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[Mod] BG:EE Kitpack V1.62 3/1/13



  • DarkersunDarkersun Member Posts: 398
    It would be ice if enemys would use new kits too (with new spells etc.).
    Like priest of Cyric etc. Is this possible ?
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @darkersun It is certainly possible and its something I would like to add in the future. However it will likely take a lot of work to implement and so wont be a feature for a while.
  • DarkersunDarkersun Member Posts: 398
    Thanks, keep up th good work :)
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    I tried uninstalling the improved wizard slayer component to compare to the base - however the new description stayed there in the game. Also the kitpacks that were on NPCs threw errors when it attempted to uninstall those as part of the process
  • DarkersunDarkersun Member Posts: 398
    I really like that you gave some love to the wizard Slayer.
    My hopes are high, that the Beastmaster get some love to.

    If you will do it here are some ideas:
    - Better weapon restrictions (I think in PnP he can use Spears & Axes as well)
    - Should be able to wear all neatural made armors ( Ankegh, Dragon Scales in BG 2)

    Maybe some special abilitys (He as Psionic Power over Animals right?):
    - Hold Animal
    - Summon Insects (are insects animals in pnp ?)
    - If possible instead of Summon Familiar, summon animal companion (Wolf, Bear etc. Maybe high level)

    Thanks for the mod you have done.
    And no preasure, it should be just help you find ideas, wif you want to do this.

    Regards, Darkersun
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @darkersun rhe beastmaster will be getting some love, its just kind of on hold while im working on massively improving the divine kits, I have no intention to stop working on this kit any time soon.

    @smeagolheart I havent been able to reproduce this sadly, do you have any unusual mods installed?
  • DarkersunDarkersun Member Posts: 398
    @Requiem one word: AWESOME ;)
  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419

    I tried uninstalling the improved wizard slayer component to compare to the base - however the new description stayed there in the game. Also the kitpacks that were on NPCs threw errors when it attempted to uninstall those as part of the process

    I've been having a similar problem. I was using version 1.43, and attempted to install the latest version. It went fine, but the descriptions for two kits (Stalwart and Dervish) stayed identical to the 1.43 versions. I suspect this is because I have a saved game where those two kits are in use, but I'm not sure what to do about it.

    Also, I installed the armour pack available here. I've noticed some heavy armours in that pack can be worn by the Dervish, even those they have a heavy armour restriction.

    What I'm not sure about is whether that's an issue with the kit itself (the kitpack mod) or with the armours themselves (the armour mod).
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    edited February 2013
    @luigirules @smeagolheart I can't say for sure why this is happening but i do know how to fix any dialog.tlk (e.g. ingame text) problems pretty easily, so try the steps below and it should sort your problems.
    Anyway, to fix ingame text errors:

    1. Uninstall all weidu mods
    2. Delete dialog.tlk from your 00766 folder and your lang/en_us folder (if you're using the english version)
    3. Start up the BG launcher, next to the play button is a little square button which looks like a map marker, click on that then choose repair install.
    4. Once everything has downloaded, follow the steps you used originally to setup the dialog.tlk file for weidu (e.g. using mklink, as described in the "getting mods to work with bgee" thread).
    5. Reinstall your mods
    6. Perfect text.

    As to why weidu alters the strings for some kits and not for others, I have no idea, i've looked over the tp2 and can see no difference between these kits.

    I have done this many times when mods (or manually messing around with dialog.tlk) have messed up my string files and it works a treat, any text related problems can be solved by doing the above. To make it easier before you reinstall your mods you can make a copy of the unmodified dialog.tlk and it saves you having to use the repair install option. Everytime you need to reset your dialog.tlk just make another copy of the clean one.

    @luigirules the dervish is denied the ability to use heavy armour by borrowing another classes usability flags, if the armour pack armours are wearable then the usability flag on that armour is most likely set up incorrectly.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964

    I've been having a similar problem. I was using version 1.43, and attempted to install the latest version. It went fine, but the descriptions for two kits (Stalwart and Dervish) stayed identical to the 1.43 versions. I suspect this is because I have a saved game where those two kits are in use, but I'm not sure what to do about it.

    Also, I installed the armour pack available here. I've noticed some heavy armours in that pack can be worn by the Dervish, even those they have a heavy armour restriction.

    What I'm not sure about is whether that's an issue with the kit itself (the kitpack mod) or with the armours themselves (the armour mod).
    I'm pretty sure in the amour mod's thread, there are posts about restrictions not being put on the armours so it' s an issue with that mod
  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    One more thing that I've found.

    I created a Slingmaster, with the intent to dual to cleric. However, upon reaching level two and clicking the dual-class button, the only option is fighter!

    If you go through the process and click okay, you don't get the fighter class, and the only difference seems to be your re-assigned weapon proficiences. In addition, you can repeat this process indefinitely.

    Is this just me?
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Bgee dual class then cancel causes wonky issues. It is not the mod
  • Fina92Fina92 Member Posts: 284
    I have a question I hope someone has the answer to: Since the new patch update for BG:EE, all the custom kits were "downgraded" to their vanilla form, that is to say my dweomerkeeper of Mystra became a cleric. (I should also mention that I had to re-install this mod to be able to make new characters with these kits after the patch update.)
    Now my question is this; is it possible to change my cleric back to a dweomerkeeper of Mystra? I rather not restart and make another dweomkeeper, I rolled quite high stats on my current one.. ;) and vanilla classes are just not as fun! :)
  • nsrnsr Member Posts: 174
    I had the same issue. I think it's because the kit ids are now different. I was able to use shadowkeeper to edit the kits back. There's a file I found that listed all the kits in the override folder.
  • Fina92Fina92 Member Posts: 284
    @nsr Okay thank you, but do you think you could specify a bit more exactly how you managed to do that? I'm a real noob with mods and such you see.. :)
  • nsrnsr Member Posts: 174
    @JosefineS sorry, I was on the iPad so didn't have the file handy. You can find this information in KIT.IDS. There should be a number like 0x4025. Since there were new kits added, the start number that mods used got bumped up. I used Shadowkeeper to set the kit in my saved game to the new kit ID. I also found that you need to add 4 0s to the number you input into Shadowkeeper- such as 0x40250000 for the example above.
  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    I've found the easiest way is to simply create a new game with your chosen kit. Save it, then open SK.

    Open both save games; your main one, and the one you just created.

    In the new game, navigate to the character's "Characteristics" tab. Next to the kit menu, press the "Set Value" button. It should open with a number/letter sequence highlighted. Copy that sequence.

    Now navigate to the character's "Characteristics" tab in your main game. Again, press the "Set Value" button. Paste the value you had earlier acquired.

    Bam! You've got your kit back.
  • cryonicdrrickcryonicdrrick Member Posts: 3
    I'm going to start by saying this is the first time i have tried installing a mod. when i installed it and attempted to make a new character, all the new kits said missing strings. What does this mean and how can i fix it?
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756

    Try following these instructions.

    Creating a hard link to dialog.tlk as explained in that discussion should solve your problem. but let me know if you need further assistance and I'll try and help you.
  • cryonicdrrickcryonicdrrick Member Posts: 3
    By hardlink, just copying it and pasting it in the folder will work right?
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited March 2013

    By hardlink, just copying it and pasting it in the folder will work right?

    Creating the hard link is more practical, because you just have to do it once.

    If you prefer copying and pasting, this is fine too, but remember to copy back dialog.tlk in the language folder after the installation. Also, unless you create a hard link, you will have to copy dialog.tlk back and forth, between the language and game folder, every time you install or uninstall a mod.

    To prevent future problems with missing strings, also remember to uninstall all your mods before updating to a new BGEE version and reinstall them after.
  • cryonicdrrickcryonicdrrick Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2013
    Alright. I pasted a copy of dialog.tlk and tried to download the mod again. I am still getting the same thing. It either says "missing strings" followed by some numbers or the button is just blank, but still clickable.
  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    edited March 2013

    Alright. I pasted a copy of dialog.tlk and tried to download the mod again. I am still getting the same thing. It either says "missing strings" followed by some numbers or the button is just blank, but still clickable.


    I would still recommend creating a hard link, as per the instructions in the discussion previously linked.

    However, if you prefer copying and pasting, be sure to do it in this order:

    1) copy your dialog.tlk from the language folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766\lang\en_US) to your game folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766)

    2) install the mod, and check if the mod install successfully (it should say so at the bottom of the command window)

    If you get an error message at step #2, post a screenshot or simply write here the exact error message. Also provide information on your OS, chosen language, modality of download for BGEE (i.e. Steam, Beamdog standalone, Beamdog client, etc.), etc.

    If step #2 works proceed with

    3) copy back dialog.tlk from the game folder to the language folder

    Let me know if this solves your problem.
  • mjsmjs Member Posts: 742
    i installed the mod, but had the missing strings error, how do i uninstall it? there isn't an option during running the mod
  • TherosTheros Member Posts: 2
    Hey! GREAT job in making those kits! I just wanted you to know that dual classed Flametouched/Mage and Frostwielder/Mage are not able to learn/cast any Abjuration spells.

    Is that intended for balance issue or a bug?
  • GripmannGripmann Member Posts: 2
    Hi, I need some help with installing the kits. I was able to go thru the install without error, but when I load up the game I don't see the kits. The names of the cleric kits have changed, but no new kits are available. Note, I'm using the steam version.
  • Fina92Fina92 Member Posts: 284
    edited November 2013
    Hi! I recently re-installed this wonderful kitpack using the new approach presented to us (with the new WeiDU) AFTER APPLYING THE NEW PATCH.
    It seemed to install fine, and I only installed 6 of the cleric-kits. However, now that I try to start the game a white window keeps popping up across the screen.

    It says: " .\sql_compiler.c(515): (Overflow) Can't add column 'DPAURIL'. Too many columns on table 'WEAPPROF' "

    The next one that appears says the same thing, except that it changes "WEAPPROF" to "25STWEAP"

  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    I'm getting the same errors with a different kit mod, which is somewhat bothersome, just wondering if the maker of this mod could test it out to see if it's isolated between a few people or if it's an issue indirectly brought up because of the new patch?

    Either way it's really annoying lol
  • StoneSwordsStoneSwords Member Posts: 180
    I've been installing mods one by one and starting up the game after every one to see which mods cause that error, and it seems to be any mod that adds or changes kits is going to give you that error ever since 1.2 dropped
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited November 2013
    This problem comes from all class externalization that happened in 1.2. You can set race/class restrictions and default starting colors, for instance. The current version of weidu does not know how to deal with the new features so modders will have to set them manually or wait for the next version of weidu.
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