I am seriously incapable of finding out how to on my own..
First: You upload your pic on a filesharing page such as airload or photobucket.
Second: You copy the html code for the images here into your comment and exchange the file adress. If you use firefox, you make a right click on any posted picture here and click on "observe element" (could be a diffrent name, I don't use the english version, so I just translated it. It's the second from the bottom). Now you klick on the small arrow that appears and click there on "copy knot with inner html" (again, could be wrong translated).
Upload to a site like photobucket, copy the link & then enter the following without the spaces... (aside from the spaces between img & src, & = & " you need those)
EDIT: Ack, & it throws a wobbler for me this evening... for some reason I can't post my own image properly by sharing this example, the opening < disappears.
I myself got tired of rolling after a couple of clicks. Still, will do a nice Swashie>Cleric
edit : NOPE, posting images for me never works on the forums. Yes I know "you missed the arrow bracket at the beginning" - nope I didn't, it simply won't work for me :P
Run out of town by the guards, unable to afford gear, the party wanders the wilds aimlessly, looking for work. Where did things go wrong? Was it because they harboured a dark elf and a half orc? Was Noober's corpse not buried deeply enough? Did someone see them acquire that Stone to Flesh scroll at the Carnival? A futile quarrel, anyway, since Branwen left in a fit after they killed the first group of bounty hunters (and most guards in Nashkel) in self defense. Then Neera... She complained so much that she, too, had to be shut up. You could say that one thing led to another.
Considering all the design tools in my arsenal, I opted to painstakingly try to draw this in good ol' MS Paint with naught but my gaming mouse at its normal sensitivity. Very painful! Click for Budo's actual stats.
I like it how the majority of people don't try to cheese their way thru the game and actually do not roll stats like 18/18/18/8/8/18, but actually make it interesting by having 'average stats' (like str 15-16 for a meelee char)
Because we (with my friend) knew what sort of a party we want, I rolled with a Swashbuckler to perform both the rogue's role and act as a "melee". We've considered dumping Ajantis for Neera or Rasaad, but just haven't got around to that -yet-.
Just stole the picture from Icewind Dale. Doesn't fit the style of BG, but I like the picture and didn't want to spend hours looking for something. Wanted to play BG:EE asap!
Just stole the picture from Icewind Dale. Doesn't fit the style of BG, but I like the picture and didn't want to spend hours looking for something. Wanted to play BG:EE asap!
The art of Icewind Dale—especially the character portraits—is IMHO just perfect for the setting and ambiance of the game. That particular portrait does not seem out of place when one views the thumbnail in line with the others.
One little thing I loved about Icewind Dale—someone took the time to go through each portrait and make intelligent defaults for the characters' hair, skin, and primary/secondary clothing colors to match the portraits. No such love on the BG side of things.
Second: You copy the html code for the images here into your comment and exchange the file adress.
If you use firefox, you make a right click on any posted picture here and click on "observe element" (could be a diffrent name, I don't use the english version, so I just translated it. It's the second from the bottom). Now you klick on the small arrow that appears and click there on "copy knot with inner html" (again, could be wrong translated).
< img src = " http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x99/lilgreenmomo/Baldr000.png " >
EDIT: Ack, & it throws a wobbler for me this evening... for some reason I can't post my own image properly by sharing this example, the opening < disappears.
edit : NOPE, posting images for me never works on the forums. Yes I know "you missed the arrow bracket at the beginning" - nope I didn't, it simply won't work for me :P
Portrait: Hunter Mara, by Jason Chan. Available in large, medium and small size.
Also, I can't get a screenshot of my game. All I ever get is the Enhanced Edition main screen.
But then I went...
Her path through Baldur's Gate is mapped here:
Only mage portrait I've ever liked was Edwin but he looks too evil.
He's level 3 with a magic hammer and shield.
+over 9000 for stodderb. Amazing idea
Warcraft 3 forever
@Severon That's a badass character, I dig it!
He's level 5 now...
Just stole the picture from Icewind Dale. Doesn't fit the style of BG, but I like the picture and didn't want to spend hours looking for something. Wanted to play BG:EE asap!
No, I did not cheat to get that stat roll.
One little thing I loved about Icewind Dale—someone took the time to go through each portrait and make intelligent defaults for the characters' hair, skin, and primary/secondary clothing colors to match the portraits. No such love on the BG side of things.