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[Mod] BG:EE Kitpack V1.62 3/1/13



  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    Requiem said:

    3. A mix of the two, the beastmaster gets just 2 or 3 weaker bonuses when levelling up which depend on the animal chosen.

    Sounds like my favorite option.

  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    @Requiem In my BGT game, I installed the component to only update the default priest of helm kit, it said it installed and weidu.log lists it as being installed but in the game, it's showing the default description so it appears it didn't really install?

    and just for info, I have rogue rebalancing installed and it refuses to let the thief and bard kits install (not installed due to errors). I'm not sure if you would be worried about providing compatibility for another mod and actually if I installed your kitpack before RR it might install ok. I think the problem is RR modifies the HLAs of rogues and bards.

    For balance, the new wizard slayer seems really weak for levels lower than 20 when it starts alternating MR. For example a level 14 wizard slayer in mid act 2 of BG2, would not be able to use a lot of magic items but would have 14 magic resistance which wouldn't really be a great trade off no?
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    edited January 2013
    @smeagolheart Thanks for the feedback, its always useful. I think i've discovered what the problem is, BGT uses the BG2 engine.

    In the BG2 engine the string references for the kit descriptions are in slightly different locations, I am updating the mod now to determine which game is installed and then update the strings as required.

    The wizard slayer too will have the incorrect descriptions, a L14 wizard slayer actually has 55% magic resistance with my mod pack, but obviously this wont show up in the description. I will get this changed too.

    As for the RR, i don't currently have my copy of BG2, so I can't test it out (I can't even test that the latest kitpack update will amend the right strings), but I tested my mod with the BG:EE version of RR and they seem to work fine together, so it will be one to look into.

    I've actually just uploaded a new version which I hope should fix this problem for you.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964

    I reinstalled the mod. The bard and thief kits did not install. The error message I saw was:
    failure ("resource [thiefscl.2da] not found for "append_column")

    I did a google and I guess thiefscl.2da is something new with BG:EE link:

    The description for wizard slayer and priest of helm were updated correctly.
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @smeagolheart thanks for the info, I will get this sorted asap and make it compatible. Again thanks for the feedback.
  • hammernanvilhammernanvil Member Posts: 98
    edited January 2013
    *edit* got it working, useless to me though since I play mostly on iPad
    Post edited by hammernanvil on
  • Cler1cCler1c Member Posts: 32
    Requiem said:

    @Luigirules I don't think this can be changed sadly



    2. The beast master gets an animal companion which levels with them, they can choose between 2 or 3 different beasts at level 1 and it is set at that for the rest of the beastmasters career. It would have some very limited abilities, e.g. a puma may cause bleeding, bear may cause unconscious, spider may poison.

    Thank you for the lengthy reply Requiem! :D

    Hmm. But does this mean you are able to create an asset that levels up with you (since you are mentioning the animal companion)? Is it possible to create a fixed non transitional item which levels up with you? ;)

    Can't say if this option is allowable. But this would open up many possible options with the kit creations.
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    This sounds like what carsymyr has done with his tiger style monk kit, he has a staff which effectively improves as the kit levels, is that what you mean?
  • Cler1cCler1c Member Posts: 32
    Requiem said:

    This sounds like what carsymyr has done with his tiger style monk kit, he has a staff which effectively improves as the kit levels, is that what you mean?

    So this is possible? Heavens. Ever since playing PS:T for the 1st time years ago I've dreamed of creating exactly such a class in BG.

  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    @Requim @cler1c ... my new kit (?) will show that your pets can level with you. Right now it is not elegant at all, but refinement is on it's way. My guess is within the week we will have something to play with and balance. Of course that is optimistic. If not for the @requiem kits I would never have had the inspiration.
  • Feral_SnowbornFeral_Snowborn Member Posts: 15
    Love this kitpack.

    Anybody having trouble with hivemaster not receiving DEX on shapechange?
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @Feral_snowborn I will look into the hivemaster issue
  • HooHoo Member Posts: 128
    I found a trifling bug.

    Hivemaster's spider form doesn't show Spider's figure in the inventory status window as I attached.
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @hoo I have fixed that problem, will be sorted in next release.
    @Feral_snowborn I've just tried making a new hivemaster and it seems to grant dex as it should, can you give me any more details?
  • HooHoo Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2013

    I love the concept of Hivemaster, its shapeshifting forms however are very similar with Avenger's and honestly even this looks weaker sometimes...

    Fixed stats change during shapeshifting is better than giving bonus stats imo, and the Spider forms seem to need a little unique improvements according to Hivemaster's level rather than just adding additional physical combat stats like more APR (of course, this also should be increased though). For example, we can consider giving Phase Spider's ability such as Teleport by will.

    I actually don't remember each Spider's unique ability (Astral Phase Spider/Giand Spider/Huge Spider/Phase Spider/Sword Spider/Vortex Spider/Wraith Spider/etc) so we may need to invetigate about them first...

    Additionally, according to AD&D The Complete Druid's Handbook, Hivemaster has adavantages of insect-related spells so this feature could be considered additional feature for Hivemaster.
  • Feral_SnowbornFeral_Snowborn Member Posts: 15
    Thanks @Requiem

    The correct values were added for levels 1-5, but I only received +1 instead of +2 once I reached level six.
  • Feral_SnowbornFeral_Snowborn Member Posts: 15
    The only other mods I have installed are the tweak pack and item randomizer, all installed after the kitpack.
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    @feral_snowborn I have this sorted, it was a mistake on my part and a remnant from an older build. I will have a new version ready tomorrow with bugfixes, sorry to keep you waiting but im pretty busy atm.
  • Feral_SnowbornFeral_Snowborn Member Posts: 15
    Its all good, well worth waiting for. You've done some great work here.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    @Requiem Shadowstalker and the bard kits installed, install skipped Technician and scout which seems to be the way it was supposed to go. Thank you
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    Glad it worked.

    For anyone following this mod I know progress hasn't been amazing over the last few weeks. I'm working on implementing a full sphere system complete with new spells from the sourcebooks. I'm currently doing the awkward groundwork which will take a while, so it might be a couple of weeks until the next proper update, however from progess so far it should be worth it. No more aurilites casting flame strike or doomguides casting raise dead, which really seemed out of place to me before.
  • deserkdeserk Member Posts: 35
    edited February 2013
    Post edited by deserk on
  • MordeusMordeus Member Posts: 460
    We could combine our Cleric Kit projects together. I see you've been looking around for some spell icons and I've already halfway through vectoring icons for new spells. Just about to render them into .bam files. Not to mention that I've gone through the 2ed Handbook, Tome of Magic and Player's Option source books and picked out a great deal of spells that could be easily implemented to BG. Already got a bit of a sphere system working and got that whole alignment kit system done.

    It wouldn't make much point if we were to kits that would overlap. Like having two Icepriests of Auril with slight differences. Not to mention that we could get all of 40+ kits done in half the time. I'm sure there are things that you can do that I cannot, and things I can do that you cannot.

    If yes, then I can post the Spell Icons and we can get those out of the way. Then we can divy up the work between us. Probably best to ask this now before things get a little too advanced.

    I've attached a sample of the spell icons I've been working on, just to show what I'm capable of.
  • MordeusMordeus Member Posts: 460
    I think these 8 icons are pretty much ready.

    I'm trying where I can to replicate certain aspects of the old icons. Namely the shield that appears in Flame Shield, Storm Shield, etc..., the shield that appears in Ghost Armor, Spirit Armor, Armor, etc..., the heart that appears in Resist Fear, Remove Fear, etc... Just for continuity's sake.

    From left to right: Frost Fingers, Creature of Darkness, Moon Blade, Anyspell, Heart of Ice, Moonfire, Moonweb and Armor of Darkness.

    They are mainly Auril, Mystra, Shar and Selune icons. Next on my list are Cyric icons since they seem fairly easy to design.

    There are somethings I have to figure out though. Firstly I think I need to apply a gradient to the vector, to give it more than just a flat colour. And secondly just how to make a .bam spell icon that doesn't crash the game.

    I've tried to replicate everything from the pre-existing icons, but for some reason my icons don't appear in the spellbook. There's really something I'm missing here. I convert them into a .bmp file and import it to BamWorkshop then I convert it to a .bam file of under 32x32 pixels. Yet it doesn't work. There must be a tutorial on this process somewhere but no such luck googling for it so far. I'm hoping someone knows how to do this?
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    edited February 2013
    @mordeus very impressive, I can't seem to get new bams working either, I'm sure someone on the forums must know how to sort them out, @corsymyr made some pretty good icons from scratch and his bams worked perfectly, so maybe ask him.
    Post edited by Requiem on
  • CorsymyrCorsymyr Member Posts: 146
    @mordeus @requiem the trick is to make sure in BamWorksII to save your BAMS as "Palletted", or the game will crash. The offsets, are a bit wonky and take some time to master (at least for me), as Bamworks does not seem to work as it would suggest. I use Paint to get what I want and import from there ... (your mileage may vary) ymmv!
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @Mordeus isn't the very first symbol in your repertoire cure disease?
  • mars0124mars0124 Member Posts: 180
    Is there any chance @Requiem that you would consider working with me to get this mod working on the iPad version of BGEE? From the one's I've tried this is one of two mods that don't work there. Installing the KitPack, or even pieces of it, crashed BG:EE on opening.

    Is there anyone else in the forum that is good at iOS debugging so that everyone might benefit from this wonderful mod?
  • RequiemRequiem Member Posts: 187
    edited February 2013
    @mars0124 I appreciate the request and im glad you enjoy the mod but sadly I dont even own an ipad never mind bgee for it, it would be far too time consuming for me to do this. I want as many people as possible to enjoy the mod but I have to draw the line somewhere.

    Im just focusing on the pc version, but if anyone else fancies a go at sorting this for ipad then they are more than welcome.At the moment all of my effort is going into working alongside mordeus to make the content of the kitpack even better.
  • MordeusMordeus Member Posts: 460
    Xavioria said:

    @Mordeus isn't the very first symbol in your repertoire cure disease?

    It's similar but it's one of the stars around Selune's icon. I added a 'web' to it, so it's now different.


    I just went through every single Cleric kit linked with a Deity from 2ed. There's 120 out there, 150 is you count the alterate kits. The idea of doing this is to see patterns of where the kits' skills overlap; there's like 10 shield spells, 5 whip spells, etc... So I can plan the symbols and see kits that we could easily make just by altering pre-existing content. I also made this massive map with every priest spell possible just to make it easy to see what icons needs to be made.

    I also wanted to find some deities that could be used for expanding non-human choices, especial for Half-Orcs since that race's religion was only developed in detail during 3ed. There are the major Faerun pantheon, Elven Pantheon, Drow Pantheon, Dwarf Pantheon, Gnome Pantheon, Halfling Pantheon, Chultan Pantheon, Mulhorandi Panthon, Untheric Pantheon and even two gods from the Greyhawk Pantheon that are all allowed in the Forgotten Realms setting. So alot of choices to pick from.

    Aside from the more obvious choices, I'm intrigued by some rather obscure kits like the Serphidian of Sseth (Yuan-Ti Priest), Finder of Finder Wyvernspur (Halfling Divine Bard), Firemane of Nobanton (Priest Kit for Lycanthropes) and the Wyrmkeeper of Tiamat (The only Cult of the Dragon kit I could find).
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