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[Mod] BG:EE Kitpack V1.62 3/1/13



  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    why do you overwrite / take away the default lathander cleric kit?
  • neoespritneoesprit Member Posts: 196
    edited December 2012
    @Isaya : ok my bad I already had read your post but I was quite tired and didn't understood the whole thing =p

    I'll probably make the translation once the mod is "completed" then.

    Thx for your input !

    why do you overwrite / take away the default lathander cleric kit?

    I think it's to make the original kits more in phase with the other cleric kits Requiem's adding to the game. And they're much better like this in my opinion

  • DinsdalePiranhaDinsdalePiranha Member Posts: 419
    edited December 2012
    Hivemaster looks enticing, I was already thinking about doing an Avenger run, may choose that instead. just 2 quick questions about it:
    - do you polymorph into a sword spider like avengers (or the mage's polymorph self spell), with 5 attack per round?
    - isn't -50% crushing resistance a bit... too much? I mean, on higher difficulties, a weakass enemy could casually onehit even a 3rd lvl druid with a club on a lucky roll...
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @smeagolheart I overwrote those kits to be more balanced with the new kits installed, i will add an option not to change them (in the specific case that you don't want to install any kits)

    @dinsdalepiranha the hivemaster is one of the kits i've tested the least, and so the balance may be a bit off tbh, i would consider lowering the crushing damage, but I will have to play it a bit more first, or if you could provide feedback that would be great.

    With regards to the transformation, the only bonuses you get are those listed on the kit description - you keep your own stats (plus the bonuses) and HP.

    Im going to have a good go over the Hivemaster in the next few days and see if I can make it any better in any way.
  • neoespritneoesprit Member Posts: 196
    edited December 2012
    I'll have a look at the Hivemaster this week end and report to Requiem.

    @Requiem : I had a look at the hivemaster and one thing I noticed is that the spider form seems bugged - sometimes the spider stop all attacks and even after ordering it to attack it does nothing. I have to move the spider then come back to my target to start attacking again. This especially occurs after being hit.

    Another thing is that at high level, the spider form will be utterly useless (6 to 9 damage at level 34)

    Also the crush weakness is way too high. I'll have to run some more test.

    Other than that it works as intended =)
    Post edited by neoesprit on
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    edited December 2012
    @neoesprit looks like I have some work to do then!

    For any people who are interested I should have a new release ready for Saturday or Sunday including the option to give tiax, branwen and viconia the correct kits for their faith at install, a new paladin kit, cyric kit, differentiated cleric symbols, some more balance adjustments and some tidying up of spells and abilities
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    edited December 2012
    Double post
  • neoespritneoesprit Member Posts: 196
    Requiem said:

    @neoesprit looks like I have some work to do then!

    For any people who are interested I should have a new release ready for Saturday or Sunday including the option to give tiax, branwen and viconia the correct kits for their faith at install, a new paladin kit, cyric kit, differentiated cleric symbols, some more balance adjustments and some tidying up of spells and abilities

    I'll test that as soon as you make it available =)
  • secretfiresecretfire Member Posts: 65
    Awesome! Thanks for the hard work!
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    New version released and ready for download
  • neoespritneoesprit Member Posts: 196
    @Requiem : installation went well ! I'll get back to you for feedback once I have tested the Purple Dragon Knight and the Hivemaster ^^
  • neoespritneoesprit Member Posts: 196
    Ok so I loaded my save and Viconia appears as a Strifebringer of Cyric and Branwen as a Nightcloak of shar. I'm gona check the setup.tp2

    Also I tested the new hivemaster and its working nicely. Although, at level 34 in spider form, I was doing only up to 15 damage per hit for an average 8-9 damage per hit. I'll have to do some checking but it seems fairly low compared to werewolf and other forms.

    Couldn't test the Purple Dragon Knight but it's on my to do list.

    I'll have a look at all the cleric kits later =)
  • DeadalusDeadalus Member Posts: 4
    It would be awesome if someone could make a 5-10 step guide on how to do everything. I used basic mods and fixes when i used to play BG2 and BG2:ToB and the occasional Shadowkeeper. I never had anything to do with WEIDU but since we re all back in the game and some feel like adding things and stepping up their game it would be nice to find a ready guide to install this mod with its kits and changes.
    Like 1- go to "insert weidu page" ,2- download this file/set of files ,3- install there, 4- run this setup/prepare to install our mod etc etc...
    I hope you can take the bit of time needed and spare me the agony of failed patchings and countless fresh installations :)
    Thanks in advance!
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    edited December 2012
    @neoesprit that's bizarre, worked fine on my game and weidu should read the kit numbers dynamically at install. Did you completely uninstall the old version of the mod and re install the new version?

    The mod isn't capable of changing save games sadly as it would be a ridiculous amount of work to read the save game, find which character is where and alter them without causing problems, I'm pretty sure this will only work if you haven't yet met the party members in your game, and it almost certainly won't work properly on a save game made with the old version of the mod.

    With regards to the spider form you should also be doing an additional 6 poison damage per hit so that should be raising your damage quite a bit, is that showing up at all? (its normally shown as a second hit in the console), since spider form gives a bonus to stats rather than setting them to a certain value it will be more important than usual to have a relatively strong druid if you are making a hivemaster

    @deadalus once I'm back at home i will be happy to do this, I'm at the inlaws over Christmas but will get on it once I'm back.
    Post edited by Requiem on
  • DeadalusDeadalus Member Posts: 4
    Merry Christmas then and thanks for obliging! :)
  • neoespritneoesprit Member Posts: 196
    @Requiem : I think the problem about viconia and Branwen is that there are already in my party and at level 6.... I tried a full uninstall then re install and now viconia is Hand Of Auril and Branwen is another cleric kit... seems random ^^

    I didn't see the poison damage cause I one shotted the Pnjs in candlekeep but I spawned some higher level monsters and the damage from poison correctly appear and make the spider form viable =)

    With Christmas festivities and new year's eve coming I haven't had the time to work properly on the things we discussed in PM but rest assured that I'll keep sending you ideas and lore friendly descriptions for your mod regularly =)
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @neoesprit no worries, glad hivemaster working and thanks for all help, when I get a chance I will test kit conversion further

    Like I say though, pretty sure the converted npc's will only work properly if you haven't met them before you install the mod

    Most importantly, merry Christmas!
  • SelvanSelvan Member Posts: 24
    It's great to have Viconia as Nightcloak of Shar, but I think Imoen need to be Shadowstalker - she is a spy, eventualy Technican.
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    edited December 2012
    @selvan glad to hear you like it, I am currently debating whether to give the option of converting any more NPC's, mods like the Level 1 NPC's mod on gibberlings 3 already allow you to do this with much more customisation of the NPC's, but I may add these options in the future
  • DeadalusDeadalus Member Posts: 4
    Btw, do you guys have a similar mod for BG2? I just finished BG:EE and i 'd like to try your kits in BG2 :)
  • neoespritneoesprit Member Posts: 196
    You can always try to install it with BG2 but I can't say if It will work properly (should work though)

    Otherwise you can try the numerous kit mods that already exist for BG2 like Divine Remix, Rogue Rebalanced, Song and Silence etc etc
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @deadalus this should work absolutely fine with BG2 (and viconia being a nightcloak of shar should carry over when you meet her), however I can't guarantee it will work with things like rogue rebalancing - it might, it just hasn't been properly tested.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Requiem said:

    @deadalus this should work absolutely fine with BG2 (and viconia being a nightcloak of shar should carry over when you meet her), however I can't guarantee it will work with things like rogue rebalancing - it might, it just hasn't been properly tested.

    the 2 thief kits don't install for me and I have Rogue rebalancing. No big deal there is enough juicy stuff still that does work.

    I noticed on the stalwart that he can't take weapons pips in axes and possibly other 1 handed weapons is this intentional as it seems different than the description. Stslwart seems restricted to 1handed swords ala the duelist.
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    edited December 2012
    @smeagolheart well spotted about the stalwart, that axe proficiency is an error on my part and I will get a new version released with it in hopefully tonight, he should be able to use any 1 handed melee weapon
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    Thanks for the Mod! It's great ... I am playing a Stalwart/Druid on a solo run. Too much fun.

    Saved a new Fighter/Druid and edited the savegame with ShadowKeeper. Set the value for the kit to 0x402C0000 (this is the Value Code for the kit). Set the character levels to 0 and load up. Then I edited two of the spears in the game to be one-handed, and now I can run around with a spear and a shield. Too much fun.
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @corsomyr i'm really glad you're enjoying it, I plan to keep the updates coming, hopefully within the week I should have one or 2 new kits to add if all goes to plan.
  • AllbrotherAllbrother Member Posts: 262
    May I suggest adding another level of progression for the hivemaster's shapeshift to make it +4 weapon? Otherwise there would be lots of enemies it can't hit
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @silchas I could consider it, though to me doing that seems a little overpowered, even a greater werewolf which is pretty powerful only has +3 weapons. I don't recall many enemies even in late ToB who couldn't be hit with a +3 wep (unless they were wizards using mantle etc), although of course I may be wrong.
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    You could make it a HLA for the Hivemaster that transforms it's shapeshift into a +5 weapon. That way it's exclusively for high level players
  • neoespritneoesprit Member Posts: 196
    Silchas said:

    May I suggest adding another level of progression for the hivemaster's shapeshift to make it +4 weapon? Otherwise there would be lots of enemies it can't hit

    Requiem said:

    @silchas I could consider it, though to me doing that seems a little overpowered, even a greater werewolf which is pretty powerful only has +3 weapons. I don't recall many enemies even in late ToB who couldn't be hit with a +3 wep (unless they were wizards using mantle etc), although of course I may be wrong.

    For the time being, I found that the Hivemaster is completely viable (at least for the BG TotSC part). The high level progression might have to be adjusted for the BG 2 SoA & ToB part but as I can't test the kit on those support I really don't know.

    For now the HLA mod made by CoM_Solaufein seems to work with the class the kit pack adds but I'm not sure the priority is to work on new HLA for now since in BG:EE you'll probably never get enough XP to go to those levels.

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