When I ventured forth into BG:EE I knew I wanted to do good. Who better to venture with than our beloved Planet. It's early days, but lots of fun so far.
Episodes online now at youtube.com/captaintangle come join me!
@CoM_Solaufein - cool portrait image, where did you get it from? Or perhaps you could post your 3 resized versions for BGEE here? Might use that one for an Assassin or possibly Stalker
When I ventured forth into BG:EE I knew I wanted to do good. Who better to venture with than our beloved Planet. It's early days, but lots of fun so far.
Episodes online now at youtube.com/captaintangle come join me!
Episodes online now at youtube.com/captaintangle come join me!
Neera: "Wind!"
Imoen: "Water!"
Rasaad: "Heart!"