[Utility] EE Autoroller

Enhanced Edition - Autoroller
• This tool will automaticly roll for attributes and stores the highest rolled score.• You can set some priorites for Exceptional Strength if you wish.
• No longer the hassle with OFFSETS changing with patching
• BGEE (& Siege of Dragonspear)• BG2EE (& Throne of Bhaal)
• IWDEE (& Heart of Winter)
• The Black Pit (1 & 2)
Current version of the program should work with any version of the supported games.DOWNLOAD (v3.3): https://www.mediafire.com/?z5071l780ae8qrr
Here is the un-compiled ahk version of the program: Download AHK version
1. Run the Enhanced Edition game in windowed mode (IMPORTANT)2. Run EE Autoroller (you might have to run it as administrator)
3. If creating a class with exceptional strength, set the priorites as you want them OR set them all to 0 if you don't want to use this.
4. Press START when you have reached the attribute screen, you will be promted to press the RECALL, STORE and REROLL buttons.
5. Once you hit the REROLL button it will start rolling.
Hold down 'X' when you want to stop rolling.
'UP' will increase the rolling speed.
'DOWN' will decrease the rolling speed.
Exceptional Strength
This will give STR% a value and be counted towards your roll score.
If you wish that STR% 51 and higher be worth 1 attribute score you set all boxes 51+ to 1.
Now when it rolls and your currently stored total is 90 with a STR% 20 then you roll a 89 with STR% 77 the new 89 roll will be stored.
Minimum STR% to store
This will simply ignore ALL rolls with a STR% below the one set.
If you have it at 51 and would happen to roll 100 with a STR% score of 12 that roll will be ignored.
I take no responsibility at all for the use of this program. However if used properly nothing should happen as it only reads memory data.Post edited by Freche on
It doesn't show the STR%, I guess I could add it.
Didn't see much point in having it though since the program priorities more stat points. If a new roll is the same as the highest previous roll then it compare the STR% and keeps the highest one.
It was just a yellow box for you, no text and then it disappears after a store?
What OS are you running and 32 or 64-bit?
On my second char the autoroller was repeatedly logging the attributes of my first character, so it wasn't differentiating rolls.
EDIT: nevermind, bypassed with basic import trickery
Ok, in multiplayer the game uses different addresses for different characters. It's the same issue when creating characters for the black pit.
The autoroller seemed to work well when Pre-Generating characters.
After it stores a roll and the mouse hovers over the reroll button, it appears( with text and all) for a frame of a second long enough to see there are text in it but not long enough to read it.
Thx for the source too - I made one which takes into consideration a minimum STR percentage value (stored in the .ini file) before it even considers the stats. I can share the source or compiled .exe if anyone wants it.
So, for example, if you put 91 as the minimum strength subscore, a 105 point stat roll would be ignored if the strength subscore were only 85. It's meant to help those fighter classes and multiclasses who aren't half-orcs and need to maximize that strength score as much as possible, even if it means sacrificing some overall stat points.
Here's the .exe and .ini files if anyone's interested: http://www.gamefront.com/files/22721505/BGEEautoroller+v1.zip
How exactly do I update the roller to include the sub-score thing?
EDIT: The new BGEE update didn't break anything
IE :
A roll of 88 with STR 18/97 is better than a roll of 89 with STR 18/05
A roll of 86 with STR 18/00 is better than a roll of 89 with STR 18/05
and so on.
Otherwise, great little tool !
iirc the bonus from STR% is gained in parts, is it still 1-50, 51-75, 76-90, 91-99 & 100 ?
v2 WIP: http://i.imgur.com/K7qwq.jpg
Hopefully I can get it out tomorrow
The biggest breakpoints are 18/51+ and 18/00
Or you could alter the .ini to add a parameter that specifies the minimum exceptional strength to consider (With default = 51)
Strength HIT DMG
18/01-50 +1 +3
18/51-75 +2 +3
18/76-90 +2 +4
18/91-99 +2 +5
18/00 +3 +6
The big differences happen at 18/51 and 18/00. In your example, you're losing 1 damage per hit for 1 stat point.
I changed BGEE to windowed mode and am on the Abilities screen. BGEEautoroller.exe doesn't create a userform, is this correct?
I have made a v2 that will be uploaded tomorrow, need to test it a little bit more.
Perhaps try forcing it to store a pretty low value before starting the program, and that might fix it.