
    The links for the modified versions that work for regular BG1 + TotSC and IWD+HoW can be downloaded from the following links:

    BG1 + TotSC v2:
    IWD + HoW v2:

    I also made a BG2 + ToB version that has an extra button to boost your stats by the amount you would get if you had collected all the stat books in BG1. If you want to use the stat boost, click the button right after accepting your stat roll.

    BG2 + ToB v2:

    All of the archives contain the .ahk source files if someone wants to improve them. I tested all of them on fresh GoG version installs and it's likely that mods could break them. If it doesn't work for you, or you want it to work for a modded game, here is a tutorial for finding offsets that will work for your particular game install:

    OFFSET finding tutorial:

    (All original credit goes to Freche for creating his awesome BGEE autoroller)

    Can we get updated links for this?
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    The above request was made over a year ago. The links are still not updated!! :/
  • BroconalBroconal Member Posts: 1
    What app do I use to run this on windows 10?
  • AerakarAerakar Member Posts: 1,068
    I have never had an issue on Windows 10, it just asks if I should run the file after I unzip it and after I say yes it runs and opens.
  • Phoenix_VIIPhoenix_VII Member Posts: 12
    Hello! If you want the Minimum STR% to store to be 100 (as in 18/00) do we use 00 or 100?
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